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hot cocoa, books, and cozy socks on a Sunday morning.
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I think my favourite thing about books is how they shape us. Your book history is uniquely your own, no one else in the world has read the all the same books at the exact same times of their lives as you have, and all those books have changed you so intrinsically that you couldn’t erase their influence on you anymore then you could change your DNA.
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A young, spirited, teenage girl finds a favorite.
It doesn’t matter what the favorite is…
A book, a movie, a hobby, or a flavor of her coffee.
She will tell the world all about it.
After all, isn’t that what girls like to do. Talk?
The world will listen and then laugh.
It will start as a hollow, amused laugh.
Then turn slightly patronizing.
And then slowly morph into a monster of mockery.
How silly, how stupid, how utterly vain, how pointless, how… basic.
How girly.
And the girl will:
laugh it off.
roll her eyes.
But she will not be surprised.
She had heard the laugh either for the first time or a million times
… or maybe for the last time.
Because when a teenage girl likes something
The world will treat it like the world treats it’s girls.
With cruel mockery, dismissal, and utter denial that
anything a girl can love
can be worth anything.
Unless of course
it’s man.
Then again…
Maybe not.
xx bookphile xx
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*narrator voice*  And here we see the bibliophile, asleep in a pile of books, her natural habitat.  If we’re lucky, we may see her finish one and cry. 
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Harry Potter animated locations: Diagon Alley, Hogwarts Express, Hogwarts Library, Gryffindor Common Room, Potions Classroom, Dumbledore’s Office, The Burrow, Number 12 Grimmauld Place [x]
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I’m v passionate about public transportation and honestly idk why any major us city doesn’t have a light rail system
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Does anyone have advice about the the search for LIS programs?
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Hi, I've seen the whole "Read women authors" month thing and it's cool that's happening and everything, but is there a reason for highlighting female authors (like some sort of inequality I should be aware of) or is it just a random monthly topic?
It was a glorious morning a quarter of a moon ago when @ladybookmad woke up and said “Hey, I finished my reading challenge, what will I do now? Oh WOE IS ME!!” And then she went “I know, how about I read more books by female writers that never get any attention?? I’ll ask tumblr if it’s something people want to do.”
And lo and behold #ReadWomen December was born. Many people were excited to share their favorite novels with others and celebrate works written by women.
Then the Fire Nation attacked Publisher’s Weekly posted a controversial article (read this link) that brought a storm upon the book community. It was a dark day, many lost faith in publishing process. Once again many women were told they weren’t good enough because they were women. And many readers were told that YA was trash unless a man wrote it.
Angered and betrayed, the #ReadWomen month was solidified to prove that Morally Complicated YA books existed before a white man decided to write one.
That was when the trolls and straw-white-feminist attacked. Asking why people were boycotting male writers (no one was boycotting anyone) and claiming that people were sexist and racist because they actively chose to avoid white male writers (ehm… because apparently if you actively chose to avoid white male writers you are sexist and racist or you have an agenda [i don’t get it either]).
The most shocking thing was that the majority of people who oppose #ReadWomen are white female bloggers. Wait… no, I may be disappointed but I am not surprised.
When we said “We wish to support women” the white-straw-feminists heard “We hate men!”.
When we said “We will only read women writers” the white-straw-feminists heard “We hate male writers, let’s boycott them!
When we said “Let’s read something other than straight while male writers” the white-straw-feminists heard “LETS DESTROY THE WORLD WITH OUR GAY/FEMINISM/RACE AGENGA!!! MAWHWAHAHA!!!”
Everyone kept saying “but I have so many favorite male writers” when it had absolutely nothing to do with men. I don’t understand why we have to make that disclaimer. Yes, we all have favorite male writers, no we don’t hate them now and yes, we will still read male writers in the future. And no we don’t hate men! Personally, if Henry Cavill came up to me, I’d ask him if he wanted to make Superman babies. Why do we have to make that fucking disclaimer every time we say “I wish to support women!”? Are men that fragile, that we’re instantly accused of sexism if we don’t?
So here’s what #ReadWomen is:
The decision to read women writers was completely random and without agenda.
It is still without agenda despite what trolls and critics say.
This has nothing to do with men.
The only goal is: To Support Female Writers.
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It’s just like:
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Reading in bed. 
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watching bernie sanders shake his head and mouth “no” while other candidates are speaking is the highlight of the debate
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There will be weeks you read 5 books and there will be weeks where you struggle to read 1 book. But guess what? You’re still a bookworm, no matter how many books you read in a certain amount of time.
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music can inspire you so much
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