bnstinhtu · 1 month
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Arriving at modern Pld, the ancient Winged King adored the boy she travels with as if it's her lost brother. Not letting the kid face the upcoming death due to poor health, she became extreme and joined hand with his mother (Lazuli) for a project in Great Crater's Area Zero lab. The goal is to put Pld in an eternal time loop.
Under the affect of [Nebula Syndrome], her mood is unstable. Sometimes joyful, sometimes hostile, showing signs of BPD.
Though not knowing much about modern science, she's highly adaptive and can command the members in the lab with various important tasks like the second boss.
When Area Zero being raided, Caroulse confronted her beloved man while protecting the time machine. Though, against everyone's expectation, Lazuli decided to bring Beverly to the future with her and disappeared in the time rift.
The time loop incident was calmed. Empty, moody and guilty, Caroulse isolated herself under the depth of Area Zero, not wanting to see the society again...
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bnstinhtu · 1 month
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The patron god of Pld and the ancient Winged King.
Said to be a cyclizar that journeyed to the deepest spot of Pld's Great Crater and met the World Energy entity in a time rift, bestowed the mutation power. The gods gave her the new name Koraidon
With said entity's help, she also created a bunch of mutated assistants to help governing ancient Pld, called The Paradox Council.
As a king, Caroulse is always confident with a dominating aura of the apex predator. She not only has sheer physical power, but also a wise and collected mind. Her ruling treasures protecting Pld's territory the most. She accepted the feared Ruinous, watched over the land of exiled Kitakami, and managed to maintain a neutral relationship with the hostile land neighbor Glr for a long time.
Due to a rather masculine behavior and genderless body, her gender is often ambiguous among residents and in history records. There is also a folklore about "The dragon that leaps through sky", referring to her high jumping with spread wings.
Caroulse had a little brother who lost his life in the Great Crater. The World Energy entity (Trpg) took over his appearance to appear in front of her.
Ancient time, when the curse [Nebula Syndrome] befell the world, Trpg also got confront by the curse's physical appearance and got defeated.
Caroulse, under the curse and hearing nothing from Trpg, went into hallucination and wanted to find her lost brother. She ordered her subordinates to seal away Ruinous and wandered through the time rift in the Great Crater again.
After a long time drifting, she eventually arrived to Paldea 2000 years later....
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bnstinhtu · 2 months
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A student at Naranja academy's sport course. Unlike her species' speciality in elegant dance, Suiren likes running sports like sprinting, hurling and even parkour. She has a heart of justice and a straight-forward mouth, yet can't make friends at academy. She doesn't seem to be bothered by that though.
Initially, she was a student in Lumina class - a school on mountain area founded by army. There was a time the class' founder and Naranja's former principal had an intense relationship, so Suiren was imbued with many ill thoughts about the academy. She was endorsed to Naranja to nurture sport talents, but was not fond of it and tends to skip class a lot.
Undeniably, yet unknowingly, she's like a sad evidence for the downfall era of Paldea education system
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bnstinhtu · 3 months
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The nurse at mountain school [Lumina class], appointed by Paldea medical minister.
Though looking like a young boy, his real age is unknown because the male species of his tribe all looks like this. Always gentle with a soothing voice, he does first-aid for the children and takes care of the class' hygiene condition.
Prior to that, he was an underling under the "big sissy" medical minister. Unlike the peers who worships the queen as in a harem, Tylenol's admiration is "wanting to be the same". That's why his behavior is rather feminine, and he's often upset that the male can't evolve.
A smart and hard worker, rather close with "big sissy" and makes everyone jealous. It caused a surprise when he was appointed to work at a remote mountain school, but Tylenol doesn't seem to object to it. He still visits the minister frequently.
A child that was born from adult's sin and doesn't know the father. Due to various reasons, the real identity is kept as secret among family, even personal information is fake.
Yet he's a good child who accepts everything and adores his mother. Sometimes he tells the coworkers, "If my real age is confirmed, someone would probably be in trouble."
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bnstinhtu · 3 months
The medical minister of Paldea and a part of Scaled Society thanks to the Dragon tera type.
Due to the vulgar dressing habit, she doesn't participate in social work and government meetings. Most of time she's sleepy and stays at home or working at lab.
Her body pheromone has an extremely strong painkiller effect, so her family exploited it since she was young. That's how she develops the habit of wearing light clothes to make the smell radiates better. Though, she doesn't like it and is doing research to turn the pheromone extract into practical medicine. Many of the works was illegal stuffs, so Paracetta even after becoming minister, is still having connection with the illegal.
Though she often complains about it, she's genuine about the work of a minister, and has been governing Paldea's medical field quite well.
