blverose-blog · 9 years
Zhang Bao didn’t know this guy to talk to, so he wasn’t too sure when to tell when the other was sick or not. He didn’t look too well by Bao’s observing, but he didn’t know whether he naturally looked like that or not, so he didn’t want to comment to offend. His eyes remained upon the other as he spoke to him once more, replying to the other’s words.
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“Nothing really, I just started a conversation with you. We were both just here so I thought ‘hey, why not just start a conversation’.”
                 rubbing his eyes a bit, a failed attempt at trying to make himself seem a little less sick than he was. naturally of course, he was sure that it made him look worse, but now wasn’t the time to argue with himself over whether or not he’s sickly looking or not.
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                                  “ THAT’S UNDERSTANDABLE. do you                                      enjoy coming to these sorts of places                                      very often ? “                  he may as well keep the conversation coming.
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blverose-blog · 9 years
He heard the other speaking to him as he remained there, no really doing anything. He had started a conversation with the other and it had come to this. He frowned a little as he heard such things, hoping that the other would get better. There wasn’t exactly the best of climates here lately though, that’s for sure.
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“Oh, well get well soon.”
                garry forced a small smile, trying to thank the other for his hopes. he just had to hope that it wasn’t any sort of thing passing around and he was just some unlucky sod who happened to get sick. that certainly seemed to be his sort of luck.
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                              “ THANK YOU. ah, but what was it you                                  wanted to talk to me about ? “
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blverose-blog · 9 years
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i think about a thread where someone takes garry to a cheesy horror movie only for him to scream and cry like a small child
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blverose-blog · 9 years
As she heard him comment on the pretty sky, Tifa nods her head in agreement. Tifa laughs as she listens to him say how he was practically same predicament as she is. “I’m guessing your friends are lost in the crowd too then” she says with a smile. “Pleasure to meet you as well, Garry” she says happily. Tifa noticed that the male put out his cigarette and felt it sweet that he did so but didn’t comment on it.
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“Oh so you go to Ellewright then? I happen to go to school there as well but I have my own apartment in the city. I’m majoring in childcare and health. How about you? What are you majoring in, Garry? Again if you don’t mind me asking” she says with a smile. 
Talking with someone did make her forget that she lost her friends in the crowd but meeting a new friend was nice as well. She didn’t mind the company at all and this was much better than being cramped in a crowded noisy room. Tifa however was getting rather thirsty though. However she decides to wait until he replies to her questions before she can ask if he’d want something to drink or not.
                                   “ THAT’S DEFINITELY MORE THAN LIKELY,                                       i wouldn’t put it behind them. “                   some of his friends in that class were certainly the sort of split from the group the second they walked through the door. it was part of the reason why he couldn’t go to places like a museum or an art gallery with them.
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                                   “ AH, yeah i do. i do clinical child psychology.                                       though i doubt it’s as hard as doing both                                       childcare AND health. “
                  he laughs. he does find his major difficult, but it definitely wouldn’t as hard as doing two at once. goodness, he actually can’t imagine having that much weight on his shoulders, and he finds what he does already to be quite hard.
College Partying|| Tifa & Garry
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blverose-blog · 9 years
 Misa giggles.”Oh Psychology. That sounds interesting. I actually attend college as well studying English. It’s more of a pastime than anything though. I do love my job as a model and I hope I can continue doing it in the future” she states. Misa smiles. “Everyone has bad habits Garry. It’s no big deal. I’m sure you’ll get through them” she says happily.
To say the least, Misa is pretty happy to run into an old friend. She really thought she’d never see anyone from her childhood so this was quite a nice surprise. “Ah you did didn’t you. Well it looks good on you” she says with a giggle before ruffling his hair much like she did when they were younger. 
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Being caught up in the moment, Misa almost lost track of time. She grabs her phone from her back pocket and checks the time. “Shoot. I forgot I’m meeting with a fashion designer soon. I’ll be modeling their clothes. Say you should come along. I’d hate to lose touch with you after we just reunited. Please. I promise the meet up won’t take longer than fifteen minutes. She just wants to go over fitting and such. Afterwards we can go get lunch. I mean if you’re not busy that is” she states.  She looks up at him with pleading eyes. “It would be nice to talk more with you” she adds with a pout.
            he laughs, nodding his head in agreement.                             “ IT’S PRETTY interesting. though it tires me                                out sometimes. and you do ? i’m surprised i                                haven’t seen you around. “             bringing up his bad habits, he knew that she was right, but it still made him feel bad for having this particular bad habit of smoking. it was a stupid one that he hated so much, but simply couldn’t give up.
