bobmattax · 11 years
What do you want your life to look like?
To love and be loved, perfect, but flawed; I want to give more than receive.
To selflessly give myself to the world;with you, I’ll celebrate and grieve.
I’m called to a higher standard of life,and I’ll do it because I believe.
I want it to be clear, what I’m living for, that I’m here and ready to lend.
A helping hand, a listening ear, a firm word of support, I can send.
To love and be loved, perfect, but flawed; I’ll do my best till my end.
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bobmattax · 11 years
Something strange...
I've already alluded to it in my previous post, but I'm going to mention the food truck, Slop on Top, again. 
The food truck in itself isn't something all that special or strange.  The strange bit is that it was a HUGE goal, that I FINISHED!  Anybody that has known me for any amount of time knows that I have tons of ideas, tons of ability, tons of passion, but that combination rarely ends with a finished product.  
Luckily I've surrounded myself with plenty of people that can call me on my crap, gently point out my weaknesses, and help push me in the right direction.  Those people were essential in my success, but that's really only because I shared this particular goal with them (along with others).  Many of those have been accomplished.
I have to give a bunch of credit to a program I participated in a couple years ago.  It was called ThriveMap, and I encourage other non-finishers, anti-goal-makers, and the folks in life that have a little too much aimless in their wander to check it out.  Its worth your time, and money.
Go do something strange like I did.  Set a goal, and FINISH it. :)
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bobmattax · 11 years
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Gonna give ThinkKit another honest try this year. :)
Today's prompt:  Your year in photos.
1. Some success with my food truck, Slop on Top
2,3. Some success with my software company, Foxio
4. Some success with my girlfriend, Jessica.
Its been a GREAT year so far. :)
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