bongrollan · 6 months
On New Beginnings
They say that life begins at 50. And a day after that milestone, i wonder if that is all but true or just the musings of all other people that came before me.
Maybe the symbolic halfway point (as no one really knows if we would be blessed with another 50 years or so) is a brief respite for one to look back at the first 50 years and reflect on one’s blessings, achievements and memories gained along the way. Or as i have oft witnessed with so many friends of late, it is a wake up call.. that life and time will continue to move forward, and that we have to live life to the fullest, with no regrets.
Midlife crisis…. a label that i think is misplaced. - Partly cause it most likely happens even before one hits 50, but also because i don’t really think of it as a crisis of sorts. I mean, true, I’ve seen certain people look back with some regrets - some decisions taken or not taken in the past, and often these stemmed from playing too safe and not taking enough risks… But the actions i’ve witnessed which are oft attributed to midlife crises, aren’t what i would classify as results of desperation… i view it as a new lease on life (albeit with a much wiser point of view and a much deeper wallet). Maximizing each moment and recognizing how precious that day is. Take life by the horns… seize the day. Carpe Diem. I probably won’t be sky-diving (fear of heights) or dyeing my hair blonde anytime soon… and if this first day is any indication, i probably will end up doing much of the same stuff i’ve done over the past months… but i think as i exit this little halfway house/marker and take my next few steps, there will be small steps… small changes, new things, and little decisions that i will probably be making to live life a little more. Pardon my ramblings, this is the first time, I’ve written in a while.. But hopefully by chronicling the next few chapters… it would also serve as a reminder to try new things, to connect with old friends, make new ones… and do things differently.
Hopefully, this won’t be my last post… and for all our sakes, hopefully my writing gets better as i have been really out of practice.
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bongrollan · 4 years
Our Story
You arrived in a box.  It was a small one, an ordinary brown box that the grocery stores supply when you buy items too heavy for bags - a testament to how unprepared i was to pick you up and bring you to our home. 
A day earlier, your breeder just informed me that i could pick you up already.  And just an hour before that, i was there looking at your crate where you and your siblings were all bunched up.
“Choose one” Rene, your breeder said.
I tried hiding a tinge of disappointment.  I always thought huskies were gray.  You and your siblings bore a shade i wasnt familiar with - copper or red. 
“I don’t know. Choose na lang for me.” 
“This one.  He is the most lively one.”  
And so it was that fate, working through Rene, chose you out of 6-8 similar looking puppies to come home to Fairview.  
In many ways, the box and the unpreparedness of it all, echoed the unexpected impact you would have in our house.  Pets weren’t big in the Rollan household. 
Before you, there was only one dog, my brother’s shih tzu, Kimchi, who occasionally visited and dazzled us with his magic tricks.  But there were no pets who lived at home.  
So you can imagine the mixed bag of emotions that came with me bringing you home.  A pet in a house that viewed dogs as bantay (guard dogs).  And that i insisted you share the room with me and my mom, because at the time, i shared a room with her, was met with many a raised eyebrow.
There were no instruction manuals that came with you.  No guides.  I didn’t have dog friends yet (furparents) and so for the early days it was trial and error - not a perfect parent recipe to raise a young pup.  The days and nights were a constant trying to sift fact from folklore as Pinoys had so many passed down on how dogs should be raised.  
Yaya and I stayed out late for hours on end to wait for you to poop.  (This we got right). I didn’t know about crate training and how it can be used to house-train you.  So we did it by sheer effort. And had to wake up in the early morning hours to rush you out until you eventually learned to keep it in till morning
I walked you every morning during those early days.  Before you, i never ventured out of the house.  I was taught that the streets weren’t safe, that tambays (people drinking in the streets) would bother you, etc, or the occasional stray dog could harm you.  I also didn’t know about parvo, distemper, and all the other diseases that you - not yet fully vaccinated- could contract.  So i guess we both had to venture out and try to keep each other safe.
