bnhababyyyy · 6 months
“You look at trees and called them ‘trees,’ and probably you do not think twice about the word. You call a star a ‘star,’ and think nothing more of it. But you must remember that these words, ‘tree,’ ‘star,’ were (in their original forms) names given to these objects by people with very different views from yours. To you, a tree is simply a vegetable organism, and a star simply a ball of inanimate matter moving along a mathematical course. But the first men to talk of ‘trees’ and ‘stars’ saw things very differently. To them, the world was alive with mythological beings. They saw the stars as living silver, bursting into flame in answer to the eternal music. They saw the sky as a jeweled tent, and the earth as the womb whence all living things have come. To them, the whole of creation was ‘myth-woven and elf patterned’.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien, from ‘Mythopoeia’ (via sempiternele)
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bnhababyyyy · 7 months
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After getting over the initial shock and heartbreak of this tweet and this reply, it hit me that (and I don't know if this is a cultural thing here in the middle east or an Islamic one)
A child has to be named even if they're stillborn.
For a child to not be named, that means there's no one left to name them. They were killed along with their entire family.
I hoped I was wrong, but I checked the list of victims of Israeli attacks and found this:
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Israel has ended 47 Palestinian bloodlines over the course of this genocide (or perhaps more), so you might think that this little detail isn't that important, but I don't think we should get used to cruelty of this proportion, no matter how consistently Israel commits it.
The number of victims isn't just a number. These are people with full lives and hopes and dreams.
It's enough of a disaster that these families were wiped out, but in murdering them, Israel didn't just deprive them of their lives, hopes, and dreams. It deprived them of even the dignity to name their children.
It continues to deprive the remaining Palestinians of their most basic human rights.
What did the Palestinians do to not deserve food or water or electricity?
What did their *newborns* do to not deserve lives or at the very least names?!
This is the most harrowing form of terrorism I can think of. The genocidal Israeli occupation is the most despicable terrorist organization the world has had the displeasure of knowing.
The whole world should be deeply ashamed that it's not only allowing such heinous war crimes to be committed, but in a lot of ways, it's enabling them.
I don't know how anyone can be neutral about this.
Stand with Palestine, stand against the occupation. Against genocide.
ربنا يتقبل الأطفال دول و أمهاتهم و عائلاتهم اللي الاحتلال قتلهم معاهم شهداء، و ينتقم من إسرائيل و أي حد بيمكّنهم أشد انتقام في الدنيا قبل الآخرة.
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bnhababyyyy · 7 months
Process of A Planet Asleep✍️✨
Music composed by Ryan Camus http://www.ryancamus.com/
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bnhababyyyy · 1 year
Dating Todoroki Headcanons <3
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A/n: having sm Todoroki brain rot. Ltrly only thinking about him. There isn’t enough fics in the world, need more🤞🏽🤞🏽hope u enjoy
Warnings: none 😘
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• Todoroki takes a breath each time he kisses you. Every time you stand near he straightens his posture. He cups your hand into his when you walk, it’s so casual he does it without thinking.
• During every party his eyes scan the room before finding you a seat and a drink.
• He just has an empty stare when other people talk and you know he’s thinking about anything other than the main topic.
• But when you talk he’s intensely focused and bringing up certain points of a story if you get off track. It’s just:
“…Then I found out he cheated on her twice. You’re probably thinking ‘how can anyone do that to someone they love’ right? Well actually the whole time—“ your phone chimes and you pause, “Oh hold on…”
When you look up you sit back in thought, “What were we talking about again?”
“You were about to explain why he cheated on her.”
“Oh right!”
*Repeat this 15 times*
• He loves watching discovery channel at 3 am, yk when they start airing episodes of “catching Bigfoot”, or “true signs of aliens” like he genuinley sits down and watches this. You have walked in on him, fully awake, one hour into these episodes, on cable television.
• Omg loves trashy reality tv as well. Watches love island and real housewives with you, he loves the drama. (Due to having such little social interaction, he believes people behave like this irl…)
• He gives you very detailed and sweet compliments. Compliments the way you smile with a kiss. Compliments any outfit he finds cute while feeling the material. Just calls you pretty while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
• Likes and reposts all your insta posts to his story.
• Will hit you with the sweetest, most heart gushing words you have ever heard before going to bed like it’s nothing. He will just:
“You’re the only person who makes me this happy. You’re perfect.” With a soft hand to your cheek.
Then passes out. like ???
• When you two argue he has the cutest expression, it’s just him with squeezed eyebrows and a frown. Looks so deeply in thought it almost makes you forget about what you were mad about.
• After any sort of argument he goes in for a hug. Stuff yours face into his chest. Asks if you’re okay or if you need anything. U can’t even be mad anymore!!
• Shares food with u all the time. Even if he is super hungry, he will let you take a bite from whatever he has. (He kind of even encourages it!!)
• Loves being apart of your regular everyday moments and making them super domestic. like cooking with you, watching television with you on his lap, washing your faces together. Turns every boring activity into a really fun quality time moment.
• He also loves to hold you by the waist, everywhere u go his hand is just on your waist. Maybe cause it’s easier to pull u closer to him?? Idk but he loves resting his hand there.