            he’s happy to see misa. it’s nice to see someone who he did enjoy being around, even if they were always making fun of each other. and that stupid ruffle thing she did to his hair definitely brought back a few memories.                             “ AHAHA, i’m glad you think so. “
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             when she suggested that he come along with her to this meeting she was doing, there was immediately a thought to say no, not wanting to intrude on her any longer than he already had, but her reasons made quite a bit of sense.                             “ I SUPPOSE I COULD, as long as i’m not                                intruding. and lunch sounds like fun, actually.                                if it doesn’t bother you too much, then i suppose                                i can come along with you. “
Kind Gestures || Garry & Misa
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blverose-blog · 9 years
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                                “ I’M NOT feeling too well, at the moment                                    unfortunately... “             a slight sniffle, summer weather always ended up making him a little sniffly. might’ve been because of the hay fever.
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blverose-blog · 9 years
  Misa smiles. “Yeah you’re right. I need to be careful. I really would have been sad if I lost this” she says as he clutches the coin purse. “Thanks again for finding it for me” she says happily. She was about to leave when he asked if they met before. Misa turns more toward him and looks at him in confusion. “I don’t think so. If anything you’ll probably recognize me from magazines and such. I am a mode-…wait a second Garry? Is that really you? It’s me Misa. Remember from when we were younger? You liked to pick on me but I’d always do the same” she says to try and get him to realize who she is.
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  She really couldn’t believe her eyes. It was a her friend from ages ago. It just had to be. He looks pretty similar to him at least. “It’s been too long. How you’ve been? I can’t believe we’d run into each other like this” she says happily. She really is surprised to run into someone from her childhood. She thought everyone from her past was long gone, living their lives doing whatever they do. She never expected to run into one of them. Even if there were rough times in her past and things she rather not remember there are a few memories she likes to cherish and playing with Garry was definitely one of them. 
                            “ THEN it’s good that it wasn’t lost, isn’t it ? “                garry was extremely happy that she hadn’t lost such an important item to her. if he’d ignored it and went on his day, then it might’ve just ended up making someone upset, wouldn’t it have? that was really no good, especially in his mind.
                            “ OH MY, it's you misa ! goodness, it’s been                                quite some time, hasn’t it ? i could hardly                                recognise you. how have you been holding up ? “
               he chuckles a bit when she brings up the teasing. goodness, children were so awful to each other, weren’t they? it was all in good fun though, he remembers that much. teasing strengthened friendships at times, that certainly seemed to be what happened with their little bouts.
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                            “ I’VE BEEN pretty good, actually. i’m studying                                at college for psychology, and i’m currently                                working. AH, but i’ve still got a few bad habits,                                i’m working on them though. “
               it wasn’t everyday that he saw someone who he'd known for so long. he couldn’t even remember some of their names, so it was nice to see someone whose name he did in fact, remember.
                            “ THOUGH, i did dye my hair. it’s a bit harder to                                recognise me now, i suppose. “
Kind Gestures || Garry & Misa
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blverose-blog · 9 years
A little bit of relief was felt as the other took the sheet of paper, and he offered a smile in return. So he was right–not like he had any serious doubt, but still. 
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“Oh, there’s no need to thank me,“ Kaito insisted, waving his hands around gently as he spoke, “I just wanted to help out a little! Especially if it’s notes… For school?”
Ooh, boy. Some memories resurface from the past. Note-losing is something he’s very familiar with, and so he lets out a sheepish laugh. 
“Haha… If that’s the case, I’ve had my fair share of losing my notes in the past, so it’s a good thing they weren’t lost forever… It gets really confusing.”
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                                  “ YEAH, they’re for the class i have today.                                      thank you a lot, really. “
               listening to this other man’s talk about note loosing, garry would nod his head slightly throughout the words until he finished speaking, in order to speak up about it himself.
                                   “ IT really does, doesn’t it ? --- AH, right.                                        is there any way i can repay you ? these                                       are pretty important notes, and i have a                                       little bit of time before class. i just want to                                       say thank you. “
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blverose-blog · 9 years
Tifa smiles. “I can’t find my friends. Lost in the crowd. Plus I needed a breather from all that body warmth. It’s too hot in there” she says before she leans her arms on the railing and looks at the sky. “It sure is beautiful. The sky that is. Its hard to see in the city but its pretty clear right now” she states.
“I’m Tifa by the way. What’s your name?” she asks as she turns to face the male. She figured she might as well introduce herself. If she can’t find her friends then why not make a new one. She smiles at him before she looks back at the sky. “I don’t usually go these type of things but I figured since my friends asked me to and I haven’t been might as well try it. Turns out I guess they’re not really my thing. That brings to question though why you’re here? If you’re not comfortable with these type of things then why did you come?” she asks him curiously. Tifa wasn’t trying to be pushing. She just wanted to have a conversation and meet someone new.
