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The Witcher 3 Wildhunt is a cool game based on the Witcher books written by Andrzej Sapkowski, they have some cool designs on the creatures, some of the most popular include the leshy or leshen, the griffins and fiens, they all look really cool, sometimes being gruesome and rotting looking while others being more humanoid and monstrous, they look very different from the designs of the monsters from the series but are more fantasy based designs for a game rather than realistic horrific looking monsters that are more gory and scary, both the game designs and series designs have inspired my art and my own monster ideas though.
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The Witcher series on Netflix has really influenced all of my projects, the amazing monsters in the series are just crazy cool, some are terrifying to see and they are all so unique, like the wyvern, bruxa and striga, there are so many unique twists and takes on these fantasy creatures and folklore, some are so horrific looking while others oddly cute or friendly, one of my favourites and has come to mind a lot during this project is the myriapodan from season 2, the gruesome horned head with hollow eyes and rotting flesh and my favourite part of the design being those arms clawing at the body, it adds such a huge spark of horror to an already disgusting and scary creature, not to mention the rest of the centipede like body being huge and long as well as fast to run and kill, the way it reaches out and taps its feet just adds so much character and fear to it. All of the creatures from the Witcher series are just so inspirational for my art and my style as I love horror and fantasy monsters, especially ones which take such a turn from original folklore and do so in the perfect way so they are still recognizable but different, they each are so unique in their own ways and are all cool designs, there are tons of different types of monsters that roam across the Continent and the series is showing a great display of variety, it's cool to see that a lot of he monsters shown are sometimes actual props and practical effects and makeup, like the striga, sylvern, I think the ghouls as well as many others, this is a really nice change as many programs heavily rely on CGI and lean on it too much where as these are a great example of created ones that use CGI to aid the practical effects rather than replace it, in some cases at least as some of the creatures shown in the series so far would be very hard to make practically.
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In Callisto Protocol they have some cool monsters, the monsters are a mix of human, monster and zombie and it works amazingly well, the two headed monster being torn apart is one of my inspirations for a few of mine, the teeth lining the inside as well looks cool and adds another monstrous look and feature to these beasts, the heads almost fighting to separate really makes the monster look angry and in pain like its suffered which is some good enemy design. A lot of the enemies in Callisto Protocol have that zombie look with tearing flesh and bubbling skin and that half decaying look, they look very gory and sick like the transformation was agony, many of the monsters look very menacing which I think adds to the terror factor of the game and the characters, although some look like they could be very unstable and frail again they show a supernatural strength that could rip you in half or crush your skull with their hands, they really are an inspiring thing and have influenced my own monster designs as they have that look like they have been experimented on and now have an unfulfillable rage to maul, mutilate and destroy.
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Dead space has some really cool monsters, the mix of metal and human as well as organic weapons built into them is a very unique design, they are the perfect mix of zombies and gory experiments as well as organic and biological weaponry with the large spikes and scythes that are protruding from their hands, I love they have a lot of gore hanging out like they have been ripped apart and are hanging on by threads of skin and muscle, and the addition of rotting flesh and zombie aspects really add to their uncanny valley feeling as it's such a torn apart creature that are stumbling towards you with speed and violence etched into their brains, the monstrous features they added like the spines and almost fins along their backs and the long claw like hands and sunken dead eyes, I think what makes creatures like these with those skinny limbs and spidery aesthetic so horrific and scary looking is the fact that if something like this was to exist it would be so hard to believe that something so gruesome and torn apart and frail looking would be able to run, walk and attack people and show the amount of strength like they often do in games.
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Miss peregrines home for peculiar children started out as books but has also gotten a film, in Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children the monsters, Hollowgasts, are very tall creatures with pointed limbs with ripping clothes and most notable their head, they are faceless monsters with large mouths that open up to reveal long tongues that they use to remove eyes, specifically the eyes of peculiar children, who are people born with special gifts like being able to float, grow plants with a touch of their hands, bring inanimate objects to life or set things on fire, eating these eyes sometimes make these monsters transform back into humans. I love the designs of these monsters, they really can install fear into them, especially as they are invisible to everyone apart from Jake, the main character who is also a peculiar, they really are unique monsters with their long, thin limbs that end in spikey legs and their unnatural height, they way that they move is very spidery as well and they just generally give uncanny vibes.
