bonnielassie23 · 6 months
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bonnielassie23 · 6 months
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bonnielassie23 · 6 months
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bonnielassie23 · 6 months
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bonnielassie23 · 6 months
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bonnielassie23 · 6 months
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bonnielassie23 · 6 months
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bonnielassie23 · 8 months
Is this a kdrama, or your life? An old friend asks for a favour. There's trouble ahead and a shit tone of awkwardness. Season one of your life has come to an end.
This is a y/n story with Jhope as the male lead. She's smart and sweet, but life can be cruel and downright fucked up.
If yall like it, let me know and I will post more parts.
Joy and Hope has 18 parts and on wattpad already, and it is part of a 3 event series.
This is the wattpad link if you want to read.
I'm very new on this app and not sure what I'm doing yet x
"Thank you so much for helping me out, I can't get there for a few days, my visa was delayed , then not sent with the groups and now I cant get a flight to join them. You're a life saver, and I won't forget it. You're an angel, and I owe you big time!"
Nicole is your old college friend. She's called out of the blue with a favour.
You are flying to Sweden from Germany, where you have been working for a few months. Nicole works for a band in Korea, and the members are having some sort of vacation. A mix-up with visa dates, and you're now helping out until she can get there. You don't know the band, there's not much call for knowing them in Europe. Most people here have only heard of Psy, and that's because his song made it to the US.
Arriving in the hostel, you realise its been booked out for the guys and their camera crew and security and managers. Maybe they are the next big boy band! The security member meets you at reception, you fill out a few different pieces of paperwork, sign a confidentiality form, and are escorted to your room.
The manager waits while you put away your small luggage case, and he walks you to the common room. This is when you are introduced to the band. There's seven of them and maybe four other people in their entourage. It's a quick "hello, I'm Nicole's friend, I'm only here for a day or two, and then she will take over." Nicole has told them about you and a little of how you met. What she didn't tell you is that they are all very handsome and sweet.
Its not that you don't interact with them. They are kind of shy, so except to help with the usual directions and how to pay for shit they don't really speak too much. Well, some of them don't. One of them understands and speaks English well. The others not so much. The members greet you in Korean and sometimes English, its kind of cute when they throw out random English words. The management have gifted them this holiday for their hard work, its also a way for them to build deeper bonds and create memories. They are filming their time on this holiday and showing some of it to their fans. It seems strange that this private time would be filmed for their fans to enjoy later. But hey, the K-pop industry is not something you know a lot about.
Fast forward two years and some change.
You've been dating someone since returning to Germany. He's from South Korea, 3 months older than you, honey toned skin, dark brown hair, a soft face, and a warm heart. He's got a great body, too. But he enlists 18 months of mandatory service in the military. Not one to sit around, you make use of the time to work overseas and go back whenever possible for his days off.
His name is 이 동진 (Lee DongJin). He's not the most exciting sexual partner, but he loves you. You have met his family, and they love you too. While working in Tokyo,'Cole' asks for another favour. You guys have kept in touch since your last favour. Going for girls' nights out and shopping days when you're in the same country. The band she was assigned to has become quite well known in Korea and has also been on tour to some parts of Europe and the US.
Nicole has asked you to cover for her in the US next month, she's hurt her leg and won't be able to fly, plus "it's only a few days and you've worked with him before, please" she whinges down the phone. You say yes. It's all money for your life with DongJin for when he gets out of the military. The flights and hotel have been booked. You will be able to complete the contract you're on, then fly to Seoul, where you can do a few errands and then onward to LA. Easy.
You know it's for a member, but you're not sure which one. It doesn't matter. it's a few days contract with 3 languages. DongJin is being discharged in 3 and half months, and you're looking forward to starting your life together
Once you land in Incheon, and head back to your apartment in Hongdae. The apartment block is huge and part of a larger community. on the sight there is a gym, a small shopping complex, it's also located next to the subway. There is a reasonable sized park area where you can walk around and enjoy the trees and flowers. You like being outside, especially in spring and autumn.
Inside your block, there is a vase lobby with a concierge. the mail boxes are situated to the left of the reception desk and the elevators to the right. You take the elevator up to your floor. it's a smooth ride and only takes about a minute. there's a large window on each floor with a beautiful view of the city.
The keypad lights up but makes no noise at this time of night. When walking thru the entrance and living area, you see different sized boxes, 'did I not tidy those away the last time i was here?' you think, 'is that a tux?' That's when you check the bedroom and see DongJin sleeping in your bed. But next to him is a bride.
You snap a pic and leave. You don't know why. Maybe your eyes are playing tricks on you. You don't know why, but you record a video of how your house is. The paintings are the soft furnishings and the electronics. You see the laptop you gave him the phone you bought him before he left for service you pick that up too and leave. You say to the night guard that there will be someone by tomorrow to change the key code. you thank him for his work.
Catching a taxi is easy. You go to a hotel not too far from your apartment. Once inside, you scream. 'Shit, fuck, what the hell was that. ok Booze'
Once you get thru a bottle of whisky you sleep.
You wake with a fire inside your belly and a matching band in your head. You call your fa (finance advisor) tell them what's going on and they make a group call to their in house lawyer. DongJin still doesn't know he has been found out. The Lawyers smile can be felt through the voice call.
They set in motion a plan to cut him out of your life for good and fast but you have to leave for work or you won't be able to pay.
Back story
In primary school. Your teacher set your class up with pen pals. She, being from Germany and doing a yrs exchange, thinks this is a great idea, you all start writing to her other class back home.
This goes on for the year. Most of the class don't care about it but you love it. You learn German kind of fast. You send more than one letter to your new friend a month while the rest of the class barley get through the required one every 5 weeks.
Your family take summer vacations and the last few yrs it's been France. So you have made friends with some of the locals. you also write letters to them. its only natural for you to pick up their language as well.
Yip your one of those kids. You love learning.
By the time your sitting your exams in high school, instead of taking the broad subjects like a science or creative arts you focus on languages. Already you have the French and German certificates, that you sat in 1st and 2nd Yr. In 3rd and fourth year you added Spanish and Japanese. You love to challenge yourself and your teachers encourage it.
Now that your a little older and know what you want to do with your life, Instead of family vacations you spend holidays living with your dad's sister who lives in Norway. You gain entry to one of the colleges and spend 2 yrs there. Your now, Almost 19yrs old. You have 5 languages with the corresponding certifications at your disposal. You wanted to work at the un. Not because you particularly cared for the politics but you could do the job of 5
people so you were in demand. After a year you want to go exploring. So you take 2 yrs out. Go visit the countries and really learn the languages. Meeting many wonderful people. When In Japan you find a love for Korean cuisine and take a trip with some European friends. After 3 weeks doing the tourist thing you fall deeper for the country so spend 6months teaching and tutoring students.
Over the next few years you bounce around Europe, Japan and Korea. 2016 and your working in Germany on a contract for some business. It's boring at times and its really helping the company staff with their English pronunciations and spelling. the upside to this contract is, your closer to your family so can see them more. You miss your younger sister.
While there your friend Nicole calls you.
Surprised but happy you get to chatting.
"Hey babes, i have a favour to ask..."
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bonnielassie23 · 9 months
Anyone interested in a hobi fan fiction.
Im really new to this app. Someone suggested I post it on here.
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#hobi #jhope #ffhobi #newhere
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