boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
Tell my muse their fatal flaw in your muse's eye.
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
If you had one word to describe your muse, what would it be?
Name one major reason why your muse is like they are today.
What is a quote your muse could live by?
Does your muse make exceptions from their moral coding very often?
How strong IS your muse's moral coding?
Does your muse want everyone else to follow their morals?
How does your muse like to sit?
What are three things your muse looks for in a friend?
What is the one question people most commonly ask your muse?
If your muse had one minute in which to live, what would they do?
What does your muse do when they've hurt someone else?
What does your muse do when they've killed someone else?
What does your muse do when they've lost someone else?
What was the last major event that triggered a change in your muse?
Does your muse trust easily?
Who are the most trustworthy people to your muse?
How does your muse demonstrate trust?
How does your muse hide mistrust?
What does your muse associate the colour pink with?
What does your muse associate the colour black with?
What does your muse associate the colour white with?
Would your muse ever kill someone?
Would your muse ever kill someone in self defense?
Would your muse ever kill someone in defense of another person?
How important does something have to be before your muse is willing to die for it?
What does your muse think of the human condition?
Sum up your muse's story in six words.
Have your muse sum up their story in six words.
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
Tell my muse their fatal flaw in your muse's eye.
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
Sighing at the obvious hatred from the other yordle, Tristana just shrugged. “I know why you have a grudge with Teemo, but why does everyone hate him? Sure, on the Rift, he was annoying, but he’s got a lot of skill, and he’s really great out of combat. But even the Summoners used to hate him. I don’t get it.”
“Too positive, too optimistic about everything. How do you manage it? A more important question, how are you able to stand…Teemo..?” His eyes squinted, possibly in disgust of the mere thought of the other yordle.
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
What is a quote Tristana could live by?
Oh, this wasn’t even a hard question for the Yordle Gunner. “’Go big or go home!’ You might as well do your best if you’re gonna do it at all!”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
"Treetahna!" Gnar waved to Tristana, failing horribly to pronounce her name correctly.
Smiling brightly, Tristana waved back at Gnar and bounced over to him. “Close enough! How are ya doing, Gnar?”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
“Hey, I’m not that loud!” Her shouting in her defense didn’t make her case, though. She blushed and pouted as she tried again. “I’m not loud. I just have a loud cannon. You try talking over it.”
boomersayshi :
“Do you even care about my opinion? Hmm~? Anyways, I think you’re alright. Powerful, that’s a given, but a little too quiet for me to say much else.”
“I’m an assassin, did you expect me to be loud,” He raised a brow, but the lining of a smirk is clear on his lips, “You could learn a thing or two about being quiet. It’d give you an advantage.”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
"Why don't you date Teemo?"
“Because we’re friends? Why do you guys keep asking that?! Besides, I haven’t even seen him here, so there!”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
Tristana just shrugged and smiled. “Not if you don’t want to. I’m just saying that we’re in a new world, so why not try something new? You don’t even have to go out like that if you don’t want to. I just think you’d be pretty if you did your hair and maybe wore something else, you know? Why not try it?”
"What did you just say?!"
Tristana backed away slowly just in case Kalista decided to lash out at her. “I was just saying you should brush your hair, maybe put it up. It would look pretty that way, don’t you think?”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
"What did you just say?!"
Tristana backed away slowly just in case Kalista decided to lash out at her. “I was just saying you should brush your hair, maybe put it up. It would look pretty that way, don’t you think?”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
"If you could redo one mistake in your life, what would it be?"
Tristana thought for a moment before shrugging. “I don’t have any big mistakes to redo. I have my dream job, my cannon, and plenty of friends. What would I change?”
‘Then again, everyone says I’m too loud and obnoxious....’
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
“You’re a lot better to be around than most of the Shadow Isles people, Kalista. Besides, you’re a fellow marksman, and you even get extra points for using spears instead of a gun!”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
Send ∅ for my muse's opinion about yours.
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
“Well, well! The only other ranged champion who makes as much noise as I do! Not that Valor is annoying, of course. I like the tag team you guys make up! It’s really cool to watch! You also seem really nice!”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
“Ooh~! Diana! I don’t know much about her outside of her skills, which are really cool, by the way, but I think she needs to lighten up, and Leona needs to back off of her. Whatever issue Sunny has with her isn’t that important, is it?”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
“You’re really strong and skilled, Yasuo. Swords aren’t my thing, but I can appreciate talent when I see it. But you should lighten up more often!”
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boomersayshi-blog · 9 years
“Do you even care about my opinion? Hmm~? Anyways, I think you’re alright. Powerful, that’s a given, but a little too quiet for me to say much else.”
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