boldlydopeperson · 2 years
I walked inside the huge courtyard and noticed a few people strolling around the yard, either absorbed in their phones, listening to music or talking with others. I smiled at a few people who waved a 'hi' as walked further into the academy, the automatic glass door making my entrance much easier.
I stopped for a second, my jaw falling open in shock, as viewed the surrounding. It had been decorated quite modestly, yet gave an elegant vibe. White ribbons of stain were hung around, and a sign in the middle of the room had been decorated beautifully, saying,
"Welcome Baby Sectatori!"
The woman waved, snapping me out of my daydream. She took something out of her bag and handed it over.
"This key will be to you're new dorm. Need I get someone to show you around the academy?" The woman asked kindly, sensing my nervousness.
"That would be nice actually..." I muttered, taking the key and putting it in my bag.
The woman looked around the entrance hall, spotting a guy sitting with headphones in his ears. He wore a black bucket hat, and oversize shirt with a peace hand printed on it, paired with some denim jeans, and grey sneakers.
"Aero!" She called out, making the boy look up from his phone.
He put his phone in his pocket and removed his headphones as walked towards me. He raised an eyebrow to ask why he had been called.
"Show our newcomer around the academy, will you?" She asked.
Aero nodded, gesturing me to follow him "Thank you." I followed curiously behind him.
"No biggie." He replied and looked back at the pathway we are walking on, dodging some people who run past him.
Aero leads the away from the courtyard to another room, entering the glass doors.
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"This academy has an Art room and Music room there where the instruments are kept, usually for the Sectatori that learn them. You can also put in your instruments there, just make sure to tag them, and collect them later."
"Here is the Gymnasium where we hold shows and end-of-the-year parties. Over there, in the Cafeteria. They serve food. It's pretty good, not gonna lie." I nodded and looked around following Aero walked around.
"The Dorm are that way and the Library at your right." Aero explained while pointing towards my right side.
"Clinic is that way, to your left. And the Office room is further down the Dorm, that's where the Duces do stuff."
"Well, this is our last stop in this building. The Audio Visual room in that room, and the School Garden over there." Aero concluded, He sighed as put his hands in his pockets, allowing me to explore for some time. I looked around and came back to Aero after a while.
"Thanks for showing me around here mate."
@ HK, 2022.
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boldlydopeperson · 2 years
“Mom mom!” I called out to her, but she didn't answer. She just lay on the floor and went still, not moving.
“Mom!” I felt scared. My mom wasn't saying anything, she wasn't getting up, and she wasn't moving at all. I cry, I cried for my mom and then nothing. My world turned dark.
My eyes snapped open and found myself staring at the white ceiling. The room was dim, the only light source being the small trickle of sunlight that streamed in through the blinds and let me know the sun was beginning to rise. Seeing how the day was beginning to rise and the chance of sleep returning seemed unlikely, I sat up in my bed with a heavy sigh.
It was that dream again, one of the many that haunted my sleep. This was nothing new to me, and while meditation allowed me to clear my mind and lock my memories away during the day so they wouldn't bother me, nothing was stopping them from coming out during the night when I fell asleep.
Memories. Those were what I saw every night when I shut my eyes. Unlike most people whose dreams were often inconsequential, unusual, something downright silly and rarely remembered with any clarity, I always remembered my dreams, they were of things I could never, would never forget.
The reason for this was as simple as it was complex. I was known as MIND CONTROL, I had the power to control and manipulate the behaviour and thoughts of others, and the side effect of that my mind is so sensitive. I could perfectly recall anything I had ever seen or done with the same clarity of vision as if the event being remembered happened just a few seconds ago every sight, sound, scent, touch and taste I ever had, the pleasure or displeasure of experience was locked away within my mind. And being mind control isn't fun except for the part of messing with people and making them feel like they are crazy. So it was as much of a blessing as it was a curse.
@ HK, 2022.
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boldlydopeperson · 2 years
The world isn't always what you see. A layer of white milky lies and a sparkling facade of perfection, Serves the dish.
“Ken, You're coming with us right?!” I looked over at my best friend, Juan and Sirin, who had this doubtful look on their faces. It felt like a slap on my face.
But can I blame them? I haven't even talked to them properly in the past few weeks. I should thank God for giving me friends like them who have done nothing but tolerate my shit without complaining.
“Humm” After listening to my reply, both of them beamed with so much excitement like I just promised to give them a treat in a five-star hotel and not just cycle around the town.
“COOL! So today's my turn to decide.” Sirin declare but guess that wasn't enough for her so she added, “Is that fine?” her eyes challenging us to deny.
Juan and I looked at each other to have our secret non-verbal communication 'like we have any other option', to which Juan replied by shrugging his shoulders. We both looked at Sirin and spoke together, “Yeah it's fine.”
We got on our respective bicycles and followed Sirin to the secret place since she wouldn't tell us the name. So, I quoted it as 'The place that shall not be named.'
As I ride my bicycle freely on the streets of the town, a sense of freedom filled my heart which is very rare in my life. Being born into a middle-class family is a really difficult task. My parents moved to Singapore when I was ten, and here I am in Bali alone. My life has always been difficult. The last whole month was like, I was on apartment arrest to prepare for the cooking test that ended today thus, why I wasn't able to spend time with my friend.
