Time Would Tell - Elizabeth, et al/Gail
The start of this RP can be found here.
Gail accepted the comforting hold Elizabeth offered as they left their common room and made their way back out into the castle.  Her own arm wrapped naturally to rest around her friend’s lower back.  “I’ll look forward to every letter,” the younger witch promised as they walked. “And reply as soon as I can find time.”  In truth, she’d make time, even if her studies suffered a little for it.
“As for not saying anything…”  Gail hummed softly, trying to choose her words well.  “I promise not to be the one to start anything.  I’ll - “  Another pause.  “Try to keep my ears closed, I guess?  But if anyone starts anything directly with me… I don’t know if I can just ignore them.  But I’ll try, okay?  Don’t worry about me.”  Gail’s skills at defense were better now thanks to her friends, but she knew she’d barely started learning.  And any of the older kids could best her easily if they decided they wanted to.
Why couldn’t this blasted war just be over already?!  And why did there seem to be so many in her own House who couldn’t see the wrongness of what was happening?  Gail kept those comments and worries to herself.  She’d likely spill them all out to Aaron in her next letter.  Anything to get the trouble off her chest for a bit.  But now wasn’t the time.  She needed to support her friend.  That was the most important thing.  
That declaration of loyalty got a little smile out of Elizabeth. “I’m sure you’ll be fine,” she said softly. “I wouldnae ask you no’ tae fight back if someone else started it. Actually, I’d tell ye tae jinx their nose off.”
The playfulness helped, a tiny bit. She gave Gail a gentle squeeze as they went up the stairs, grateful for her friend even if she felt a bit guilty for putting all this on a second-year’s shoulders.
Professor McGonagall was waiting in Slughorn’s office to take her home. The last thing Elizabeth said before she left was, “I’ll be back soon as... everythin’ gets sorted out.”
It was three weeks later when she arrived back at Hogwarts; three long weeks where the details of the awful event had spread throughout the school like wildfire, with most people raging about it - who would be sick enough to target a trainee Auror? - and a few laughing at the idiot who’d deserved it for going against the Dark Lord.
When Elizabeth Argyle reentered the Great Hall, however, nobody seemed inclined to start anything either way. The warmth and playfulness was gone, replaced with a gaze of icy steel and a certain rigid set to her shoulders that suggested anyone who bothered her would be needing the hospital wing in short order.
She did give the few people she trusted a brief smile, however - Gail among them.
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“N-no, m’a fifth year,” so he hasn’t even had any practice trying. All he’s had is side-along. Which has never been very fun and, if he’s entirely honest, he’s been happy to avoid whenever given the chance. Not obviously, his gran would be more insistent on doing it if so, but just enough that it’s not the most common travel method he knows. 
Ever so grateful that he’s being held onto, Neville manages to not trip and make a further fool of himself. For once. Determined to do better, to be better like he’d wanted to, he keeps his wand raised and himself alert to their surroundings. “I don’t- I don’t know where’s safe.”
Jason blew out a breath. This seemed like a situation where bringing a relative unknown to an Order safehouse would be justified... but at the same time, it would get him torn a new one.
“I’ll take you back to where I’m livin’ right now,” he said finally. “It’s safe enough, an’ we can get in touch wi’ Dumbledore an’ your mum an’ dad from there tomorrow. Trust me, aye? I’ll keep you safe.” He moved them further down the alley away from the fight as they talked. “Hold on tight, I’ll have tae take you side-along.”
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SLYTHERIN: “They never actually said no, so I just went ahead and did it.” -Norm Hiscock (Captain Raymond Holt: Brooklyn Nine Nine: Full Boyle)
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RAVENCLAW: “Wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good.“ -Gabriel García Márquez (Love in the Time of Cholera)
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HUFFLEPUFF: “If one person is denied equality, we are all denied equality.” -Melba Pattillo Beals (Warriors Don’t Cry)
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“FRODO: I wish it need not have happened in my time. GANDALF: So do I. And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
-JRR Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)
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Memory sentence starters
1. “No matter how hard I try, I can’t forget what happened.” 
2. “No matter how hard I try, I can’t remember what happened.” 
3. “I’m so sorry. I completely forgot.” 
4. “Have you forgotten what day it is today?”
5. “What do you remember?” 
6. “I feel like I’ve forgotten something.” 
7. “You don’t remember me?” 
8. “Have you forgotten already?” 
9. “Do you remember me?” 
10. “I can’t remember who I am.” 
11. “This looks familiar, but I can’t remember.” 
12. “Do you remember this?” 
13. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten this?” 
14. “Do yourself a favor. Forget about it.” 
15. “I don’t want to remember.” 
16. “I wish I could remember.” 
17. “Don’t forget.” 
18. “Don’t forget this time.” 
19. “How could you forget?” 
20. “Did you forget about me?”  
21. “I forgot about you.” 
22. “I can’t remember anything.” 
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RAVENCLAW: “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for destruction.” –Rachel Carson
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HUFFLEPUFF: “I love life – that’s my real weakness.” –Albert Camus (The Fall)
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GRYFFINDOR: “Fear is a fire to temper courage and resolve. Use it so.” -Terry Brooks (John Ross: Running with the Demon)
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a short question based sentence collection .
“ why won’t you look at me? ”
“ why won’t you return my calls? ”
“ why are you avoiding me? ”
“ is everything alright between us? ”
“ have i done something to upset you? ”
“ are you sure this will work out? ”
“ do you know where he/she/they is/are?”
“ can we stay here a little longer? ”
“ are you lying to me? ”
“ are you hiding something from me? ”
“ why won’t you come out anymore? ”
“ what’s wrong with me? ”
“ what’s wrong with you? ”
“ how did we end up here? ”
“ is there something you are holding back from me? ”
“ what are you scared of? ”
“ are you scared of me? ”
“ why won’t you trust me? ”
“ don’t you trust me? ”
“ am i the only one? ”
“ was it really ever just me? ”
“ what makes you say that? ”
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SLYTHERIN: “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” -Oliver Goldsmith
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RAVENCLAW: “How many times do I have to tell you that just because something works doesn’t mean it can’t be improved?” –Ryan Coogler + Joe Robert Cole (Shuri: Black Panther)
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“DR LAROQUE: The world doesn’t work this way. NATE: So change the world.”
–John Rogers (Leverage: The Homecoming Job) 
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“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”
- NIV Bible (1 Corinthians 16:13)
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Send “don’t sneeze” for a starter where our muses are hiding from something or someone.
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SLYTHERIN: “She was unstoppable, not because she did not have failures or doubts, but because she continued on despite them.” -Beau Taplin (Unstoppable)
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