bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly chuckled and smiled at Cody "Don't worry, he's off doing whatever it is he does." they assured their brother, stepping up and pulling Cody into a quick hug. They didn't blame Cody for not wanting to see Jango.
"I've got some interesting things to tell you vod, that I wouldn't have learned if I wasn't travelling with him." They pointed out. Bly had made a point in telling Cody that what they knew about Prime might not have been the truth.
Cody didn’t really want to be anywhere near Prime, but he knew Bly was traveling with him for some reason. So if he wanted to see his brother, he was going to have to at least be on the same planet as Jango.
Finding the ship, Cody grumbled as Bly stepped out, eyeing the ship behind him in hopes that Prime wasn’t going to follow. “Of everyone in the galaxy to travel with, you had to pick Fett didn’t you?”
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly grinned and laughed "Food is better than credits when you're a clone with an enhanced metabolism." they said. Bly had practically eaten Jango out of house and home already, but they felt like Prime probably deserved it.
"I've got the time though, Fett didn't want me getting in his way so I've got a few hours to kill." they told Sabine "I can't promise I'm the best mechanic in the galaxy, but I can hold my own."
bly-5052​ // Bly
Bly flushed a little in pride, glancing down at their armor “Ah, thank you. I’ve had the designs since I left Kamino.” They told her, patting a hand over the design that matched the tattoos on their cheeks.
“Honestly? Not really. I just haven’t seen a Mandalorian outside the ones Prime had train us. Word was that no Mando’ade considered us one of them so I’ve kept my distance.” They admitted with a shrug, holding out their hand. “Commander Bly,” they introduced themselves before frowning and chuckling “I don’t know if I still hold my rank, but I don’t have a last name so I’ve just kept it.”
Their response to the compliment was endearing, and immediately Sabine smiled, eyes still tracing over their use of color and line on the worn armor. It was a familiar hue, one native to their forgotten family back on Krownest…
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Bly. I’m Sabine.”
As she shook their hand, the Mandalorian thought on Bly’s words about belonging and identity. Though they hadn’t personally known any clones who’d held the title Mandalorian, she saw no reason why they couldn’t claim the heritage. After all, the children of Mandalore weren’t race, but creed.
“Tell you what, Bly. I could actually use some help fixing my ship, if you’ve got the time. I can’t offer you much in the way of credits, but I can cover a meal at the local cantina. It’s not the best in the parsec, but it’s hot. Plus, I’d enjoy the company, if you’re up for it.”
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly chuckled and smiled down at her “No need to thank me. I remember having to rescue lost shinies—er, new soldiers— all the time during the war.” They said, shaking their head fondly.
“Getting lost seems to be a right of passage for people who spend most of the lives as a ship hand.” They said with another laugh.
Bly had just been trying to keep out of Fett’s way while he figured out what was going on. He knew Prime wasn’t exactly happy about traveling with one of his clones.
They glanced over when they realized someone was talking to him and smiled at the woman “Onderon.” He said with a chuckle “Not supposed to be out of the ship huh?” They guessed. They remembered shinies doing that during leave. Not knowing where exactly they were but wanting to see something outside of war.
“I feel like I could’ve waited until they told me where we were.” she admitted, looking up at Bly. she found Onderon on her map and nodded, pointing it out. inner rim, Japrael sector. “thank you. I’m new here.” it was always good when people didn’t seem too hostile.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly flushed a little in pride, glancing down at their armor “Ah, thank you. I’ve had the designs since I left Kamino.” They told her, patting a hand over the design that matched the tattoos on their cheeks.
“Honestly? Not really. I just haven’t seen a Mandalorian outside the ones Prime had train us. Word was that no Mando’ade considered us one of them so I’ve kept my distance.” They admitted with a shrug, holding out their hand. “Commander Bly,” they introduced themselves before frowning and chuckling “I don’t know if I still hold my rank, but I don’t have a last name so I’ve just kept it.”
bly-5052​ // Bly
Bly was pretty sure the last time they had seen an actual Mandalorian, it had been one of the trainers that Prime had brought in. And they didn’t exactly have great memories of those days either. But this Mando seemed much younger than those who had trained the Vode would be if any had survived.
They were still wary as they approached though, they knew that many Mandalorians hadn’t approved of the Vode’s existence. But they had promised Prime that they’d give his comm code to any they came across.
Bly just hoped this one wasn’t a shoot first and ask questions later type. “Su cuy'gar.” they said quietly as they stopped next to her.
