boobita · 7 years
Breakfast Restaurant in St. Catharines
Click here for a fully regulated and licensed establishment. Ever wonder what sort of regulation and licensing restaurants are required by law to pass? Inspection and disclosure system is implemented which requires all food establishments to:
1. Meet or exceed all of the requirements and standards in the Ontario Food Premises Regulation 562, as amended, made under the Health Protection and Promotion Act.
2. Comply with the new requirements under Toronto's Municipal Code 545-Licensing.
What is exactly included in municipal codes. Well they require eating and drinking establishments (ie. Every place where food items are intended for human consumption, made for sale, offered for sale, stored or sold) to do the following:
- Post the food safety inspection notice in obvious place that is visible to patrons (such as near entrance of the establishment)
- Post the eating and drinking establishment licence next to the food safety inspection notice
- Produce copies of all inspection reports relating to the currently posted disclosure notice for your establishment, when requested by a patron/visitor. 
- Notify Municipal Licensing and Standard Division if there is a chance in the management of control of the establishment
- Municipal Licensing and Standard Division of any change or changes to the operation of the business that may result in “risk classification changes”, at least 30 days prior to the change. 
One of the more detailed documents can be found under Toronto – DineSafe section. 
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