“I’m curious that’s all. Don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” she adds with a light chuckle as she again turns towards him.
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                              “ AH, my my, that seems a little difficult, then.                                  i hope you can find them by the time this ends. “                 he wouldn’t want her or her friends to go home by themselves, it be a little bit worrying, since he knows for a fact that more than a few people in there are drunker than drunk. it be a little difficult to stumble home with alcohol controlling their brains.                               “ SURE is a pretty picture. it’s always nice to see                                  them come back out on some nights. “
                               “ IT’S a pleasure to meet you, tifa. my name is garry. “                  idly putting out his cigarette, not wanting to be impolite by smoking right in her face, he listened to her talk about how she usually didn’t come to these sorts of things and how she came because her friends asked. they definitely had a similar origin to how they came to this party. at least that was something they could talk about.                                “ MY classmates asked me to come along, and i can’t                                   really disagree with people, you know ? so i agreed                                   to come along and i came out here as soon as i had                                    the chance. “
                 waving his hands in a dismissing way, garry gave her a smile. her curiosity was warranted, after all.
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College Partying|| Tifa & Garry
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blverose-blog · 9 years
“Uh… Excuse me!”
With one hand, he held out a piece of paper towards the stranger; the other hand was busy rubbing the back of his own neck as a sheepish laugh escaped him.
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“I think you might’ve dropped this?” He hadn’t looked at it; it wasn’t his to read, but he’d seen it fall from the other’s belongings, so at least he knew he was on the right track. “It fell, and I–well, I wanted to give it back to you. In case it was something important, right?”
             turning toward the voice, it only took garry a few moments to realise that the man was right, he was missing a sheet from his print outs. how silly of him, to drop something important to him.
                            “ AH, goodness gracious.. yeah, that’s mine. “
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             giving the man with blue hair a small smile, taking the sheet from his hands and nodding his head with thanks. at least someone was kind enough to pick it up for him, god knows what would’ve happened if he’d lost this.
                            “ IT’S pretty important, thank you for picking it                                up for me. goodness, if i’d lost this i’d look like                                an idiot getting lost through my own notes with                                it gone. “
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blverose-blog · 9 years
Tifa knew she needed a break. Not only from her job but also from school as well. She has been working and studying so hard that she hardly had time to relax. Tonight she decided to have a girl’s night out with a few fellow friends she met in one of her classes.
Getting dress was easy. Putting on make up was easy. Getting to the place was easy. Trying to find her friends in the crowded house..that’s what was difficult. She sighs as she looks at her phone. Of course there was no signal and even if there was it would be too hard to hear the person with the loud music blasting through the house.
Tifa maneuvers through the crowd until she reaches the front door. There she exits the house and sighs. “Guess I’ll wait here” she mutters to herself as she walks to the railing of the porch. There she sees someone smoking to the right of her. She checks her phone. Still no signal. She sighs before pocketing her phone. “Guess you don’t like the crowd either?” she teases to the male smoking.
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                 garry hated parties. he hated being in a house with a little over a hundred plus people in it, with no room for him to move around. it’s uncomfortable. his classmates were stupid if they thought it was a good idea to bring him to a loud and crowded place. it never was his thing. why did they think spent time in art galleries? because they’re pretty and quiet.
                 finally he’d been able to escape out onto the porch of only god knows who’s house this is, and he needed a way to calm down. so, he’ll use the only way he knows how, and dug deep into the pockets of his coat, pulling out the painfully expensive cigarettes and his lighter, fiddling around with them until the end of his cigarette is lit. 
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                 oh look, someone else who doesn’t like these things. one who likes to tease, too, it seems. pulling the cigarette away from his lips for a few moments and huffing out smoke, he looked back at the woman.                                   “ YOU aren’t wrong. i just.. don’t find                                      them all that comfortable. but what                                      about you ? you certainly look like                                      you belong much more in there than                                      out here. “
College Partying|| Tifa & Garry
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blverose-blog · 9 years
   Misa was running a bit late to getting to the model agency for a meeting with a famous fashion designer who wanted her to model their clothes. Really though it wasn’t all her fault.The city was crowded and getting a taxi to drive her took forever. Eventually though she grabs a taxi and was able to let the drop her off a block away from the agency. 
  Just after she pays the drive and gets out of the cab she accidentally drops something from as she tries to put away her wallet. Thankfully there was someone closeby to catch that she did. Misa turns to see the male hand her a bow coin purse. 
