bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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consider this a plotting call ! i need to flush her out more
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
' I can feel him Kai. ' his words softened / heavy in fear. nightmares plagued mind of black bayard, the other personified bayard that was used by Zarkon. horrors / screams of the deceased echoed through own mind, visage showered in pain. how can someone as good as he -- be born from the same weapon that caused so much destruction. ' the black bayard itself should be destroyed. I should be destroyed. what .. what if he takes over? I can't see you get hurt. ' - Asahi
                                   LIPS PRESS TOGETHER / A SHARP breath of air inhaled through the nose. Two-toned hues staring helplessly at her own counter-half , feeling helpless in this scenario for him. the heart aches heavily at his worries and woes ; but they are of course naught without valid reasons ! Its only reasonable for him to express such concerns , with all that has happened up until now. She does not condemn him for saying such things , despite the worry she tries to keep under lock & key. Now was not the time to express such treason of thoughts with him , not when he was looking at her for strength. A strong weapon on his own , it amazes her to see him in such a state within private quarters. There’s a strong need that surges through her though , the need &. want of comforting him. Of bidding away those negative thoughts from his mind. To make him believe all will be okay in the end. Fingers flinch at the thoughts of doing such things , as she fights over whether or not if she should dare to stretch a helping hand forward. Allow her fingers to curl around his shoulder briefly, only to pull him into hug soon afterwards? Is that what comforting was ? Is this what comforting is , as her sense fail her and she’s doing exactly.
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                               ❝ asahi ... we both know that  isn’t true. You’re stronger than him , you have proved it too ; because you’re the one who is here. Not him. You won , you are stronger than him. He can’t continue to exist without Zarkon , and Zarkon is dead.  ❜ gentle words spoken / fingers woven softly through soft tresses in a comforting manner.  ❝ i won’t let you be destroyed either , so just get rid of that idea right now ! And neither of them would allow you to become as such as well. but , he isn’t going to take over. You can out beat him. I know you can , ‘cause I’ll be there to make sure of it. ❜
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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consider this a plotting call ! i need to flush her out more
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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consider this a plotting call ! i need to flush her out more
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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instead of finishing the up her kingdom hearts bio to post, instead, I decided to color Kai in her BOM * verse.  I havent colored in like 6+ months, let alone, by mouse in over a year. and I suck at shading. but here she is ! Most protective blade ever. 
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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i finished updating my kingdom hearts verse ! i hope it helps, but if you still have questions, please ask me ! Let’s discuss it (:  ( click link 5 if you want to look over it )
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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instead of finishing the up her kingdom hearts bio to post, instead, I decided to color Kai in her BOM * verse.  I havent colored in like 6+ months, let alone, by mouse in over a year. and I suck at shading. but here she is ! Most protective blade ever. 
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
What Color Is Your Soulmark?
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The color you fit most is Blue!
Seen as the most popular favorite color, and for a good reason, the blue soulcolor is admired by many, even if they aren’t conscious of it. Friendly, loyal, and always there when you need them, the blue soulcolor is a people pleaser with a heart of gold.
People with this soul color are charismatic in a small way, choosing to speak as much as they listen, and take a genuine interest in people. They look past beauty and see the hidden soul under the skin. Loyal to a fault, they often downplay other’s negative traits as “quirks” and choose to see the best in everyone. They often miss social cues and overstay their welcome without meaning to.
While they might not seem the type to some, the blue soulcolor is likely to fall into fits of depression and self loathing. This is because they have high expectations and hold themselves to strong moral conduct, and failing that moral conduct means failing other people. Even if it’s not their fault, they will choose to take the blame.
>When gathering a group of friends, this color likes stability and harmony. They hold onto friendships from their childhood, even if their interests shift, and have a hard time letting people go. Changes in relationships scare them. They will be the first friend to show up at your house when you need them, whether they live a short distance or not.
stolen from : @lunsai​ tagging : anyone !
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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Remember the order: “You must eliminate the traitor.”
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
                   ❖ ❭ heartsguide‌
⁕ °  ⁎ STARTER CALL // @bornweapon​
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BRIGHT CRIMSON HAIR WASN’T      that unique but it certainly did stand out. the young keyblade wielder was heading towards her favorite place (  fountain square  ) when her eyes caught sight of the red ; a woman who was scanning the town, looking rather lost. lips pursed slightly, her own gold hues flicking left &. right, hoping to find someone else to help the stranger before sighing to herself ; only her today. ❝  e-excuse me, are you okay ?  ❞
                                 DESPITE BEING LOST CURRENTLY , KAI  at least took a moment to admire her current settings ; whether quaint, if she were asked to describe it. Its seems almost peaceful here, actually. A nice sense tranquility when she takes notice of the fountain that sits perfectly center. Though, its not something that’s long lived as she’s reminded of how she sticks out badly like a sore thumb. A stranger lost , and can’t find her own way back to where she needs to be. She isn’t even sure how she got separated in the first place, truthfully. It’s all a blur.  
