bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
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(in order from top photo to bottom)
In 2004, Pearl Mali was raped for the first time by an elderly man whom her mother brought home from church. She was 12 years old. The man raped her in her bedroom almost daily until she was 16 years old. “My mother didn’t want me to be gay so she asked him to move in and be my husband. She hoped it would change me.” 
In December 2009, Zukiswa Gaca left a party to buy cigarettes. A man, who knew she was a lesbian, accompanied her. He deceptively led her to a shack where someone was sleeping. “He said he was going to show me I was a woman so he took off his pants and put a blanket over the man sleeping on the bed. He raped me in front of his friend who just lay there under the blanket.”
 In November 1994, Thamsanqa Mdluli was gang raped. During the attack, one of the men told Thamsanqa that they were raping him to restore his manhood. 
In 2001, Tebogo Motswagi, a transgender woman was raped by seven men and penetrated with a broomstick. 
In June 2010, Lindeka Stulo was attacked by a man while walking home. He slammed her head into a nearby wall with a heavy crate. Two weeks later, the same man struck her on the back of the head with a bar. “You are a girl, not a boy,” she remembers hearing. “I am going to beat you until you stop what you are doing with other girls.” 
A South African gay rights organization says it deals with up to 10 “corrective rapes” every week. WEEKLY!
South Africa has one of the world’s highest rates of sexual assault. According to a 2009 government survey, one in four men admit to having sex with a woman who did not consent to intercourse, and nearly half of these men admitted to raping more than once. An earlier government study found that a majority of rapes were committed by friends and acquaintances of the victim.
Just as disturbing is a practice called “corrective rape” — the rape of trans women, trans men, gay men and lesbians to “cure” them of who they authentically are.
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
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The bonkaistanclub has the honor of doing the first Kai Parker Appreciation Week. You are all cordially invited to participate.
The topics for each day of the appreciation week:
Day 1 [October 1]  –  Kai + the moment you fell in love with him 
Day 2 [October 2]  –  Kai + favorite scene
Day 3 [October 3]  –  Kai + favorite quote
Day 4 [October 4]  –  Kai + favorite outfit
Day 5 [October 5]  –  Kai + funniest moment
Day 6 [October 6]  –  Kai + most underrated moment
Day 7 [October 7]  –  Kai + what you will remember him the most for
Allowed are all kinds of artwork, such as
fan fictions
Please tag everything you post for this project with
You are free to create as many posts for each topic as you like, however you like. No rules, except the topics. Every post will be reblogged on bonkaistanclub. Please be aware that we only reblog your post, if it’s your own artwork and not reposted from anybody else (even if you give proper credit). If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask bonkaiforever or winchestersdarling :)
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
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But I can’t. Because the only way I can survive is if you help me. And I’d like to live, frankly. Because I didn’t get to do a lot of that when everyone decided that I wasn’t worth it.
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
It looks like conversation between Klaus and Kai.
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Kai x Klaus
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
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Iris West-Allen and Wally West
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
Hello Bonkai Family!!
I think you all have maybe been waiting for this?? Thank you to malachaibennett for helping me figure this out!! Enjoy!
I am still so pissed they deleted this scene!! Oh and sorry about the Caroline/Liz scene at the end, it got tacked on there somehow.
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
I just want edits of Wes x Michaela and I feel like I'm very alone on this ship
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
wanna know something funny? ‘jaha’ in swedish means ‘’oh well’’ 
and it’s funny because 
wells jaha 
wells oh well
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
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AU The 100 Aesthetics + Modern Wells Jaha
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
Homage to @smithespis and @miguelangelsilvestre with Tuppence
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
the 100 s3 wishlist
miller gets a storyline
miller gets screentime
miller builds his relationship with his dad
miller gets a new love interest (i volunteer myself) 
monty gets screentime
monty gets a storyline without jasper
monty and raven become friends
monty makes a bunch of new friends
jasper dies
raven dumps wick and gets with bellamy
bellamy gets a storyline without clarke
raven is happy the whole season (no torturing my baby)
octavia and indra reconcile
indra and lincoln become good friends
lincoln and octavia break up (sorry guys, their relationship is really wierd and is filled with racist undertones)
lincoln gets a storyline that makes him happy (no torturing my baby lincoln)
more history about the blakes family
more bellamy/octavia interactions
octavia and raven become friends
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
the signs as the 100's racism
aries: killing off wells and giving his peacekeeper storyline to a white boy
taurus: killing off anya and replacing her with a white girl in brownface wearing a bindi
gemini: bellamy and jaha having to work for their redemption while murphy can just be sassy even though he disabled a latina and peed on a black boy
cancer: jasper getting the mount weather storyline over monty and miller, even though he has no skills what so ever and was supposed to die in the first episode but didn't because the writer like the actor who played him
leo: displaying the grounders as savages for the white girls to save/rule over because white feminism
virgo: sidelining the poc main/regular characters for white girl in brownface and bindi
libra: torturing mostly poc in disturbing ways
scorpio: having a white girl hit a black man and teach him about his own culture
sagittarius: having a white man (who is played by a kkk member) be the white knight to the disabled Latina
capricorn: using Buddhism, Hinduism, dreads, etc. on white people to make it exotic and quirky
aquarius: having the fandom call bellamy whitepassing while the fandom throws racial slurs at him
pisces: now two white savior girls in brownface while the actual poc continue to get sidelined when will this end
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
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So get this, David Gyasi(the main actor in Containment), favorited a bonkai edit from the amazing vanekaufman . He wasn’t even tagged in this tweet.
But he was tagged in a Containment edit yet chose to favorite this bonkai one instead. 
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Not only that but he also follows the wonderful likeouch 
David Gyasi a bonkai shipper? ;)
Move over Brochu, I think Chris Wood has found a new co-star to fangirl over bonkai with.
I hope for Gyasi’s sake that Julie never finds out.
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
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bonkaiiiiii-blog · 9 years
OMG did I write Linctavia again?! Hoorah!
Afficher davantage
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