You kept the stray dogs that barked at us at bay. They barked but you silently stood ground until they backed off.
A turning point for us was when we both started taking classes at Betterdog, and then eventually at Pup Culture too.  I learned to be a better parent and you learned to behave. To this day, several dogs later, you were the most behaved.  You could read the people at home.  You knew when they liked you and when they were scared.  And you wanted everyone to like you.
I didnt know about the stages of puppy development - most especially the three months where a pup needs to socialize and feel safe about the world. Exposure was key as it would set you up for life.  And without knowing that, we stumbled through that too.  I mistakenly hugged you when you shivered at the independence day fireworks display and that reinforced your fear of loud noises - a fear you brought with you until years later your love for the family and being part of it was much stronger than new year’s fireworks and so you ventured out to be with the family anyway.  
A bad encounter with a water bowl, where an older dog snapped at you for drinking his water, made you possessive of your things - a trait that made people fear you and one that we had to manage throughout your life.  People became scared of you - as you would snap at them.  Some were bitten and that made you even more a wolf in their eyes.  But even with that horrific image and perception, your loving nature still found a way to endear yourself to others.
You loved your car rides and your walks- just like your brothers who came after you.  But your joy was different and in many ways mirrored my own.  You were happy for the company not the walk.  It didn’t matter whether it was a trip to bgc, or the beach or even to the dirty park nearby.  The destination wasnt important to you. It was the people you were with.  
And yes i didnt get that wrong.  You wanted people’s affection and approval where other dogs wanted the company of other dogs.  When we walked with our friends, you always stopped to check if they were still with us.  And you refused to go home and part ways with them.  
You showed your love in simple ways.  A howl to greet people - which to be fair either was seen as endearing or terrifying, the latter i don’t understand why, a slight lean on their legs as you sit beside them. You didn’t just sit for people.  Other dogs would sit in front of you. You would move to the side of the person’s leg and sit beside him/her as if inviting them to touch you - go ahead, i can be yours for 30 seconds while you pet me. And how could i forget the kisses.  You loved to sneak kisses to strangers as they pet you.  A sudden lunge and then you would gently smack their lips with your nose.  And you somehow knew which people were ok to kiss and which weren’t- that obviously you didn’t learn from me.
I would like to think that despite all of my shortcomings and mistakes that we did ok.  I would like to hope that for the brief moments you were happy.  I know you changed me in ways i cannot describe.  You touched me, yaya (who became your most avid supporter) and mommy (who was deathly scared of you at first) and i believe we did the same to you too.  
I always joked that you had to be gwapo to be a Rollan furkid.  You set the bar pretty high. You were the most handsome husky i had seen. Biases aside, this isnt an opinion of a parent with blinders - like when your mom says you are handsome.  Everyone you met affirmed the same thing. You had a face so perfect.  And your hazel eyes, mind you blue eyes were all the rage at the time for huskies, were perfect and full of expression and life.Maybe your looks were genetic- although to be fair, we bumped into your littermate and he was a far cry from you. 
Or maybe it was also an outward manifestation of the love you always wanted to share and that i hope we also shared with you.
We had several adventures during our time.  But now i feel guilty that it wasn’t enough.  I would like to blame covid for stopping our weekly excursions, but it seems an empty excuse bec, i’m sure we would’ve or should’ve found a way.  I feel guilty that my attention was split when we got your brothers and sisters. That wasn’t fair to you and maybe it stung when you saw them being more accepted bec they didn’t have your phobias... But for all their approachableness, they lacked your soul.  Maybe that’s harsh or maybe too early as some of them are still young and with time could probably develop the same rapport.  But you were the one that was attuned to the family and to people.