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Been living under control of others the whole life, she decided to cut the chains after having children.
She wants to wear what she wants, sleeps with who she likes and develop a world better for her offspring.
The queenly instinct soon bloomed and dominated everyone, naturally creating a harem.
Though, she's more fond of people who don't sweet talk to her out of adoration.
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bnstinhtu · 4 months
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After a serious explosion in Tera crystal lab, the culprit - professor assistant was arrested and help captivated in Blueberry prison. Ever since coming here, they always radiate a strange energy that effect academy's energy flow. Thought to be dead after the explosion, they are still living weakly.
Anemoi Pirate, needing a specific type of energy to make a flying ship, upon hearing that Indigo knew a lot about Terastalize, has infiltrated to bring them out and asked for help.
They couldn't give much information beside the secret about a mysterious "Stellar energy", but they seem to be enjoying to be on a pirate ship. They often joke that "if taking off the restrain, their limbs will fall off".
Seem like before that explosion incident, they used to be a terastalize maniac and strongly admired the professor. Currently, they don't talk much but will ask a lot about world status. Otherwise they would sleep or not moving at all most of time.
Everyone feels like this is not a normal person, but can't return an escaped prisoner to jail anyway....
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bnstinhtu · 4 months
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Since the dawn of this world, its energy flow was given self-awareness and became a sentinel being.
When PKG came to this world, a group of brave adventurers ventured to its den through a large chasm in Paldea region.
Among many fallen soldiers, a boy was chosen for it to mimic humanoid appearance.
The bravest soldier, the leader of them, that poor boy's elder sister was given abnormal energy to become a new, powerful being.
Terapagos wanted to live a quiet life deep under the region built by Winged King.
After [False Dawn] event 3000 years ago, World's Immunity system has became a curse, which was known as The Fate or Nebula Syndrome nowadays.
It invaded Terapagos' home to demand the flow of world energy.
Couldn't stand against it, the being lost everything and its will sleep silently in a big Stella Crystal at the deepest point of Area Zero
Modern Paldea, the Stella Crystal was supposed to be a part of Area Zero's Time Loop project. But after a laboratory incident, it has disappeared.
Terapagos has chosen a new vessel to observe the future of the world, as it alone can't do anything else to save it anymore...
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bnstinhtu · 4 months
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The lingering ghost of Kitakami has finally accepted this place as its new home and vowed to protect it. Putting on the masks left behind by the heroic father, with the power to govern Kitakami energy, a new guardian deity was born!
In this form, Momoko is more confident, energetic and boyish. A straightforward and serious heart, dislikes anything disturbing Kitakami's peace. She wants to be a hero like her dad used to be. That's why she's not in good term with Pecharunt, who spent too much time with her dad in the past and now often cause mayhem in town. She is becoming tired of the name [Momoko] as Pecharunt tends to brag about how they came up with that name for her, so at some point in the future, she will embrace the new holy name Ogerpon.
After Paldea's Area Zero incident, the energy at Kitakami tends to be unstable with many tera spots, so she patrols around the land everyday to moderate them.
This new appearance is inspired by the anime that Momoko saw the kids in town watching. Now sometimes she watches with them and even doing role-play.
Changes form via switching the mask on the rod. When no mask is attached, she will return to ghost form.
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bnstinhtu · 4 months
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The head servant of Ktkm landlord's mansion. It takes the appearance of a scarecrow to work on tea field at daytime and return to mansion at night to help when other part-timers have left. It can also be summoned as a hologram from anywhere of the house, nearby electric socket or devices. Daifuku thinks it's a youkai, Tisane thinks it's a fairy, but it's actually some kind of housekeeping AI assistant.
At the mansion, no one knows the full potential of this virtual assistant. Even the part-timers are not sure about what it is. Some thinks it's a strange fellow, some rumors that there is a ghost in the mansion, making the house even more eerie and isolated.
YOUBI, original name Prototype DA:TE, is the first version of the Rotom personal assistant line that was later developed into 7 unique models worldwide. It seemed that Daifuku's predecessor had found its data while on a business trip and was allowed by the Paldea government to bring it home for use, as a form of friendly exchange. Youbi is good at managing household issues such as electricity, machinery, labor inventory, can access online information, and get in the scarecrow to help when needed, though quite clumsy. The downside is that because it is a prototype version, its features are quite limited compared to the later Rotom assistant line, especially in terms of communication, it speaks like a chatbot and not very free-thinking.