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The Cabin in the Woods is a sci-fi comedy horror film made in 2012, the story follows five friends who head out to a remote cabin for a getaway, but things don't go as planned when they start getting attacked by monsters and they soon discover that there is more to the cabin and the monsters hunting them, the whole plot revolves around them being in a simulation, they are stuck in the area of the cabin and cannot leave, forced to fight or die to the monsters sent after them, the monsters that start attacking them are a family of violent zombies, after 3 of the five dying the last two manage to escape down a secret hatch, when going down they end up stuck in a room filled with glass boxes, each filled with monsters, after letting all the monsters go loose and kill everyone there, they end up breaking the simulation which in turn releases giants that will destroy the earth but the camera cuts so we never see this. Some of the monsters featured in the monster takeover scenes involve some classics like werewolves, mermaids and general monsters while others are rip-offs of existing monsters like the man with the saws in his head and the sphere being a hint to Pinhead from Hellraiser, the group of killers with masks possibly being inspired by The Purge films and a clown being a rip-off of Pennywise from Stephen Kings IT, some of these monsters actually look pretty cool like the Ballerina and Sawhead character, I actually really like the design and wished it was used as the main monster but I understand why, as some of these were fake characters inspired by actual films they might have run into problems with using some of these monster designs, this is a shame as they choose to use zombies as the main monsters they have to survive which is very basic and not very original, the CGI for some of these creatures wasn't great, even for a 2012 film but I don't think that they were really trying to be its own unique film or the best film, it is also a comedy film so they probably why some scenes were kind of laughably bad, they also use a lot of stereotypes (which is kind of the concept) and the overall film wasn't my favourite but wasn't the worst ever.
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H.R Giger is a artist who created one of the most iconic sci-fi horror creatures, the Xenomorph, the Alien franchise contains some of the most unique and terrifying creatures that after 44 years still remains as one of the most popular sci-fi horror film series. The Alien franchise is one of my favourite sci-fi films, the antagonists and plot of the first film are really cool, the design of the Xenomorph is so unique, with the large head, the mini mouth inside of the mouth and that strange silhouette, with the tube-y things sticking out of the back and that long skeletal tail, the texture of the alien is very cool, with boney ribs and ridged muscles, its hard to describe what it is as its so many textures rolled into one creature, the way the xenomorph moves and acts throughout the films is creepy and very animalistic, although animalistic it's still very smart, outsmarting and understanding what's food, possible hosts, as well as danger, they recognized that fire is there weakness and in the first film when Ripley and the other diverge a plan to trap it in the airducts to kill it, the Xenomorph instead tricks them and kills them in the airduct, it also realizes Ripley's plan to self-destruct the ship and escape with the pod and climbs on board. The Queen Xenomorph is probably my favourite alien design, the giant headpiece is really cool with the large body and it really towers over the rest, suiting the name, I also like how different they all looked from H.R Giger's first drawings of them and how they all tie in to the initial drawings, these creatures are always an inspiration for my work, they have such a creepy vibe to them that appeal to me.
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Narnia is an fantasy film series from 2005-2010, originally based off books, the first and second film being based in London and the third film based in Cambridge during war time, it follows the story of children who were sent away because of the war, Lucy, Edmund, Peter and Susan, in the first film they find a magical wardrobe which takes them to Narnia, there they have to reunite with their brother, fight an evil which and lead an army to get home, meeting many magical talking creatures and animals that guide them on their journey. In the second film it follows the same cast but a year later, they are trying to get back to normal but are dragged back to Narnia where they find a war torn world, this time caused by humans, the Telmarines, who have made it a goal to exterminate all Narnians, a Telmarine prince, Prince Caspian helps them on their journey to reclaim Narnia for the Narinians and restore peace, in the end Susan and Peter cannot return as they are too old and have learnt all they need from their experience in Narnia. In the third film Lucy and Edmund are dragged again back to Narnia, this time with their loud and annoying cousin, Eustace, after being saved by Prince Caspian they set out on a voyage across the ocean to find missing lords and save people from an evil mist, along the way Eustace's greed turns him into a dragon, together they find the mist and defeat the evil, Eustace gets turned back and they all go home. These are great films that tell amazing stories but they hide some dark truths and themes, one of the main films of war, being present in all themes with the war going on in real life in London and also the first war with the White Witch in the first film, and the second film containing the war between Narnians and the Telmarines. Another theme thats present in the second film is racism, mainly towards the Narnians, being called vermin and the humans trying to eradicate them and almost becoming extinct. In the third film there a theme of slavery, Lucy and Eustace are taken by slavers and almost sold, this is also kind of seen in the second film as well but not as much. I would say a controversial theme in all films is the concept of escaping realty, obviously its war time in the real world of London, their father is off fighting in the war and they get separated by their mother, so Narnia could be a great escape for the kids, especially for Lucy, to create a fantasy world they can explore and get lost in, a place where theres talking animals and lions, mystical creatures and evil witches, and once Peter and Susan become to old for this make believe they cannot return, in the books I believe Narnia is an actual world that they visited and I do believe its the same for the films but it would be a cool concept.
