Write up regarding your life ad a senior high school student during this pandemic and how it affects your disposition in life.
Reactions to COVID-19 have caused great many changes to daily life in recent days. One group particularly affected by these changes is high school students and I'm one of them. We are facing challenges this year that have never happened before.
When schools closed, students lost this structure and routine. School work need to be done at home. At first, the greater amount of freedom and choice feels good but in short time though, it is easy to fall behind, to be distracted by other more desirable options like Netflix, video games, social media, or to become bored. With these, I really can't say that I have received quality education.
School isn’t just about academics, it is also about social interactions. Through these interactions with classmates, teachers and other school personnel, we'll be able to learn to interact with non-family authority figures. But this time, you won't be able to spend time your friends which is a bit sad.
Facing so many unknowns heightens anxiety. Some amount of fear and worry is a normal reaction to this abnormal situation. I'm really worried for my family especially for my parents who are already vulnerable to infection due to their age. Sometimes, I can't concentrate on assignments or have a good sleep at night.
I handle the stress brought by this pandemic by doing basic self-care to keep my immune system strong. Getting enough sleep, exercise regularly and eating well. I also established a routine by getting up, go to bed and doing my homework at the same time every day.
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Create a write up regarding your life as a Senior High School Student during this pandemic and how it affects your disposition in life?
The coronavirus pandemic has changed how we work, play and learn. Schools and non-essential stores are closing, mass gathering have been canceled, and many people have been asked to work from home.
As a High School senior, this quarantine has seemed to just cut off the fun part of our senior year. We had made it so far, and were so close to getting to experience all of the exciting events and traditions set aside for seniors. This includes our graduation, prom, and other school activities.
Now, having to do school by working on modules is kind of hard to follow on the lessons you just came acrossed on your own and you don't have much resources to get help with. But still at the end of the day, I'll do my best and word hard in order to pass because I always care about graduating, and going to college.
I have to spend 8 hours doing my modules same as in classroom and it feels more tiring. I’m in the comfort of my home all the time, but have to do this for 8 hours still because the difficulty level is also very high plus you have to deal with the monotonous vibe.
But in the other sense, it also feels a lot calmer not being around people constantly. It doesn’t affect my life negatively by much, but it really makes me think at times though.
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Essay for the 2nd written work: " The 3 types of Claims "
Teenage pregnancies and teenage motherhood are a cause for concern worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 16 million girls aging between 15 and 19 years and about one million girls younger than 15 years give birth every year. Nowadays, the vast majority of teenage pregnancies occur in low- and middle-income countries characterized by poor health-care services.
The World Health Organization should provide guidelines or a call to action and directions for preventing early pregnancy to governments and nongovernmental organizations by preventing marriage before 18 years of age, by increasing knowledge and understanding of the importance of pregnancy prevention, by increasing the use of contraception and by preventing coerced sex.
Adolescent pregnancies are a global problem but occur most often in poorer and marginalised communities. Many girls face considerable pressure to marry early and become mothers while they are still a child. Teenage pregnancy increases when girls are denied the right to make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health nd well-being. Girls must be able to make their own decisions about their bodies and futures and have access to appropriate healthcare services and education.
In developing countries, sexual abuse of underage girls from lower backgrounds majorly contributes to rising rates of teenage pregnancies. Hailing from low-income backgrounds, these girls are pushed into sex trafficking to support their families and are exploited by older men. In most developing countries, girls are married off eighteen, and such teenage pregnancies are not met with social and moral stigmatization.
Whereas in developed countries, most teenage pregnancies occur out of wedlock while the teenagers are still in school, leading to social stigma and isolation of such adolescent mothers. They often have to drop out of school, and without a formal degree, they have to do low-income jobs to support their child. Such children hailing from underprivileged homes, often without a father, engage in criminal activities and drug abuse, thus add to social evils and poverty. In a nutshell, teenage pregnancies create a domino effect in society at large.
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First written work: Things what I like and don't like in Senior High School.
