It's not supposed to be this way
Lysa Terkeurst’s brokenness following hearing the news about her husband and his choices as she was writing a book which will help her as she navigated that time in her life. She was open about her experience with that, cancer, almost dying from a twisted colon. It felt like she was sitting next to me as I was reading this book. She felt like a friend that I could relate too although we are over a decade and miles apart. She did offer advice but it not preach or pretend she had/has the answers for your brokenness during your time between the two gardens. This book didn’t feel like a traditional self-help book which is all over and especially not like secular self-help where you depend upon yourself and you have to go and make yourself. 
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What books should I read and review next?
Please message me what books you would like to hear my opinions on.
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A Trip Around the Sun
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This book is a good devotional type book. Both of the authors, spend time telling their personal stories and how they turn their everyday lives became an adventure of their lives. Though the story focuses upon how these pastors met and started their careers serving. Though it is not my favorite book written by Mark Batterson, it has his signature writing style which makes the stories relatable.  
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This book is like a sequel to the Circle Maker. Mark Batterson expands upon the topics he discussed in the Circle Maker, but the focus of this book is how to listen for God’s voice after praying the bold prayers. I enjoyed how he includes information he has learned from his studies of a variety of subjects to explain the points he creates in the book. I love how he incorates physics principles into how great God is and how we can be deaf to God’s replies. This books is like a breath of fresh air after reading some other books.  
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In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day
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This book is written in typical Mark Batterson’s style. He includes many examples about individuals he knows or have heard of taking their opportunities and thriving in them. He tells about how his church bought a former crack house and transforms it into the a successful coffee shop. At the end of each chapter, he included a summary about the important points of each chapter. He doesn’t talk down the reader and tells the reader that surviving and thriving when opportunity roars is not easy. He encourages the reader to chase after your dream. It goes along with each of the other books I have read from him. If you have read any of his other books, you should enjoy this book, though I will warn you it can seem a bit repetitive at times if you read his books back to back.  
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The Circle Maker
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This books transformed the way I thought about prayer. Mark Batterson challenged me to pray more bold prayers and if I am not asking God for things I can not do by myself, then I do not have faith in His ability to provide for me. He also taught me about the concept of prayer walks and I love how he included personal experiences. Unlike more authors who include personal experiences I have read, he does not go down the rabbit hole with them. He keeps them short and entertaining. As the tag line states, “Praying circle around your biggest dreams and greatest fears”, this book delivers a way how you can achieve this without in my opinion testing God. He includes BIblical stories and inspired me to pray about my fears and dreams. I really enjoy his writing style and how he portrays God’s personality. 
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Welcome to book dates with Kate. I will be reviewing books I have read. 
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