The figure seemed to move with a level of unease despite their obvious military training. Sabine wondered if they were meeting with someone else, someone she was in the trajectory of, but the stranger kept their course towards the Mandalorian. Curiosity alighted; Sabine didn’t know many clones apart from Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe (and the latter two, she hadn’t known for long). What this person wanted, she wasn’t sure, but they returned the Mando’a with a tentative smile.
“Su’cuy. I like the patterns on your armor, burc’ya.”
Politics around the clones’ involvement with Mandalore were…above her pay grade, to say the least. The Clone Wars had ended when they were in their infancy, and the soldiers been phased out of the Empire soon after its formation. Sabine hadn’t grown up knowing them, had little ideas about their claims to the Mando’ade. Still, this person was approaching with amity, so they returned the sentiment.
“Anything I can help you out with?”
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bly-5052 · 2 years
ANTONIO TE MAIOHA // have you met COMMANDER BLY yet? THEY are now a 34 years old CIS MALE HUMAN CLONE, originally from KAMINO but typically reside ON SLAVE II. after everything they’ve gone through, they show loyalty to UNALIGNED. they are best known for being a/an COMMANDER, and i hear they’re grown pretty INDEPENDENT yet also ANXIOUS at times; i hope they survive the galactic war. (BEXX)
L O A D I N G : // … 8ABY : MONTH TWO … //
* once Bly has been hunted down by Cody, their brother ensures that their chip is taken out, despite Bly having broken through it.
* Goes with Cody to join him on Yavin IV, not having anywhere else to go.
* Attends the life day gala, finding out Jango Fett is alive again.
* After leaving Hapas, Bly finds Jango and talks to him, realizing the Prime might not have been under his own influence on Kamino
* Returns to Yavin, where they realize that Aayla has come back as well, having a small breakdown.
* Meeting up with Jango again, the two are stranded on Onderon, Bly keeping out of Prime’s way while he finds information.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly had just been trying to keep out of Fett’s way while he figured out what was going on. He knew Prime wasn’t exactly happy about traveling with one of his clones.
They glanced over when they realized someone was talking to him and smiled at the woman “Onderon.” He said with a chuckle “Not supposed to be out of the ship huh?” They guessed. They remembered shinies doing that during leave. Not knowing where exactly they were but wanting to see something outside of war.
Milla almost never stepped off the ship because she was allowed to. she almost always got into trouble when she got free reign over whatever planet they docked at, and as such her parents stopped letting her off-board. except that made it worse, because she always wanted to see. so really, she just snuck out a lot. and such was the case when the bright horizon docked on…
wait, where was she?
she hadn’t asked before slipping away, and now she found herself wandering around looking for clues. giving up, because she’d never been much for geography, she stared down at her map, asking for help from a passerby. “which planet is this?” wait, what if they weren’t on a planet? she should’ve just asked before she ran off.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly had been trying to keep it together when they realized that Aayla had been brought back. But hearing their name from her was all it took the send them over the edge.
"I'm so sorry." they breathed out, dropping to their knees. As much as they knew that the vode had had no option once the chip had taken over, they wouldn't have blamed Aayla a bit if she decided to cut them down. "I tried. I tried so hard to fight against it. I swear." And while Bly had ended up breaking free of the chip's control, it had been years too late to do anything but take as many Imperials down with them as they could.
Cody might have assured Bly that no one would blame them for what they had been forced to do under the chip, but that didn’t mean that Bly wasn’t still wary about wandering around Jedi. They tried to avoid the Temple at all costs, not comfortable in even considering asking if they could come in.
Which is why Bly was just…relaxing not far from the temple. They did like seeing the Jedi come and go, proof that the Order was still alive even after everything. They knew that many had come back from their deaths, but it still froze them in place when he saw the all too familiar figure walk past.
“…General?” they asked, voice shaking.
there was something in the force, they couldn’t exactly figure out what it was that was tugging at them. they had just been out for a walk and then they heard the others voice. the use of general, it realistically could’ve been any clone. but aayla would know bly anywhere. they turn around quickly, keeping their back rigid and faced away from the clone.
it hadn’t been their fault, it hadn’t been their fault. she chants over and over in her head, focuses on that.
they had spent so much time since returning crying in front of this jedi temple, and it seemed that it wouldn’t be changing, as tears formed in their eyes.
“bly,” they say on an exhale, debating on moving closer or moving further away. and instead just stand still.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly scowled but they couldn't find fault in Prime's reasons. He was right, why would someone who had been a slave, enslave others? They shifted uncomfortably in their seat. Jango's hatred of Jedi had been more than obvious, but Bly supposed they'd never actually heard anything other than his hatred for the ones who had killed his clan and the Council.
