bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
Describing a day in Croatian
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Here’s a post on how to describe your daily activities in Croatian.
Primjeri (Examples):
1. Primjer pozitivnog dana 1. An example of a positive day
Moj dan je bio super. Ustala sam se oko 8 i doručkovala. Dobro sam spavala budući da nije bilo jako vruće. Za doručak sam imala jaja i slaninu. Dok sam doručkovala, gledala sam i TV. Nakon toga sam otišla nazad u sobu, upalila glazbu i sredila krevet. Zatim sam sjela za stol i napisala sve ono što moram danas napraviti. Lista je bila poprilično dugačka. Nakon toga sam zatvorila dnevnik i provjerila obavijesti na mobitelu. Već je bilo oko 9 dok sam sve to napravila. Oko 11 sam planirala otići do grada i kupiti potrebne stvari. U gradu sam susrela staru prijateljicu pa smo odlučile otići i na brzinsku kavu. Kada sam došla doma, skuhala sam ručak. Odlučila sam da ću napraviti tjesteninu s povrćem. Jako je bilo fino, a i svidjelo se ostatku obitelji. Nakon ručka sam imala 4 sata slobodno, pa sam odlučila prekrižiti još jednu stvar sa popisa, a to je bio odlazak u teretanu. Živim blizu teretane, što je i prednost. Kasnije sam se prošetala s prijateljem. Bilo je jako zabavno. Zatim sam došla kući i odlučila sam se opustiti uz kupku i omiljenu knjigu. Sat vremena poslije sam otišla na Face-Time na prijateljicom, bila kratko na mobitelu i otišla spavati.
My day was great. I got up at 8 and had breakfast. I slept well since it was not really hot. For breakfast I had eggs and bacon. As I was having my breakfat, I was watching TV. After that, I went back to my room, turned on music and made my bed. Afterwards I sat at my desk and wrote down everything I have to get done today. The list was quite long. After that, I closed my journal and checked notifications on my phone. It was already 9 as I did eveything above. Around 11, I planned on going to town i buy the neccessary things. In the city, I encountered my old friend so we decided to grab a quick coffee. After I came home, I made lunch. I decided that I’ll make pasta with vegetables. It was really delicious,  and the rest of the family also liked it. After lunch, I had 4 hours free, so I decided to cross out yet another thing from my list, and that was going to the gym. I live near the gym, which is also an advantage. Later on, I went for a walk with my friend. It was really fun. Then I came home and decided to relax by taking a bath and reading my favourite book. An hour later, I Face-Timed my friend, was for a little while on my phone and went to sleep.
2. Primjer negativnog dana 2. An example of a negative day
Dan mi je bio užasan. Sve je pošlo po krivu. Ustala sam se na lijevu nogu i ništa nije ispalo onako kako sam planirala. Sinoć sam zaspala jako kasno. Gledala sam seriju koja je bila prezanimljiva. Nije mi bilo žao sinoć, no danas je. Zakasnila sam na predavanje. Vani je jako hladno i ne da mi se izaći iz kuće da napravim bilo što. Ono što je bilo najgore danas je to što sam prolila kavu po knjizi koju sam čitala. Nadam se da će mi ipak dan biti bolji kasnije, a ako ne, sutra je opet sve novo.
My day was horrible. Everything went wrong. I got up on my left leg and nothing ended up being as I planned. Last night, I fell asleep really tired. I was watching a TV show which was too interesting. I wasn’t regretting it last night, but today I am. I was late for my lesson. It’s very cold outside and I don’t feel like going outside my house to do anything. What was the worst today is that I spilled my coffee all over the book I was reading. Hopefully my day becomes better later, and if not, tomorrow is everything new again.
Notice:  *Everything is translated in a context.  *I wrote in a feminine form.
Izrazi za dnevne aktivnosti Phrases for daily activites
Kakav ti je bio dan? = How was your day? Pričaj mi o svom danu. = Tell me about your day. Koja se dobra stvar dan dogodila? = What good thing happened today? 
Dan mi je bio dobar/ loš/ zanimljiv/ dosadan/ solidan.  = My day was good/ bad/ interesting/ boring/ solid.
