bookdiva22 · 3 years
Monster - MHA Boys As Mafia Members
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Pairing: Various Characters
Genre: Headcanons
Synopsis: Ever wondered who of the MHA boys would be what in a Mafia?
Warnings: Grown Content, Grown MHA boys, mafia themed headcanons, mentions of murders. REMIMDER THIS DOES CONTAIN MAFIA THEMES. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
A/N: For todorki and to all you thirsty whores who love the mafia au. I’ll be doing a separate post for the girls as well, cuz they deserve some love as well. I RECCOMEND LISTENING TO MONSTER BY EXO WHILE LISTENING TO THIS
Izuku Midoriya(Deku) - The Mastermind
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Deku is definitely the mastermind or leader of the mafia, don’t even try to change my mind
He spent years collecting information on various heroes and their quirks, so definitely has breakdowns of each pens strength and weaknesses
His ability to think critically in time-sensitive situations is spot on, and he can make split second decision that will benefit him in the future
His plans will always follow through perfectly, if followed correctly.
Bakugo Katsuki - Weapons Specialist
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Bakugo needs somewhere to let all that anger out, so what better way than for him to be the weapons specialist?
Bakugo will handle anything in regards to the mafia’s firearms and weapons, including the distribution, pickup, repair and creation of them
He particularly favors anything particularly explosive, so bombs, grenades, launchers, ect are very much fair game
He can be very maniacal in the field combat with any weapon, but do not let this man get ahold of a grenade launcher or several city blocks will be destroyed.
Despite his seemingly unhinged personality when he’s with his precious babies, Bakugou is pretty calculative himself. He will sometimes pitch ideas to Deku but generally they butt heads because Bakugo’s plans are less under the radar
Shouto Todoroki - Assassin
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Shouto is blunt, cold, calculative person, which makes him perfect to be the resident assassin of the mafia
He completes his missions no matter what, which holds him in high regard with Deku, and rocky terms with Bakugo
There’s not much known on how he kills his victims, since his practices are not disclosed to anyone - not even Deku - and he rarely ever comes back dirty. Not even the slightest drop of blood.
His bluntness brings a sense of humor to the gang, despite his job title, as well as his ignorance about some basic human understandings
Todoroki only ever responds to Deku, as he is the mastermind and believes that anyone else isn’t really worth his time unless he has to team up with them
Kirishima Eijirou - Interrogator/Torturer
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Kirishima got the skills to make people talk, it depends on them whether its the easy or the hard way
His very upbeat and sarcastic nature is deceiving enough to make his victims drop their guard enough for the real fun to begin
He’ll start by attempting to talk them into submission, because even though he loves being able to break people, he’d prefer the easy and quick way out
However, if he has to, he doesn’t mind getting dirty in exchange for information
He has a wide range of tactics in order to get people talking, but normally starts off with a bit of roughing up with his hands. This could last for however long he pleases, or until he’s particularly irritated and his victim is acting tough.
He was given the nickname ‘Boulder’ by Deku because in their first encounter Deku found it very hard to break Kirishima’s willpower down, making him a valuable asset to the gang
Kaminari Denki - Spy
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Denki may seem like someone who can’t hold secrets, but I believe that it’s because of his easy going nature that he’d make an amazing spy
He’d be amazing at infiltrating institutions and organizations, using his friendly personality and laid back attitude to gain the trust of his enemies and getting people to drop their guards.
He’d also be incredibly sneaky and use sarcasm and wit to cover up his true intentions. And when given strict orders, nothing can stray him from his path.
He may be an asshole and his sense of humor may have gotten him close to death several times in and outside of the mafia, but Deku sees him as a valuable asset, which has saved Kaminari more times than he’d like to admit.
He’s smart, agile, nimble, and knows when to play and when to work - everyone else are the people confused on which one is which.
Iida Tenya - Legal Consultant & Cleanup-Getaway
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As the legal consultant, Iida is responsible for making sure the group stays under the radar with their illegal activities.
If they do so happen to get caught up with the government, he is the person to turn to to get them out of their situation
If Deku’s plans are followed to a T, Iida’s interventions are rarely ever needed, but there were times where operations were jeopardized because of careless actions
More times than not Iida is seen as the person to organize cleanups and getaways for operations not regarding assassinations, as the two designated assassins are rather clean and quick with their tasks.
Shinsou Hitoshi - Assassin
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Shinsou, paired with Todoroki, are a deadly assassin pair that never miss with their targets
Shinsou swore his allegiance with Deku solely because he owed him after a particular incident involving the two
Originally, and sometimes still, Shinsou works freelance, obtaining information and taking out targets he deems necessary
Money is not his goal, nor is high ranking in crime syndicates - he simply wants to rid the world of people who he deems bad
It takes one to know one, but for Shinsou, his reasonings are justified.
Outside of the Mafia, he only takes jobs he seems necessary. As stated previously, he doesn’t care about how many zeros are at the end of his paycheck - he only cares about whether or not the person he’s being asked to get rid of needs to be eradicated for extreme reasons
While with Deku, upon mutual agreement, Shinsou will obey an order of assassination if he wants to - that much respect is all Shinsou asked of Deku
However, this rarely happens, as Midoriya never calls an assasination that isn’t justified or reasoned. 
Shinsou is dark, almost soleless, and has detached himself from human emotions - one could say he’s a killing machine with a programmed ambition that only he can accomplish.
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229 notes · View notes
bookdiva22 · 3 years
Shinsou is definitely my comfort character
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bookdiva22 · 4 years
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