born-of-flames · 21 days
Entry Three...
(From Her Perspective...)
The bark of the tree was digging into my back as the stars began to twinkle in the dusky evening glow. Bugs were humming and birds still singing, unaware of my agony, my ecstasy.
The hands perusing my body as if I am no longer my own were human, rough and callused, and none too gentle with my skin, already pink and stinging from my hasty tripping and stumbling on the forest floor.
The chuckle he produced was so low that I can feel it rumbling in my own chest. I felt the vibrations in my bones, and an ache as deep and primal as time itself guided my hips to rock into his, no matter how merciless the eyes boring into mine were. I closed my eyes and surrendered to this tide. Every touch of his fingers on my skin filled me with an apprehensive, dreadful need for more.
When I was sure I would combust from the desire for more stimulation, burning hotter and hotter, dying for more of his touch on my skin, he broke away and the whine that escaped from my lips was eerily high-pitched as it echoed around the empty hills.
"Patience, lamb." And just as I reopened my eyes, the world flipped upside down and the blood rushed to my head. I've been thrown over his shoulder like I weigh nothing at all and I know my destination. My mind is racing with the terror of disorientation and my wordless cries are only met with silence. Some madness gripped me, and I fought. I kicked and struggled and scratched but none of it seemed to make a difference at all. Eventually, my squirming faded and the weak hits came farther in between until I was limp and exhausted.
Was it minutes or hours before I was placed on my back before that stone altar? The stars were finally twinkling alone in the dark sky, and the full moon just peeked over the trees.
I was alone for this moment, but not completely, I could hear the rustle of leaves and the striking of a match. Besides his ominous presence to deter me, I had no energy left to spend leading another ill-fated chase through the dark this time.
Was I imagining the shadows darting around the trees past the braziers, lit one by one from the candle in his hand? Surely the drum beat was only my own blood pounding in my ears. The blood on my back felt dry and sticky, the cool night breeze left goosebumps where it brushed over my skin.
But the masked silhouette approached, backlit from the firelight, the goosebumps morphed into a shiver and then a quaking as your one of his hands trapped my wrists, and the other dipped into the soaking wet apex at my thighs again, and the sound that fell out of his mouth was part sigh, part moan, and part growl.
Then the tears began to fall, products of my aprehension and desire, my humiliation at being exposed and wanting, nay, needing more of his touch. Closing my eyes did nothing to stop the warm tracks running down my cheeks.
"Please!" Is the only word I can think of to say, and it tumbled out of my mouth over and over and over as his fingers work me into a frenzy. I didn't know if I'm begging for a release or relief.
When he pulled away again, my eyes flew open, and even through the blurred tears I could see the danger and lust in the distinctly familiar eyes under the mask. Testing my hands, I realized in horror that while he toyed with me, he tied my to this tree stump.
And then I saw the candle in his hands. There was only a split second to anticipate the burn before he tipped the taper sideways and dripped a long line of red wax between my bared breasts.
I howled from surprise and struggled against his weight pinning me to the ground and my restraints, but he only chuckled again.
I felt the flames licking at my nipples and down my sides. Then he moved downwards, and my squirming did nothing to stop the stinging, now on my stomach and thighs. My pleas for mercy were swallowed by the starry night sky.
"Why are you doing this?" I cried into his chest as the wax fell like rain onto my thighs, and I felt my clit throb, still aching from the way he touched me before.
There was no reply, but the hand restraining mine tightened and the braziers glowed brighter, just as his teeth sank into my neck and surprised me. My back arched involuntarily, inadvertently pressing my wax covered body against his.
"I already told you, lamb. Because I know you want it."
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born-of-flames · 25 days
Entry Two...
(Twigger Warnings: Knives, CNC)
She wasn't ready for what she was baring witness to, I could tell from the aromas in the air that her adrenaline was rushing through her veins, that and the fact that she was sweating and starting to scream; just what I was looking for out of her.
Her escape was short lived however, before she even managed to clamber up to her knees, she was in my grasp.
I had the knifes blade pressed into her neck and my other hand firmly grabbing at her hips as I forced her chest first back into the earth.
"I told you to stay calm!"
