bolbycrock · 5 years
just kidding i’m mad again!!! can you fucking imagine if my friend were making digs at her??? but it’s perfectly okay for her friends to do it to me! nice!
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bolbycrock · 5 years
nvm im sad now
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bolbycrock · 5 years
i thought i’d be sadder about this than i am. but truthfully, i’m too fucking annoyed to feel anything else. 
last night i left jake and sam for a couple hours to “destress.” it’s been a while since the last and i needed that release. tonight we’re going out again and i’ll probably do the same thing. 
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bolbycrock · 5 years
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who the fuck are you????? i don’t know you but you wanna sly dig about some shit you don’t know fuck all about???? okay.
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bolbycrock · 5 years
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bolbycrock · 5 years
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bolbycrock · 5 years
like i get that i’m dumb sometimes, but like idk sometimes it feels like she just loves reminding me and idk i’m over it. i wanna feel like i can talk to her about anything but i cant. somehow everything turns into a fucking huge fight over the dumbest shit and i’m so tired of it. i don’t want to break up with her but sometimes i feel like it’s all we can do.
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bolbycrock · 5 years
yeah okay you went to college but that doesn’t make you an expert on anything. doesn’t mean you have to be so fucking snarky with your “i’m right you’re wrong” bullshit. i’m so tired of it. so fucking tired.
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bolbycrock · 5 years
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bolbycrock · 5 years
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bolbycrock · 5 years
i literally don’t know what the fuck i’m supposed to do anymore
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bolbycrock · 5 years
I hope you understand how much I love you.
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bolbycrock · 5 years
I know I’m just being needy, but I miss you when we don’t talk.
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bolbycrock · 5 years
i’ve got a lot to say but i don’t even know how to begin to talk about it, so i won’t. i’ll just do what i always do and bury it in hopes that it just disappears.
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bolbycrock · 5 years
lmao what
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bolbycrock · 5 years
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love a good hand to mouth dynamic
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bolbycrock · 5 years
i think maybe we can FINALLY get back to normal. 
we’re finally back in la, our house is being built and for the first time in like two months, everything is starting to feel okay. we’d spent the last couple weeks alone in northern france. it feels so good to finally be able to focus on our future again, and honestly i can’t fucking wait. i mean, not saying that i wasn’t before, but idk it’s just different this time. 
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