Its funny how when you see the sum of all the things we’ve done and learned - obedience, failed attempts at agility and flyball, nosework, etc... we never excelled at any of those. I suspect they were never important to you. You were never ball crazy like the others, never really hungry to run and jump.   You did them because i wanted us to do them - because for those brief moments we were of one mind.  I wish i relished in that more than in the feeling that we failed time and time again. For those countless hours of training and the brief seconds before you pee to get us eliminated, we had each other
I told my friends when they asked who was my favorite-  you know Winter is the crowd favorite.  The celebrity crush people want to take pictures with and get close to.  Haru is the mysterious talented savant that you would admire.   But Watson has the heart and soul you would wish from a friend.  The pal who after all the lights and sounds have faded would just be content to sit beside you in the darkness. No words need be said.  But both of you would be contented just there beside each other.
Watson was and is my heart dog. I don’t know when we would get our chance to sit beside each other again and just watch time pass by.  Or when we would play fetch, or scent work, or walk or swim.  Thank you for touching our lives
Last september 10, you once more came in a box.  Only this time, this was to be the last time.  I took you for your last car ride to the crematory.  They could’ve picked you up from the house, but i wanted to bring you. One last time.  
I love you my Watson.  Run free and i hope we see each other again.
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bongrollan · 4 years
Run Free My Dear Watson
I called you Watson because i just knew you would be my loyal sidekick in life. I was never a dog person... in fact i was scared of pets and animals.  But i decided I wanted a husky.  And fate decided you were to be mine. 
And throughout the past 10 years our lives sort of revolved around each other.  All my hours outside of work were about you (and eventually your siblings too) and your life was all about me, my mom and nenen.  
You were my car-buddy who rode shotgun everytime. You were my weekend dates and even though bgc was so far away from Fairview, it didnt matter.  
You were always the social one... always the first to greet even though people wanted to greet winter (the snob) or haru (the grouch).  You were the friendliest. Always wanting attention. 
You were the only one to really talk to me... the howls, the affectionate look and the unspoken words that we both understood.  
We ran together, and when we both grew older, we walked together slowly.  But whatever the circumstance, you always knew my pace... our pace.  
As you grew older, you became mommy’s dog too. And Nenen’s.  But you were still mine on the weekends when we would walk. 
I’m so sorry you had to leave so sudden.  And I keep thinking if there was more i could’ve done.  I’m so sorry not to have been there to hold your head and paw one last time. 
Run free Watson. I wish we had walked one last time last weekend.  I miss you and love you, my heart dog.
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bongrollan · 12 years
The Sidekick
He waits every day.... even as the pups turn the living room into a frenzy of red and white... Occasionally he joins in... but only to assuage the boredom and then he returns to his position -- prone on the floor... with that longing look at the door... waiting.
Then the horn blares... sometimes it comes early in the evening (6pm being a record of late) ... but usually the vigil lasts til 8:30 or 9.  And as soon as the first honk sounds, he springs to action.  He is the first to notice... The young turks are still busy with play... but he knows what's coming through the door.  
Ears erect.... then the slight tail wag.  
Finally a howl!.... "Open the door! He's here! He's here!"
Watson may not know the exact time I get home... but he always waits up for me.  Even as the wee hours of night bear its weight on his eyelids, and the nirvana of sleep beckons, he waits.   The pups have succumbed to the night... but not Watson.  Not my sidekick... 
Sometimes, I get in tired, and he waits for me to acknowledge him.  All exhaustion and lack of energy disappear... and he starts to play.  He would nudge my hand as if to say, I missed you... let's play.   
To be fair, the others awaken too... and ask to be greeted.  For Winter, it's a face rub.  For Haru, gentle stroking of the cheek... but for my ever watchful guardian, it's all of those plus a bit more of play....  
He waited all day for me... saved some extra energy to make sure we had our bonding moments.  Despite being tired and weary from the day's commute, we play... even for a short while.  5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes... surely it's not enough for him, but sometimes that's all that i have left.  
He understands that's all i have left, and he takes it... then sleeps by my bed even though the aircon is uncomfortably cold... he'll take his position there till i sleep before he moves on to someplace more comfortable beside Haru's crate.  
