books-aremyescape · 5 years
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Just take little steps towards your goal every day. You got this.
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books-aremyescape · 5 years
Every so often, I get depressed, I get drunk, and I log onto Tumblr to relive the days when depressed and drunk was the norm for me. 
Today is that every so often. What are all my sad bitches up to?
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books-aremyescape · 5 years
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books-aremyescape · 5 years
I don’t want to be rich, I just want to be comfy.
Want to have one really nice set of plates and silverware for company and Thanksgiving.
Want to be able to buy a new outfit and a good bra at least a couple times a year.
Want to be able to give “just because” gifts.
Want to burn incense and candles in my home daily, and have nice soaps.
Want to be able to donate to charity frequently and without worry.
Want to buy hardcover books to read and put on a shelf for my kids to read someday.
Want to have candies in bowls for people who visit.
Want to be able to take my young siblings and cousins to a movie and let them get the big popcorn they won’t finish, because there’s magic in just having it.
Want to have a linen closet or at least a linen shelf.
Want to go see live local theater several times a year.
Want to have a bottle of wine or champagne in the house for when I suddenly need to celebrate.
Want to have a kitchen with basic baking supplies so I can bake bread on the weekend, and pies for special occasions.
I just want to be comfy.
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books-aremyescape · 5 years
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books-aremyescape · 5 years
so i saw this photo of a harpy eagle
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and i thought “woah what a noble beast” so i searched for more photos and i just
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even the babies
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i mean
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books-aremyescape · 5 years
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
11 months out of the year: life is a trainwreck
in december: life is a polar expresswreck
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
kids have no concept of anything. i walked into my kindergarten class and one kid asked me what my name was. when i said miss jones, he said “i like that name. did you know i’m in love with you”
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
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Time is precious. Lately I’ve been cleaning out my thoughts and it’s had impact on the activities that I spend my time on and who I spend my time with. Just like ever few months I need to clean out my closet and at least every few days I need to take out the trash, I’m looking inside my mind with an inspector’s eye for all the thoughts that don’t serve me. And I am going to throw them all out. Thoughts I picked up from friends, family, culture or history. Thoughts I started thinking all on my own. Beliefs I accepted without questioning that never helped me, only hurt me. Ideas that kept me isolated and feeling down. Goodbye to all those thoughts and words that hung around like chains. I’m setting you free. _ If I think a thought that affirms my value and faith in myself, the kinds of choices I take are different than if I think a thought that doubts my value or my potential. I’m worth thinking good thoughts about. And so are you. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you that you’re good, valuable, strong and beautiful. Don’t wait for someone else to pat you on the back before you acknowledge all you’ve been through and how hard you’ve worked. You did it. You’re here. _ Every moment is a choice between living in fear or living in love. But that choice has to start within. How you treat yourself is how you’ll treat others. To change your life you have to update the operating system of your mind. Download some new software by opening your mind and heart to love, kindness and forgiveness. Empty the trash can of blame, hate, and revenge. _ If I love myself enough then I won’t tolerate it when someone abuses me or doesn’t value me. But if I abuse myself internally then I’ll accept it when someone abuses or disregards me. _ Life is also too short to spend it in anything but love. There is so much I could wallow in, but today I choose love. I could look in the mirror and see all the way this world has broken, burnt and hurt me or I can look in the mirror and see all the ways this world has made me stronger, wiser and kinder. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Jumping in for Day 4 #GrowWithTheFlow @upsidedownmama @casa_colibri @natashaswinter (at South Beach, Miami)
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
Let’s all take a moment and thank biology that our internal organs don’t itch.
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
the way you treated her at the very beginning when you were trying to get her should be the way you always treat her, don’t change
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
I like my margaritas to taste more like tequila than marg.
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
Hello, yes.
I’d like 8 alcohols please. Preferably tequila.
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
Do you ever realize that you have been depressed for weeks without realizing it?
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
I hate when people ask me “what did you do today?” like buddy listen I woke up at noon and then it was five pm okay I don’t kn o w
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books-aremyescape · 6 years
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I have been trying to think of a good caption for this book because this book deserves one. I picked a time to read this book when (and where) I knew I would get some opinions that I didn’t agree with, but I wasn’t expecting some blatant “it shouldn’t be women’s reproductive healthcare. It should be all reproductive healthcare.” Not only this, a running joke was whenever I got passionate or a bit loud I was accused of only doing it to him because “he has penis” Don’t worry, he later informed me that I had Eve to blame because she at an Apple. I suppose eating an apple should very much be linked to the pain in my abdomen that happens monthly to the point I can’t move, my legs go numb, and I can sleep for days because I am too tired to get up. An apple in exchange for that seems fair. Guess life isn’t all that fair. Anyway, this book is, in fact, the best representation of what it is like trying to convince a male physician (and sometimes females too) that I in fact have the red devil in my belly. Abby Norman writes a WONDERFUL history of women in healthcare throughout the beginning of healthcare. And you may grumble “but women get the same medicine and treatment I do! There is nothing unequal about it!” Well, the inequality comes from, up until recently, women weren’t allowed to be in medicine trials. They weren’t seen by doctors for pain, they were seen by psychologists. Hysteria was a common diagnosis for women who complained of the same things as a man, but he would be seen by a doctor. Several of the men, who joked with me about the title, became very uncomfortable when I actually started talking about the contents of the book. Women with health problems make people uncomfortable. No one wants to talk about periods. That is a woman’s problem. Actually it is everyone’s. The stigma around it and the lack of knowledge about how menstruation affects a person with a uterus as a whole, is a problem. You have to be uncomfortable but willing to talk. So, ask me. Open a dialogue. And please, for the love of God, do not tell me that I have the same experience at the doctor as the male in the next room. #abbynorman #askmeaboutmyuterus #femalereproductivemedicine
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