All the could muster to drag from her lips amidst the chaos was, "get the fuck away from me, you're hurting me, let me go!"
It was shaky, and her words were broken with little sobs in between. She didn't understand yet, just how much trouble she was truely in; and just how much pleasure she was about to bring me.
She struggled, she kicked and tried to fight for control over the situation, despite having my hunting knife pressed to her throat. It was like watching a fish fight to be free of a net or a chained up dog pulling at its restraints.
The cold steel lifted from her neck just for a moment and quickly sliced down the back of the soiled white dress exposing her back.
She winced and let out a shriek as the tip of the blade nicked her skin. Just enough of a mark to send me into a bloodlust.
It wasn't just the smell of her adrenaline now that penetrated my senses, it was the sight of that crimson ambrosia that sent me spiraling out of control.
I plunged the blade into the dirt next to her face which I had full control over as I pinned her to the floor with my other hand behind her neck.
She stared at the handle and reached for it, falling short as she felt the warmth of my lips and depths of my teeth digging into her back to consume her crimson ambrosia.
She must not have thought I would have kept my eyes fixed to the knife however, because as soon as she gripped the handle, my hand met hers and I stole it away, licking my fingers into hers and trapping her.
"No no no, naughty little lamb, that's not for you, I'm not done with that just yet..."
At this point, whatever makeup she had on was running down her face and her natural blush from this whole experience was showing.
"Just let me go, please..."
It wasn't going to happen, not now, she had her chance to leave.
It's no fun when you don't work for your reward, so I dismounted her and watched as she took off into the woods back towards the car park.
I howled into the warm air and persuaded her down the trail and quickly caught up to her as her dress was falling off of her beautiful frame.
With a tug at the fabric, and a shove into the nearest tree, she was completely exposed, and back under my control.
"You know why I've brought you out here don't you, no, well, I'm going to tell you. I know you, deeper than you know yourself, see? You're soaked, your thighs are drenched and your arousal is so pungent even you can smell it by now."
She knew I wasn't lying, because while I had her pinned to the tree, she had spread her legs as soon as my hand moved up from her upper thigh to between her legs.
Her back was arching and she was softly rocking her hips into my hand.
"Your body has betrayed you, you're starting to give into my darkness and come into my light little lamb."
She winced again and let out a whimper at these words, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer to feel the heat from my lips and the rise and fall of my chest against hers.
"Now that you have me, and you have called my bluff, what will you do with your little lamb... What kind of sick and twisted ritual do I have to be a part of for this night to never end?"
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born-of-flames · 26 days
Entry One...
(lots of trigger warnings: Knives, CNC, Dark Themes)
She has no idea what she has gotten herself into, she was told to meet me in the parking lot of the local state park at sunset.
Once she arrived, alone, no other car visible, I could see her look at her phone, there no signal out this far in the woods and she should have known better to not let the voices telling her this was a bad idea not to come out here.
*Ring Ring... Ring Ring...*
A phone placed on the sign board where the trail is marked. A letter, fastened to the post with a hunting knife sunken deeply inside the wooden pole.
"Look at the map, the destination is marked and your trail set out. I'll meet you once you arrive."
"You look stunning little lamb, wearing that little white dress I picked out for you."
She looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of me, she didn't think I'd let her see me just yet?
She could have gotten back into her car and driven away, yet she looked at the map, holding her hand over her mouth with eyes wider than ever when she realised what she was looking at.
There on that old faded map, a bloody "X" marking the end of the trail and a dotted line of smaller droplets of still fresh blood marking out the route.
Looking back at what I witnessed, you could tell she was considering leaving, staring at her car and yet. She advanced.
"Time to get in position."
She didn't take long to get to her destination, through the winding trail, every so often noticing the bloody handprints on trail markers. Her heart racing as the sunlight faded and lit up the sky high above the sparse canopy of summer leaves with pinks, oranges and reds.
Her destination...
A clearing, small braziers arranged in the shape of a pentagram. White woodash laid in neat lines between them and in a circle.
In the middle of it all, a stone alter atop a tree stump adorned with black and red candles.
She should have left, she shouldn't have come this far, and yet, her curiosity, everything I had told her, made her trust me, made her venture out despite the pounding in her ears and the boiling of her blood.