“Oh my gosh. Thanks so much, mister. That would have been a disaster if I lost this. It’s very precious to me” she says. It was. This is because it happened to be made by one of kids at the orphanage she grew up in when she was little.
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            a light laugh accidentally escapes his lips, she was certainly lucky that he was attempting to find a smoking spot when she dropped this ‘very precious’ item. she’d certainly be heartbroken if she’d lost it if it were that important to her.
                              “ IT’S just fine, little lady. you need to be                                  more careful with your precious things,                                  alrighty ? “
            she looked somewhat familiar to him, and for some reason, he definitely couldn’t tell why. was she someone from that group who caused his terrible habit of carrying around cigarettes? he doubted, but he just didn’t understand why she looked so familiar to him.              well, he knew now that he was an idiot, because thinking before speaking didn’t exist to him, ever. thinking before doing anything didn’t exist to him, else he wouldn’t be smoking.
                              “ HAVE we ever met before ? you’re oddly                                  familiar .. “
Kind Gestures || Garry & Misa
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blverose-blog · 9 years
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“That one over there?” A vague hand gesture is made to affirm that it is indeed the correct customer, followed by a brisk nod of agreement and a brief pat delivered to Garry’s shoulder. “Certainly. Don’t worry about it, Garry, I’ll see to it.” And so with that in mind, and a carefully encouraging smile tossed back over his shoulder, Harklight sets off to do exactly that; graciously apologizing, carefully whisking away and disposing of the incorrect order, and promptly find himself striding back.
“Ah, she didn’t seem too terribly upset by the mix-up, and it happens to the best of us at times… But as it stands, it’s been handled.”
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                                 “ THAT one, yeah. “                  garry really should’ve been focusing on the cleaning of the glasses he was attempting to dry, but all he could do was continue to look up and down at harklight, just hoping that the woman wouldn’t get too angry at his colleague, or at him. that really wouldn’t be the best for him or the one he forced to apologise for him.                  ... well, at least it looked like he handled it somewhat easily. that was a real life saver, at least the lady didn’t go off at harklight.
                                 “ THANK HEAVENS. you’ll be fine to deliver                                     it to her too, right ? i’m still a little embarrassed                                     about the whole ordeal.. “                  looks like he should get back to fixing up her real order too, shouldn’t he?
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blverose-blog · 9 years
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i need garry to have some friends so please like if you’d like to have a pre established relationship with this actual weenie and i’ll pop up in your ask box ; v ;
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blverose-blog · 9 years
“That’s mine, sir…”
Said Shirayuki, adjusted her hood to not let her hair visible to the other as possible. She had to be grateful, because he already picked the herbal plant she dropped before in the way to go home.
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“Thank you for helped me to pick this.”
                            “ AH, so it is ! did you drop it ? “
              garry gave the girl a small smile as he spoke, taking a few steps forward toward the hooded girl with the plant in his hand in order to bestow the girl with it. her attitude was a little worrying to him, but he wouldn’t comment on the big hood she wore.
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                            “ THERE’S no problem at all, little lady.                                may i ask why you need this plant ? “
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blverose-blog · 9 years
The brunette stopped in his tracks, he didn’t see this person as he had his nose in a map, trying to find the way to a certain location. He shook his head, “Not lost, I’m just trying to find where the art building is.” He scratched his head and looked at the other. He frowned at his next statement and sighed, “I know which way to the high school thank you, I go there everyday.” He shifted his weight onto his good foot, he didn’t expect to be standing for as long as he was.
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                                “ OH MY, i’m so sorry for getting confused                                    then. “              that was a little embarrassing, he didn’t want to offend the younger boy. the kid just looked lost, and with a map out, it was easy to suspect that he seemed to be lost.              but garry had to admit, he was curious as to why the stranger was looking for the art building. while he did love art, he wasn’t an art major.
                                “ YOU aren’t that far from the art building.                                    if you like, i can help you there ? “
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blverose-blog · 9 years
         “I’m sure thats the case. I just never getting the deeper          meaning behind most of them, just figured I’m not clever          enough.” 
Praxis admitted, nervously laughing with the stranger, though he loved seeing such creativity, he would always seem slow minded. 
            “So any of these yours?”
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                                “ WELL, i suppose that can be the case.                                    certain artworks can be rather difficult                                    to figure out. “               a light sigh leaves his lips, he definitely could understand what this man was saying when it came to art and the deeper meanings behind the things.               but garry found the idea that any of the art here was his own absolutely hilarious, and he couldn’t hold back the slight laugh that left his lips.
                                “ HEAVENS no. i have the art talents of                                    a three year old. “
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