bolashikaino · 2 months
shika’s confession to ino <33 found it when i was reading through forums. it’s really shika’s voice you know >:) the uploader said that it’s from naruto radio.
the translation:
Shikamaru: Idiot ! I’m not softhearted enough to dedicate everyday of my life to a childhood friend. Ino: Huh ? Shikamaru: Well … Probably … It’s just I’d rather just date the girl I love. And if in ten years I’m not bored of it, then … Would you want a dull guy like me ?
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bolashikaino · 9 months
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Very Zoro and Nami coded, if you ask me.
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bolashikaino · 10 months
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I am so, so lucky to have these two beautiful people playing two of my favorite characters of all time. Mackenyu and Emily were true fans of the story before they were casted and you really can tell when you watch their interviews and you hear them talk about not just their own characters, but others as well.
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bolashikaino · 1 year
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Someone please explain this to me.
the "so you still do say 'eep' " thing
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bolashikaino · 2 years
soooooo…….. i’m just sitting at my classes and all i can think about is how every time ino has a bad day shikamaru sighs goes to shop and buys ice cream then goes home and watch with her some stupid rom-coms that she love just to cheer her up
or in other times shikamaru makes ino get dressed in the most beautiful dress she has and he makes a gorgeous date with flowers, walk in the park and dinner with candles just so ino could feel beautiful needy lovable and adorable in every single way
or you know shikamaru just grubs ino and walk her to the mall where he buys every foocking dress, shoes or t-shirt that she wants and they spend there like hours but shika is patient and understandable because he hates to see sad ino more than anything else in this whole world
so in general i just think shika has a lot of ways to cheer ino up
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bolashikaino · 2 years
i made this shikaino edit with the audio of shikamaru's confession to ino a while back! it was originally on my twitter account but i deactivated it so i thought i could share it with you guys here instead 💕
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bolashikaino · 2 years
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bolashikaino · 2 years
i’m so into shikaino shit i can’t even explain. it’s like my whole body ships them
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bolashikaino · 2 years
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Oh my, thank you kindly for asking, Sanji who I use as a stand-in for other One Piece fans.
But let’s be serious for a moment because there are many reasons as to why someone might ship Mommy and Daddy Strawhat. And I want to give you here some clues because no one ships them just because “they once stood beside each other in a panel”.
This will be a long post with many pictures and a video and I hope I’ll make sense. Please feel free to talk to me about this ship and to even challenge me on my points (if you want to). I’ll try to show “proof” as well as try to to debunk Anti-Frobin points.
(1.) When does someone start to ship Franky and Robin? (2.)  But why is Enies Lobby still so important for us shipper? (3.) Thank you Oda! (4.) “There are so many reasons to not  ship Franky and Robin!“    (4.1.) Franky is too ugly for Robin    (4.2.) Franky is too childish for Robin    (4.3.) Robin hates Franky       (4.3.1) Why is Robin only annoyed by Franky? (5.) Further links
Now, let’s start behind the read more! (links are marked with an additional *)
Keep reading
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bolashikaino · 2 years
The Boku No Hero Academia Season 3 Vol. 4 DVD comes with a drama CD track where All Might and Aizawa go drinking together, only to be interrupted by Present Mic and Midnight and hilarity ensues. Here’s my translation of the track! Enjoy~ **Note: In case the audio doesn’t work, here’s another link.
All Might: Good work out there, Aizawa-kun!
Aizawa: Same to you, All Might.
All Might: Haha, well then, let’s cheers!
Aizawa: Cheers? For what?
All Might: Hmm, how about for a successful meeting with all the different families?
Aizawa: I guess. It was rather good news to hear that all students’ parents agreed to allowing them to enter the dormitories.
All Might: To the new homes for the kids!
Aizawa: To the mentality of the teachers who will need to monitor these kids all the time now.
All Might & Aizawa: Cheers!
All Might (to himself): All right- this is a good mood! I’m going to be even better friends with Aizawa-kun after this dinner outing today! All Might, you gotta push past the walls of Aizawa-kun’s heart! GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!!
All Might (to himself): Or on second thought…probably not then.
Present Mic: What’s with that face, Eraser? If you’re gonna go drink, at least let me know, yo! This bad water is foul, man!
Aizawa: Go home!
Present Mic: Woah, that was SO COOL! Kinda a stiff reaction though. Anyway, I’m kinda thirsty, so imma drink your beer. *gulp* OHH YEAHH! DRINKING A BEER AFTER WORK REALLY MAKES ME GO TO HEAVEN!!!!!
Aizawa: GO HOME!
All Might: Haha, so by showing up here out of the blue, I’m guessing you come here often to drink?
Present Mic: Well I try to invite Eraser to come but he always rejects me, what kind of idiot does that?