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bongrollan · 12 years
Sorry, we've been quite BUSY of late.
Wow... it's been a while since we've heard from Watson... And for the most part, I'm to blame.  Rest assured, Watson's been busy busy busy.... Not just in mentoring two new pups (Winter and Haru) but also since we've started a crusade of sorts to get more people involved in Dog Sports.   Yup.  You read right... Dog Sports.  
Watson, Winter and Haru have teamed up with a few other dogs (just like the Avengers only furrier) to combat the complacency of dog owners... And so we sort of banded together and gave ourselves a cool name... (we're working on the super hero code names as we speak)... and started doing dog sports and telling everyone about it... But that was just the tip of the iceberg...  See, the problem isn't just inspiring people to get into dog sports... in a matter of months, we reached a bunch of people and planted seeds of inspiration ... the problem was or rather is... getting people started... So they're inspired.. .then what? where do they go? how can they get started? The problem was the inaccessibility of it all... And that led us to meet the nice people of Busy Paws.  So yes, we're quite BUSY of late... Our weekends (or rather every other weekend) have been spent planning and helping new aspiring dog handlers get started in dog sports.   You can follow our adventures in Facebook by liking our fan page Urbansports K9. You can also see all the good volunteer work being done over at the Busy Paws Group page. Yes... we'll be writing more soon.  Got some cool ideas for spin-offs as my two pups have personalities that don't really fit the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle universe...  
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bongrollan · 12 years
“Do more with your Dog!” These five words sum up what we at Urban Sports K9 want to convey to all our friends (past, present and future) who come to meet us on our walks or simply visit this web page. Do More With Your Dog – is more than just a slogan, or a reminder to spend time with your dog – it is our belief that our dogs can do wonderful and extraordinary things if we believe and invest time in them.  Do more with your Dog is an affirmation that our dogs have more to life than dog shows and breeding. Do more with your Dog celebrates that a dog’s life (and ours) is meant to be lived to the fullest, regardless of size, breed and pedigree.  This page, Urban Sports K9, follows the exploits of our small group of friends and our furkids as we train, compete and have fun with our dogs. We are a small barkada of dog lovers who were brought together by our love of training and spending time with our dogs. We hope that by liking our page and following our activities, we may inspire other dog-lovers and owners to spend more time with their dogs and do more stuff with them, form their own teams, and join in the various dog sports and activities that are now starting to be available here in the country.
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bongrollan · 12 years
A song of Fire and Ice
January 2012 would be remembered for a lot of things in 221B Baker Street (here in Fairview).  It marked the 2nd year of life for Watson, our beloved resident.  And it also marked what i could probably call the Game of Thrones.  (or more aptly a Song of Fire and Ice)
It so happened that two new characters took residence in our abode at 221B.  Two beings whose personalities are as different as Fire is to Ice.  
The first to arrive was a little Oriental Furball named Haru (Spring).  Just like Fire, Haru was a blazing red and had made Watson (also a red husky) look more brownish in comparison to the crimson that he carried.  Haru was a Shiba Inu, he of the cute foxy-looks.  The smallest of the Nihon Ken, he carried a fiercely confident disposition which immediately caught the respect and curiosity of Watson.  ("A walking chew toy.. hmmm...")
But the second resident was a hulking white blur.  "Winter is coming" we echoed to everyone who could hear.  And as ominous as the Stark's warning was, no one was prepared for the sight that bounded through our doors.  He was massive for a 3 month old pup, with fur that well dwarfed Watson's.  He was a polar bear waiting to be unleashed. And he was smiling.  
And so begins our Game of Thrones.  Watson, being the oldest, is now maester to two pups trying their best to annoy the living hell out of the other.  Haru, the fiery young dragon with the short fuse (or mayhaps he's a little impish lion).  And Winter the playful direwolf.  
