boopy-bop-blog · 26 days
Wat do yall think?
Why I would make a good captain
Being captain of a team is a big role to take on which I do understand. I was chosen for the captain role my junior year for the sideline team which puts some experience on my background. I will admit that i was not the perfect captain and i did make a lot of mistakes but those were all worth learning from. I have so many ideas and ways to make my captain role more effective and helpful for not only my team but my coaches as well.
I tend to put my all in everything thing i do especially when it comes to things i love. Cheerleading is apart of who i am and everytime i step onto that mat, i make sure that i leave knowing i put forth my best effort not only for myself but my team as well. I can get in my head easily but thats only because i know i have a lot to show and lot of people to make proud. If you give me a correction, I will focus on that deeply because even as captain its important to keep improving yourself to show others that even though you have a title of being the leader, theres always room for improvement which only is going to make the team stronger.
Ive been through thick and thin with being on this squad. I’ve been put front and center for a routine but the years before that i was the alternate. Ive had experience being pushed aside, forgotten, and not given the chance to show what im capable of. Even though its in the past, that fear of being that girl stays in my head and can affect my mindset sometimes, but she only makes me want to try harder than everyone else to prove that not only do i deserve to be given a chance to show myself, but that i once im given that chance you wont regret putting that smile in front of the judges.
Wrapping this all up, the reason why i think i would be a good captain is because I am ready to learn and accomplish big things with this team. Im ready to lead them through the hard practices all the way to the competitions where we will pick up our first place trophies. I’m ready learn that i am strong enough to put that fear of being that little girl with wasted potential away and thrive from all the blood, sweat, and tears i’ve put in to be a better cheerleader for my team and most importanly myself. Im ready to show my coaches that they dont need to stress so much when it comes to taking care of the team since i am willing to do anything for this team because they truly are my second family and i love each and everyone of them to death<3
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boopy-bop-blog · 26 days
Does this sound good
What is a cheer captain to me?
Having the captain title in any way holds a lot of dedication, leadership, responsibility, and many more aspects. When it comes to a sport like cheerleading, even though its misunderstood for its difficulties, anyone who participates in the sport knows what hardships come along with it. This sport has a lot of mental and physical challlenges that come with it and many ways a team gets though those challenges by having a good captain leading them through those rough paths.
 Something that comes along with being a cheer captain that i think is very important is making sure the team knows that for any troubles that they have, they can come to you in a heartbeat. There are somethings that may be hard to come directly to a coach to confront about which is where a captain comes in. Captains are to have good communication with all the coaching staff, which comes in to play when hearing about a problem that is being a addressed from the team. Motivating the team is another important aspect of being a good captain. Even if you are having a rough day, it is important that you dont let that affect your leading abilities. You may be tired from the warmups, and the conditioning, and the back to back full outs, but as captain it is your job to show your team how to push through and fight til the end for your team. 
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boopy-bop-blog · 26 days
My life pt 6
So to ensure that something like that doesn’t happen, you must take care of your health, make sure to keep the other activities like roller skating and trampoline parks to a minimum, and more which does take strength especially as a teenage kid. But for me those decisions weren’t hard for me to make because I love my team with all my heart and if that means that I would have to work more hours, cancel plans that could possibly end with me being injured, making sure I don’t get sick, then I will do what I can so that I can be someone they can depend on being there for them, especially as their captain.
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boopy-bop-blog · 26 days
My life pt 5
 Time was also of essence when it comes to this team. I had work from 10 am to 3 pm, sideline from 4-6, and then comp practice from 5:30 to 8:30 which meant I had to leave one practice early to go to the next. Summer break isn’t a thing for cheerleaders. When you are dedicated to cheer, it’s not just going to affect you if you decide to miss a day, it affects a whole entire team, and it’s now an inconvenience for everyone.
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boopy-bop-blog · 26 days
My life pt 4
I have contributed as much as I can for this team. Especially being captain for both sideline and competition teams this year, I have found myself living, breathing, even eating cheer. Without even realizing it, I was spending check after check from my own bank account to make sure the team had what they needed to have the best season possible. Even though I was stressed out all the time, seeing the team with matching blankets, always having the apparel they needed to be decorated for any themed game that there was.
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boopy-bop-blog · 26 days
My life pt 3
This taught me patience and how to never give up. Even though I was once believed to not be good enough, I never stopped working and waiting. It wasn’t until my 3rd year of cheer where I was finally noticed for my hard work. After that, I was the one who was looked upon at, and I am continuing to work hard in being a good role model for my teammates. It was with that patience and determination that helped me get to where I am today, a captain, a role model, a leader, an inspiration. Cheerleading is something that requires work in every aspect you can think of. I wasn’t prepared for it, but I’m glad I took the journey because now I can carry into my future that patience leads to perseverance, hard work pays off, and even though you may not be seen as great at first sight, you shouldn’t let that stop you from proving them wrong, let that desire turn into power and keep working to be the star nobody is ready to see shine!
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boopy-bop-blog · 26 days
My life pt 2
 By this time my senior year I am doing skills my younger self would have never imagined and the only reason I was able to do that was because that little girl who wanted that split so badly. She is my inspiration, everything I do is to fill that void she had because of the opportunities she lacked. It was hard, though, but it has taught me such valuable lessons along the way. I started off in the shadows, always watching everyone get to shine, while I had to wait. I used to not get any chances to show the dedication I have to grow or to show how hard I can work to be better.
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boopy-bop-blog · 26 days
My life pt 1
There are many things that can be said about cheerleading, but only the ones who have dedicated their everything to it can agree with the way I feel it has impacted my life. I am a first gen cheerleader in my family, meaning I had no guidance or a head start like some do. I also started cheerleading later into my life, with trying out for my first team freshman year. Not only that, but I didn’t grow up in a wealthy household, my mom had 6 kids to attend to, and I am the youngest so by the time I was old enough to start doing activities, the money was not there to support me to do anything. Even though I wasn’t put in any classes for flexibility or any sort of training, I still was inspired to stretch every day and at least get my split just for the fun of it. Little did I know, that dedication would get me ahead of most when it came to cheerleading.
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boopy-bop-blog · 2 months
Small girl, Big world
I'm almost 18 and tell me why I still ask my mom if it is ok to take more than 2 ibuprofen a day.
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