boostrustposts-blog · 5 years
How to Win Clients and Influence Markets with These 5 Winning Digital Marketing Components!
Creating a digital marketing strategy for your business is not only complex but also a regularly advancing endeavor. There are numerous digital marketing components that you can include in your business to get customers and also can influence a large market at your niche.
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Digital marketing works differently for every business that provides opportunities for better online growth, helps reach a targeted audience, create strong relationships, affordable and even helps to generate some leads.
There are various digital marketing components that you can include in your business like SEO, affiliate marketing, paid social media ads, PPC advertising, Influencer posts, Twitter campaigns, etc. It all depends on the client’s goals and objectives from the digital marketing efforts.
As a marketer or a business owner, you are always ready to invest money to the digital side but don’t know where to begin or which components to choose from. This article profiles what we here at BOOSTrust believe are the five components of winning digital marketing strategy. Let’s have a look!
1) SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO was and also is an important digital marketing component for your business if you have a website, blog or an e-commerce store. It increases your business visibility & credibility, online branding, drives web traffic, high returns, and insight into customer behavior.
Search Engine Optimization helps to improve your websites rankings and visibility on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Optimizing your website in all the areas for search engines will help to increase your website to rank on top of SERPs. But how do you do that?
Creating high-quality content with targeted keywords is the key factor in an SEO strategy that can increase traffic by as much as 2,000%. You can use the Google Adwords Keyword Planner tool to find relevant keywords that your customers might be searching for.
You can use these keywords for
Website optimization like title, Meta descriptions, alt text for images, etc.
Write a high-quality content/blog, use in e-mails, guest posting and much more
Optimize your social media profiles & pages with targeted keywords and phrases.
2) Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing (SEM) is another form of digital marketing that helps display your websites by increasing their visibility on search engines via paid advertising.
It uses paid advertising options like PPC (Pay per Click) by Google Adwords and social ads on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Search engine marketing helps to promote your business on Google, Bing, & Yahoo through different ads to generate more traffic and sales.
Investing in paid ads is an expensive but effective way to put your digital marketing strategy in a proper direction and get you quick results.
Define your target audience and set specific goals for the campaign
Choosing & optimize the right keywords to target your right audience, campaigns and ad groups
Writing compelling advertisements, create landing pages, text & image ads, etc.
3) Social Media Advertising
Social media advertising is a powerful digital marketing tool that allows businesses to reach their customers, enhancing their brands and expanding their customer base.
Social media advertising implements many social media networks to achieve marketing communication and branding goals. It primarily covers activities involving paid advertising, sharing contents, videos or images on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and much more.
But using social media channels and marketing strategies, you can reach the audience to gain better ROI, lead generation, and market growth.
Research your audience and select the appropriate social media platform
Create and optimize your social media profiles
Create, promote and post engaging contents
Create ads using text and images
Design your ads to be mobile-friendly
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4) E-mail Marketing
E-mail marketing is still a worthwhile tactic for small business owners, and marketers to pursue as it helps to reach their mobile consumers, keep their customers informed, and drive online sales.
Email marketing has become an effective way to reach your target markets as well as stay connected with your purchasing base. And with various email marketing software’s available in the market, it’s easy to retain current clients while targeting new markets.
It’s easy to customize and inexpensive for the marketers to reach a large number of customers without any huge investments. There are several e-mail marketing tools used by modern marketers to create and send beautifully branded e-mails like MailChimp, Active Campaign, Litmus, GetResponse, Aweber, etc.
Use newsletter service to create & send emails, manage e-mail lists, etc.
Personalize your emails to every single subscriber
Segment your e-mail subscribers by industry, company size and sales cycle
Test, design and optimize CTA buttons
Use trigger-based e-mails to send e-mails automatically
5) Content Marketing
Content marketing is a perfect fit for any business with lots of options to create diverse content and a tailored strategy. The main goal of content marketing is to optimize business value and audience by leveraging engaging content across the right channels.
Whether you want to enhance brand awareness, generate leads, drive traffic, gain more customers or build an online reputation, content marketing is a powerful component in every aspect.
More than 88% of marketers are using content marketing efforts as a part of their marketing strategy. You can use several content marketing tools like BuzzSumo, Buffer, Klout, HubSpot, etc., to research, plan, create and distribute content on social media platforms.
Define your goal and your target audience’s
Run a content audit with performance
Generate content ideas using BuzzSumo, Quora, HubSpot, etc.
Create contents for your blog posts, e-book, infographics, and videos
Publish and manage your content on various social media channels
While these five digital marketing components are not the end but essential for your digital marketing strategy. There is influencer marketing, retargeting, marketing automation (autopilot), and much more that can maximize your original efforts. BOOSTrust is a creative marketing agency in New Jersey that helps you create a new website, improve your SEO, and create engaging content or set-up a new paid advertising channel. We can drive your business to greater digital efficiency.
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