boodyism-blog · 8 years
Not fitting into Asian beauty standards.
When I type “Asian beauty” into Pinterest and Google, or any other search engine. The women on there look like white skinned, wide-eyed ghost children with pointy V chins.
This is a crushing blow. Since when did Asian beauty standards become this?
For starters, most of us (Asians) don’t look like this. Atleast, not born looking like this. Joe Manganeillo didn’t come out of the womb chiselled like a Greek god. He worked his ass off in the gym and kitchen to become the Joe Manganeillo we know today.
Plastic surgery is mainstream in Asia, and to Asians everywhere. I’ve had work done, and so has my mother. It’s not a big deal to us. But I still don’t look like these ghost children.
My eyes aren’t large, my chin isn’t V shaped, my nose is round, I have curves and I’m tan. Naturally tan. I sit next to a lightbulb and I tan. These aren’t qualities that the Internet considers beautiful for an Asian woman.
I’m okay with that. Comparing oneself to models isn’t healthy. Those photos have been photoshopped, these models have been made up to look that way. But do you know what’s sexy and attractive? Your confidence, how you wear it and what you goddamn do with what you have. Look in the mirror, do your makeup, wear that dress and do your hair. Do you like what you see? Then it doesn’t matter, because beauty is not only how you perceive yourself, but also the confidence you carry.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
Definitely worth a mention. Thanks girl.
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Jesus christ THIS GUY COULD NOT EVEN WAIT AN HOUR BEFORE TRYING IT ON AGAIN. I tried to be polite. I tried so fucking hard. I gave him SO many opportunities to just leave, to stop messaging. Please, any sugar babies in and around Sydney, WATCH OUT FOR THIS GUY. He doesn’t know the meaning of no, and that could mean he could get very dangerous very quickly.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
Shiiit. I've done this and guys be like "you dropped your keys"...
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
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Words to live by.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
Look what's happened to Woody Allen. That's some pedophile shit he's done and yet he's still making films and winning oscars.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
Damn I need this woman in my life.
I've been fired from multiple jobs... *sits waiting to become the Oprah of asians*
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Sage advice. See more highlights from Drake’s superb SNL.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
That's my grandmother!!
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you’ve been visited by the ✨grandma of prosperity✨🍻 reblog for good fortune and mad cash 💰💸💥🔫💸💰
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
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This isn't mine. But it certainly echoes within me.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
Amen to that. Stop calling dangerous poor men Salts!
These Salt Daddies
Who are vex about women wanting sugar daddies
My dude, if you’re too broke for an SB why the FUCK don’t you do what all the other broke dudes do which is to just find an affair with a normal person. You know like Norma at your local pub who is divorced
Like I don’t get the salt daddy obsession to ‘scam’ SB’s if u aren’t buying what the SB’s are selling or into the concept or too broke for it why not just…..leave it alone?
Move on with your life?
These girls clearly see themselves as a luxury experience
Cos when I was broke I didn’t go into Tom Ford talmbout how I can scam them I took my ass to Primark my dude.
Like do you realise how sick it is that you have men in their 40’s 50’s and 60’s who honestly believe they are entitled to a 20 year old girls body.
These men legit sitting plotting how they can scam a young woman out of sex. They could easily hop to their local bar and find a woman similar to them but like predators they’ve decided they are entitled to young beautiful women and will take them by all means.
Like it’s one thing when college dudes are doing ‘game’ to get fellow students but who told you as a grown ass 50 year old that you deserve a young woman just because ? Like who exactly told you this lie.
Where does a man of that age get the belief that he is entitled to a young woman’s body to the extent that he sits on the net all day plotting.
We need to sit back and analyse this because it’s perverse, deranged and predatory.
Like at what point do you decide ‘fuck the mutual beneficial I just want the girls body’ and in what correlation is this to when you’ve got men snatching girls off the street because they’ve watched them and decided that’s what they want.
Tbh I think salt daddies is a ‘kind’ term for these people. They’re predators. They hide behind sugaring but these are men who if sugaring didn’t exist they’d find other means to gain access to the young women they so desperately crave.
Sugar babies are so busy calling out ‘salt daddies’ they don’t realise that this is a much heavier problem.
It’s not about money it’s about entitlement. And it’s not a joking matter.
When the sugar sites first emerged I feared the day these sorts would make their way there.
And it’s happening.
A ‘salt daddy’ is a man who is too broke to be a ‘sugar daddy’ he is broke but he is essentially harmless. He is just broke.
These men aren’t just ‘salt’ daddies as they acknowledge they are broke but have decided they want to fuck the girls anyway because they feel they are entitled to.
I’ll never understand that level of entitlement to another human beings body.
It’s very, very dangerous.
And I really wish people began acknowledging it as such.
Take away the ‘sugar’ world and you realise how fucked these men are. I don’t even have such entitlement to bags I can’t afford talk less of humans.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
Calling all Australian sugar babies!
Hey SB’s in West Coast!
Ladies, I’ve plateaued. I don’t know where in WA I can freestyle. I go to nice bars, but that doesn’t seem to be enough.
