bonegwrl · 1 year
relationship with food
this fullnes won’t let me sleep
regret who i was 5 minutes ago
lying to myself every day
can’t trust me anymore
nobody should look at me like this
i apologize but never to myself
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bonegwrl · 1 year
we are the same
yet i’m nothing like you
the things you do and how you do them
to cruel for me to ever replicate
not for a moment could i speak in your same words
i’ve catch myself talking with your tone
immediately correct my rhythm
put on songs hoping you comment on them
still i tell my friends you mean nothing
first to know i passed the exam
but i don’t want your congratulations
search movies to sit with you on the living room
you’ve seen them all
lip trembles at the thought that hunts me
having someone like you around me forever
growing up with a man like you
i’ll end up looking for a man like you
been swearing to you for years i’ll never marry
you give the same answer each time
“you’ll change your mind”
pray to whoever is listening i don’t
if i don’t become you, there’ll always be room for you
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bonegwrl · 1 year
you never seem to care until now
i’m one step from failing
blinking with wet eyelids
breathing stutters
can’t move
only deep breaths
you are angry at tiny things
can’t talk when i’m like this
afraid of lashing out
i know the words i’ve regretted
rational thinking and cero talking
angry at my lack of words
silent car ride
no glances
no one will brake
heart beating fast it hurts
the heavy whole in my chest only gets bigger
blank stare on the road
mothers silhouette on my peripheral view
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bonegwrl · 1 year
imagining in a second languaje
invented friends
new house
different body better face
bigger lips smaller waist
laugh with the wall
kiss the mirror
steal songs from others
sing them like i wrote them
think years ahead
make myself cry
create conflict to become the hero
turned around and i’ll make this room my world
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bonegwrl · 1 year
wanted tears and blurted out a laugh
voice wavers when i speak
smile grinding my teeth
woke up in a belly laugh
goals change lacking fulfillment
young and never achieved
progress leads me to the same spot
interview with myself at noon
delusions of grandeur
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bonegwrl · 1 year
figments of mine
in conversations, were your eyes ever on me?
those lingering eyes just figments of mine
you aren’t mine to grieve, remember and miss
don’t remember how you breathed
breath funny pretending i can’t see you
see past you as you stroll down the hall
walk with my friends and laugh in your face
laugh about stuff unrelated to you
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bonegwrl · 1 year
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honey, used to be stinging with sweetness for all
now you’ve gone bad and brood
honey, used to be smearing with pleasure for others
now you’re not scented for their taste
honey, used to be swarming with dew for the noble ones
now you’ve turned into a grub
honey, used to be syrup for the ones that coughed
now you’re fermenting the colony
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