bonsai-beauty-basics · 5 months
The Extension Master Gardeners Program: Cultivating Knowledge and Community
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Empowering Volunteers to Transform Gardens and Communities
For over 50 years, the Extension Master Gardeners (EMG) program has been training volunteers across the nation who have a passion for horticulture and assisting with gardening education in their community. Today, Extension Master Gardener programs can be found in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This work is supported in part by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s capacity funding.
What was established in 1973 in Washington state has grown to more than 77,000 experienced and 12,500 new Extension Master Gardeners.
EMG volunteers share their gardening knowledge by teaching workshops, managing demonstration and community gardens, speaking at events, and staffing garden information helplines. According to the most recent reports, the more than 89,000 EMG volunteers contributed 4.9 million hours in community volunteerism in 2023, valued at $157 million in donated time nationwide. These volunteers collectively reached 10 million people through their work.
Extension Master Gardeners also donated over 1 million pounds of produce to communities in need, estimated at $2.3 million in donations. In many states, EMG volunteers work garden helplines, answering questions from the public. The Extension Master Gardeners information helplines provide individuals with the opportunity to ask EMG volunteers gardening or landscaping questions and receive research-based answers specific to their location.
Making an Impact through Helplines
The University of Vermont Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program aims to develop and promote effective education and outreach programs to improve IPM practice. With the help of the Master Gardeners Helpline, 63% of helpline clients implemented the IPM strategies recommended and 61% reduced or avoided the use of pesticides, saving $137 per client on pesticide costs.
The Alabama Extension Master Gardeners Helpline answered over 168,000 garden questions, which totaled a reach of 311,253 public contacts, according to the 2022 Impact Report.
Penn State University Extension Master Gardeners answered over 3,000 questions related to garden planning, plant propagation, or plant selection. Ninety-four percent of hotline users found the information they received useful, according to the recent impact report.
The number of gardening questions to the Oregon State University “Ask Extension” service has grown almost 600% from 6,203 questions in 2019 to 41,676 in 2022. Master Gardener volunteers answered almost 90% of the questions in 2022.
Creating Lasting Change in Communities
The Extension Master Gardeners program extends beyond providing gardening advice. Volunteers actively contribute to their communities by managing demonstration and community gardens, teaching workshops, and speaking at events. Their efforts have resulted in tangible impacts.
Extension Master Gardeners donated over 1 million pounds of produce to communities in need, estimated at $2.3 million in donations. This fresh, locally grown food helps address food insecurity and promotes healthier eating habits.
The EMG program also plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly gardening practices. By implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, EMG volunteers have helped reduce pesticide use and promote natural pest control methods. This not only saves money for gardeners but also protects the environment and human health.
Furthermore, the Extension Master Gardeners program has a strong focus on education. Through workshops, demonstrations, and speaking engagements, volunteers empower individuals to develop their gardening skills and knowledge. This education extends to schools and youth programs, fostering a love for gardening and nature in the younger generation.
A Network of Knowledge and Support
The Extension Master Gardeners program creates a network of knowledgeable and passionate individuals who can provide guidance and support to gardeners of all skill levels. Whether it's troubleshooting a plant problem or seeking advice on sustainable gardening practices, EMG volunteers are there to help.
With the growth of gardening interest in recent years, the demand for gardening information and assistance has skyrocketed. The Extension Master Gardeners program has risen to the challenge, expanding its helpline services to meet the needs of the public. From answering thousands of questions about plant selection to providing guidance on pest management, these volunteers are a valuable resource for gardeners across the country.
The Extension Master Gardeners program has had a profound impact on communities nationwide. Through their dedication and expertise, EMG volunteers have transformed gardens, educated the public, and made a lasting difference in the lives of millions. From teaching workshops to answering helpline questions, these passionate individuals continue to cultivate knowledge and community, one garden at a time.
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bonsai-beauty-basics · 5 months
Transform Your Small Space with Charming Garden Ideas
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Spruce up Your Outdoor Space with These Budget-Friendly Hacks
Nurturing a garden can bring immense joy and satisfaction. The presence of lush greenery and vibrant flowers can instantly transform any outdoor space. Whether you have a small yard, a balcony, or a patio, there are numerous creative and budget-friendly ways to create a charming garden.
In this article, we will explore a range of small garden ideas that cater to different preferences and skill levels. From building raised garden beds to creating unique vertical gardens and incorporating potted plants, there is something for everyone. Let's dive in and discover how you can turn your small space into a haven of natural beauty.
Landscaping and Raised Garden Beds
Landscaping your front yard or backyard is a fantastic way to enhance the overall appeal of your home. It not only adds visual interest but also creates a welcoming atmosphere. For small spaces, consider incorporating raised garden beds.
These beds not only provide a designated area for your plants but also help to maximize space and improve drainage. You can build raised beds using various materials such as wood, concrete blocks, or even recycled materials like old pallets. Choose plants that thrive in your climate and arrange them in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
Whether you opt for colorful flowers or a mix of vegetables and herbs, raised garden beds are a versatile and practical solution for small gardens.
Vertical Gardens and Potted Plants
If you have limited ground space, vertical gardens and potted plants are excellent options for adding greenery to your small space. Vertical gardens utilize vertical wall space to grow plants, making them perfect for balconies or walls. You can create a vertical garden by using hanging planters, wall-mounted pots, or even repurposed items like shoe organizers or old wooden pallets.
