bookwyrm03 · 3 days
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bookwyrm03 · 3 days
Vader: [opening a desk drawer in Obi-Wan’s old room] Let’s see what this old fool kept in here…[picking up a piece of paper]  Obi-Wan: [in a letter] 
Dear Anakin, 
If you’re reading this, then you must be rifling through my belongings, which means you are either extremely bored (in which case I suggest going and tidying up your quarters, which I don’t need to see to know are a disaster,) or I’ve been missing for an extended amount of time and the Order needs the room to store extra chairs, or I’ve died, possibly while trying to rid the galaxy of General Grievous. If I am in fact dead, I hope this letter finds you well in spite of it, and that you have not gone off the deep end or murdered anyone in an attempt to avenge me. (…unless it’s Grievous, I suppose.)
You will find attached to this letter the receipts for several items in my room, such as the electric tea kettle. I hope you can at least return them for store credit. 
I’ve set up a college savings plan with the Galactic Bank of Coruscant, because I noticed that Senator Amidala is obviously pregnant, and since I am not nearly as dense as you apparently think I am, I presume the child is yours. The account information is in my safe, which I would give you the combination to except that I know you have been breaking into it since you were 14. 
If you do intend to eventually leave the Order, as I suspect you might, please make sure that you give the Council two weeks’ notice. It’s only polite, and you never know when you may need to use them as a reference. Even though I know you clash with them, they do care about you.
Finally, please make sure Duchess Satine’s nephew gets the inheritance I’ve left him (the information is also in my safe, and no, I’m not going to tell you any more details about this. I realize how much this is going to torment you, and I’d be lying if I said that’s not bringing a smile to my face.) 
Your blanket is in the hamper. Wash it on the gentle cycle. The password for the wi-fi, in case you’ve forgotten, is BuyYourOwnDataPlanAnakin.
Be well, my Padawan, and I shall see you again someday – hopefully many years from now – when you, too, rejoin the Force. Don’t forget to change the payment settings for Netflix now that I’m dead or you’ll fall behind on your programs. 
Yours,  Obi-Wan Kenobi  PS: Don’t let Vos speak at my funeral. 
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bookwyrm03 · 8 days
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I feel safe. Yes, it feels like that.
@swsource​ star wars week: day 6 – may the 4th be with you!
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bookwyrm03 · 8 days
People said that Tumblr isn't a great place to post original art that isn't fanart, but I'm doing it anyway because I haven't got the motivation to draw anything else
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Happy pride month lads! 🧡💛🤍💙
from an aroace potato :)
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bookwyrm03 · 8 days
Literally cannot emphasize enough that my #1 writing advice is to stop being afraid. Stop being afraid of sounding too cringe, or too stupid, or too horrifying, or too horny, or too weird, or too much, or too little, or too you. You need to put your entire pussy into your art. Sure, it won't be to everyone's tastes, but if you keep yourself to the blandest tamest safest roads possible you will be of no one's tastes, not even yours.
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bookwyrm03 · 8 days
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bookwyrm03 · 21 days
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bookwyrm03 · 21 days
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All his life ,Obi wan preferred the quiet.
The temple had always been loud and busy, and the negotiator had been even louder.
So it was a funny thing that on Tatooine, all obi wan wanted was to drown out the silence.
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bookwyrm03 · 21 days
In the latest installment of me Terrorizing Medical Professionals, I got my Wisdom Teeth extracted because one decided to be an asshole and the other 3 were pending assholery, and demonstrated to my dentist that it's entirely possible to out-metabolize Ketamine if you start moving ASAP and also have a freakishly powerful liver.
So yesterday I had my one-month Checkup. It went pretty great, and the dentist asked if any part of my mouth was bothering me.
"Yeah, there's a sharp bit of bone coming out through the side from the extraction in my lower right jaw. The bone spur itself doesn't hurt, but it keeps cutting my tongue, so can you just pull it?" "Oh. Sure! Let me go get everything to do that." she said, and went to go get the tools for the extraction.