Aizawa: Heh, you mean the type who literally asks me every day?
Present Mic: Man, your follow up is so bad, my friend. Makes things awkward, yo!
Aizawa: If that’s so then GO HOME.
*door opens*
Midnight: Good evening. Oh what? All Might, Eraser, and Mic are here?
All Might: Oh, Midnight-kun!
Present Mic: Hey there young lady! You joined in at a good time! Come over here and drink with us! GO TO HEAVEN!!!
Aizawa: You’re the one who came after us, don’t just take charge.
Aizawa: Midnight, here’s another round of your tequila.
Midnight: Thanks! *gulp* AHAA!!
All Might: You’re quite strong with alcohol.
Midnight: Yeah, I don’t feel like drinking until my stomach gets warm from the alcohol.
Present Mic: AS EXPECTED OF U.A.’S QUEEN TANK! It would be awesome if the alcohol really doesn’t affect you!
Midnight: Mic, if you’re going to be using weird slang to refer to me, I’m going to pour all this tequila on you.
Aizawa: Do it.
Present Mic: Hey my friend, that’s not very friendly of you to say! After all, I was the one who gave you the hero name Eraserhead! I came up with such a cool hero name, too!
Aizawa: Well if that’s so then I should have just changed my name.
Present Mic: To “Small Energy Sho-chan?”
Aizawa: Shut up!
Midnight: Mic, the tequila?
Present Mic: AGAIN!?
All Might: Midnight-kun, perhaps you should drink in moderation…
Midnight: What are you saying, All Might? I’m not even drunk at all! Mic, the tequila!! What are you waiting for?
Present Mic: Ah yes! Here you go!
Midnight: *drunk giggling* All Might, try drinking this!
All Might: Oh uh…I don’t really…drink much…you see…
Midnight: *laughs* Okay fine, Eraser drink this.
Aizawa: Uh, what is this?
Midnight: It’s my original concoction! A cocktail made of cocktails!
Aizawa: Why on earth would you do that?
Midnight: That’s because normal alcohol is boring! Alcohol is the same as life- an adventure with experiences you must repeat lest you get rusty! You agree with me, right Mic?
Present Mic: Wha- uhh…somewhat?
Midnight: Exactly, so that’s why you gotta drink up, Eraser! Experience something new!
Aizawa: Nope.
Midnight: You’re such a boring guy! You must be boring in bed, too!
Aizawa: I sleep in a sleeping bag.
Present Mic: *whispering* All Might, this is Midnight’s drunken state. She always makes disgusting cocktails and forces people to drink them.
All Might: I…I see. That’s terrifying.
Midnight: MIC!
Present Mic: WHAT?!
Present Mic: Ughh no thank you! That cocktail has all the worst ingredients mixed in that with a suspicious dark color, a color that says DO NOT DRINK ME!
Present Mic: *gulps* UGHH!!
Midnight: AHAHA! Hey Mic, tell us how was the taste?
Present: Goo…
Midnight: Goo…d?
Present Mic: Bye…*faints*
Midnight: AHAHAHA! It was so good he fainted!
Aizawa: More like definitely die.
All Might: Well then, I’ll take my leave now. Don’t want to drink too much…
Midnight: Okay! Hey Mic, All Might’s leaving now!
Present Mic: Augughhghg!!
All Might: Yeah, definitely don’t want to drink too much…
*running* Aizawa: All Might!
All Might: Oh, is something wrong, Aizawa-kun?
Aizawa: Uh, thank you very much.
All Might: Eh?
Aizawa: I’m uh…drunk right now so…well. I probably wouldn’t say this if I wasn’t drunk, but…I’ll say it anyway. Because you fought for us at Kamino Ward, because you defeated All For One for us, I will do my part and look after the students as much as I can.
All Might: Aizawa-kun…
Aizawa: That’s why I want to thank you for everything.
All Might: Aizawa-kun, let’s watch over the students from here on out together.
Aizawa: Anyway, when I sober up, I’ll probably forget everything I said while drunk, NEVER MENTION WHAT I JUST SAID!
All Might: Ah…sure…
Aizawa: I’m counting on you. See ya.
All Might: A drunk Aizawa-kun is a “deretsun**?” **T/N: The deretsun line is funny because a deretsun is the opposite of a tsundere, where they act nice and cute to others but then very cold when alone with someone. I think All Might mixed this word up, which could be intentional to show he’s “not with the times” lol
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bolashikaino · 2 years
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I so miss them. 🧡💚
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bolashikaino · 2 years
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bolashikaino · 3 years
To : ShikaIno Shippers
ShikaIno wrote a love letter for us to celebrate their birthday. Let's celebrate ShikaIno Fandays together 🎉
Happy ShikaIno Fandays!