A voice from the shadows, like a chilling gust of wind that left her petrified.
"Welcome My little lamb, you have been chosen, you have been lead to this place for your true purpose. Don't be affraid. Be still, fear is only going to make this hurt more than it needs to."
She shouldn't have run. Yet, everything she knew and felt told her to take off back down the trail, what a grave, foolish and reckless mistake that was.
I knew she would run, after all, who in their right mind wouldn't?
What she was met with sent her shuffling back into the dirt and hastely turning to try and claw her way back to her feet after stumbling backwards.
There I was, wearing a suite, ripped sleeves, torn button down dress shirt with blood stains down the front and a mask made from leather, bone and antlers. Only my wild, demonic eyes and the slightest sliver of my blood mottled lips visible.
Reaching out towards her with the tip of the hunting knife, the one with the unforgettable stag horn handle which she so foolishly left behind that held the note to the post.
"Where do you think you're going MY little lamb?"
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born-of-flames · 1 month
Grey Scale...
I want you bent over, a tripod recording the whole thing; a belt in my hand, ready to strike.
Even when the video is turned to grey scale, I want the video to show your ass cheeks blushing and bruising.
There must be no shadow of a doubt how hard and aggressive my strikes to my gorgeous little sluts body are.
When I'm done, you will be looking like a modern artwork, different shapes, thickness, raised raw and broken skin patterns; all over, so I can tell you what a good slut you are and how proud I am of you for crying so perfectly.
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born-of-flames · 2 months
Anniversary Date...
I have this fantasy, of waking up in the morning next to you, pulling you close to me, kissing you, reminding you while we lay in bed that it is our anniversary.
To which you remind me you didn't forget, of course how could you not forget? We had all these plans for the day, going on a hike, picnics, going to a theatre for one of there afternoon shows and that evening ending it off with a romantic candle lit dinner at home.
Of course we make out while we cuddle up in bed, listening to the wind chimes and the birds in the garden.
Once we get out of bed, you find there are rose petals all over the floor leading to the bathroom, the bath has candles and oils all set up for us. We get the bath drawn and put on some music, get into the bath and wash eachother, I take extra care to kiss you all over your neck and you sit with your back against my chest while my hands rub your inner thighs and up into your perfect pussy.
After a while you can't take all the teasing so you climb into my lap and start to grind on my cock in my lap as we passionately make out.
I don't fuck toy, or put my cock into you, just keep whispering into your ear that it's not the right time, while it's torture for me I know it's equally as tormenting for you.
Once we are all cleaned up, dry and dressed all ready for the day I grab you by the neck, press you into the wall and point to a backpack where inside you find a buttplug, a lovense and your new collar.
I lift up your skirt and push the toys into your holes and then get your collar on your neck before kissing you again.
The rest of the day is full of me teasing you, groping you, making you feral for me till the toy is out of battery and you're soaking your thighs at the slightest of glancing looks and touches from me.
Back at home after the theatre, that's where I pour us a drink, we sit in the candle light and we enjoy our meal.
Before the night is over though, you start to feel drowsiness and fuzzy headed mindlessness that not from the relentless teasing and edging... It's from something I slipped into your drink.
I gaslight you into believing it's because of the night before where you and I stayed up so late playing videogames while you sucked my cock and I made passionate love to you over and over.
You believe me and ask to get carried to bed.
So I do, and once you are on the bed, I leave the room and come back, rope in hand and a knife in the other. The candles of the bedroom lit and one near the bed.
I cut off your clothing, revealing you, still unable to really act on your impulses.
You watch in your haze as I undress, take my belt and wrap it around your neck, pulling at it as I trace the knife blade up and down your body leaving little red lines wherever I want.
Carving my name into your chest while you can't stop me or fight back.
I pull the belt off your neck and start to bruise you, your thighs, your ass, your boobs.
Grabbing at your neck with my hands so tightly that I bruise it too.
Once I see the tears in your eyes I start kissing your pussy, fingering you, tasting your arousal.
It's not long before you're shaking, moaning, your body and mind lost in pleasure.