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bnstinhtu · 6 months
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The heir of the family owning the whole estate of Ktkm. He/him despite of being a genderless species and wearing female junihitoe attire. Paldea government pays them a big sum of loaning money, so Daifuku lives a leisure and isolated life in mansion. He has no actual authority and only shows up to public a few times a year during important ceremonies, so local folks' knowledge about him is quite vague.
He's raised to believe that interacting with peasants is unnecessary, therefor doesn't have much social experience. The way he talks to servants in the mansion is seemingly arrogant, and he doesn't have the habit of sharing tea with others like how his tribe's tradition should be. He likes spending time alone in the room to read old stories, or observing peasant life from balcony and makes up stories in mind.
Recently, due to the appearance of a foreign girl that he's engaged to, Daifuku is opening up to the outside more and tends to show up in the town more frequently. The mansion is also more lively with frequent guests and Daifuku doesn't seem to hate it at all.
Though Daifuku is raised to live isolated, his previous heir has left the mansion to make their own business, so he's been wondering if this is the right way to live.
The landlord doesn't have much interest in social interaction, and even the bride was chosen randomly from a pile of suggestion envelopes because he's tired of being nagged. So he's surprised that a young, timid girl arrived.
At first he didn't even care much about it and leave her do whatever she wants in the mansion. But one day, seeing the girl cries alone due to homesick and self-pity, the young landlord felt guilty and started opening up to her more. From talking, teaching, showing the outside and even accompanying her to the town.
Daifuku feels responsible for this and wants his fiance to have a good life here, but maybe he doesn't realize, that his own life is becoming more lively as well.
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bnstinhtu · 6 months
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The bride of Kitakami landlord. Quiet and passive, tends to do only the things she's told due to fearing of causing mistake. She came from a foreign region and speaks a strange accent, therefor reluctant in talking to local folks. She stays in the mansion most of time, and even when going to the market sometimes, her presence is so insignificant that not many people remember it. Some describes her as [the valuable doll with pleasant fragrance from landlord's mansion]. She knows how to make foreign desserts, but doesn't have the courage to show it to others so only her fiancé has been tasting it.
Though being chosen (randomly) by the landlord to be the bride, Tisane doesn't really know how to act with the position yet. From Galar, this marriage is an excuse for her to illegally escape the land due to family problem, so she has no home to return. Feeling lost in a strange land, she endured it and cried alone until the fiancé noticed and decided to warm up to her and teach her about Kitakami.
Maybe it's still early to consider romantic feeling, but Tisane feels indebted to her fiancé and wants to fulfill the role that she's here for. When going out or in the mansion, they tend to stay close to each other without really interacting or talking much. She's been learning traditional etiquette to be a proper bride. Through time, as the landlord is opening up to the land and Kitakami becoming more lively with many new faces, seems like the homesick is fading little by little.
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bnstinhtu · 6 months
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The chief of Mossui town, Kitakami, assigned by Paldea government. A towering 30+ woman with cheerful and dreamy vibe like a young maiden. She's quick with paperwork and likes to patrol around the neighborhood, gossip with residents and enjoy festival activities. Whenever Kitakami has visitors, she greets them with a warm welcoming.
Even in the most bizarre, serious situations, or when saying harsh, sarcastic words, Kazu is always calm and smiley. Indeed she's always excellent at work, but it also gives an eerie feeling.
Though seemingly a traditional countryside woman, she knows a lot about modern technology and social waves, yet tries to not make it influence Ktkm's traditional values much.
Kazu calls the fish on her hand "my dear husband", the true chief of Kitakami. She always says that she's just following its command, the whispers that only she can hears and trust to follow with no question.
For a species that always serves as henchmen, Kazu is a rather clever woman. Yet due to prejudge, she's never perceived in the way she deserves. Kazu is engaged to a young, sickly Tatsugiri child, who she takes care of as a nanny rather than a wife. The child is supposed to be the next chief of Kitakami, but couldn't endure the pain of terminal ill and privately asked Kazu to give him an euthanasia.
The woman took this chance to make up the story about "the soul of the deceased husband now remains in the fish" to take over the role of Kitakami chief.
The Tatsugiri council has doubt on it through time. But since Kazu is still doing her work well, they are turning blind eye to save their face.
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bnstinhtu · 7 months
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A cunning journalist with bad mouth. Acts like a bothersome aunty. She's known for investigating people's secret to cause drama or blackmail. Once when secretly following Winged King and Beverly to Area Zero, she happened to witness some horrendous things that caused PTSD. After escaping from it, Parsley suffered from bulimia nervosa and the toxin inside her body became disarray. Therapy doesn't work and even the jobs can't go smooth as usual as well.
