books-and-tings · 1 year
Exhibit A: Alisa Montagova being well taken care of
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Exhibit B: Alisa knowing better. Notice how she used “STOPPED DIMITRI” rather than “died” which was what Rosalind used. 
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Exhibit C: This whole fucking conversation and Rosalind’s thoughts on the matter. The fact that Roma wanted to retire in Zhouzhuang and Juliette would eventually follow oh my god i cried for nothing  
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Exhibit D: Juliette Cai is dead. We don’t know her. We only know of Juliette Montagova
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AAAAAAAAAAAND NOW WE’RE GETTING “LAST VIOLENT CALL” thank you for the trauma chloe gong 
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books-and-tings · 1 year
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nothing is as tender as annotating your favourite books. it’s like leaving a piece of your heart on the pages for somebody else to find.
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books-and-tings · 1 year
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so excited to start foul lady fortune by chloe gong! it's a spinoff her These Violent Delights/ Our Violent Ends duology!
I finished that duology a couple weeks ago and it was incredibly heart wrenching and so captivating, loved it to death!
Have you read any of chloe gong's books? what did you think? ❤️
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books-and-tings · 4 years
And there is that specific person you wish receiving a text from. And you know. You know deep inside it will never happen. But there is always a little place where a tiny bit of hope is hiding. This place full of maybes, of dreams, of scenarios made by your crazy imagination where anything is possible.
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books-and-tings · 4 years
Draco Malfoy Masterlist
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☆ = personal favorite
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For You (Drarry)
Switch (Drarry)
Reactions To You Being In A Toxic Relationship ☆
Being Apart of The Slytherin Squad Would Include: ☆
Being A Slytherin Prefect With Draco Malfoy Would Include: ☆
Being A Hufflepuff And Draco Malfoy Having A Crush On You Would Include:
Being A Muggle Who Draco Has A Crush On Would Include:
Desire ☆
Sleepy ☆
On My Mind ☆
Sweet Mornings
Stargazing ☆
Relighting Old Flames
Protecting You
Hold Me ☆
Study Dates ☆
Imagine Being Close Friends With The Malfoys
Here For You
Love Notes
Sectumsempra ☆
Better Off As Friends
Faking It 
When Gate Crashing Goes Wrong ☆
Drunk Nights ☆
Light Of My Life
Save Me
Play With My Heart
The Pact ☆
Change Of Heart
Notice You
Run Away
Remember Me
Falling For You
Branded ☆
The Unbreakable Vow
All For You
Back Off
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books-and-tings · 4 years
PROMPT: You and Cedric grew up together. After the tragedy of the Triwizard Tournament, you’re left feeling empty without your best friend. Draco Malfoy steps into the picture. Will the feelings be reciprocated? Or will it be unrequited?
WARNINGS: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, angst, fluff, sadness???
PAIRING: draco malfoy x reader and cedric diggory x reader; hufflepuff reader
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books-and-tings · 4 years
Healing Heart ✧ Draco x Reader Mini-Series PART 1
Summary: Draco meets and accidentally falls in love with reader during his sixth year (HBP). Part 1 of a upcoming series.
Warnings: angst, some fluff, mentions of blood, crying, panic attacks
Words: 6.4K words (I made this so longgg)
A/N: my first Draco writing !!! i am sorry ahead of time if there are any misspellings, typing with long acrylics is hard omg. ALSO PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND ME REQUESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also i do not own this gif.
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It was almost satirical how Draco managed to fall in love with someone at what might be, is, the lowest point in his life. It was his sixth year at Hogwarts, the dark mark burned into his left forearm, the restless mending of the vanishing cabinet, the impossible task of killing his Headmaster, the Dark Lord looming over him and his family with promises of torture and death if he didn’t follow through with the orders he was given.
Draco was an empty shell of what he used to be. The playful and mean remarks that would leave his mouth to anyone that stood in his path were gone. The devious twinkle in his eye and the smug smirk that used to grace his face almost 24/7 was reduced to a permanent scowl and red-rimmed eyes. He looked as if he had aged a rough 10 years since the last year he was at school. Everyone noticed it.