The candle wax dripping on your boobs and on your thighs wakes you up a bit and then I start thrusting into you till I'm satisfied youve covered us both in enough mess to force us to sleep in the spare bed because of how soaked out bedding is.
You'll be cuddled and bred and when we wake up I'll shower you in praise and show you what it is that I did to you on video while I caress you and tell you how absolutely amazing you are and how much I love owning you.
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Evening Escapades...
So doll, this evening I have some fun planned for the two of us, you've been spending your day laying in bed, playing on your Switch; so let's have some more fun...
Here's the challenge.
You play rounds of MarioKart on the big screen while you grind down on your dressers knotted stool leg.
You've got to win three races and for each race you lose, you have to play Legend of Zelda boss battles.
Each boss battle you lose will be one edge and denied orgasm you'll have to do for me.
The rules are simple, don't cum.
I absolutely adore the look on your face, the way you smile so wide and your eyes light up and sparkle with the light from the TV screen.
The excitement and enthusiasm you display when you're in the lead on lap one, only to be overtaken and then finishing not in first, knowing you've earned yourself a chance to battle a boss and possibly have to deny yourself an orgasm.
Each time you rock back and forth on the stools leg, you struggle to keep your eyes on the screen and I can see how hard you're trying to concentrate and yet, it's no use you can't help when your eyes roll back and you look at me with those gorgeous puppy dog eyes.
The way you bite your lip to try and concentrate only for it to be broken when you look over at me watching you and you shudder and make a mistake.
Oh baby girl, you won a race!! Well done! Two more races to win, each race getting harder and harder to stay focused while your mind visibly goes blank and your little pussy starts to drip all over the floor.
You look so beautiful, your hips, your chest, those lips that I just want to press up into and suck on till they are raw from how passionately we kiss eachother.
You make Daddy oh so proud of you while your battling the urge to just collapse off the stool leg and fall into my arms as you beg me, whimper and moan for me to finish you off and end your tormet; yet I don't and can't let you break just yet.
Good girls don't cum without permission and good girls edge till they have no thoughts other than Daddy and how good it feels to give up any semblance of control you had left.
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Cute Idea Tuesday...
Let's give eachother matching love bites all over our necks so when we walk around, hand in hand, everyone knows who we both belong to...
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born-of-flames · 3 months
So I'm being taken out to dinner by my friend tonight for my birthday, a little early because she works on weekends. We're going to this metal bar. So I'm getting my outfit together and doing my makeup and thinking of how I would rather be getting dolled up for *you* instead.
You've told me several times about how you would love to take me out for drinks and defile me in a bathroom.
Then I had a few thoughts. How i could be pressing up against you all night, hands brushing over your arms and chest and thighs in little affectionate kisses and touches that look innocent but we both know are anything but. I thought about how I could shoot Daddy wicked little grins and bedroom eyes from under my lashes while my hands squeezes your thigh under the table and inches higher slowly, ignoring the danger signs of your hissed breath or restrained growl.
And then I finally cross the line, go to far, finally gather my courage all at once to pull myself damn near onto your lap by using one hand latched onto the collar of your shirt or even wrapped around your neck for leverage, while my other hand finally stops teasing and grips your cock through your jeans and my lips attach to your neck and suck *hard*.
I want Daddy to drag me into the bathroom by my hand and put my mouth to better use. I want you to force me to my knees while I sass you and babble because I'm nervous about what I'm in for now. I can just imagine how you'll cup my cheek and smile dangerously before you ruin my lipstick, staining your cock red while I drool and gag and whimper around you. And when you're finished with me, whether that is down my throat or inside my pussy or on my face or chest, I want you to pull the lipstick out of my purse and fix my hopelessly destroyed makeup as you look in my eyes and tell me how proud of me you are.
Birthday Celebrations...
Your pretty little eyes, looking up at me from the bathroom floor, pure unadulterated desperation flows through you as my chest rises and falls.
I take my belt by the buckle and I watch as you star to grab at the leather and desperately try to speed up the process.
"Oh no no no..."
I slap you clean across the face and grab you by your hair which was so meticulously styled for our night out with friends; absolutely ruining it with one gesture.