Does anyone have any recommendations on where a single girl looking for that sugar man can find one in WA?
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
My life right now. 👏
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
You deserve to be put up on that pedestal.
No man should keep you waiting.
No man should let you take the bill or ever let you use a dollar of your own money.
No man would send you a dick pic.
No man would miss a date.
No man should ever make you feel anything less than the queen you goddamn are.
This isn’t just for the sugar baby, but women everywhere.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
Let's get his ball rolling.
Hey Aussie sugar babies.
I’ve mentioned making this happen in a post. And now it’s official. I’ve just started this page up.
Feel free to read a Salt to filth. Not just men that think $300 is a good allowance, but also men that are scammers and just plain dangerous.
Safety in numbers.
Note: I’m an on again off again SB from West Coast. I’m real.
Check out ausSDblacklist.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
An Australian Sugar Daddy Blacklist.
Hey Australian Sugar Babies! I'm considering starting a Tumblr account for one, unless there's already one I'm unaware of. Most of the SD Blacklist accounts I find are mainly for North America and if you're lucky one Australian SD is blacklisted. It's for our safety. The Australian mobile reverse searching apps are rubbish, no Australian burner phone apps for Australian numbers etc.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
What is plus sized in the sugar bowl?
This has been bothering me for some time. SB’s describing themselves as plus-sized when they seem average-sized in my eyes.
What’s slim? 0-4 US size?
What’s athletic? 4-8 US Size?
What’s average? 8-12 US size?
What’s a few extra pounds? 12-16 US size?
Maybe I’m wrong about this, maybe sizes vary from woman to woman and man to man. Clearly this would apply to a SD or POT he could call himself “Athletic”, but when you see him he’s a fat fuck. Or an “average” man who’s borderline obese.
If you have tits and an ass will you be “plus sized”? There are men that love curves, so I’m going to try and not let size get to me.
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
Haha 😱😂 I've seen that too many times. Usually too cheap to afford a premium account and thinks just because he has a dick and a salary is SD material.
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Literally though, you’re NOT a SD - STOP pretending. There’s no way you can afford me. BYE
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boodyism-blog · 8 years
Nose for bullshit.
Whether it comes to Freestyling for rich men and chatting to POTs on a SD website. I know bullshit when I see it. I’d like to think I have a nose for it. This may sound like a joke and conceited but for the most part it’s true.
Decoding bullshit in Australia is a must. I’ve come to realize the phrase “Down to Earth” or DTE, is the Aussie poor man’s code for - wants someone low-maintenance, won’t have to pay and will fuck for free. If men wanted to fuck a bogan buck-tooth bitch they could. But men who claim to have money, and try to hook classy women are full of BS. No classy woman who can handle herself is DTE, so Australian SB’s if a POT says he’s “DTE”, run. Run girl!
When Australian men say they’re “easy going” I’d run! Easy going to an Australian man is a guy who is just after a late night booty call. Easy going to Australian men, is like saying “I want to fuck someone tonight” or will call or text at random times to meet without checking in on you or making plans. They claim to be “easy going” but it’s just code for no plans and zero fucks for you.
If a man describes himself as a “simple man”, he wants sex. Just straight up sex. Will probably low ball you, and you will refuse. But that’s why he’s been on the SD site for so long. No one wants him.
If men say any of these words in their profile “intimacy, sensual woman, sexual woman, loves to please him, loves kisses, love hugging him… Etc” he wants sex. Obviously, but a guy that has any of these words or words like these will treat you as they would an escort or pro. This guy can 't afford an escort or a pro, so he’s also going to lowball you for straight up sex. Suggest things like “I’m not comfortable with intimacy for atleast a couple of months” and see if he’ll respond. Chances are he wants a pro/escort.
“Friends with benefits” haha no. What these men don’t realize is dick is in abundance. If we wanted a fuckboy, we’d go to any bar, pick the tallest, fitted, fuckable fuckboy in the house or just go for a happy B.O.B/Bob/Battery Operated Boyfriend. We wouldn’t go after a shrivelled ugly man double or thrice our ages. He wants sex and sex regularly. He can’t afford an escort or pro. He will always lowball you. I’ve had offers between $200-$500. Never have I met or chatted to a man than had offered any more. So walk away.
Don’t reply to men that think “Requesting for your photos” is a decent opener. They’ve not read your profile, they don’t give a shit who you are, they are collecting pictures and they’re lazy and cheap. Don’t give them what they want.
Men who earn little will bargain with little. These men are wasting your time. If you have an expected lifestyle budget eg +$5k per month. Don’t go chatting to a guy that earns $100k a year. He can’t afford you. If he had enough decency, he wouldn’t even try to haggle with you. It’s just insulting.
Last but not least, read and read his profile well. If his profile or the way he speaks is “me, me, me and my needs” (talking about himself). He’s a selfish, self-absorbed prick and is concerned more about his needs than your own. Keep away!!
You know what you’re comfortable with. If you even get a whiff of bullshit pull the plug, shut that shit down. You’re better off alone, than with the wrong people.
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