boldogszomorusag · 1 year
Jó vagyok egy szexre
Jó vagyok arra, hogy játszanak az érzéseimmel
Jó vagyok arra, hogy képeket küldjek
Jó vagyok arra, hogy hozzám érj
De arra sosem leszek jó, hogy igazán szeretve legyek, és ne csak a teszem miatt legyek érdekes
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
Ha most elalszok, az azt jelenti hogy holnap szilveszter. Ez lesz az utolsó alvás az évben. Utoljára fekszem le aludni, nélküled.
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
Some Questions to Ask When Things Go Wrong
Ask yourself:
1. Is this something I should take seriously and try to put right; is it something that is worth working on, and investing more energy on?
2. How much is my fault? Is it something I can change further down the road?
3. How much is outside my control; will anything I do really alter the situation or make a lasting difference?
4. Have I done everything I possibly can? Have I tried and exhausted all possible options?
5. Is it something I should put behind me, and decide to walk away from?
6. Who else has gone through a similar experience, or had this happen to them? Who can I talk to who will understand, and give me valuable help and advice?
7. What can I learn from this experience?
8. How can I build myself up again, so I have the needed strength to go forward in my life?
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
date a boy who calls you when he misses your voice, but when you don’t answer he leaves a voice mail telling you how much he loves you.
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
every day has the potential to be good
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
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we’re manifesting!
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
“Cartoons? Isn’t that for kids?” I look up and smile “ Yes it is” Suddenly my appearance shifts and shrinks as I become a child. All my money turns to monopoly money and all my bills are gone. My adult responsibilities vanish, finally the spell is broken, and I am free.
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
I'm passionate about moving forward in the healthiest way
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
new year same me cause i’m a dumb bitch that never learns
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
Big boii jealous of baby
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
I want to delete all my social medias and disappear but then i’ll be bored
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
my whole life is just “oh ok”
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
Most dogs probably think their owner is immortal
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
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via weheartit
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
reblog if you’re a little lost in life rn
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boldogszomorusag · 4 years
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“Beloved,       I miss you so dreadfully. Not in a desperate or melancholy way, because I know we shall soon be with each other again, but I feel at such a loss and just can’t get it into my head that you’re not around any more. This morning, half awake, I put a hand out to feel for you, then remembered you weren’t there, so I got up very quickly to escape the emptiness. And worked all day.” 
— Excerpt from a letter from Tove Jansson to Tuulikki Pietilä, published in Letters From Tove, trans. by Sarah Death; Sort of Books, 2019  
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