Let's spread ShikaIno love💕
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bolashikaino · 3 years
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bolashikaino · 3 years
Hi! I love your characterization of kuroo! Do you have any hcs about him lately ...? :))
Yeah! I love him very much! I consider him very mature for his age, even at around 8 when he already knew “if Kenma wanted to go out to soccer with me, even a little, I’d take him. but I don’t think he wants to.” I sometimes wonder if he grew up a little too fast, considering it’s somewhat implied he didn’t really want to move homes in the following dialogue.
In the HQ guidebook, it states he has an older sister. Yet in the manga, Kenma very clearly states there’s 4 in his home- his dad and his grandparents. This is pure speculation, but I think his parents separated, with his mother taking his older sister with her. That would explain some of the behaviours he exhibited in the flashbacks, like being hesitant to come out of his shell and looking kind of uncomfortable. We see him acting a lot more extroverted once he picks up volleyball and gains new friends, which makes me think his initial shyness was caused by an outside factor rather than something more intrinsic to his personality.
This is just my own headcanon, but I think maybe Kuroo sleeps with his pillow pressed against his head like that because he often heard arguments within the family as a kid. Maybe it’d make more sense if he grew out of it during high school, but I think it’s a possibility.
I also think Kuroo is one of the most emotionally intelligent characters in the series, along with Hoshiumi and Kita. I think he’s also the one with the most “people skills”, combined with that. I think it’s translated well into his job at the volleyball association, considering the need for high communication skills for many audiences and making connections. He’d be good at pacifying annoying higher ups and smoothing things out for the interests of his employers and whatnot.
An interesting aspect of him is how he handles things before and after the match with Nohebi. He’s shown to be the most immature when bickering with Daishou, maybe they knew each other during elementary school? But even then he does humble himself a bit, saying “Huh? We were totally gonna go for championships... But we did lose, so I’ll shut up.” And him calling out some random players talking some crap about Nohebi really hooked me, because he must be totally pissed at them for the stuff they pulled, but he’ll stick up for them and give credit where it’s due.
It seems he handles social situations by stating something positive first, in many cases. Like telling Kenma “I don’t hate your style of taking up a fight if it’s offered” before telling him he’ll be spending quite some time with Yamamoto. And saying “I don’t hate that about you” to Lev after he gets depressed after a loss and starts ranting about how he wants to be praised by the audience, before telling him the glory of ~teamwork~. Even when lecturing the randos talking crap about Nohebi, he starts by agreeing “arent their blocks so annoying”? He definitely has awareness of impressions he leaves on others. He may be good at provoking others, but he definitely knows how to pacify situations, and apologizes to Daichi after seemingly stepping on Tsukki’s landmine.
I could talk about Kuroo all day but here’s some thoughts I have about him! I can always write more about him if anyone wants me to.
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bolashikaino · 3 years
— M a s t e r l i s t
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✧ Haikyuu Bu!!
• Chapter 62 - “Kita-san, The Cleaning Hero!” [Dec 21st 2020]
• Chapter 63 - “The Grand, Grand, Grand King” [Jan 4th 2021]
• Chapter 64 - “The Busy Ox’s Day” [Feb 1st 2021]
• Chapter 65 - “That’s Not Aone!” [Feb 15th 2021]
• Chapter 66 - “Shimizu & Yachi’s Artistic Journey” [March 1st 2021]
• Chapter 67 - “Tanaka, The Zoo’s King” [March 15th 2021]
• Chapter 68 - “The Bokuto Case” [March 29th 2021]
• Chapter 72 - “Ashita No Twins” [May 24th 2021]
• Chapter 76 - “Shiratorizawa’s Babysitting Day” [July 19th 2021]
• Chapter 78 - “Kuroo’s SNS Lesson” [August 16th 2021]
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✧ Let’s! Haikyuu!?
• Chapter 190
• Chapter 191
• Chapter 193
• Chapter 196
• Chapter 197
• Chapter 198
• Chapter 199
• Chapter 200
• Chapter 201
• Chapter 202
• Chapter 203
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✧ Official Art
• JUMP FESTA 2021 - [Dec 18th 2020]
• “Itachiyama’s Duo” - Illustration Book Promotional Illustration [Dec 25th 2020]
• 2020 → 2021 New Year Illustration - [Dec 31st 2020]
• Haikyuu Illustration Book - Brazil Report Extract
• Promise・2 - [Feb 12th 2021]
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→ Last Update: August 16th 2021
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bolashikaino · 3 years
Haikyuu!! New Year Illustration🎆
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• This is Furudate-sensei’s new illustration, that was released today (Dec 31st 2020)! Indeed, even under such difficult circumstances, it was an amazing year for Haikyuu. I hope everyone will spend a happy New Year!!
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