bossgelly · 5 years
Easier said than done.
They say, “leave it at work”
Don’t bring it home.
But how can I?
I’m not some machine that has an off switch that suddenly becomes functional the minute I swipe my badge across that Kronos machine.
I keep thinking;
Did I handle that right?
Did I do the best I could?
....did I even do enough?
And the fact that he remains silent through my correspondences makes it that much more unsettling.
Bet you wouldn’t like it if I ignored you.
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bossgelly · 5 years
LCD - the blissful low census day.
At around 6:20 in the morning, I received a text from Louie.
Low census today. Stay home. Let me know if this is okay with you.
I am more than okay, I thought, as I quickly texted back a thank-you reply.
And this is how I was dodging a day of Length-Of-Stay meeting. Wahoo.
Yet at the same time,
I was reminded of Melba’s concerned voice when she told me of the company’s plan to close down the Cancer Treatment Center.
Is my job really in a jeopardy as well?
But that isn’t a question that can be - nor should be - addressed on a LCD.
No sirrey.
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