How this all plays out, only time will tell.... Stay tuned. :)
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bongrollan · 13 years
Separation Anxiety
"Where is he?" Watson wonders...  "It's already 12 midnight and he's not home. What happened to Sherlock (or master or whatever "pet" name Watson has for me)?"  
He looks at Daddy's mom and wonders why she's coaxing him back into the room and into bed as if nothing was wrong.  "But everything is wrong... Grandma... he's not here yet."  
Watson camps out by the front door and waits... all the while wondering where daddy was...
Daddy (me) was on a plane to the US.  It's not the first time I've been on a plane and not the first time I've gone to the US.  But it's the first time Watson would experience me being away for more than a night or two.  This time, I'll be away for two weeks.  And all the while I'm wondering if Watson will resist sleep in his bid to wait for my return.  Will he resist eating as well.   The rational part of my brain understands that at some point, his survival instincts will kick in... exhaustion will provide him with a restless sleep... while hunger will ensure he'd eat.  He'll be ok... my mind tells me.  It's only two weeks... and he has tons of people at home to keep him company.
Two days later, I receive an update from my mom.  Watson had decided to initiate a search party for me.  He camps beside my car -- sniffing the door handles and the trunk and begging to come in.  My mom gives in and asks that the driver take him to the gas station.  Upon returning, Watson was not satisfied that the search yielded no Daddy... and so he proceeds to camp in my car for four hours. All this while Pacquaio was trying to survive Marquez's onslaught.  
Throughout the week, I hear news that Watson is lonely. That he howls and waits still -- a scene from Waiting for Godot... touching and tragic at the same time.  He has waited for me every night for a week.  
I wonder how long he'd do so... whether he'd summon some Hachiko-like loyalty and wait for as long as it took... or will he be jaded and cynical... and forget me like I seemingly forgot him.
Finally I arrive after two weeks away.  I asked Mom to have Watson in the car to pick me up.  But he refused to enter the SUV that Mom used to pick me up.  He'd rather ride my car... And so in a fit of stubbornness, he chose to stay behind.  Maybe thinking that any other car is a betrayal of trust... 
The door opens and a stranger walks in.  Watson smells him from afar... somewhat familiar and yet different.  The air of him seems all wrong.  He smells of fresh pine, tinges of snow (what is snow? he thinks... and yet some deep memory passed down from ancient ancestors tell him it's the white stuff that he ran in), strange dog scents (a maltese? bloodhounds? GSDs?)... and yet something altogether familiar as well...
It took him 30 seconds to sift through all the smells and layers... It's daddy. He's home!
And his tail, so still awhile ago, starts to wag.  
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bongrollan · 13 years
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Watson looking all wolfy... except for the tongue...
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bongrollan · 13 years
Game On! the Better Dog Games Recap
It was a weekend of fun, festivities and fur as Furkids and Furparents alike trooped to NUVALI for the Better Dog Games.  Teams from as far south as Bacolod, Cebu and Davao made the trip to face the fledgeling Manila team in a series of friendlies - Disc Dog, K9 Nose Work, Rally Obedience and the Coup-de-grace Event, Agility.
Disc Dog
Chardy of Team Manila struck first blood as his borders, Yuri and Cheska, showed that there was no disc too high or too far that they wouldn't catch.  Unfortunately as this event was too late in the day (for both days) Watson and I had not witnessed the feat.  But underground videos have been leaking on Facebook of how his dogs caught the disc.  (Videos have also been spotted of how Ali, a talented GSD, made sure her handler, Raine, came out looking good).
Agent 007, Yukon, ruled Rally O as did Hunter.  CJ (CJ!!! CJ!!!!) stole the show though for entirely different reasons... well he was cute... and well.... "obedient?" hehe...
But it was the two other events that Watson and I were most interested in. Agility --- ahhh the waterloo.  A year ago, Watson and I showed the world that huskies can play to a different rhythm as we decided (not as a team mind you... hmm... ok so maybe he decided) that there was more than one way to go through the agility course... and his way was apparently more interesting and fun. So with much envy and anticipation, we watched from the sidelines as teams from Manila, Cebu, Bacolod, Davao and even Malaysia compete in what i still see as the pinnacle of fun dog events.  
