bookwormbrooke · 4 years
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bookwormbrooke · 4 years
Can we get a thread going of books that are just absolutely fun reads? Nothing that’s trying to make me think to hard, nothing that’s trying to make me sad. Just fun stories that you can pick up and use to escape for a little while because I think we could all us that. 
My first pick is the Truly Devious serious by Maureen Johnson~
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bookwormbrooke · 4 years
simple reminder: You are loved no matter how you feel. He is there. He is near. He is faithful. 
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bookwormbrooke · 4 years
Crazy how I was just thinking about this last night
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This is why sex education is so important and it starts at fucking home.
I legit didn’t even know that I was “molested” until I was in middle school because of my parents neglected to educate me on child sexual abuse.
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bookwormbrooke · 4 years
“Come home to my heart.”
— Lorde (via quotemadness)
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bookwormbrooke · 4 years
When you lay out all your TBR books:
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bookwormbrooke · 4 years
Enneagram Ultra-Simplified
One - The Need to be Perfect
Two - The Need to be Needed
Three - The Need to Succeed
Four - The Need to be Special / Unique
Five  - The Need to Understand
Six - The Need for Certainty
Seven - The Need to Avoid Pain
Eight - The Need to Be Against
Nine - The Need to Avoid
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bookwormbrooke · 4 years
may your soul be overgrown with moss. may your veins fill with rainwater and your lungs swell with flowers.
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bookwormbrooke · 4 years
Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @brightbeautifulthings, I’m procrastinating my work
1. Do you make your bed? I used to when it was in the center of the room because it was easy, but now it’s in the corner because I don’t have enough room space and it’s too difficult
2. What’s your favorite number? I don’t have one I don’t think?¿
3. Can you parallel park? Hahahahha
4. A job you had which would surprise people? I was a ballet instructor for a couple years and then a craft store associate and was the craft room teacher for all the kids classes, loved both of those jobs
5. Do you think aliens are real? Umm, don’t know, God could’ve made aliens just as he made us
6. Can you drive a manual car? Nope
7. What’s your guilty pleasure? Watching Station 19 followed by Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday nights
8. Tattoos? Not opposed, but haven’t been able to decide on one thing I want on my body forever
9. Favorite color? GREEN, olive tones
10. Things people do that drive you crazy? Standing too close to the customer checking out in front of you, chewing crunchy foods with your mouth, planning to use a coupon at the store but getting to the register and not knowing how to pull it up on your phone
11. Any phobias? No phobias but I hate snakes
12. Favorite childhood sport? I have zero hand-eye coordination so I was a dancer, loved ballet and tap
13. Do you talk to yourself? Not usually
14. What movies do you adore? Ever After with Drew Barrymore is the first that always comes to mind, I absolutely adore that movie and know every line, also I love P.S. I Love You
15. Do you like doing puzzles? Um YES, I consider it a main hobby
16. Favorite kind of music? everything really, but mainly oldies, folk, alternative, rock, classical, and musicals
17. Tea or coffee? What kind of question is this..tea of course
18. What’s the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? A prima ballerina
Tagging @onthebookshelves @onceuponabookblr @nothingwithoutwords @notashotasmyteapot
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bookwormbrooke · 5 years
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bookwormbrooke · 5 years
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11.02 / it's a really sunny day!
do you guys have a notebook where you just copy quotes and passages you like from the things you read?
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bookwormbrooke · 5 years
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24.01 / looking back
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bookwormbrooke · 5 years
Sometimes life is stressful and you just gotta remind yourself… one day you’ll be living in the woods with whomever you love (partner, grandparents, a nice fat cat) tending to your pumpkin patch and your honeybees, picking the fruit from your apple tree, and spending the night writing love letters to the sun and everything will be okay
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bookwormbrooke · 5 years
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bookwormbrooke · 5 years
Let’s be honest here girls one of the best things about a long distance relationship is you don’t have to shave your legs all the time. I’m not the only one right???
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bookwormbrooke · 5 years
Me, looking back at how many books i used to read: I love that bitch, she was going places.
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bookwormbrooke · 5 years
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In one of my film classes last semester we had to tell a story in 3 pictures for a mini assignment so my friend and I did this
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