bored-atom · 19 hours
collection of useful things tumblr has taught me:
even if you can't fall asleep, laying down with your eyes closed will still rest your body
you don't have to brush your teeth standing up
you don't have to do any chore standing up, from dishes to showering
you don't have to shower with the lights on
if you can't brush your teeth, flossing and a tongue scraper gets rid of plaque and bad breath
if you can't do that, mouthwash kills a lot of bacteria
eating "unhealthy" food is better than eating no food
you can make the same meal everyday for however long you still want it
some pills come in syrups or chewables if you can't swallow them
kids nutritional shakes can be a quick way to get fuel if you can't eat/don't have time
if walking hurts/exhausts you on a regular basis, canes and rollers are for you, no matter how young you are
we have free will—if doing something "out of the ordinary" makes life easier for you, do it
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bored-atom · 20 hours
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bored-atom · 1 day
speculative fiction writers i am going to give you a really urgent piece of advice: don't say numbers. don't give your readers any numbers. how heavy is the sword? lots. how old is that city? plenty. how big is the fort? massive. how fast is the spaceship? not very, it's secondhand.
the minute you say a number your readers can check your math and you cannot do math better than your most autistic critic. i guarantee. don't let your readers do any math. when did something happen? awhile ago. how many bullets can that gun fire? trick question, it shoots lasers, and it shoots em HARD.
you are lying to people for fun. if you let them do math at you the lie collapses and it's no fun anymore.
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bored-atom · 1 day
life is painful but women are hot
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bored-atom · 2 days
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Not really a fan of Bridgerton, but I am a fan of Nicola Coughlan's response to everyone shitting on her for being "too big" to play a love interest
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bored-atom · 2 days
healing is when you have an intrusive thought and instead of having a meltdown you go “girl what?? shut up” and move on
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bored-atom · 3 days
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bored-atom · 3 days
i enjoy the simple things in life like sleeping, daydreaming, ignoring reality, listening to music, being delusional, recklessly spending my cash and being a disappointment to my family
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bored-atom · 3 days
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bored-atom · 3 days
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bored-atom · 3 days
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I love James Baldwin simply because he validates my existence. He already (and more eloquently) thought, said and wrote everything I want to—but with those things having already been thought, written and said, it’s up to those who’ve come after him to work to affect change.
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bored-atom · 3 days
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bored-atom · 3 days
So I binged the entirety of How To Build a Sex Room last night and this one scene just cracked me up
The designer's at a western leather/tack store looking for supplies to make a rustic-style sex swing and turns to one of the store employees for advice, which initially goes about as amusingly as you would expect
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So then she pulls up some pictures to give him an idea of what she needs
And he's Immediately like
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The professional disgust, I'm living
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bored-atom · 3 days
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Stage actress Maude Adams, the LGBTQ icon who (allegedly) was the inspiration for Peter Pan. Though she was never publicly “out”, she never married, and had many close female friendships throughout her life. Including Ethel Barrymore (Yes from the illustrious Barrymore family—the most recent being Drew).
Maude was very popular with female audiences, and due to her disinterest in men, her chastity helped her to maintain a pristine reputation throughout her life. She was often rumored to be engaged to men as an effective “smokescreen” to shield her from rumors of lesbianism. None of these relationships were anything more than just that—rumors.
After playing Peter Pan on stage, Maude reached monumental levels of stardom for the time, which made having a private life very challenging. She lived with her “secretary” until she died, and both were buried on the same plot.
Maude was a serious actress, who claimed she would never marry due to her dedication to her craft. This was a common excuse for closeted gays in the Victorian era. Her fearlessness, and paradoxically childlike innocence are inspiring to me. She lived a colorful life, and is definitely worth looking into.
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bored-atom · 4 days
[seductively places my hand on your thigh] [...] [flexes my claws]
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bored-atom · 4 days
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bored-atom · 4 days
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