But they narrowed their eyes at Prime after a moment "We were told otherwise. The Kaminoans said that everything had been provided by you. The trainers, the training, all of it." they said.
"Even if they lied to us, the way you treated Cody was uncalled for." Bly added, changing the subject. "You damn near treated him like Boba. Until they actually gave you Boba. He was a child, he didn't understand why you just...stopped caring."
Finding Jango after the disaster that was life day ended up being easier than Bly thought it would be. They had been serious about talking to Prime. The fact that he didn’t remember the way he had treated them…even if he had come from earlier, he hadn’t exactly been nice to them as cadets.
“Prime.” Bly said, moving to sit down next to Jango in the back of the cantina they had found him in. “Still in one piece I see.” They said, watching the older—younger?— man.
“I got a lot of things to ask you. But first. Did you know about the chips?” Bly asked. Because if he did, if Prime had okayed slave chips in their heads…well Bly didn’t know who was the faster draw, but they’d do their best to put a blaster hole in Jango’s head.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly was pretty sure the last time they had seen an actual Mandalorian, it had been one of the trainers that Prime had brought in. And they didn't exactly have great memories of those days either. But this Mando seemed much younger than those who had trained the Vode would be if any had survived.
They were still wary as they approached though, they knew that many Mandalorians hadn't approved of the Vode's existence. But they had promised Prime that they'd give his comm code to any they came across.
Bly just hoped this one wasn't a shoot first and ask questions later type. "Su cuy'gar." they said quietly as they stopped next to her
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Cody might have assured Bly that no one would blame them for what they had been forced to do under the chip, but that didn't mean that Bly wasn't still wary about wandering around Jedi. They tried to avoid the Temple at all costs, not comfortable in even considering asking if they could come in.
Which is why Bly was just...relaxing not far from the temple. They did like seeing the Jedi come and go, proof that the Order was still alive even after everything. They knew that many had come back from their deaths, but it still froze them in place when he saw the all too familiar figure walk past.
"...General?" they asked, voice shaking.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly smiled a little at Obi-Wan "Appreciate that sir, though it won't be easy to track down any vod. If they're like me and got pulled here after the order, it's likely they'll either make themselves disappear or kill themselves." they said with a heavy sigh "Especially if they had a hand in killing their Jedi."
"Obi-Wan. I can't promise that I'll get used to that." Bly said with a snort before they shrugged "I'm a soldier. That's what I made to do and it's all I know. So yeah, I'll help if the republic wants me."
( commander bly ):
Bly smiled and relaxed. General Kenobi had always been so nice to the vode, they’d nearly forgotten that. “It’s been difficult. But Cody tracked me down on Coruscant, and being with brothers helps.” They told him.
“I appreciate it General, it…it’s really hard to believe sometimes that you Jedi are so willing to forgive us.” They said quietly “But Cody beat it into me that you were aliit.” They chuckled.
        obi-wan gave bly a nod, he had always thought of the clones as their brothers in arms, never imagined fighting a war without those he would trust with his life. and for him it was still true, obi-wan had not way of understanding the feeling of what happened when the clones turned on their generals, for him they would always be family. ❝good man that cody❞ obi-wan said with a smile, ❝i’m glad he found you, and of course if you need help tracking others down, our resources are yours.❞
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        ❝there’s no need to call me general anymore, obi-wan is fine❞ the jedi said with a small head shake, ❝i would say it’s because the war is over, but i am afraid a greater conflict looms over us… this time though you owe nothing to the republic, but it would be a great advantage to have your military expertise, as a consultant of course, and only if you want, your life is your own.❞
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly scowled back at Jango, furrowing their brow. They had a hard time believing Prime, but he seemed genuinely confused. "The long necks put chips in our heads. Control chips. They stripped of us our free will." they told him sharply. "We massacred the Jedi because of them. Right down to the babies."
"You allowed us to be treated like shit Prime, I don't have much reason to believe you." Bly pointed out, crossing their arms over their chest and leaning back in their seat. "Might not have been on planet much but you controlled the training." they reminded him.
Finding Jango after the disaster that was life day ended up being easier than Bly thought it would be. They had been serious about talking to Prime. The fact that he didn’t remember the way he had treated them…even if he had come from earlier, he hadn’t exactly been nice to them as cadets.
“Prime.” Bly said, moving to sit down next to Jango in the back of the cantina they had found him in. “Still in one piece I see.” They said, watching the older—younger?— man.