• He loves the way jewlery looks on you, how necklaces hang past your collar bone, how your earrings sway with your head, omg rings?? Loves it, always grabs your hands and plays with the rings on your fingers. Put on any form of jewlery and this man will be on you within seconds.
• He would literally be the sweetest boyfriend ever. Will take care of u better than anyone else. Only man worth getting on my knees for… to propose :)
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bnhababyyyy · 1 year
aot characters x icks! (pt 2)
here are some more icky headcanons for the aot characters! i am so so happy you all enjoyed pt 1 so much :) i added more characters to this one based on ur guys requests so i hope you enjoy and dont hate me after this lol. jjk version here
eats his eggs with ketchup like a literal delinquent. like completely submerges them in it. you guys go out to breakfast and he’s like wanna share? and ur like 🙄 FUCK NO!!! also pours ketchup ON the fries and not NEXT to them when you guys share
asks “who is that” every single time you say hello to someone. he’s like a 5 year old and ur his mother. he does it as soon as you pass them too, he literally cannot contain himself at the fact that you know people who are not him. “who was that?” “someone from my chemistry lab” “…who is she?” “the barista from the coffee shop downtown” 
he watches you play games on ur phone from over ur shoulder and then gets mad when you lose or “make a bad move” ??? you tell him to download the game on his phone if he’s so interested in it and he’s like nah but the second you open candy crush he’s like 🕵️‍♂️ baby switch out the red and green one
when she eats with a fork, she scrapes the fuck out of the metal with her teeth :/ she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it but you can hear her teeth against the metal with every single bite she takes. please get that checked out at the dentist babes
is a disney adult. i’m sorry but she is. jokes about having “peter pan syndrome” and that she’s just a kid at heart <3 probably has like 60 different pairs of mickey ears and gets mad when little kids cry at disney world like it isn’t meant for them and she’s the one out of line???
doesn’t have separate music playlists. she just has one playlist with every song she’s ever liked on it. theres like 1000+ songs on it. she puts it on for every single occasion shes on aux: in the car, at a party, cleaning around the house. its on while you guys are having sex and then Old Town Road comes on :/
refuses to download tik tok because he thinks he will get too addicted, but watches tik toks through instagram reels??? as if thats any different??? AND it’s always trends or videos that are months old too, like he shows you a video that was popular so long ago and you have to smile and nod while you watch it and pretend you havent seen it
also sends you cringey pinterest couples with his whole entire chest. he will send you those cheesy couple posts from 2012 tumblr and be like baby this is us!!! and you have to be like NO THE FUCK IT IS NOT.
hes such a picky eater :/ like every time he goes out its either chicken fingers or pasta w butter (which is delicious but besides the point). he has a specific answer for why he hates every single food (even if he’s never tried it???) hes like “mushrooms are a literal fungus why would i eat that” or “yogurt has live bacteria in it, ill pass” armin. just grow up. 
Keep reading
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bnhababyyyy · 1 year
Anyone else averaging at LEAST three bots a day if not more?
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
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liddle silly neji10 comic :3
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
fanfic really is. like. it really is about the community. it's about the comments. it's about the story you rip directly for your heart and bleed out on your keyboard. it's about the i loved it when you... and the i screamed when you wrote... and the keyboard smashes and the i can't believe you did that!!!! and the i'm suing you for damages like it. this is community. fanfic is literally. an act of community. the greatest act of community in fandom because it comes with such raw, overwhelming vulnerability. whether you're writing kink fic or 100k words of trauma exploration, you're just like. hi hello this is my soul please embrace it and people do. oh my gosh
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
"i can probably get this fun new fic idea written out as a coherent oneshot in a few days, and then afterwards i can get back to writing my other project(s)" <- this is the devil speaking through you
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
— aki boyfriend headcanons
gn!reader | sfw
note from nia: HE'S HEEEREE EVERYONE STFU HE'S HERE. barks and growls. i've been waiting for this day. thank you god
this guy is the epitome of stoic detached aura warming up at the sight of his partner. he isn't shooting hearts out if his eyes or especially excited, but people notice the way he relaxes and lets things slide a little easier. especially if you're physically affectionate and everyone stares as he accepts/welcomes it
denji and power will always yell "gross!" and "get a room!" no matter how pg-13 you're being (if aki even lets them around you.) they also ask why you're dating him of all people. they also ask you to persuade him to do things because if he'll listen to anyone it's you, and they really want money to try winning that arcade grand prize
^ they very loudly complain about his favouritism for you but he ignores them
even if there is blatant favouritism you aren't Immune. though a few forehead flicks and sarcastic teasing remarks, or saying no to trip detours isn't that bad. personally i think it's a win
acts of service and quality time !! his job takes him away from you so often that whenever he has chores to do or free time he'll ask if you want to join.
cooking with aki :( he doesn't mind cooking for you and usually goes out of his way to do it any way, especially if he knows he'll be gone for a while. but he can't deny that he loves the domesticity of working together in the kitchen to make breakfast.
naturally does your chores just because ? he wants to help you ? and he's already here ? so why wouldn't he
lets out a deep sigh when he takes his hair out and you run your hands through it. it's one of his favourite ways to relax, and it's become part of your routine to let him rest his head in your lap when he gets home
will sit there as you play with his hair and do little ponytails/braids with little to no resistance.