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                                ❝ heh , is it that obvious ?  I -- I’m lost , truthfully. And I’m not exactly sure how to get where I need to be going. ❜
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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tags drop * 
ic  ◟ ☼  is this a memory or a dream
messages ◟ ☼  transmissions received ; response issued
aesthetics / musing  ◟ ☼  you are a weapon and weapons don’t weep
headcanons  ◟ ☼  furthermore weapon analysis’s
memes  ◟ ☼  welcome to garfle warfle snick ; im your host bob
promo  ◟ ☼  destiny ties us together to you as well
self promo ◟ ☼  catch me being a disaster here as well
ooc ◟ ☼  i’m babbling again
psa ◟ ☼  listen up ! ; psa
my reblogs / edits ◟ ☼  mine
image ◟ ☼  born out of heart and soul ;  there's no remedy for memory
◟ ♡               tankoto ; axel
◟ ♡               permasclaris ; keith
◟ ♡               herpath ; kairi
kingdom hearts  ◟ ✦  ❝ the heart will always remember ❜
voltron 1  ◟ ✦  ❝ you and I are linked heart to heart ❜
voltron 2  ◟ ✦  ❝ you were created to be deadly ; not to know feelings.   ❜
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
                    ❖ ❭ KAIRI‌
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      “ I’ve noticed that he seems to be bothered a lot more often lately.  ”   SHE’S a bit concerned for him, thought she couldn’t help but understand where Axel was coming from. How hard it must be to feel the way he does.   “  It must really hurt him.  ”
                                  ❝ IT HONESTLY DOES HURT HIM.  And there’s nothing I can do to help him either , because I don’t know what the missing pieces are , as well. I share his same ache , the need to understand what’s been taken away from him. I wish for him to one day remember , and have that peace he finally needs with it.  ❜
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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Name : Kai
Status : Alive
Gender : Female
Age : though looks within young 20′s, is ageless
Race : Humanized Weapon(s)
Weapons : BOM Blade & Red Bayard
Association : Keith ( @permasclaris )
Appearance: Red hair / Lean and muscular / Right eye is green, whereas her left eye is blue
Awakened : After Keith awakens the blade. She’s a rare power that has resided dormant in him since birth, waiting for his fated day to come. They said those fated with humanized weapons, are truly extraordinary / gifted beings.
When a weapon takes on a physical shape, there is no way to know what they’re going to look like. They’re outcome is very different and random every time. Every soul is utterly different and has no past connections to the previous souls. But a weapon will do its best to pick a shape that they believe their master would be the most comfortable to be around. 
Post series : Kai is still alive. Due to her being originally a BOM blade, she will continue to live on with Keith. Traveling and doing whatever when all is said and over. 
Death: When Keith eventually dies, she too will disappear as she is linked to his heart. When he passes, she will literally have her life force withdrawn, and collapse, shattering into two swords : His BOM sword, and his bayard. They’re dull, and useless basically at this point. And since she herself, is tied to Keith, she wouldn’t become reincarnated if that sword was ever activated again. Even if it ever was, the sword would gain a new soul and become born into something else. 
Battle : Kai herself can shift any form of her body into being the blade of the either sword. But not only can she do that, she can physically form false duplicates, and use them in the midst of battle as well. If needed, Kai can form into Keith’s sword ( whether its both at one time, or individually / switching between the two. Giving him the ability to fight with his own weapons during the midst of battle.
Kai and Keith can hold a telepathic connection while she’s in weapons form, allowing them to continue talking to each other, mentally, during a battle. 
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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                                   ❝ HE’S LOST IN THOUGHT AGAIN ... it bothers him , not being able to remember what he’s suppose too. He tries really hard, but its a strain. But he can’t seem to let it go, whatever it is. He’s determined to remember, whatever he’s not supposed to remember.  ❜
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bornweapon-blog · 6 years
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Name : Kai
Status : Alive
Gender : Female
Age : though looks within young 20′s, is ageless
Race : Humanized Weapon(s) 
Weapons : Keyblade &. Chakrams 
Association : Axel ( @tankoto​‘s primarily ) &. they’re company , as well as Eclipse ( Claymore’s human version )
Appearance: Red hair identical to axel’s. Lean and muscular. Right eye is the same green as Axel’s eyes, whereas her left eye is blue ( out of representation of Roxas and Xion ) 
Awakened : After Axel’s first attempt at summoning his own keyblade. She’s a power that has resided dormant in him since birth, waiting for his fated day to come. When awakened, she absorbs both his keyblade, and chakrams, essentially becoming both of his weapons. 
Why she is a she: Kai represents the missing pieces of Axel’s heart, originally. Even with a returned heart, and the memories kept, the heart knows that things are missing. Axel knows that things are missing. But he can’t place a finger on what. As Kai being apart of his heart, is also able to pick up on whats missing, even a bit better than her own master considering, she is literally his heart. Between blurred memories, is a girl that can’t be recalled, but its a strong enough force to want to remember, that its enough to effect Kai to that extreme when she awakens. So, in a way, Kai is a representation of Xion, who was originally erased. 
Post KH3 : Kai is still alive. She continue’s training and traveling with Axel, as they forth into their next adventure together. She is still both of his weapons. 
Battle : Kai herself can shift any form of her body into being the blade of the sword or the spikes of the wheels. But not only can she do that, she can physically form false duplicates, and use them in the midst of battle as well. Kai is also able to throw her own spikes off her chakrams at enemies and can do hand to hand combat beside Axel. If needed, Kai can form into Axel’s keyblade or chakram’s. Giving him the ability to fight with his own weapons during the midst of battle. 
Magic : She is able to manipulate any element of Fire, like Axel is able too. She has small healing magic, primarily for herself but she will do whatever she can to save Axel. She would like to learn more, so she can become more versatile. But she carries a lot of tents, potions and elixirs. 
Kai’s name is also hold’s a particular meaning. Kai is a play on words, in a sense, because of what the definition means in different parts of the world, which a lot end up tying back into Axel, and his life / friends / roxas & xion. Besides just meaning the word FIRE, it also means:
Finnish Meaning: Rejoice Hawaiian Meaning: Ocean American meaning: Earth Native American meaning: Navajo:  Willow tree Scottish meaning: Keeper of the keys Scandinavian meaning: Earth Chinese meaning: Mandarin: victory Japanese meaning: shell 
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