boogibbs · 5 years
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boogibbs · 5 years
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the eldest benson’s home was no strange place for boo. by now, some of her stuffed animals resided in different rooms, making it obvious the brunette spent at least some time there. now, she was seated at the table with attina, coloring away at the pages on the book in front of her. it was a garden coloring page, so she was sticking with different shades of green. “ my weekend was okay, ” she told her. “ mama and papa were working, but i made my way to the beach. ” / @attinabenscn
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boogibbs · 5 years
“Monocolor, Boo. You know. ‘One color’, or whatever,” he attempted to explain. “I don’t think so, at least. I hope not. She’s the best designer around here, I’d be dead on the carpet without her,” he shrugged. “That’s true… And it does fit very well with my complexion.” 
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“ ohhhhhhh, okay, ” she nodded, elongated her oh. she wasn’t sure why they wouldn’t just say one color. lots of words like that confused her. “ well, if you think she won’t be mean and you really need her you should do it! but i think we’ve made a pretty good choice on our own. how could you go wrong with blue? ”
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boogibbs · 5 years
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it wasn’t totally unusual for boo to join people who were out eating at tables, especially if they seemed familiar. plopping down in the empty seat in front of the man, boo offered him a smile. she began pulling her own food out of her bag and placing it on the table. “ what are your favourite kind of french fries? do you like the squiggly ones? ” / @kitchvrming
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boogibbs · 5 years
“Just graduation pictures!” he laughed, always surprised about the other’s enthusiasm over, well… anything. He laid his phone down on the table, turning it so it would face the other. “A bunch of stuff my mom posted. Some of them are… well…. horrible, because she’s not the best with a camera. But a lot of them turned out really nice.” 
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boo directed her attention to the phone michael had set on the table. she always liked looking at pictures, especially of other people. boo didn’t understand the hype surrounding graduations, and if it weren’t for mike and sulley she probably wouldn’t have realized it was even a big deal in the first place. pictures of her in her cap and gown wouldn’t even exist if sulley hadn’t been the one to bring her to her graduation. “ were you nervous? ” 
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boogibbs · 5 years
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“I never spent a lot of time at the beach before I moved, but I have to say… I could definitely get used to this. I love all the sunshine, and the feeling of sand between my toes!”
But more importantly, Stephanie didn’t have to wear shoes. That’s what really sold her on how great beaches were.
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now that school was out, boo had almost nothing to do. that was how she found herself at the beach so many times. the beach wasn’t her most favourite place, but it was a good one nonetheless. it was always so packed with people, and boo liked being around people. “ the sand is so fun! the more fun sand is over in the water, though. ”
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boogibbs · 5 years
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boogibbs · 5 years
“Oh my god,” Michael breathed out, mostly to himself. It was one of the first days of summer - first days post high school. And he really couldn’t believe that chapter of his life was done. He had been practically waiting for this moment since Sophomore year, and now here it was. Michael Darling was one step closer to being an adult. His mom had finally just posted all the pictures from the actual ceremony and his party on to facebook, and he found himself unable to stop scrolling through them. It took him a second to realize someone had been calling his name, and his eyes were wide as he finally looked up, “Huh- wha-? Hi, sorry!” 
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“ michael? michael? MICHAEL?! ” boo was poking his arm with the purple colored pencil to get his attention. “ what are you looking at? let me see! ” boo was always trying to get her hands on other people’s phones. not to steal them, obviously, but she always liked to know what people were looking at / talking about. this got people calling boo nosy, which she always argued against.
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boogibbs · 5 years
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A day off relaxing on the beach was exactly what Peach needed. For the past few weeks, a day off was nonexistent in her schedule as she tried to play catch up on her bills and bank account in general. Today, though, all she wanted to do was enjoy the smell of the ocean and not think about work or other responsibilities. Smiling, she turned to the other with a small laugh, “I can’t decide if I want to lay here longer or jump in the water.”
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boo never understood the whole sunbathing thing that people did. the best part about going to the beach was making things with sand and playing in the water. that’s why, when she heard another’s voice, she knew the obvious choice. “ go into the WATER! what fun is just laying down in the sun? ”
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boogibbs · 5 years
“Hmmm, see that’s what I was thinking… But isn’t the whole new trend that monocolor thing?” he asked, confusion apparent all over his features. “I should probably just call E, shouldn’t I? I wanted to pick this out myself, though,” he sighed. It wasn’t a big event, just a ( scheduled ) dinner out with Lady. But he wanted to look nice for her, and he wanted to choose it. 