...Then there was some kind of confusion at the front desk I could overhear, with someone showing up with an urgent problem and they had to juggle the available staff, so she came back a bit later with the Pliers, said something about something taking "long enough" and went in.
It came out in two pieces, and the most discomfort I had was like, a 3/10 from the extraction itself, but mostly from keeping my mouth open.
...About halfway through, the Hygienist came in, apologizing for being late getting back from the front desk.
"Oh good, you have her the Novocaine!" the hygienist sighs with relief.
"What?" Said my dentist.
"What?" said the hygienist.
Both of them turn to look at the very full syringe on the tool table behind me.
"Honestly this is bothering me way less than the shot would." I said, lightly dribbling blood, and they both turn to me in horror.
"I really hate needles." I explain.
"What." says the dentist.
"Woah." Says the hygienist. "You would have done great in like, The Civil War."
Which is probably the funniest thing anyone's every said about my dangerously high pain tolerance.
Anyway, it was a one-off issue, and a non-issue for me because I think a normal person would have stopped her, so I go back in August if she doesn't recommend me to someone else for terrifying her twice in as many visits.
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bookwyrm03 · 21 days
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bookwyrm03 · 1 month
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Shmi finding the echoes of Anakin in the Tusken that delivers a black melon to her because Anakin helped them when he was young, that she finds comfort in the stories of him, the way he affected the world around him, that's so much what George Lucas was going for with the concept of letting go--forcing someone to stay with you because you're afraid to let them go will only hurt them, will only crush them in your hand. But if you let them go, if you can find happiness in them working towards the dream they had, then you'll see all this beauty in the ways they affected the world, you'll find that they're in your heart, you'll find happiness in their happiness. Of course Shmi misses her son and Shmi has had a life that no one should ever have to live, but the message of Star Wars is that in loving other people, in letting them go on to do what they were meant to do, you'll find true joy and everlasting contentment. Shmi is one of the strongest people in all of Star Wars, because she took her pain and suffering and turned it into love for her son, she let him go, and if it weren't for Palpatine, I honestly believe that Anakin would have overcome his issues and become the brightest star in all the galaxy.
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bookwyrm03 · 1 month
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bookwyrm03 · 1 month
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Doctor Who 2.11 - "Fear Her" / 4.09 - "Silence in the Library"
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bookwyrm03 · 1 month
🔥unpopular opinion on Anakin's political ideology? that seems to be a hot button topic as of late!!
I don't know what other people are saying so I'm not actually sure this is unpopular, but Anakin is a canonical fascist sympathizer turned fascist. Yes, he's eventually reformed, and Yes his extreme beliefs are born from trauma and being abandoned to slavery on the outer rim and mistrust towards the government that allowed it, but that doesn't make it any less canon. You can be anti-government and anti-institution in many ways and Anakin approaches this mindset from a pro-fascist lens, TEXTUALLY.
He's not like "give the power back to the people" he's like "give the power to someone who can control the people." His history of powerlessness manifests as a desire to wield power, not to challenge or interrogate power structures. Buddy boy falls for the biggest fascist dictator propaganda campaign ever and becomes Palpatine's rabid lap dog. He murders civilians disenfranchised and neglected by the same government on the same planet where he was disenfranchised and neglected as a child. Anakin is a space right-wing extremist. He becomes the literal figurehead of power for the fucking EMPIRE, NOT ON ACCIDENT. He's one of those little boys who gets radicalized online by Jordan Peterson. Many of those little boys are victims of the system, too. Doesn't make them any less right wing or extreme!!
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bookwyrm03 · 1 month
…do you ever think Padme’s girlies™ ever talked shit about Anakin behind his & padme’s backs?
Like they’re all supportive and stuff when the happy couple is nearby, but the moment they leave they’re just like “oh FORCE that guy is annoying”
Like I don’t think any of them hate Anakin, but sabé WILL mock how awkward his flirting is, y’know?
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bookwyrm03 · 1 month
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bookwyrm03 · 1 month
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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) dir. Sam Raimi
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