This not only adds visual interest but also maximizes the use of space. Potted plants are another great way to add charm to your small garden. Choose a variety of plants with different heights, textures, and colors to create a visually appealing display.
You can place them on shelves, tables, or hang them from the ceiling to add a touch of nature to your space.
DIY Projects for Garden Décor
If you enjoy do-it-yourself projects, there are plenty of creative ideas to add a personal touch to your garden. Consider repurposing everyday items to create unique and eye-catching garden décor. For example, you can turn vinyl gutters into planters and hang them on your porch railing.
This modern and innovative approach not only saves space but also adds a touch of elegance to your outdoor area. Another idea is to hang fresh herbs from a wooden palette, creating a functional and visually appealing herb garden. Additionally, you can get organized by crafting your own plant markers using materials like rocks, popsicle sticks, or even wine corks.
These DIY projects allow you to showcase your creativity while adding character to your small garden.
Building Water Features
A small garden can be enhanced with the addition of a water feature. The soothing sound of running water creates a peaceful atmosphere and adds a sense of tranquility to your outdoor space. Consider building a small fish pond or a bubble fountain.
A fish pond not only adds visual interest but also provides a habitat for aquatic plants and fish. A bubble fountain, on the other hand, creates a mesmerizing display of cascading water bubbles. Another idea is to incorporate an arched trellis covered in trailing plants, creating a serene and picturesque setting.
These water features can be customized to fit your space and personal style, adding a touch of elegance and serenity to your small garden.
Planning and Plant Selection
When creating a small garden, it is important to plan ahead and choose the right plants for your space. Consider the sunlight, soil, and water requirements of each plant before making your selection. Take into account the size and growth habits of the plants to ensure they fit well in your small garden.
If you have limited sunlight, opt for shade-loving plants or those that thrive in partial shade. If you live in an area with limited rainfall, choose drought-tolerant plants that require less water. By carefully selecting your plants and understanding their needs, you can create a thriving and low-maintenance garden in your small space.
Transforming a small space into a charming garden is a rewarding endeavor. With the right ideas and creative solutions, you can create a haven of natural beauty that brings joy and tranquility to your outdoor space. Whether you choose to incorporate raised garden beds, vertical gardens, potted plants, or DIY garden décor, there are endless possibilities to explore.
Remember to plan ahead and choose plants that are well-suited to your space and climate. Embrace your creativity and enjoy the process of creating a small garden that reflects your personal style and brings nature closer to your home.
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bonsai-beauty-basics · 5 months
Local Landscaping Company to Develop Staging and Storage Area in Levittown
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Elements Landscaping Receives Approval for Redevelopment Project
A local landscaping company, Elements Landscaping, has received approval from the Bristol Township Council to develop a 1.8-acre lot on Levittown Parkway. The company plans to create a staging and storage area, which will include a 4,000-square-foot pole barn, parking area, and storage sheds. The project aims to beautify the site and blend in with the local community.
Concerns about traffic and the use of a gravel parking lot were raised during the approval process, but the company has agreed to address these issues. This redevelopment is seen as a positive step towards enhancing the condition of Levittown Parkway.
Elements Landscaping's Redevelopment Plans
Elements Landscaping, a small company with about 10 employees, intends to develop the 1.8-acre lot on Levittown Parkway. The company has received preliminary and final land development approval from the Bristol Township Council. The plans include the construction of a 4,000-square-foot pole barn, a large parking area, and several storage sheds. To ensure the site blends in with the local community, the company will enclose it with a line of arborvitaes and a fence. The aim is to create a staging and storage area that is aesthetically pleasing and functional for the company's operations.
Addressing Concerns and Obtaining Waivers
During the approval process, concerns were raised about traffic and the impact on the area. Council Member Patrick Antonello expressed particular concerns about the number of employees and the use of a gravel parking lot. In response, Bryce McGuigan, the attorney for Elements Landscaping, assured the council that the gravel parking lot would be treated to prevent it from affecting Levittown Parkway. He also mentioned that paving the parking lot is a planned future improvement. Additionally, the council approved several waivers for the project, including the requirement for sidewalks and marking parking spots.
Enhancing the Parkway's Condition
The site on Levittown Parkway has faced challenges in the past, including issues with homelessness and illegal dumping. The redevelopment of the site by Elements Landscaping is seen as a beneficial project that could enhance the condition of the parkway. By removing the scrub brush, enclosing the area with arborvitaes and a fence, and adding aesthetic enhancements, the company aims to transform the site into a visually appealing space that fits in with the local community. This redevelopment is expected to have a positive impact on the overall appearance of Levittown Parkway.
Relocation Plans for Elements Landscaping
Elements Landscaping plans to relocate to the new site following the redevelopment of its previous location. The company specializes in landscaping, lawn care, and hardscaping. With approximately 10 employees, the company's daily operations involve employees arriving in the morning and departing for various job sites. They then return to the staging and storage area in the late afternoon. The new site will provide a more convenient and functional space for the company's operations.
The approval of Elements Landscaping's redevelopment project on Levittown Parkway marks a significant step towards enhancing the condition of the area. The company's plans to create a staging and storage area, complete with a pole barn, parking area, and storage sheds, will not only benefit the company but also contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of the parkway. By addressing concerns raised during the approval process and obtaining necessary waivers, Elements Landscaping is committed to ensuring the project aligns with the local community's needs and expectations.
This redevelopment is a positive development for Levittown and showcases the company's commitment to creating functional and visually pleasing spaces.
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