borderlinebutterfly · 12 days
“Don’t use your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe.”
— Unknown
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borderlinebutterfly · 12 days
If you sit down at night and pay attention to the sky, you can listen to the stars listening to you. It’s a silent melody that won’t reach your ears but will reach your heart and it will make you understand that you are not alone.
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“I’ve seen a lot of beautiful things with a heavy heart.”
— Albert Camus
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“Go out and do something. It isn’t your room that’s a prison, it’s yourself.”
— Sylvia Plath
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“Never give up hope. Things can change overnight, and problems can dissolve in the light of a new day’s sun.”
— Leon Brown
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.”
— Max Ehrmann; Desiderata
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“You will have days where you feel better, and you will have days where you want to die. Both are okay. There is no magical cure. You just need to close your eyes, and trust that the waves will pass, and soon you’ll be able to breathe again.”
— Unknown
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“I’ve decided to make myself strong. As far as I can tell, that’s all I can do.”
— Haruki Murakami
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“Don’t compare yourself with other people, compare yourself with who you were yesterday.”
— Jordan Peterson
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“People will leave you but that doesn’t mean it’s your fault.”
— Unknown
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
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July 19, 1926 Journals of Anais Nin 1923-1927 [volume 3]
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“I’m almost never serious, and I’m always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I’m like a collection of paradoxes.”
— Ferdinand de Saussure
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
“No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up and never give up.”
— Unknown
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
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Susan Sontag, from “Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963″
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
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borderlinebutterfly · 1 month
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— Gillian Flynn, Sharp Objects (2006)
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