I force your head back against the wall of the stall and tell you to stay still. Close your eyes once I give you the command.
I can see you shaking, the anticipation eating away at what's left of your mindless self.
I slowly, carefully, painfully to you, unbuckle my belt, remove it rung for rung from my jeans and then, "Close those beautiful blue eyes."
"Yes Daddy..."
The leather feels warm, and yet so cold around your neck as I pull tight till the metal buckle digs into your neck.
Your mouth hangs open, tongue out, drooling down your chin with a display of greed for what you need.
You lift your hands and grab at my underwear and pull them down to reveal what you're so eager to pleasure.
"Open your eyes. Bask in my presence."
With those words, you're gagging, being pressed into the stalls thin walls from the pressure of my hips rocking back and forth into your face, the filthy sounds of your sloppy drooling throat echoing into the stall mixing with the metal music from outside.
"Oh you fucking good little girl you always make Daddy so hard and you always feel so good wrapped around me. I want everyone to be able to see what a mess I turn you into."
When I'm about ready, I pull you to your feet by the hair and force you chest first into the graffiti covered stall wall and lift your dress to reveal that pretty black lace panties I picked out.
Pushing them to the side and railing you till I can't hold back and finally finish inside you as I tell you to cum for me, cum all over my cock.
Which of course you do, without hesitation, pent up and waiting right on the knifes edge of orgasm and denial till you're given permission.
"You make me so fucking proud of you baby girl, my beautiful, gorgeous puppy."
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Lock and Key...
Lay back baby, just keep your eyes glued to mine okay, I like to watch how your facial expressions morph and how those eyes empty of all thoughts.
I'll be the key, you'll be the lock, you know what that means don't you?
Oh that's right, you're just a dumb little fuck toy, so let me explain.
Your little pussy, my hard cock, I'm the key to your pleasure, I unlock you, when my hands rub up and down your thighs, that's the turning of the core.
When I kiss you and your eyes close, our tongues dancing in our mourhs, one pin set in place.
When I bite down on your neck, growl and suck my markings into you, a second pin clicking into its spot.
When you arch your back as I press my bulge into you and you let out those depraved pathetic pretty whimpers, that's number three.
When I pin you against a wall, hand wrapped around your throat and my thigh pressed between your legs as you greedily stand to hump it, that's the forth pin.
When I slap your ass just so I can watch it jiggle and then kiss the red searing pain better, number five.
When I make you sit in my lap, holding you and softly moving my hands under your skirt or dress and teasing your panties telling you that it's okay, you are safe, that's happening in your panties is normal, I'm not even touching you hard, which is a lie, I'm rubbing the fabric nice and hard into your soft princess parts, that's the final pin to set in place; number six.
The final movement is when you feel me inside you, opening you up, letting out all your demons and making you sound like a demon has possessed your soul.
The feral, animalistic sounds we will make together, echoing into the night.
That's when you know, molded for me, made specifically to fit me like a puzzle piece, who are you to deny it...
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Picnic Date Idea...
(Trigger warning, read if you enjoy CNC)
You look extra needy this evening, dressing up and twirling around in your cute dress I bought with you.
The one with the floral patterns that is just short enough to cover your ass.
When you spin I catch a glimpse of that metallic plug in placed into you hours ago.
"Come on baby, we are going on a little drive, wait for me in in the car."
"Ooooh, are you taking me out for a date!? Are we going to go to a restaurant or shopping!?"
"Just head to the car and get in, I'll be out soon princess."
When I leave the house and turn to lock the door, you notice I'm carrying a backpack on my back.
"Daddy, are we going on a picnic at the park!"
"Oh, something like that..."
The entire car ride, I have my hand on your thigh, moving it up and down your soft skin and teasing you as we snake down the country roads, deeper into the woods.
At one point I stop abruptly and turn off the car, just off the road, nobody around us and no car has passed us for a good long while.
"Get out, get the FUCK OUT OF THIS CAR!" My voice erupting in a commanding fashion.
"D-daddy... What's going on, what do you mean?"
I grab you by the base of your hair and pull you close. "I SAID, GET OUT THIS FUCKING CAR, NOW!"
You freeze, paralyzed by fear and yet, there is a sparkle of excitement in your eyes.