Manila was bannered by the Shelties (Pasha and Raja), Natasha the Golden Ret, Eddie the tire destroyer, Kahati and of course Chardy's dynamic duo of Yuri and Skye.  
But the South clearly dominated this affair with their vast arsenal of Collies, JRTs and aspins (?).  Dutch, Ryan's Border Collie, was a lean mean jumping machine who even trained on the tarmacs of Cebu Airport... if that's not an indication of how loaded this team was, i don't know what is.
But despite all that thunder, it was little CJ, again, who stole the show. The cute fluffy one showed that speed and accuracy are things to be in awe of... but nothing beats cute.
K9 Nosework
Ahh.. finally we come to the event we've worked and trained so hard for.  The ninjas were out in full force for this.  Yukon (Agent 007) was a monster early on... showing that nice guys need not finish last in any event. (he did finish first in Rally O).  Milo (the PacMan from the South) was equally up to the challenge and kept abreast of Yukon every step of the way.  Percy was a hyper dynamo.Hershey was simply Super and Ready Set Jett! showed that 
one could indicate with flair and even newbies Eddie and Shania showed that with perseverance and heart, one could cram their way into a good finish.
But the weekend belonged to the fluffy cute ones... as Wilma Wunderpantz proved the quickest nose in the WEst.  Overcoming insurmountable odds, the  dog formerly known as Courage and powered by veggies showed that one could zoom in on the scent against the big boys and win it all.
Oh and where were we in all this? Watson did extremely well in ORT and felt that was good enough.  He entertained the crowd by sprinkling his way through the trials.  But in his defense, he looked extremely handsome and happy doing it.  
As our Jedi Master Raine always says... with Watson you never know who's coming to the party - the good Watson or the bad Watson.  Well good Watson came to Nuvali on Saturday.  Bad Watson probably felt envious of the whole thing and decided he wanted in on the action too.
But after all was said and done, it was a fun weekend for both man and dog.  Thanks to everyone who made it happen.   
(PS I borrowed pics of Nosework from Rolly Ceballos and Marla Nicandro as I wasn't allowed to take pics because we were competing)
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bongrollan · 13 years
Back to Basics
Typhoon Pedring ravaged Luzon today and as super typhoons go, Metro Manila was not spared from the rampaging winds and endless downpour. I guess, I am one of the lucky ones.  Our house (and our subdivision) is usually spared from untoward incidents like man-high floods, flying GI sheets that can behead unknowing bystanders, crashing billboards and other possible permutations that could go wrong.  I am even luckier in that I had opted to take a leave for the day... True, it probably turned out wasted, since I was stuck at home the whole day, but I was spared of possible traffic or just plain anxiety of the commute.  
So despite being imprisoned in my own home, I had steeled myself up for a day of Watson, the little Rollan-Lugapo kids (Gaby and Rafy), home-cooked food, a day with Mommy, Chay and Jay, and my Xbox (and i had tons of games untouched or unfinished that I could renew a love affair with). So, despite the possibility of a postponed Finals game for Ateneo (the reason for my leave), I had my back up plan all lined up.  
Except I didn't foresee the day long black out.  Or that I failed to fully charge my phones, laptops, and IPADs.  The rains also meant that Watson had to stay indoors - and if you've ever owned a husky, you know that is a dreadful proposition both for furparent and furkid.  
It took only 2 hours before my Mac conked out.  The IPADs lasted an extra two hours.  Then... nothing, save for the howl of my wolf who wanted to go out.  
In the absence of any technology whatsoever, we resorted to the oldest form of social networking - good old-fashioned story telling.  We drummed up old stories of Daddy, finding an eager and unadulterated audience in Gaby, who had never met him.  It was the story of the jacket in Hong Kong, the earthquake in Baguio, the missing plastic leaf in Saisaki. There were stories about Mommy too... The goat (Kambing) in HKG, the soup that cost as much as dinner, and so on.  There's something about old stories... oft retold... that seem to come alive with each retelling.  New details are remembered (or perhaps added) and the story lives in new generations.