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“ mono what? ” clearly anything fashion related was not something boo was in-tune with. she understood not wanting to ask for help, though. “ do you think E will be mean about it? ” boo had been around edna and was wary since the first meeting. she was very blunt and hard to be around. “ i think you should just go with the blue! everyone likes blue. ”
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boogibbs · 5 years
“I decided to wear these one time without you around, and suddenly it becomes ‘Interrogate Miguel Rivera and ask him a thousand questions with a betrayed look on your face day.’” Was the first thing that came out of the aspiring musicians mouth the moment he sat down against the booth Boo had sat down in. They currently were at Flo’s. “I never thought I would see the day in where mi Tía Rosita would look so appalled at the thought of me wearing anything other than the shoes mi familia makes.” [ @boogibbs ]
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boo couldn’t help but laugh hearing about miguel’s dramatic family members. “ but doesn’t she see just HOW COOL they are?! i mean, how can you turn your nose up at these! ” boo lifted her foot and lifted it over the bench of the booth she was sitting in, as if miguel didn’t have his own pair of the same shoes. “ they’ll warm up to them soon. they have to! ”
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boogibbs · 5 years
Monsters, Inc. (2001) Dir. Pete Docter
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boogibbs · 5 years
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boogibbs · 5 years
“What do you think. Blue or black?” Sulley asked, turning towards the girl sitting on the little chaise situated at the end of his bed. He held up the two shirts, glancing between them. “Or something else? The blazer is black… with little designs in velvet.” 
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boo furrowed her brows as she stared at the two shirts in question. it was rare someone asked her for fashion advice because, well, look at her. boo was never one to plan her outfits. instead, she just put on the first shirt and pair of pants she laid her eyes on. so, she didn’t want to mess this up. “ i think that because you’re already wearing a black jacket, you should wear the blue! ”
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boogibbs · 5 years
❝  MARY  XIMENA   GIBBS  .  Dinner tonight  ,  my  place  .  You  in  kid  ?  ❞  Mike  raises  his  shades  ,  the  new  cyber  color  he  had  been  seeing  all  of  his  timelines  .  He’s  keeping  his  cool  but  in  all  actuality   he  had  grown  quite  a t t a c h e d  to  the  girl  ,  citing  his  forced  time  with  her  through  Sulley  as  the  final  stitch  that  bound  their  lives  together  .  ❝  I  think  it’s  just  about  a  federal  crime   that  I  haven’t  seen  you  in  this  long  .  What   have  you  been  doing  ?  Are  you  getting  GOOD GRADES?  Making  new  friends  ?  Is  there  anyone  special  in  your  life  ?  ❞  Mike  pauses  ,  raising  a  hand  in  the  air  ,  ❝  don’t  answer  those  yet  .  Save  it  for  dinner  ,  which  you  will  be  going  to  … right  ?  Celia  would  be  so  happy  to  see  you  .  ❞
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as soon as boo heard her full name, she knew it had to be either mike or sulley. however, she knew the voice of the one and only MIKE WAZOWSKI by heart. she eagerly wrapped her arms around him. it felt like she hadn’t seen him in ages. “ YES! of course i’ll be there! ” she couldn’t remember the last time she had a real intimate dinner with people she actually cared about. she’d had many dinners by herself lately and she was practically desperate to eat with anything that had a pulse. “ how is miss celia? i swear every time i see her she’s going the other way. i feel like i haven’t talked to her in a MILLION YEARS! ”
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boogibbs · 5 years
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take 439857349587347! hello most of u know me and this dumbass blog but if u DONT hello my name is sunny aka tink roxanne and now pearl and NOW BOO! this is my sweet child and i missed her w everything in me. its been a min since i’ve played her so i will refresh u on all things mary gibbs! if u would like to plot give me a like and i’ll hit up ur ims!
besties with mike and sulley ( obvs )
loves celia
your local coffee hater ( she thinks its too grown up of a drink and she doesnt need the energy anyway cus shes got it naturally! )
your local s’mores enthusiast
can start up a conversation with anybody! ( well, anyone willing to chat. or even just listen. the girl can talk for hours )
really has no shame. not embarrassed too easily.
sometimes too honest. she doesn’t ever say anything with the intent of being mean, but sometimes it comes off that way. everyone is trying to get her off of that
national froot loop / cheerio catching CHAMPION! you wouldn’t dare challenge her. 
very much has a sweet tooth. give her all the sweet things.
she doesn’t really spend time out at night. she’s too scared of people scaring her when sulley isn’t around and she’s also got a bedtime ( 11:30, 12:00 at the latest! )
can do things alone but prefers not to
can occasionally act out if she doesn’t get her way? but not too often
easily scared. loves halloween but wouldn’t dare go near a haunted house.
doesn’t really know how to express her emotions. she’s very open about when she’s happy and you’ll more than likely know when she’s sad, she just doesn’t know how to deal with them
can be very stubborn
daughter of some movie directors. the gibbs. u may have heard of them? just some indie horror film guys. nbd.
super naïve. chooses to think the best.
loves her parents even if she has slight neglect / abandonment issues. she doesn’t realize parents are supposed to be there for u always and not give u traumatizing experiences
will literally befriend anyone
gets scared when anyone raises their voice pls dont. KJDFHGKFJDHGDF
pansexual cus she loves everyone but she also isnt into ppl like that atm so
idk what else to write shes just a kid at heart pls be kind.
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boogibbs · 6 years
☆ 。 ▫ ○ — “ NOT TO toot my own horn or anything, but i think i’ve got you the BESTEST christmas present EVER! ” boo loved giving and getting gifts, and she had never found any trouble trying to get gifts for people. lady had always been one of the easiest people to buy gifts for. “ i’m really excited to give it to you, but then there wouldn’t be any magic left for christmas!! so i guess we’ll have to wait. but MAN i wish it was christmas already!! ” / @ladydcrling
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