Everyone noticed the skipped meals, the lack of sleep, the empty look in his eyes, the falling behind in class. But no one dared say a thing to him. It almost seems as though people were afraid of him now more than ever. The sneer on his face and the reckless and impulsive attitude he held now was like a repellent for anyone that tried to come near. He was completely alone, whether he liked it or not and he decided to keep it that way.
That all changed a few months into the year, however, when you were rushing to DADA, your long house colored scarf getting tangled underneath your feet causing you to trip and lurch forward, dropping all your books, your wand, and crashing into, you guessed it, Draco Malfoy himself. There was a loud cracking sound as you both tumbled onto the ground, a yelp slipping past Draco’s lips as he held his hand in pain.
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books-and-tings · 4 years
oh to have a slytherin/hufflepuff romance
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books-and-tings · 4 years
Headcannons for Draco dating a hufflepuff reader?? Love your writing btw!!
draco never in his wildest dreams thought he would end up with a hufflepuff
yet something about you made him weak at the knees
it had shocked the whole school when you two started dating
it even shocked yourself
you two were the perfect match
he loved how ambitious you were
you slowly taught him how to treat others with kindness and respect
getting upset with him each time he bullied someone
“i’m sorry love, i won’t do it again”
trying his absolute best for you
definitely the schools power couple
he brought out a whole new side of you
a side not even you knew existed
you two would grow, together
becoming better people, together
learning from one another
him teaching you how to be more brave and confident
you teaching him how to love
just the cutest couple ever
him standing up for you when other slytherins would try talk down on you
“you better shut up before i smack you”
always protecting you
wearing his slytherin sweaters even though you were a hufflepuff
sometimes accidentally showing up to class with one of his slytherin ties
“i believe you got the wrong tie on y/n”
cheer for him during his quidditch games
you would just turn him into the biggest baby ever
and he’d turn you into the baddest hufflepuff hogwarts had ever seen
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books-and-tings · 4 years
Harry Potter
I’m Okay - You’re Draco’s sister and you’re dating Harry. When the two of them duel, you’re caught in the middle. 
Dead - You’re Harry’s wife and believe him to be dead at the Battle of Hogwarts.
Patronus -  While trying to make a patronus, you can’t conjure up a strong enough memory. Harry has an idea that might help. 
Fred Weasley
Christmas - Christmas with Fred
She’s a Keeper - You are very shy and surprise everyone when you’re great at Quidditch. 
Distraction - You get in trouble for kissing Fred, and he gets protective. 
Love - A fluffy argument leading to Fred declaring his love for you. 
Jealous - Jealous Fred
Jealous - Jealous Fred #2!
I Told You So - Fred comes to your rescue and quickly falls in love with you. 
Safe - You attend Bill and Fleur’s wedding and stay by Fred’s side when all chaos breaks out. 
Mama Ain’t Raise No Quitter - Protective! Fred and George come to your rescue after Slytherins get a little too close for comfort.
Right Here - After Umbridge punishes your for protecting Sirius, your father, Fred calms you down. 
Panic Attack - You have a panic attack and Fred comforts you. 
Long Enough - You and Fred confess your love on Christmas!!
Bludgers - Fred has a huge crush on you and can’t help but protect you. 
Break Her Nose! - After being abducted after the 7 Harry’s, you promise yourself that you are going to break Bellatrix’s nose. 
Close - You feel like it’s your fault that the team lost, Fred comforts you. 
New Year’s Eve - A short New Year’s Eve fluff
Hate - You hear the opposite of whatever Fred says and angst ensues. Hufflepuff reader :)
George Weasley
Loss - After the war, you return home to find your pet has passed. 
Gone - You were dating Cedric and didn’t allow yourself to mourn. George helps you let out your feelings. 
This Christmas - You’ve been dating George for a while, so when Christmas rolls around you spend it with his family. 
Saint-like - During the 7 Harry’s, you wait at the Burrow for George to return home. 
My Fault - You ride with George during the 7 Harry’s and take all the blame when he gets injured. 