“I got a lot of things to ask you. But first. Did you know about the chips?” Bly asked. Because if he did, if Prime had okayed slave chips in their heads…well Bly didn’t know who was the faster draw, but they’d do their best to put a blaster hole in Jango’s head.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly smiled and relaxed. General Kenobi had always been so nice to the vode, they’d nearly forgotten that. “It’s been difficult. But Cody tracked me down on Coruscant, and being with brothers helps.” They told him.
“I appreciate it General, it…it’s really hard to believe sometimes that you Jedi are so willing to forgive us.” They said quietly “But Cody beat it into me that you were aliit.” They chuckled.
Bly was only anywhere near Jedi because Cody had dragged them out of the ship. Despite having the chip out, Bly still had a hard time believing any Jedi would want a clone anywhere close. But Cody had practically beaten it into them that General Kenobi wasn’t going to hold the chip against them.
They smiled when they saw Cody’s Jedi, and saluted him quickly “General Kenobi, Cody told me you were back but it’s good to see it for myself.” They said.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly was only anywhere near Jedi because Cody had dragged them out of the ship. Despite having the chip out, Bly still had a hard time believing any Jedi would want a clone anywhere close. But Cody had practically beaten it into them that General Kenobi wasn’t going to hold the chip against them.
They smiled when they saw Cody’s Jedi, and saluted him quickly “General Kenobi, Cody told me you were back but it’s good to see it for myself.” They said.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Finding Jango after the disaster that was life day ended up being easier than Bly thought it would be. They had been serious about talking to Prime. The fact that he didn’t remember the way he had treated them…even if he had come from earlier, he hadn’t exactly been nice to them as cadets.
“Prime.” Bly said, moving to sit down next to Jango in the back of the cantina they had found him in. “Still in one piece I see.” They said, watching the older—younger?— man.
“I got a lot of things to ask you. But first. Did you know about the chips?” Bly asked. Because if he did, if Prime had okayed slave chips in their heads…well Bly didn’t know who was the faster draw, but they’d do their best to put a blaster hole in Jango’s head.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
Bly nearly scoffed. He remembered how Jango had all but adopted Cody when they were little. Only to turn around and forget he existed when the scientists gave him Boba. “Yes. Little Kote. Turns out being a buir to a cadet one day and then forgetting his existence the next doesn’t foster warm feelings.” He snapped.
“Bly. ‘52. Didn’t have a name when you were around the first time.” They said shortly, stripping the now dead guard of their weapons.
Things had gone wrong just about as quickly as Jango thought they would. Granted he hadn’t anticipated the unknown aliens that had attacked. They didn’t seem to care who they cut down either.
He also hadn’t expected to run into one of his clones while getting himself a weapon either. But there was no mistaking that was his face on the soldier currently slamming one of the Hapan guards into a table. Jango had no idea who it was, when he was taken through the rift, the first few batches had been children still. Only the Alphas and Nulls were adults.
Jango didn’t let it phase him for long though, grabbing another guard who had come to help their fellow Hapan. He needed whatever weapons they were carrying if he was going to get his own gear back.
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bly-5052 · 2 years
“The only thing I have planned in spending the rest of my life with you. In whatever way I can.” Bly said softly. And that had been true during the war too, it had just been something unspoken.
“Good. That’s good. I hoped she did, I didn’t remember seeing her after the order, but the chip made my memories hazy.” They said with a sigh.
Bly hummed softly and leaned into the kov’nyn with a smile “Cody had a plan. We figured they’d probably decommission us. They weren’t gonna let us have rights.” They said with a short “Cody was gonna take the brothers he could and desert if it came to that. Plenty of planets out there. He’d have found us one.” They admitted to her. They couldn’t admit that they would have gone with the others.
Dancing them a little further away from anyone they might know, Bly laughed softly “He might still if more of us show up. Never know with Kote.”
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Aayla knew Bly’s answer wasn’t meant to make her feel uncomfortable, but it did. She never felt comfortable with the idea of the GAR in the first place - she’d been a slave herself, and the way the Kaminoans spoke about her men was too close to what she remembered from the Hutts. “Do you have anything planned, now that it’s over?” They should have said now that you’re free, but Aayla couldn’t bring herself to actually say it. “Stelsa survived,” she informed them and smiled. Aayla hadn’t been sure that sending her Padawan to infiltrate the Separatists’ base on Felucia was a good idea - turned out the mission saved her life. “I saw her on Coruscant, she helped me go off-world.”
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