bobella · 4 months
how the fuck is frank gallagher a blonde like that is so wrong....
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bobella · 4 months
In celebration of the 20th-anniversary of Seven Swans Asthmatic Kitty Records are releasing deluxe versions of the album and a new t-shirt on June 21st. You can pre-order here and read all the details here. THANK YOU. XO
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bobella · 4 months
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Alright I have a special connection with her
Every time I watch this movie I just feel her lesbianism powers and energy building me up and feeding me
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bobella · 4 months
i went to sleep at somewhere between 4 and 5 am last night (morning lol) and woke up at the same time i usually do tbh 😭😭 and then i ate leftover taco bell and now i'm gonna play sims while listening to new radio rental
i should probably do laundry after that....ew bye
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bobella · 4 months
so anxious that i'm making myself feel like i have to shit shat shart all the time and in the phase where i barely eat and then feel nauseous so i can't eat but the reason i'm nauseous is cuz i'm not eating.....
lately been so tired of feeling like a freak that i'm ready to just shut the fuck up? but also lowkey loving my life 🤪 because at the end of the day i like who I am most of the time but then sometimes i'm just like....girl you do know that people think ur weird asf right and they are annoyed by you and all that... but i gotta remind myself that there can be a good balance of weird and normal because i still need to function in society but i also can come home and watch my shows and be myself and not disrupt. where am i going with this idek but coming home for summer since being away at college has left me more alone with my thoughts which is so hard but also i'm so lucky to be alive so maybe i should just shut the fuck up. bye
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bobella · 4 months
About to listen to the new radio rental home alone maybe I’ll get so scared and die except lately they’ve been kinda lame…
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bobella · 4 months
Hello today is day something of summer break and somehow I am bored and stressed at the same time
I got a job and like idk when I’m supposed to start idk they keep communicating over email and it’s so confusing 😭😭
Since coming back I feel like I literally have like 4 friends and when they’re busy I have no one but at least I’ve been watching so many movies and my brain is my companion
What’s worse is that this is as good as it gets because the second the semester starts hell will break loose all over again
But I shouldnt think about that just yet because if I do I will have nothing to live for 😭😭
(Premenstrual moment)
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bobella · 5 months
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bobella · 5 months
My thoughts can control u
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bobella · 5 months
at first i was a bit skeptical about this whole mental illness idea but now im kinda thinking i might have one or two of my own
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bobella · 5 months
currently watching youtube while i write this. today I had 2 exams, one of which was at 9 am and the other was at 10:30. I don't know what i got yet on the first one, but on the later one I got a 53%. :( I did make the choice of quitting studying last night because I was getting so tired so i did wreap what i sowed. however in my defense, studying for this thing was damn near impossible. there was soooo much fucking shit to go over that at some point I just needed to give up and choose peace. surprisingly i haven't cried over the bad score yet, probably because my friend got caught cheating and that ended up occupying my mind. 💀 anyway, its really nice out today which sucks because i don't really have much to do. not to mention, my finals are starting next week. yes, i had 2 exams this week and one last week and none of them were finals and i've probably had 10 exams in total before those. I believe I'm going to have 4 finals, but there is a chance I'll have 5, although i can't imagine what a final on a class where all we do is watch movies could be. I did get mexican food today though so I'll count that as productivity. If i know what's good for me, i'll start at least one of the 3 essays/projects that i have to do by sunday but i reeeaaaally don't want to. we'll see. i can't think of anything else to say i'm just so done with school. i need to get these FUCKASS finals out of the way, I'm so over good grades at this point (thats a lie i will cry over my final GPA) goodbye
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bobella · 5 months
today it is 83 degrees in peoria which, to me, is hot as balls. when i was sitting in my car, i thought i would be roasted alive, however, when i walked around and felt the breeze i do believe my heart began to sing and life was good again. today i "deep cleaned" my room (picked 2 spots that i felt were the dirtiest and cleaned them and then organized my drawers, however did not vacuum or surface clean at all) and then took a drive to ross to return some things, and also to goodwill to donate 2 big bags, but when i got to goodwill they had closed a half hour earlier and for some reason also shut the donation box. I'm saying why the hell would you also shut the donation box as well. what difference does it make if i give my donations after store hours...i'm sure there's a rational explaination but i am really just annoyed that i finally decided to pack up all the clothes we've been hoarding for donation and lug it back to my car just to find out that it was all for nothing :( anyway I am going to complete my nursing assignment which is about the skeletal system :> i am reminded that the food in the dining hall of my college is typically shit and i will be hungry soon and i just do not want that garbage but also I really need to stop spending fucking money okay that's all goodbye
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bobella · 5 months
my ass is so full of shit that it’s pussing the juice out of my pussy
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bobella · 5 months
this is now my blog and my diary and i will post whatever i please
I would like to report that I have just finished watching the television show Young Royals on Netflix. It's not very good and yet somehow entrancing. I've been watching since it first premiered several years ago now. I think I love the drama and also it's pretty cute. I have now turned on the new television series Ripley, also on Netflix. When I heard the news that there would be a new adaption of The Talented Mr. Ripley, I nearly shat myself. I am quite excited to now be watching it. So far I am not disappointed. I will say, though, I don't think the use of the black and white filter is in any way helpful. I don't care about an artistic choice, just lemme see the beautiful colors of my evil friend Mr. Ripley. Anyway, if my brain doesn't interfere, I will continue writing bullshit on here when I feel like it. i don't care that no one will see because I want to bye
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bobella · 8 months
effeminate gay males and italian women are ensouled by the same type and quality of spirit energy. in the 4th dimension and higher there is no difference what so ever between fem gay boys and italian ladies.
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bobella · 9 months
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bobella · 9 months
im really sorry that i ran 4 red , lghts and im really really extra super super sorry that i pulled my gun on you. i know this doesnt change what i did but i want everyone involved to know that my behavior and actions is because i was listening to stressful music
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