bogo-sip-eo · 1 month
Wow this page is 12 yrs old today . I was just a babe
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bogo-sip-eo · 6 years
Just saw Britney Spears 😭😭😭
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bogo-sip-eo · 6 years
Y’all I saw Britney😭
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bogo-sip-eo · 6 years
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Bear 2 at 7 Magic Mountains
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bogo-sip-eo · 12 years
Things people need to understand
1. Having a guy friend who used to like you and has a girlfriend and then all of a sudden wants to hang out with you again
is not the same as
2. Having a guy friend who doesn't like and will never like you
and finally 
you should be around people that make you happy for no reason. Not be around people because you need them to make you feel happy...
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bogo-sip-eo · 12 years
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bogo-sip-eo · 12 years
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bogo-sip-eo · 12 years
I am so tired lately....
I only have 3 weeks of school left....
I am exhausted.
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bogo-sip-eo · 12 years
Right Now.
I love acting. It is my life's passion. The reason I wanted to be an actor was because when I watched It's A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart. He changed me. I watched it when I was 12..At 12 I claimed myself to be unemotional. But when I watch Jimmy. He made me cry...He is the first man to every make me feel for someone. That's what I wanted to do. I want to capture people's feelings. I have never felt in my life connected with people. 
But when I started acting. I felt people for the first time ever in my life... and that feeling is amazing...and sometimes its in describable. 
When I act my soul feels good. I feel good. It makes me a better person. 
But the department I am in. Just always makes me feel down. It makes me feel like as person, as a human being I am failing. 
Because I can't be there for the last strike of the year. 
(I erased a previous post. so you won't understand my last line)
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