I sometimes reflect that this is probably how legends started... with simple stories told in the pitch dark, and the absence of any other activity.  Simple stories that are oft retold.... until, to paraphrase Barney Stinson, they gain a life and truth of their own and become.. Legen... wait for it... dary! 
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bongrollan · 13 years
Farewell, dear friend.
Watson was little more than a toddler - 4 or 5 months of age when Watson and I first set eyes on him and his person.  He was massive, a giant - both literally (he dwarfed his person, a wisp of a lady) as well as figuratively - his body of work and accomplishments cast a huge shadow on all that sought to follow his footsteps. He was a golden-haired Titan of Greek mythology - both intimidating and inviting as well. Watson and I had heard of Cash and his exploits from the accounts we found on the web. But to see and meet The Golden Retriever in the fur still took our collective breaths away.    
We've only known him for a little over a year. A year is but a short span of time for us persons, yet for Watson and his kind, a year is a lifetime in itself -- or seven years if some pundits are to believed.  And through that year, we've seen Cash best Watson in every task we set out to do together.  He was the better athlete (agile and obedient as he weaved through the agility course), the better detective (constantly raising the bar in Nose work) and the better gentleman (who did little to trouble Kris during walks... save for brief hand-brake moments).  Yet, instead of being a nemesis to our tandem, Cash and Kris served as our inspiration - constantly raising the bar for what performance limits human and furkid tandems could break.  They blazed trails and challenged boundaries.  
Cash and Kris also served as beacons of how pure and absolute human and furkid relations could be.  I have yet to see a pair so bonded unconditionally. Kris was the perfect picture of devotion to a furkid.  And Cash was her mirror.  Equally loyal and loving.  
 Watson had looked forward to more adventures, with talks of Ninjas and Superheroes.  Sadly, last Friday, Cash had passed on to the Rainbow bridge after a full life filled with adventures and unconditional love. 
We will miss our classmate so much.  He was a drink buddy, a walking companion, and so much more.  We hope that we could continually be challenged to reach what he had achieved - a life full of accolades and adventures, and more importantly a life full of love.
To Cash, thank you for the moments you made us laugh, made us smile and inspired us. You will live in our hearts and minds.
To Kris, we are really sorry for your loss. I have only known your boy for a short time and am so grateful that he has touched my life as he has.  Know that Watson and I are here for you if you need anything.  
(picture of Watson, Cash and Hershey during Ninja practice)
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bongrollan · 13 years
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Go Ateneo! One big fight!!!
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bongrollan · 13 years
UAAP Recap: Sorry Falcons
My heart bleeds Blue... The Royal Blue and White of the Ateneo Blue Eagles that is. And anyone who knows me knows how fiercely loyal my family members and I are to the Blue and White.  But I am a fan of good basketball too... And a part of me does feel sorry that ADU did not make their fairy tale trip to the finals.
The other Blue Bird (the Falcons) should've, in my opinion, been in the Finals.  They pose the biggest threat to the Blue Eagles.  In all honesty, the season record should've been 0-2 in favor of the Falcons, as the first game's fourth quarter collapse does not do this team justice.  They are bigger and more experienced.  And they have the best coach not named Norman Black.  They were the number one team on defense and played a disciplined game... such a far cry from Falcon teams of old that relied on perceived talent and so filled with egos.
Unfortunately, they lost their season the day they stopped ADMU from its sweep.  The high of beating the Eagles Black and Blue and stopping a 29 game losing streak was the highlight of their season, when it should've been seen as just a step toward the real prize. 
I'm saddened that this little team that could, that was not as richly funded, that was the perennial underdog, wilted when it counted most.  I feel sorry for Leo Austria, most of all.  He made the most of the tools and players he had. 