She was hired by the commander Soffell to investigate the new principal of Naranja Academy - Valadares, but was busted by his secretary. They invited Parsley to join the operation for investigation work. Thinking that it may help her overcome the trauma, Parsley agreed to join.
Due to unstable poisonous body, she doesn't usually join the meeting at the academy and only contact them via miss Momon. She also commented that the fresh and youthful air at school gives her even more nausea.
As a side effect of the bulimia, she seems to have known a lot about Paldea eating places recently.
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bnstinhtu · 7 months
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The big sister of a delinquent racing gang residing on the east of Paldea. Her big brother Marchen and the gang members Eenie & Meenie got dragged in the Phantom Reststop incident. After knowing about it from Chiyu - a calamity deity that she woke up and bonded with, she came to Naranja to join the Raid Operation.
When she used to study at Naranja, Skazka used to be a masked hero - Flame Rider, who beats the bullies in the dorm and was admired by many students. Yet, due to economy issue and dissatisfaction with school system, she dropped studying and became a delinquent leader.
When returning to Naranja, Skazka has a feeling that the new principal Valadares could do something new and better than previous principals. Unfortunately, her partner Chiyu holds a deep grudge and hatred to him, due to being the evil cult leader that caused harm to Groudon before.
Despite being a rough and fearsome gang leader, Skazka has a soft spot for cute children and wants to take care of them like a mom, She also respects her big brother a lot.
When in battle, many blades and nails will grow from the bat, making it function more or less like a sharp weapon (blade)
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bnstinhtu · 8 months
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A tiny god with the power to control others with poison chain, especially the dead and the dying. Their main work is giving euthanasia and delivering violent deceased souls to the underworld. Yet many mortals worship them to use puppeteer power for bad deeds. Crave for genuine companions, they chose three mortals on the verge of dying after severe suffering and spared a part of their life to revive them, claiming the three as their retainers - Loyal Three. They believe that this way, they can be savior and earn the three's absolute loyalty.
Yet, Pecha is also a childish and overbearing deity, imposing many nonsense orders on the three to have fun with the dominance. They can even torture their retainers with Toxic Chain. The three, with already enough trauma in their past life, came to abhor this master and always wanted to break free.
Pecha, while ignored Loyal Three's resistance and dragged them to everywhere they go, also feels envious of the joy that the three shared whenever together. While adjusting their behavior little by little through interaction with their retainers, Pecha finally had the first human friend, who didn't come to them for their power.
While Pecha was happy, a crisis happened, parted them with the precious new friends and put them in a great depress. Loyal Three decided that it's the ideal time to escape from this master and secretly joined Kyurem's rebellion against Arceus, Yet it failed and the rebels had to face the divine punishment.
Pecha, in despair that even Loyal Three wanted to leave them, decided that they can never have any close friend. They begged the gods to let them take responsibility and keep the three alive, thus making them sealed away in a state no better than death. The retainers got exiled to the land of Kitakami and thought a lot about that action
Thousands of years have passed, the seal came to be weakened through time, making Pecha ready to return to life. Loyal Three, after a long time living their own life, is also ready to engage in the new relationship with their old master again.
Hm, seem like Pecha is different to the way they used to be. More childish and dependent.
[Nebula Syndrome], the curse that only effect gods, immediately kicked in.
What is even "Regression"?
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bnstinhtu · 11 months
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The little ghost who has been wandering around Kitakami since its earliest days. She is seen occasionally, usually near the village during festival time. She causes no harm but is often feared due to the eerie existence and frequent jumpscare.
Momoko is shy with everyone and elusive. Being blessed by Kitakami environment, she can hide and blend herself in the nature perfectly. While likes watching festival and familiar with all the customs, she always feels distanced with the village.
Seems like she has lost the sense of time and doesn't really acknowledge the fact that she has been there for thousands of years.
Momoko keeps a mysterious mask in her secret den. While cherishing and regularly polishing it, she never puts it on.
Back in the world where human used to exist, she was a human child who lost in the forest and became a pkmn. Due to being born from a phenomenon, she is more like an actual ghost rather than a pkmn itself.
The three big brothers, who she adored a lot, were the ones who caused the death. Then they separated the girl from her home and brought to the new world to live with other pkmn.
Momoko was traumatized and always avoided the big brothers ever since despite of their effort to reconcile and take care of her. While the culture at Kitakami is familiar with her homeland, Momoko can never bring herself to feel attached to it.
The masks, passed from her beloved parent, are necessary to help her become an actual PKG. Yet due to the trauma, Momoko has never put them on and always exists as a ghost. After thousands of years, the spiritual energy is running out. Seems like she won't be able to keep her existence any longer..
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bnstinhtu · 1 year
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