Blood Purity - When Umbridge catches you and George flirting, she puts him in detention. 
Walk-Ins NOT Welcome - Harry walks in on one of your make-out sessions. 
Guessing - After it gets out that you have a crush on a Weasley, Ron won’t stop guessing until he gets it right. 
Duel - After a duel with the Slytherins, you check up on your protective boyfriend. 
Shy - You’re very shy and when George notices people being rude to you, he makes himself your personal body guard. 
Mama Ain’t Raise No Quitter - Protective! Fred and George come to your rescue after Slytherins get a little too close for comfort. 
I’ll Walk You Home - After you miss the rest of the students return to the school, only you and George are left in Hogsmeade. 
Christmas - Christmas just isn’t the same without Fred. 
Date - You’re constantly turning George down, but when he turns his attention to another girl, you realize that maybe you do like him. 
Too Much to Handle - George is too shy to approach you, but after finding you locked out of your common room he has the perfect opportunity. 
Draco Malfoy
Slytherin? - You are Ron’s twin and fully expect to be in Gryffindor. When you are sorted into Slytherin, an enemy may become a friend. 
Marry Me? - Draco gets hurt in a Quidditch game and you spend the day taking care of him. 
Unsafe - Draco may love you, but with the upcoming war and Voldemort’s eyes on him, it’s unsafe to admit it. 
Let’s Hope So - After denying feelings for each other, you both realize there may be something there. 
Virtues - After Draco sees Slytherins treating you bad, he comes to your rescue. 
Secret Santa - You and Draco get each other for Secret Santa and find it isn’t as easy as you hoped. 
Blood Traitor - During a heated argument Draco calls you the worst thing he can - a blood traitor. 
I’m Sorry - You were raised in the same situation as Draco and are expected to marry. You slowly fall in love, but after finding a note it appears that the love is one sided. 
Not Your Fault - After Draco gets hurt in a dual, you tend his wounds. But, you find more than wounds on his arms. 
Christmas - You love decorating the common room and all things Christmas, and Draco can’t help the pull he feels to you. 
Worry - Draco is protective of Hufflepuff!Reader 
Rival - You grew up in Pansy’s shadow, but Draco isn’t interested in her. He’s interested in you. 
Love and War - At the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, all Draco can think about is you. 
Nightmare - Draco is the only person who can calm you after a nightmare. 
Banished - After suggesting that he make up with his arch nemesis, Draco has the nerve to banish you from your own bed. 
Hesitant - After the war, you are weary of Draco. But, you find out he isn’t as bad as he appeared to be. 
Ron Weasley
Family - You’re Draco’s sister and Ron’s girlfriend. Your parents don’t react too strongly to your date. 
Just a Dance - Fred and George know about your crush on Ron and make it their personal mission to set you up. 
Now That’s a Game - Draco knocks you off your broom during Quidditch and Ron immediately comes to your defense. 
Amortentia - After realizing you love Ron and he loves you, Hermione sets you up. 
Ginny Weasley
Don’t Mention It - You’re Ginny’s best friend and find her snogging Harry in the middle of a war. 
Charlie Weasley
Christmas in the Burrow - Charlie invites you to the Burrow with him when he realizes you stay at Hogwarts. 
Romania - “Here’s my dreams and you’re with me!”
Neville Longbottom
I Love You - You and Neville go to the Yule Ball, and he says he loves you. 
Father - You and Neville have a toddler and raise him at Hogwarts. Turns out, Neville is a wonderful Dad. 
Our Spot - A tree by the lake might be seen as mundane to most, but to you it held every memory you loved with Neville. 
Cedric Diggory
Family - Cedric lives! And he marries you and has a family!
Lazy Sunday - Part 2 to Family
Stay With Me (Part 1) (Part 2) - You begged Cedric not join the Triwizard Tournament, but he did. And he died. You, however, aren’t going to let that be the end. The solution? Time Travel. 
Oliver Wood
Quidditch - You’re basically the mom of the Quidditch team and are there to support Oliver during wins and unfortunate losses. 
