boscrism · 1 year
Shapeshifter who gets horribly grotesque and mutilated when flustered
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boscrism · 1 year
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Ok so I really luv these two sue me
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boscrism · 1 year
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boscrism · 2 years
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Some studies that I made more fun for myself by putting Link in hehe
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boscrism · 2 years
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boscrism · 2 years
glitradora fic, anything really would be nice <3
hey anon! thanks for the request, this was really fun to write :)
"We're out of cereal," Catra grumbles out. It's midnight, she's sleep-deprived and exhausted, and she wants. Her fucking. Cereal.
"I think I might have finished it," Adora blurts out. She's sitting at the couch, where the three of them had crashed right after making it home from work. Glimmer is still half asleep.
"Adora," Catra groans. "My "We're out of cereal," Catra grumbles out. It's midnight, she's sleep-deprived and exhausted, and she wants. Her fucking. Cereal.
"I think I might have finished it," Adora blurts out. She's sitting at the couch, where the three of them had crashed right after making it home from work. Glimmer is still half asleep.
"Adora," Catra groans. "My cereal."
"Sorry! It just tastes really good and you get the ones with the little white chocolate triangles in them and they're such a lovely surprise! You can never get used to it!"
"We can just go to the nearest," Glimmer yawns, "24/7 and buy more."
Catra considers that idea. "Okay," she decides, and snatches up her coat. She's striding to the door, stuffing her wallet in her pocket before Glimmer interrupts her.
"And where do you think you're going?"
"The store?"
"Not without us," Glimmer says, heaving herself out of the couch. "I can't believe you're making me do this, Catra."
"I'm not making you do anything," Catra points out, but Adora's already twisted up with trying to get her hands through her jock jacket and Glimmer is digging through the pile of stuff at the coffee table for the apartment keys. Catra heaves a sigh.
Catra has to fight, fight, her smile as she watches her girlfriends in the grocery store. She can't help it, okay? They're adorable.
"Catra," Adora asks, with literal puppy eyes. She's holding up the chocolatey cereal Catra hates with her whole heart. "Please? I know you hate it but I love it and so does Glimmer and we'll finish it really fast this time-"
Catra rolls her eyes. Glimmer pushes up next to Adora, slinging a casual arm around her waist and adding her puppy eyes to the mix.
Catra breaks. "Fine," she grumbles. "But only one packet!"
Adora grins sloppily, and presses a quick kiss to Catra's lips before running off down the aisle. Glimmer hesitates, pecking Catra shyly and running after Adora, leaving Catra to smile fondly and shake her head.
They move down the shelves of cereal to the snack aisle, and Glimmer already has a towering pile of junk food in her arms. Adora is snatching candy off their hangers. Glimmer dumps the entire pile of chips, chocolate, soda and god knows what else into the cart, and grins at Catra. Catra bites the inside of her cheek.
"Not a chance," she says, and starts putting the food back on the shelf. "Glimmer, why do we need barbeque chips?? No one likes barbeque chips!!"
"Bow does," Glimmer says immediately. "And he's visiting on the weekend."
"Bow won't eat a familysized pack of chips, Sparkles. No," Catra adds, as Glimmer's hand reaches out to another packet of the sweet and salted chips she loves so much. "I have already counted three of those packets- Adora!"
Adora grins sheepishly from behind the cart, into which she'd just dumped a handful of chocolates of all sort.
"Guys," Catra moans, running a hand down her face. "I'm not getting us all this shit only to have you sick in bed complaining about a bad stomach two weeks later."
"We won't," Glimmer swears.
Catra raises an eyebrow. "Really?" she asks.
"Glimmer, come on, we have to check out the paste aisle," Adora interrupts, her eyes glinting. "Catra, you can sort through the stuff, keep all the chocolates and the chips. Get some more soda. Bye! Love you!"
"That's not sorting out!" Catra yells after them, but they're long gone. She stifles another smile and continues on.
Catra catches Glimmer and Adora making out against a row of pasta sauces, and she leans one shoulder against the shelf, and smirks, waiting for her girlfriends to notice her. When they do, Glimmer shoots her a look that makes Catra want to taste Adora on her lips, and Adora looks embarrassed at being caught, running a hand through her messy hair.
"Hi," Catra says finally, moving down the aisle, pushing her cart in front of her. It's been emptied of all food except the cereals and a few packets of chips [Glimmer's favourites] and a few chocolates [Adora's favourites].
"Hey," Glimmer says, reaching out. Her hand fits around Catra's waist easy as anything, and Catra settles into the touch, smiles softly as Adora drops the ingredients required for Catra's favourite type of pasta into the cart.
When Catra doesn't move to take them out, and pushes the cart to the check-out counter, Adora gasps. "Oh, I see how it is! When it's your food you're okay with buying it but when it's ours..."
Catra snickers.
"Catra! I can't believe you'd do that to us!" Adora is pouting now, and Glimmer looks up at Catra with her eyes all widened and adorable and. Fuck.
"Do what?" Catra asks, laughing. They reach the counter and she starts to place their items up, exchanging a smile with the cashier.
"Gum," Glimmer jumps up, holding out a stick of bubble-gum pink gum. "And we'll forgive you."
"If you get us those perfume strips we'll forgive you," Adora offers.
"Nope." Catra grins at the cashier, who's hiding a laugh.
"Gum. Candy. Perfume. Lip balm. Chocolates. Soda."
"It's like you don't want us to forgive you, Catra."
"Come on, kitty!"
"Fuck off," Catra says, pulling out her card to pay for the groceries. "Excuse my language," she adds, addressing the cashier. "They bring out the worst in me. They're idiots, you see."
The cashier laughs. They hand the bag to Catra and take the card, scanning it. "You guys look happy, though. And y'all are cute, too."
Catra looks back at her girls, who are gaping at her in shock. Probably because she just called them idiots in front of the cashier. "Yeah. Thanks."
She gets her card back, and tips the cashier. "They're idiots," she says, finally, smiling softly at the cashier. "But, well," she looks at the way Adora is trying to keep the sliding doors open with Glimmer cheering her on- "they're my idiots. Have a good night."
requests are open!! feel free to send in some <33
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boscrism · 4 years
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“Good night, Gon”
happy holidays. please don’t hate me
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boscrism · 4 years
ring ring hello this is the obama
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boscrism · 4 years
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Santa is on strike due to global warming.  All presents this year will be delivered by Sasha the Christmas Tiger.  Milk and cookies may not be sufficient.
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boscrism · 4 years
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Simon and Finn
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boscrism · 4 years
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much good food. thank you for the food 🦇🍭
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boscrism · 4 years
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i’ll write all the sappy songs in the world for you
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boscrism · 4 years
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relapsing into some major bubbline feelings
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boscrism · 4 years
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so Obsidian huh
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boscrism · 4 years
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I started drawing because of Adventure Time and everything about it puts me in a very emotional state. I’m gonna miss those times. Here is my one true pairing.
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boscrism · 4 years
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yeah all I really wanna do.. is spend all of eternity with you 🍃 
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boscrism · 4 years
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shut your eyes and pray for peace
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