Too bad, since I think this is their best chance of a championship appearance.  I don't believe that they'll win it all though... as I think it would still be the Eagles who would take it all home.  
Sorry Falcons.  Maybe next year.... 
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bongrollan · 13 years
All Things Great and Small
"Enjoy the Little Things" - Zombieland Rule # 32
I've taken quite a hiatus from writing, though I'd like to assure everyone that both Watson and myself are very much alive and in good health.  I think it was the absence of major, heart-rendering or earth-shaking incidents that have made me shy away from the keyboard.  
For the most part, the past few weeks were a series of mornings where i trudge off to work as Watson sleeps and where I arrive weary from a long commute while Watson waits for his pats and rub-downs.  
So basically, it was a lot of ho-hum (punctuated by two Tribe walks and a great outdoor run at a secret location... but more of that latter).  
The one constant in all of the ennuit though is Watson.  
They say that dogs are man's best friend. And i guess the past few days put that to the test. If Watson were made of considerably less fur, and stood on two legs, I'm pretty sure, I would be in the market for a new best friend after the past two months.  Sure, we did stuff... But would it be enough to keep a best friend (and one who would probably suffer from bouts of hormone imbalance, ADHD, and occasional wander lust and shopping fits).
And yet, I am greeted with the same eager eyes every evening  - the same tail wag that attempts to wipe away my exhaustion and the same playful bow that attempts to put more aches and sores in my back already weary from work.  And on the weekends? There is always that sense of wonder at where we would go next... even if it's the same place over and over again.  He doesn't seem to care, for as long as he gets to go... or as I'd like to think, for as long as I go with him.  
Little things I take for granted as I long for the next grand adventure... He takes as the highlight of his now... For dogs truly live in the present, the 1.5 seconds that hold his attention span... nothing else matters but what happens right at this instant. No past and no dreams of the future.  Just the now.
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bongrollan · 13 years
Ravena's acrobatic no-look pass to Salva for a dunk.
13-0, 1 more to go.  How sweep it is to be loved by BLUE!!!  One Big Fight.  
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bongrollan · 13 years
Who do you belong to, really?
My not-quite-two year old godchild, Rafy, exclaims, "That's my doggie. He is such a good boy like Rafy and Ateneo"  (ok, we sort of have him indoctrinated to cheer for my alma mater and thinks that Blue and White are the colors of Heaven's warriors)
What doggie? I look around the house... And the only furball I see is Watson.  
"What's the name of your dog, Rafy?"  I ask suspiciously.
"Watson!!!" he chimes happily. "Watson is a good doggie" And as he says those words, I spy my furball sidekick smiling sheepishly in the corner.  
When did this happen? I wonder.  In a short span of a month, I have "lost" my dog to a two year old.  Not that it bothers me so much. The more people at the household who end up loving Watson is good.  But my sneaky furkid has been winning hearts and minds at home like a crazed tele-evangelist.
He's already won over my mom who he sees as the never-ending treat dispenser and his personal Masseuse. (Back rub please... he howls).
He's entranced my sister-in-law whom he would rather run to than me (hint of envy here).
And now, he's captured the imagination of a two year old.  And how? By watching Rafy play basketball in the living room every night.  
I sometimes wonder who he sees as his master.  Or whether he has any masters, for that matter.  Are we just pawns in his game of chess.  Mommy is the Masseuse, my sister-in-law, the playmate, and me? the Driver.   He seems to have roles for all of us... my sneaky Mastermind.  
And then there's little Rafy.  He doesn't jump on Rafy like he jumps on everyone else. There is no playbiting and no rough play with the young master from the 2nd floor. No howling either.  
Hmm... come to think of it...  They both entered the household at about the same time.  And I envision more walks between the two as Rafy gets older.  Maybe Rafy is the Sherlock to my Watson.  And I'm just the Nanny/Driver.  Haha...
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