booksniffin · 13 days
You’re welcome 😘
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booksniffin · 2 months
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booksniffin · 2 months
Btw, non UK users here, would be genuinely super helpful if you could boost posts relating to the far right violence happening and also counter protests. A lot of UK users don’t really follow each other, and also it just helps to increase the chance of people who could go to counter protests seeing posts about what’s happening when. I know posts about our politics; and non USAmerican politics really; don’t get a lot of traction on here, but like despite the UScentrism of the English speaking user base it’s really helpful and beneficial to share these things. The situation is likely downright horrifying to those being targeted right now and it really should be a priority for us to go out and counter this to the best of our abilities
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booksniffin · 2 months
ibuprofen...... ubuprofen...... 🤝 webuprofen 💞💞
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booksniffin · 2 months
If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes
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booksniffin · 5 months
Does anyone know where I can buy an artwork with a collage of Jimin's best dance moments. I'm thinking Black Swan, I Need You, The Fan Dance etc?
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booksniffin · 2 years
god im so glad your discussion of steven universe is like. actually reasonable. i totally understand the real problems people have with it but hating it so much for no good reason is so unfair. its a show that has brought MUCH more good than otherwise and it will always have a special place in my heart. im so lucky to have grown up with a show that helped me understand who i am. i would have had a much harder time coming to terms with being queer had i not had this show and its overwhelming message of acceptance.
It was an important show and opened the door for so many creators by showing that you can have a gay wedding on a cartoon and not have pitchfork wielding conservatives forcing everyone to ban the network because it’s not 1960.
We would not have what we saw in She-Ra, Owl House, or any other recent queer media for children without this scene—
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What Rebecca went through to get this approved was insane. She had to fight tooth and nail for every frame. Localization teams abroad made Ruby a man to avoid their relationship being seen as queer, so they had Ruby wear the dress. If localization teams wanted to make Ruby a man, Ruby would be a man in a wedding dress.
The impact this show had on queer children cannot be overstated. For a lot of people, this show was a game changer. The way “progressive” people online looked for any aspect they could find to tear it down was absurd. You’re allowed not to like it. You’re allowed to think it’s annoying, but there is no denying that it did more for the queer community than any other childrens cartoon of the era.
Remember, before Ruby and Sapphire, THIS was considered the largest and most daring thing a children’s cartoon could do to even HINT that a character COULD BE bisexual.
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Holding hands and eye contact. That was seen as too much, pushing boundaries in this time period. Something that parents could still argue was just Gals Being Pals.
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CN HATED Rebecca for not giving an inch on these scenes, and they were so important to so many people. It was the first show that just had two women in an affectionate relationship who weren’t afraid of showing how much they loved each other in public. They had fights, they consoled each other, they dealt with unhealthy codependency and worked on it, they talked about their relationship, they flirted, they were just a very real couple.
That mattered. And no amount of “oh well Steven is three centimeters shorter here” or “well lapidot should be canon” are going to change that for me.
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booksniffin · 2 years
Body neutrality has saved my life as a trans person. My body may not look a certain way, but it does so many things for me. It allows me to read silly fanfics, dance to my fav songs, to hug and kiss my loved ones.
My body may never look the way I want it to, but it’s so much more than what I see on the surface.
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booksniffin · 2 years
There is no "universal experience of womanhood".
Radfems and their derivatives the TERFs will try to claim there is some universal experience of womanhood that links all female people across the planet, regardless of race, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, culture, disability, etc. They then use this "universal womanhood" to claim trans women can't possibly be women, because they never experienced womanhood the way cis women do.
But this "universal womanhood" doesn't exist. And without it, the claim that trans women can't experience womanhood disappears too.
Womanhood is a complex intersection of identities, and many women and AFAB people from marginalized identities do not feel any "sisterhood" with the privileged women who cause them harm.
And this means that the non-womanhood of AFAB trans people is valid, too.
"You'll always be a woman!" radfems cry to trans men.
No - I'm not now, and I never really was. I existed at the margins of womanhood. I dressed up in womanhood the same way you accuse trans women of dressing up - but trans women are far more authentic and sincere in their womanhood than I ever was.
Even as a "female", I do not have a "universal connection" to other female humans. I don't care if you call yourself a woman or an "adult human female" - if you wish me harm, I feel no connection to you.
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booksniffin · 2 years
it's not easy realizing you are non binary. it's not necessary obvious. sometimes there's no dysphoria or the dysphoria is confusing. sometimes your self image changes drastically from day to day. when i realized i was just a "person" i had no idea how to go about living that way, because nothing is gendered for "people." took me a while to realize we establish the rules, no one else, the lack of guidelines is terrifying, but liberating
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booksniffin · 2 years
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Sleepy baby
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booksniffin · 2 years
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Sunsets! Some more daily landscape paintings.
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booksniffin · 2 years
male celebs who looked like lesbians when they were 20 are different from other celebs in that i WILL be obsessed with them at some point in my life
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booksniffin · 2 years
i think the reason i love studio ghibli as much as i do is because it encompasses everything i love about life. wearing clothes that make you feel young and free that you can run and jump and climb trees in. the sense of peace that only comes from sitting on a train watching scenes move by the in windows, walking through the city at night, reading on a bench. the way there is so much grief and pain and hardship in each movie, and the world being torn apart but in spite of that, there is wholesomeness and warmth in bowls of noodles and dinner with your family and singing loudly without worrying about what your voice sounds like, and if you love someone enough it doesn’t matter that the world is falling apart around you. it’s about romanticising the little things in life, the hot mug of tea, that moment in the streetlight in the rain, the sunrise looking pretty through your little window; and it’s about the quiet, soft, warm moments you share with other people through those. those the things i cling onto in life, the small moments of joy that make life worth living.
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booksniffin · 2 years
had to watch a sea urchin fertilization lab for school and the way they dispose of the fertilized urchins is putting them in a tub labeled “used” lmao
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booksniffin · 2 years
At this point half the reason I still put up with TiKTok is the insane bakers and cooks. I mean LOOK AT THIS.
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booksniffin · 2 years
A video analysis of the difference between Joule joining Kelvin and Kelvin joining Joule. 
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