JUTRO = Morning
Probuditi se = To wake up Ustati se = To get up Doručkovati  = To have breakfast Očistiti sobu = To clean up the room Našminkati se/ obrijati se/ oprati zube/  otuširati se/ obući se = To do makeup/ To shave/ To brush teeth/ To take a shower/ To dress Uhvatiti bus/ putovati (busom, tramvajem, autom, biciklom) = To catch the bus/ Travel (with the bus, tram, car, bike)
TIJEKOM DANA = During the day 
Raditi = To work Ići u školu/ na fakultet/ na nastavu = To go to school/ university/ classes Baviti se sportom/ Ići u teretanu = To do sports/ Go to the gym Razgovarati s prijateljima/ obitelji = Talk to family/ friends Ručati (Skuhati ručak) = To have lunch (To make lunch) Otići na kavu = To grab a coffee Družiti se = To hang out Učiti = To study Vratiti se kući = To come back home Prošetati psa = To take dog for a walk Očistiti kuću = To clean up the house Čitati knjigu = To read a book Gledati seriju = To watch a TV show Biti na mobitelu/ provjeriti obavijesti = To be on your phone/ To check notifications
NAVEČER = In the evening
Skinuti odjeću/ šminku = To take off clothes/ To remove makeup Prekrižiti stvari s popisa (To-do list 😉 ) = To cross off the thing of your to-do list Otuširati se = To take a shower Večerati = To have dinner Ići u krevet = To go to bed
Nadam se da je ovo korisno! = I hope that this is helpful! <3
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
Resources for Serbian
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Srpski jezik
Funky Serbian
Learn Serbian
Serbian Lessons
Learn Serbian Blog
FSI Language Course
DLI Language Course
Serbian resources (by lovelybluepanda)
Step by Step Serbian (PDF)
Serbian - An Essential Grammar (PDF)
A Handbook of Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian (PDF)
Serbian Survival Phrases (PDF)
Words in Serbian-Croatian-Bosnian-Montenegrin
Serbian Phrasebook
Easy Languages (youtube)
MyLateManager (youtube)
Mango Languages
Innovative Language
Goethe Verlang
Digital Dialects
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
Vocabulary list in Croatian - Emotions
emotion - emocija (f.) character - karakter (m.) characteristic/quality - osobina (f.)
He has a good character. On ima dobar karakter. She has a bad character. Ona ima loš karakter.
Positive qualities
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friendly - prijateljski nastrojen (phrase, for masculine) strong - jak happy - sretan charismatic - karizmatičan interesting - zanimljiv mature - zreo independent - neovisan determined - odlučan honest - iskren reliable - pouzdan responsible - odgovoran diligent - marljiv hardworking - marljiv organized - organiziran patient - strpljiv careful - oprezan loyal - odan fair- pošten phrase; fair enough - pošteno energetic - energičan optimistic - optimističan satisfied - zadovoljan active - aktivan kind - drag polite - pristojan humorous - humorističan; duhovit brave - hrabar tolerant - tolerantan laid back - ležeran modest - skroman calm - miran creative - kreativan ambitious - ambiciozan gentle - nježan  
Negative qualities
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boring - dosadan dishonest - neiskren unreliable - nepouzdan superficial - površan inert - inertan passive - pasivan cruel - okrutan impolite - nepristojan rude - bezobrazan arrogant - arogantan aggressive - agresivan impatient - nestrpljiv gloomy - sumoran dissatisfied - nezadovoljan pesimistic - pesimističan nervous - nervozan selfish - sebičan envious - zavidan egoistic - egoističan strange - čudan mean - zao superstitious - praznovjeran malicious - zlonamjeran
this is my first vocabulary list which is, at least i hope so, going to be helpful for anyone who is might interested in/is learning croatian. don’t hesitate to correct me/add more/ask anything :)
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
Slavic Languages Aesthetic
Russian: warm black tea with honey. Warmth from the fireplace after a cold day outside. Cookies and old books.
Bulgarian: Green fields and the fresh morning air. The sunrise peaking out behind a mountain. Small potted plants outside a house.
Serbian: cigarette smoke drifting through the streets of a busy city. Rain falling down harshly but gently at the same time.
Ukrainian: sunflowers in a field surrounded by blue skies and sunshine. Flower crowns and cute cats hiding among window sills.
Polish: old historical buildings and cobblestones. A dewy morning. White curtains wafting through the breeze.
Slovenian: a small boat drifting quietly down a lake. Small churches hidden behind lush trees and hills. The smell of blooming flowers before spring.
Bosnian: old coffeeshops and beautiful rugs with intricate designs. Small lanterns tinkling in a window. Bridges with arches and minarets in the distanceThe feeling of warmth you get from seeing an old friend.
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
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Ne gledaj me tako i ne ljubi me više // Bijelo Dugme
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
me: i want to know this language.
brain: okay, then we have to study.
me: no study. only know.
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
Me: I can’t wait to finally practice with native speakers!
Also me:
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
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Spojila se dva ludila 💫
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
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Ana Karenjina, L. N. Tolstoj.
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
Me: I want to know languages
Person: then study
Me: no study. Only know.
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
5 words a week and keep your Croatian streak!
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Ilustracija - Illustration
Taj program je odličan za ilustracije. That programme is excellent for illustrations.
Svemir - Universe 
Svemir je pun misterija. The universe is full of mysteries.
Utjeha - Comfort
Jedna od njezinih najboljih osobina je što mi uvijek pruža utjehu kad mi treba. One of her best qualities is that she always gives me comfort when I need it.
Zagrliti - To hug
Da si barem ovdje da me možeš zagrliti. I wish you were here so you could hug me.
Tajno - Secret (adj.)
Idemo danas na naše tajno mjesto. Let’s go today to our secret place.
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bogu-iza-nogu · 6 years
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Da li si spavala // Galija
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