My reverie broke after listening to the Sirin and Juan batter. We followed Sirin for about twenty minutes before reaching our final destination, the Kintamani Forest.
“Why are we here?” Juan asked looking slightly frightened.
“This is our destination for today. We will take round here and then go back.” Sirin was excited, unknown of the facts and rumours about this mystery forest.
“But haven't you heard about what people in the town say about the forest and the history of it? I don't think it's a good idea.” Juan suggested with the worry lines occupying his forehead.
“Not at all. It was my turn to decide on the place today and this is our destination. Plus, We are already here. If you want to go back home soon let's just complete the round and then you are free to go.” Sirin informed then looked at me.
“What do you say, Ken?”
“Whatever you guys decide.” I shrugged and then looked back at the enchanting forest before my eyes. Honestly, I would do anything to stay away from home, my reality.
They bickered for some more time and in the end, as always Sirin won the debate. I don't get why Juan tries to oppose when he knows it's all gonna be in vain. We all knew that, when Sirin decides to do something, nobody can talk her out of it. It was decided that we would race and compete with each other through the forest and one who comes first will get to decide the place next week. They count till three and then speed off on their bicycles, I on the other hand went slow because I didn't want to miss out on the admiring nature in front of me.
The forest with its weird history looked quite haunted but to me, it was more enchanting. The trees filled with green leaves, the fresh-looking grass and bushes and the mountains not too far away. The chirping of the birds was very clear sounding like music. The sun shined brightly like giving life to the forest. It was beautiful!!
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I don't know how long I stayed captivated by the beauty of nature but when I looked in front to call my friends, they were not there.
I increased my speed to catch them but it was about ten minutes later I finally accepted I was lost in the forest. My phone's battery was already dead and I had no means to contact anyone or use the maps or GPS.
I looked here and there to look for anything that would help me when my gaze landed on something that looked like a signboard. I went near it and read out what was written on it, 'PUPRETH' and there were also some directions mentioned under the name.
A cottage in the jungle where no one wants to come looked pretty confusing. I don't think it was a good idea to go there but then I couldn't even think of any other way to get out of here. And like I stood there wondering what should I do now?
“Hahhh! Is this a cottage or.. some mystical palace? whatever, let's just ask for help.” Self-talk has always been my partner from childhood. Gathering all the suspicion about this mysterious cottage, I moved ahead to knock on the door.
“Is there anyone inside?” I banged the door a little loudly after 10 minutes of continuous knocking. Firstly, being lost in this weird forest and now this little ray of hope seems to be fading away and it was all irritating me badly. After a lot of knocking, I finally decided to go inside and look if I could find some help or at least a phone to contact my friends.
The door pushed open, and the old, dusty door took its own time to open, making a very creepy noise that gave me chills. Taking slow steps, I took my own time to observe the place. It was just dark inside but the corners were shining because of some melting candles. For the first time in my life, I adored the candles like fireflies. This place was nothing but a shabby cottage filled with mystic and enchanting coloured liquid, decorated with all the skulls of thriving animals. Roaming in every nook and corner, I never dared to touch anything but the old telephone that I found on the side table. I picked up the dialer but stopped in the middle.
"I must find the owner first." Deciding it was the best thing to do, I started to check every room in that small cottage.
“He must be out somewhere, I should wait for him to come back.” I thought and was going to settle down on a wooden desk I found but halted in mind way.
As I walk, I noticed a letter on the table. As I bend over and grab the letter. What got my attention was the bold words,
'To: Hayle Kendra B.'
I was shocked. It must be wrong. I checked each letter in the envelope to make sure it was my name. “W-what is this.. all the letters are right, HAYLE KENDRA B.” I said nervously.
I cut off the letter as I slowly pull out what was in there 'CONGRATULATION' and suddenly I was pulled inside in a moment. I yelled for help but it felt like I was being dragged inside a dark long tunnel. Closing my eyes in fear, I kept murmuring short notes of hope to give myself a bucket full of valour. After a little span of wavering hard from the vigorous stroke of something supernatural, I landed with a thud on a shallow floor.
I'm woken up seconds later by a girl shaking me awake, she's holding something small in her hand. She hands it to me and I inspect it. It's a small white pill with no marking on it to identify it.
“Take this.” She orders, handing me a cup of water. I glance up at her suspiciously.
“Who are you? and why we are here??!” I don't think it's a good idea to be taking stranger pill from stranger people.
“Eline. Take it first, I'll explain everything later.” She orders again.
“I'm not taking these.” I shake my head, trying to hand the pill back to her.
“Trust me.” She grabs the pill, shoving the pill in my mouth and forces me to swallow it.
“What the hell was that!?” I asked, glaring at her.
“Something to help you feel better here, in Lhigor.” She smiled softly and then pointed behind me.
“Here comes the bus. Let's go, Ken.” She said and held my hand dragging me into the bus.
@ HK, 2022.
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boldlydopeperson · 2 years
This picture is just plain ordinary but what makes it look breathtaking is when it combined with spectacular scenery. Here, I; Kendra, give a strong vibe of boyfriend material with cold breeze along.
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