bootysmakka · 7 days
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bootysmakka · 23 days
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bootysmakka · 2 years
Check it out
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bootysmakka · 3 years
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Mead tasting in Charlotte, NC
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bootysmakka · 5 years
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bootysmakka · 5 years
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bootysmakka · 6 years
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Fia Rua Irish Pub, Richmond Hill, Georgia
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bootysmakka · 6 years
What’s your fantasy?
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bootysmakka · 7 years
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Fall For Greenville Festival
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bootysmakka · 7 years
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Back in downtown Greenville SC for Fall For Greenville. A nice way to welcome the fall season, and sample some of the many different restaurants from the area.
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bootysmakka · 7 years
Are you serious?
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Ok, a friend posted a link, on facebook, to a petition boycotting the CGI/Live Action version of Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast,” because it will have scenes depicting ‘homosexual’ characters in it.   They want you to sign a prewritten letter to the powers that be in the world of Disney, to say that you don’t like that movie; and that you want a wholesome religious movie produced in its place.  You’re focused on the “homosexual” scenes?  What the fire breathing fuck, are you worried about a gay scene for?!! The whole movie is fucked up!
Ok we’re worried about a gay scene in Beauty and the Beast.  Wait, the movie is about a girl and a fucking beast, people!  Belle is held captive by a fucking beast, in a house where the dishes and furniture sing and dance.  WTF?  She’s given just about everything she wants, but she can’t leave.  Eventually she falls in love with the beast… THAT IS CALLED BEASTIALTY PEOPLE!  Sure, the beast turns into a prince in the end; but Belle falls in love with the ‘beast’ before he turns into a prince. What could be wrong with that?  Well the beast is cursed!  That would mean that you, you religious bible thumping idiot, are indeed encouraging witchcraft!  All the dishes and furniture are actually people who have been affected by this curse, as well as the beast.  Soo… I’m supposed to reject the homosexual scene, and let the bestiality and witchcraft references slide?
Beauty and the Beast, a harmless tale?  Is this movie actually encouraging people to abandon relationships with other humans and fall in love with your dog, horse, pig, goat, sheep, or whatever other animal you’re fond of?  They made at television show based on the story a few decades ago (1987-1990) where the two characters, played by Ron Pearlman (Vincent) and Linda Hamilton (Catherine) in a romantic modern day spin on the tale.  It takes place in fictional underground caverns of New York City where hybrid freaks live underground, in a secret society, hidden away from the rest of the world.  Nothing wrong with that?  Well Vincent is a hybrid man/lion being.  For this to happen, someone had to fuck a loin.  That or some scientist had to have blended the DNA of the two and implanted it in a human or lion female.  
Beauty and the Beast is like those stories by the Brothers Grimm.   Fairytales that are scary and perilous, with a happy end, that has some weird life moral to teach. Disney cleaned almost all of those stories up to make them more child friendly for today’s standards.  Now, should I be worried that teenage Stephanie next door (who hates boys and loves her male Labrador Retriever) might be fucking her dog and think it’s ok? Will little Tommy (doesn’t fully understand that he’s going through puberty) , who has a goat that follows him everywhere, think it’s ok to fuck his goat since he doesn’t have the courage to ask a girl out on a date?   Why do we even have this story in our history anyway? They need to return them to the original story or stop criticizing every little thing.
You want to criticize a Disney story? Then we should all be up in arms about getting rid of Alice in Wonderland (Through the Looking Glass). If this isn’t a story about hallucinogenic drugs, then I don’t know what it is.  One pill makes you big, one pill makes you small, the Cheshire cat disappearing and shit while smoking on a water pipe. What the fire fucking fuck does that convey??
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bootysmakka · 8 years
Not all men are like that. Growing up, most of my friends were girls, and with three sisters, feminine products were everywhere. The funniest thing that happened to me was about ten or 15 years ago. My wife wasn't feeling good and she had ran out of tampons, so off to Walmart I went. In the checkout line, with my USMC shirt on, a smart ass redneck asked me what I was buying those for. He and his buddies erupted in laughter until I said, "I use the to plug them in the bullet holes. They fit nicely into .45 holes. Would you like to see?". You could have heard a flea sneeze as the all quickly moved to the exit.
if you threw a pad or tampon into a crowd of boys they would probably all scream and it would be like that scene from monsters inc where george gets contaminated by a sock
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