Sirius Black
Brave and Mighty - Sirius never noticed you, until now. 
Too Young - At 20 years old, you are married to Sirius, godparent of a baby, and in the middle of the war. 
Loss - You and Sirius lose your baby. 
Class of 1978 - You’re Lily’s best friend and you have made it to graduation. 
Baby - You just found out you’re pregnant and have no idea how you’re going to tell Sirius. 
Bother - You are living with Sirius at Grimmauld Place. You both hate it there, but you have each other (and hopefully a sandwich).
Son - You had a son with Sirius, and he’s a carbon copy of his father. 
Apart - A touchy and jealous Sirius
Etch - With Death Eater parents, you’re expected to follow in the footsteps. When you are etched with the dark mark, Sirius comes to the rescue. 
Santa, Baby - With a ton of students stuck at Hogwarts, it’s up to you and the Marauders to give them a good Christmas. 
Remus Lupin
Untitled - Remus is the one bright light in your year. 
Mama - Remus lives and you raise Teddy together!
Not All Scars - You were raised by Remus and notice that he may be hurting more than any of you realize.
Potions - After an awful potions class, you find a helping hand - Professor Lupin (not romantic). 
Don’t Leave - Turns out the Marauders are awful at cheering you up. Except for Remus, that is. 
I Insist - Sirius gets sick, so you step in to help Remus during a full moon. 
James Potter
Just Like You - You slowly becomes more like James. 
First Time - You wake up after your first time with James and kind of regret it. 
Newt Scamander
Scars - When one of Newt’s creatures attacks him, you clean the wound and notice the scars he’s covered in. 
Nothing in that Case is Dangerous - You’re with Newt when he’s brought in to the Ministry. Newt does everything in his power to save you.
Accidentally, Of Course - Newt catches you as you’re changing clothes. Queenie reads your mind and realizes you may not have minded. 
Obliviate - Newt is ordered to wipe your memories, but he has other plans. 
New Additions - You’re pregnant!!!
Obscurus - You are Credence’s twin. Newt saves you and teaches Credence how to control his magic.
Christmas - Christmas with Newt
Letters - Newt misses you, but you keep in contact through letters. 
How Could I Forget? - You marry Newt, but you’re hit by a curse and lose your memory. 
Arranged Marriage - To merge the wizarding and muggle worlds, you’re in an arranged marriage to a prince. One that you do not want to be in. Thankfully, a familiar face comes to save you. 
Thanksgiving Day Parade - While searching for Newt’s creatures in America, you find yourself caught in the biggest parade of the year. 
Theseus Scamander
Together - You go to Theseus for comfort after a physical fight with your parents. 
Updated: December 29, 2019
Italics indicate my favorites :)
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books-and-tings · 4 years
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endless gifs of joseph morgan: 4/∞
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books-and-tings · 4 years
worst thing about a side blog is not being able to reply...
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books-and-tings · 4 years
i love this so much 🥰
Secrets // D.M.
Request: CONGRATS BOO!!! Could I get a Secret relationship with Fluff 4 for Draco Malfoy pretty please at Hogwarts??? Also I was wondering if it could be with a Hufflepuff reader? (I love Hufflepuff x Slytherin pairings) THANKS AGAIN FOR DOING THIS BOO AND CONGRATS 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 - @herstory-study
Fluff 4: “Is that my shirt?”
A/N: The first of my blurb celebrations!! Thank you, lovely!! I hope you enjoy!! It could be argued that I got carried away but there’s a large chance I could end up writing full fics for each request 😂 Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Fem!Reader
Warnings: secret relationships, some kissing, some feelings, a whole lotta fluff, a cheesy ending and an abuse of commas and semi-colons
Word count: 2.7k
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books-and-tings · 4 years
One good thing about 2020 is draco malfoy tik tok, I'm not complaining
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books-and-tings · 4 years
Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
C.S. Lewis
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books-and-tings · 4 years
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books-and-tings · 4 years
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once a king or queen of narnia, always a king or queen of narnia. may your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens.
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