I push the drivers door open, climb out and quickly get to the passangers side. I grab you by the hair again, and you struggle, pushing me away and begging for me to stop.
It's no use...
I get you out the car, push you to the floor away from the car and climb ontop of you so you're pressed into the ground by my weight and strength.
You fight, kick and scream, trying desperately to get yourself out from under me.
It's no use...
I finally collect your hands and handcuff them together behind your back and lift you to your feet and slap your ass nice and hard before spinning you around, pulling you close by the hips and planting a passionate kiss on your lips.
The fear fades for just a second before you're brought back to reality.
"Home is down this road, it's a two hour walk. Good luck."
I step away, climb back into the car and speed off down the road leaving you stranded, alone and afraid.
Your heart is racing and your dress is soiled, yet your pussy has left your thighs drenched.
"What the actual fuck, how can I be this horny from such deranged treatment, fucking hell I'm a mess."
Down the road you walk, for about 10 minutes, the minutes feel like hours and all of a sudden, from behind you, the sounds of a unfamiliar vehicle.
"Oh god, this can't be happening..."
You are so vulnerable, so exposed and fucking drenched in arousal that any feral animal could smell it from miles around.
The car slowly drives by, you barely get a glimpse of the driver, it's at this point you think you got away without being taken notice of.
It's no use...
The car slows, brakes engaged and you're breathing quickens, "Fuck, maybe they will help me, take me home, fuck. How is this even happening."
Reverse lights, and the car stops infront of you.
Before you can even speak, the door opens and a masked hooded man steps out the vehicle and rushes up to you, grabbing you by the throat and pushing you chest first onto the trunk of the car.
"No, no, no NO! Get off of me! Please, stop! Please!! Just help me."
It's no use...
He is stronger, bigger and you're weak to what's to come.
His hand lifts your dress to expose your ass cheeks and he is grabbing at them as he unbuckles his pants and shimmies them down and shakes them off.
A knife, drawn and pressed into the side of your neck which makes you freeze and tremble at the thought of being so helpless and vulnerable.
He rubs you up and down, feeling how absolutely soaked and slippery you are.
Trying so hard to want to fight back and yet his hand holding the knife to your neck is applying so much pressure you can't do much.
To make things easier for him, he removed the knife and grabs you to flip you around so you're facing his masked gaze.
Holding you firmly in place with the unrelenting deep feral breathing and treat of a knife which he uses to cut away at your pretty dress.
After you're truely in shambles he pushes you back into the trunk with your chest against the cold metal body and reapplies the knife to your skin and caressing your folds with his fingers.
One finger, two fingers, three...
Pumping into you as you whine and sob, shaking uncontrollably.
Begging for it to be over and for him to leave you alone...
It's no use...
Just before his tip touches your folds, and you're penetrated, he speaks.
"You really think I'd leave you alone, for someone else to come along and take advantage of you, you think I wouldn't have the best date planned for us?"
"Daddy, you are cruel and twisted, now please fucking use me, pump me, rail me, ruin me, I need this, I need you!"
"There is my good little slut. The picnic spot is just up the road, it's all set up, before that though..."
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born-of-flames · 3 months
When you have her so well trained that she gets uncontrollably wet at the dog park on walks when someone says "Good girl" to their dog.
When she sits instinctively when she hears, "Be a good girl and sit"
When you mention going on a walk and she rushes off to get her leash and brings it back in her mouth.
When she knows that if you whistle, she needs to come running over, kneel and sit by your side no matter where you are.
Good pets know how to follow orders without hesitation.
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Somno... Again...
Sleep tight princess, as soon as I see you curled up, I'll pull your little shorts down.
Exposing your perfect ass and holes.
I'll start off slow, groping your ass and spreading your cheeks as I use my fingers to softly massage your most sensitive areas; getting them ready for me.
Once you're ready, I'll glide my tip up and down just until I'm soaked enough to push into you, you'll moan and still hold your stuffy or pillow.
Face down and your hips in my hands I'll pump you with myself and you'll start to feel me going faster, you'll moan louder and louder till I finally finish.
Pulling out and rubbing what drips out of you back against you so that you can carry on sleeping.