^ you tilt his head to look at him and he waits for your thoughts. "you look pretty," you say matter-of-factually. he hums and reaches to feel what you've done before thanking you and reaching for his phone camera
aki leaving little notes or texting you when he leaves while you're asleep. "I cooked your favourite and put it in the fridge. Love you. Be back soon :)" (say what you want about him adding a smiley face but I imagine him hesitating before ultimately choosing to do it despite the awkwardness he feels. he's always thinking of how to show you he really does appreciate you and that includes going out of his comfort zone)
^ good morning and goodnight texts when he's not there. texts you when he knows you're going to be eating to make sure you're doing okay (and to tell you he misses you)
^ sometimes you can get a little "Denji and Power say hi" or a photo taken of him by them
one thing he always does his best to do is ask you to talk about your day !! what did you, what did you eat and watch, did anything interesting happen? he'll tell you about his day minus the devil hunting details if you don't have familiarity with the job. doesn't think he should make you have to hear about it
(absentminded) temple, knuckle, and shoulder kisses. it's a kiss to your temple when he spots you in a room, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss it while it's still intertwined with his, and a kiss to your shoulder goodnight while he hugs you from behind
^ srs about the knuckle kisses whenever you're holding hands. like, you're holding his hand while talking to him at your desk and he's bending down to listen and look at your screen? he brings your hand up and rests his lips against it so you can feel him hum in response and tiny pecks to your knuckles as you speak
^ general small gestures. tucking your feet into the blanket when you're sleeping and it's cold. refilling your water when he sees your glass is empty. standing in front of you when it's sunny so you can see. tidying your desk to help you stay organized. automatically getting your favourite snacks while shopping. remembering your drink order. letting you take the last seat on the bus or holding you so you don't fall. gently pulling your head to rest on his shoulder when he sees you falling asleep etc etc etc
aki knows when you take his clothes. not that he minds Obviously but he just wants you to know there's no point in trying to keep it a secret. he thinks you look really nice by the way. you can tell by the way he pauses when he looks up at you or his gaze lingers
he isn't really a hoodie guy, but if you ever asked for one of his to wear he makes a mental note to buy a couple.
matching earrings ♡____♡ trusts your taste and will try what you get him,, though he strays away from dangly ones if he's going on a mission
^ seriously the boyfriend who'll do objectively silly things for you like wearing fruit earrings you very evidently got from claire's. not out but he'd put them on
i need you all to imagine aki clasping your necklace for you.
definitely had a drawer for your things before you officially moved in. as it got more and more clothes and you stayed over more often, he finally asked for your thoughts on living together
yes aki walks on the side closer to the road
yes he'll hold your hand in big crowds so he doesn't lose you
yes he holds your bags while shopping or in general. doesn't care if it's pastel pink or a cat or whatever else
no he isn't afraid to get into a physical fight if someone is bothering you. honest to god would knock someone out if you asked
imagine the sharing a cigarette thing but if you don't smoke and it's a lollipop. Ok. Think.
baths! taking baths together!! him offering massages because he knows when you're stressed. doing skincare with him etc etc
i just think in the pining phase before you date think if you mentioned something you wish could happen e.g. a romance trope, gesture, dream date, etc. he'd take mental notes for later
I Just Think when he's had a hard day and he remembers again just how dangerous his job is, how he could lose you at moment,, he's especially clingy and tries to do more for you (if that's possible)
^ the first conversation you have when he opens up about his past and his feelings about his family is definitely important and also a bit heartbreaking.
writes "happy birthday" with icing himself on the cake he gets you :) unless you don't like cake—he'll write it on a card anyways
^ gets you very thoughtful gifts. it's something you've been wanting for ages that he started to save up for, or something he saw that reminded him of you, or something that the two of you could do together. you get it
usually goes for the big spoon when you sleep, but his grip tightens when you try to get up no matter what position you're in
he gets a little flustered if he notices you saved his contact as anything other than "Aki" even if it's just like, a heart next to it
^ Will Not let denji and power see how he copied what you did.
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
I need.... I need a moment to process..... or maybe several
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
Shoto, Izuku. Manga: My Hero Academia [Ch.320]
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[MHA Chapters]
[Other Manga]
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
hello!! hope ur having a good day. i just came across bros before hoes omg i love the way u write 1A!! do u ever plan on completing the serieees😉
Hi babes!! yes I do plan on finsihing it, I’ve just been so busy lately😭😭😭 itll take a while but im still writing it and have the ending planned 🤭🤭🤭
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
do u have those mutuals who are like WAY COOLER THAN U and when they reblog/like ur stuff ur just like 👀💯✔️👀
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bnhababyyyy · 2 years
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Omg I just hit 400 thank you guys🤭🎉🎉🎉🎉
Once my other account @jujutsubabe hits 1k i wanna do matchups ✨
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