There is a lot that people have yet to know about Senior high school. Senior high school is an additional 2 years of basic education. Senior high school is already present in other countries, however, Philippines only implement the K to 12 program in 2013.
What I like about Senior high school is that it broadens your understanding of your chosen path. It prepares you for college and assists you in determining what you most enjoy. Senior high school also continues to shape your skills for your upcoming college experience. Next is, it helps me boosts my self-confidence. Building your confidence is difficult especially for introverts because they never get the chance to socialize with other people. In high school, you have to show up for school and this helps in building your self-confidence and esteem because you will learn how to relate and communicate with different people, maintain eye contact, be straight forward and to speak in public. Another positive thing about senior high school is the fact that you get to meet new people. This is the best platform for making great friendships, which will last a long time. Fourth, is you get to discover your interests. Well, for me, senior high school was the perfect place where I discovered what I enjoyed doing more. This is where you get engaged in different types of activities, and through this, you can easily determine what works best for you. Finally, you'll be able to learn a new culture. This is because the environment is diverse and has people from different places. Getting to know another person’s culture is very interesting because, through this, you are able to share more about the differences in your cultures.
High school can be an overwhelming time for students, with more classes, harder assignments, and higher expectations. This can leave many students frustrated with school, dealing with the senior high school transition preparing for college next year.
For me, the worst things about high school are: First, is learning things you won’t need in real life. Many of my classmates and even I have asked the same question: “When will I ever apply this to real life?”. For most, it can feel like what they are learning in class won’t ever help them in life after school. Second, is the amount of homework. Many students are overwhelmed by the hours of homework they bring home with them every time. And after spending a full day on schoolwork, it’s frustrating to realize that you're already tired and lost a lot of time with your family. Third, is stressing about grades. As students progress through senior high school, grades become more important especially for older students hoping to go on to college. This can lead to extra stress, which makes school a much less enjoyable experience. Fourth, is worrying about social issues. Stress about popularity and friendships can sometimes seem like the most important part of school, leading to anxiety and ultimately distracting students from learning. And lastly, is understanding classes. As subjects become more advanced, keeping up in class can be hard. Getting good grades can start to feel like an impossible task, especially in classes that students think are boring.
Everyone experiences senior year of high school a little differently. But we’ve all struggled to find the balance between work and play, responsibility and sanity. In that struggle is where memories are made. It’s where “the good old days” of nostalgic seniors, teachers, and parents are.
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Second written work : Performance task " My own story in life".
Moving forward, I know it's not going to be and easy task, living is a complete job in this world. However, I can say it loud and clear that I am determined enough to conquer life, may it be at my present and in the future.
People kept on judging me, making up stories about me. I know what poverty is and I know how it feels like going to bed on an empty stomach. What hurts most is that I had to go all out and try to help my family with this poverty situation. Yes, I am proud of who I am and that is I am strongly enough. That's why I have a strong belief that my situation doesn't determine my future. Suicide crossed my mind so many times but I know there are people who appreciate me and who I'm living for. It's all thanks to my parents. Because they inspires me to work hard for us and I know every situation has its own expiry date.
Life itself is such a beauty and blessings, that everyday morning when we get up, we must thank God. That he has betowed us with this beautiful and perfect life. Yes, we might consider it to be very ordinary, but when we step out of our protective cocoon family, It is then we see that, people strive hard for this not so perpect life each and every minute.
I am who I am. My life is according to my decisions, actions, attributes, and attitude. I am a person who is still in the process of self-actualization. I am currently learning from my experiences. I continuously grow for self-actualization. My experiences tought me lessons which keeps me in my holistic development.
With the constant changes and evolution in my life. I wish to be someone who is already self-aware in the future. I hope to find the best me, a better version of myself. Someone who is confident enough, fulfilled enough and strong than before to conquer the realities in life. Together with my hopes and wishes of self- actualization, I am well-aware that I play a great responsibility in forming my self. As I explore to learn, I sensitive enough to know when I crossed the borders of morality and immorality and must determine the good decisions in my life.
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