Such a beautiful and sexy little drippy mess I have made of you, such a stunning and beautiful little girl you are so soft and so pretty.
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Sleepy Little Girl...
Cuddling with you on the bed watching our favourite TV show or movie. It's been a long day and your leg is draped over mine, your head resting on my chest slowly rising and falling as I breathe.
It's not long into the movie or series that you start to yawn and pull yourself closer to me.
Trying desperately to get under my skin, to feel my warmth.
Your heavy eyes shut and you're fast asleep, the perfect opportunity...
I move my hands under the shirt you stole off me hours ago because you wanted to smell like me; and I start to play with your boobs, softly groping them.
You don't react other than a soft little exhale that sounds like a little moan.
Then I move my thigh up, further between yours where I start to feel a warmth against my skin, your bare princess parts.
Moving my thigh ever so gently, teasing you, testing just how far I can push myself into you before you wake up and realise what I'm doing.
As soon as your eyes open I stop, I don't want to get caught teasing you like this.
You close your eyes again and exhale another moan.
Once I know you're fully asleep, I shift your weight ontop of me, you're so small and easy to move that it's light work for me.
Now that you're positioned straddling my hips, I insert myself, you're already so ready for it that I just slide right into you.
Gripping your hips with my hands I rock you back and forth, manipulating your movements to suit my pleasure and pace.
That's when you wake up, your eyes so sleepy that you moan and burry your face into my neck in embarrassment.
"Daddy, what are you doing, stop, please, I was sleeping..."
I say nothing, only moan and grunt as I start to bounce you up and down on myself.
"Daddy! I said stop! Let me sleep! You whine in protest.
"You can sleep once I'm done with you. Right now I need to use you as my little pretty fleshlight. So just shut up and moan for me so I can finish."
"Y-yes Daddy..."
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Here's a cute idea...
I'll lay you down, and we will both be completely exposed.
I'll place my lips and hands on your body in a very deliberate way, picking very sensitive spots and places I want to leave hickies.
Once I have moved my lips across your body, I'll tell you to retrace my movements with your own lips and hands, sucking marks into my skin to match yours.
I want to see if you can recall anything or if you're just a dumb mindless slut when I get my lips and hands on your body...
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Just hold onto your stuffie...
Oh baby, when you're laying there cuddling your stuffies, you look so calm, so beautiful and so innocent.
That's why all I can think of is how I want to climb ontop of you, pull you close and hold my hand over your mouth while you clutch your stuffies.
"Oh princess, you make me feel so fucking good, the way you wrap around me and how you try helplessly to wiggle and squirm away, just makes this so much more fun for me. Just keep holding your stuffie and remember, you are mine."
I'll teach you to like it even when you wake up while napping and you're not sure what's going on yet, I'll just give you a stuffie and you'll be happy and feel me stretching your legs wide open as I have my way with you.
"Ill give you lots of forehead kisses and cuddles once I have made you a shaking, whimpering mess for me."
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Let's get wet...
"Daddy Daddy, it's raining outside! Can we go play in puddles and spin around in the rain!?"
I draw back the curtains to reveal the warm summer rain, it's surprisingly calm outside despite the downpour.
I hold out my hand and smile down at you, to which you rush over and grab hold, interlocking your fingers in mine and start to pull my frantically towards the door.
"Come on, I want to go jump in the puddles!"
"Yes princess, we can go and play in the rain and dance together."
Once we are outside, I brush your dripping soaked hair to the side and lean in, for a kiss that is straight out of a movie scene.
"Daddy and his baby."
"Daddy and his baby!"
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born-of-flames · 3 months
Let's be honest...
Being able to latch onto them would fix you, having their hands on your body and whining when they are removed.
Being able to breathe into them and feeling everything drain away; any thought that holds you back, lost in the moment.
You aren't broken, you're just missing a guiding hand to put back the pieces.
Even if you're almost there, there's a part of you that knows they can finish the job.
Art is just a blank canvas, paint, brushes and inspiration before it's a masterpiece; each element perfect before it's our together.
Letters are just symbols, strung together into words and finally carefully etched into stories.
Let's put it all together and call ourselves artists and poets.
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