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I took my digital map and put it in a slightly bigger canvas, leaving a boarder, I left this edge so I could blend the map out so it wasn't a sharp edge, I then took an image of a crinkled piece of paper and put it on a separate layer and change it to be a different overlay, which I then blended it out, this really made it look like a map.
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Dungeons & Dragons is an explorative, role-playing game, originally a 50 page rule book published in 1974, recently people have also taken this popular fantasy game into an online adventure, the whole concept of making your own story and world to adventure in is a really unique concept that has inspired many games and media, I love the ability to create a personal story for your character, create npcs and scenarios and quests if your the dungeon master. D&D is one of my main inspirations for this project as there's so much freedom and unique storytelling capabilities, I want to have a similar concept of being able to have a unique experience each playthrough of my board game.
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Bloodborne is an action role-playing game, this was my base of inspiration at the start of the project as well as throughout, this game has tons of gory, violent and gruesome creatures, many have themes of rotten flesh with bones and skulls poking through the flesh, some have gore hanging out while others look almost burned, many also have torn clothing hanging off of them, hinting that they could have been humans in the past before turning into vicious monsters hungry for blood. These creatures look horrific, I think thats something that appeals to me, this is a feature that I carried over to my own monster sketches, I really wanted to capture this in my monster designs as I wanted to go heavy with the horror in this project. The world around these creatures is based off of gothic, Victorian-era inspired world, you can see this in the huge buildings and castles and streets, this I feel goes great with the horror setting of the monsters/game.
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I forgot to record the painting process, this may be because it was a very difficult and "trust the process" process, I started off with a horrible brownish skin colour that was completely wrong for the undead look I wanted, so I tried to quickly cover up my colour matching mistakes by lightening and desaturating the base skin colour, when I got it to a decently colour I added some light purple-y reds to the knuckles to bring some life into the bones and worked up to a purply bruise colour, I went for this as thin skin does easily bruise around the bones and it kind of adds a state of decomposition to the sculpt. Although the colouring started poorly it did turn out pretty decent, I'm pretty happy with the sculpt its self though I wish I had more time to add some more decomposing details to the sculpture like rotten flesh, I would have also painted some veins and changed how I painted it, I think I have a lot of practice needed with my painting skills so I can bring out the detail of the sculpt better, colour match and blend as well as adding life and texture with paints, I was kind of rushing but it could be better.
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I added some more definition to the hands, defining each bone and making sure to show a separation between each knuckle bone, I also fixed the finger bones to be slightly bigger so they didn't look too small against the rest of the fingers, I also used a crafting knife to carve the fingers if they got too thick, I added some more details to the palms of the hands as well, I then put it in the oven for about 8 minutes.
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I have sculpted more knuckles, using some references of skeleton hands and also using my own hands as reference, I also defined the bones on the back of the hand and made sure not to go to thick in the fingers and rest of the hands to try and keep that rotten look, the knuckles around the finger tips were a bit difficult to sculpt but I managed to do so in the end.
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To go on the edge of my map I sculpted a big hand, I used my hand as an in person reference but went for 3 fingers instead of 5, I started with some wire and bent it to 3 separate fingers then tied them together at the base, I had a friend to help me with this as the wire kept moving and slipping out of my hands, after securing the wire I wrapped it in masking tape, this again was annoying as the tape wasn't really sticking to the wire. After the skeleton was done I started smothering on the clay, I also had some difficulties with the clay not gripping to the tape, there was quite a few air bubbles under the clay that wouldn't squish away, this was a problem throughout the entire sculpting process. I started with sculpting some knuckles, I was going for a skeletal hand with a thin layer of skin on that was kind of rotting away.
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I narrowed the cheeks and added a tongue, I sculpted that separately and added the tongue-y texture after blending it to the mouth, then I started adding teeth, they were very small and finicky to make but look good, I started on the top row first as they were easier to sculpt in.
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After drawing this creature I really wanted to sculpt it so I started doing so, using a small tinfoil ball to sculpt on top of, I made the general shape which sadly I did photograph but my phone deleted them randomly so I can't show that, the orignal shape with no detail looked very weird so I tried to define the mouth and shape and added the bandages which I did by rolling out very thin bits of clay using a pasta maker, I added a bunch of wrinkles and folds to this and also had built a skeleton nose under the bandages before putting it on so I could push it on top to make it look like theres actual features underneath the bandages and not a flat head, I also added a knot at the back to make it look like its been tied.
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