bossybroads · 5 years
urgent: please help!!
Thursday, August 8th: Hello everyone, I’m Gemma and I am quite sure that everyone is beyond tired of seeing my posts by now, and I sincerely apologize to be asking again but I desperately need help with some bills & to get groceries.
As most of you are aware, I have been struggling financially for quite some time due to my welfare benefits (U.C & Housing Benefit) being revoked, under the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. And due to my mental health and some unfortunate DWP mess-ups, my benefits have been on and off sanctions for over a year now. I am currently waiting for the DWP to send me for a medical assessment, which I am hoping will fix my benefits and offer me more assistance as I am unable to work due to my persistent low mood and fatigue.
However, the process and paperwork for a medical can take weeks and often months to go through (I have been waiting since January). And due to immense stress and anxiety to make ends meet, my mental health has quickly declined and is gradually getting worse. The only bright side of my situation is that the temporary sanction that was placed on my benefit, due to DWP  negligence has been lifted, so I am hoping to expect payment of £128.88 at the end of August, but that is 3 weeks away. *U.C is paid monthly*
Previous donations have gone to help me pay my rent and bills. However, I still have my phone & internet bill (£78) and tax bill (£60) to pay, which have now accrued late fees, and I have next to nothing in my fridge and cupboards, so I really need to get groceries/household supplies (£100) to do me until the end of the month when I’m due my welfare payment.
If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would literally save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much as donations. Nobody is obligated in any way to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, I know we’re all struggling.
Thank you for your help 💖
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bossybroads · 5 years
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Rihanna at the Kadooment Day Parade in Barbados (Aug. 5, 2019)
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bossybroads · 5 years
Emergency fundraising
Hey everybody! This is my mother, the very one who I’m trying to get enough cash to go back and help while she goes through months of Chemo. Her job quietly dropped a policy for those with critical illnesses that would have helped carry her through this process and they did it without telling their employees.Her rent for July is past due. If you can spare even a dollar, please do. I do not want my own mother facing houselessness after major surgery (they just removed most of her small intestine and a part of her stomach) and also facing chemotherapy. I’ll gladly be the homeless one before that happens. Please, above all that is holy– share, share, share. If you have a presence on other platforms I owe you my life if you share there as well. This is about to be a big fight for her health and not only do I not want to lose my mother, I don’t want financial issues and corporate fuckery to stress her out even more and compromise her recovery and her home.
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bossybroads · 5 years
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bossybroads · 5 years
Emergency fundraising
Hey everybody! This is my mother, the very one who I’m trying to get enough cash to go back and help while she goes through months of Chemo. Her job quietly dropped a policy for those with critical illnesses that would have helped carry her through this process and they did it without telling their employees.Her rent for July is past due. If you can spare even a dollar, please do. I do not want my own mother facing houselessness after major surgery (they just removed most of her small intestine and a part of her stomach) and also facing chemotherapy. I’ll gladly be the homeless one before that happens. Please, above all that is holy– share, share, share. If you have a presence on other platforms I owe you my life if you share there as well. This is about to be a big fight for her health and not only do I not want to lose my mother, I don’t want financial issues and corporate fuckery to stress her out even more and compromise her recovery and her home.
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bossybroads · 5 years
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If you know of someone who needs this please share it with them.
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bossybroads · 5 years
Emergency fundraising
Hey everybody! This is my mother, the very one who I’m trying to get enough cash to go back and help while she goes through months of Chemo. Her job quietly dropped a policy for those with critical illnesses that would have helped carry her through this process and they did it without telling their employees.Her rent for July is past due. If you can spare even a dollar, please do. I do not want my own mother facing houselessness after major surgery (they just removed most of her small intestine and a part of her stomach) and also facing chemotherapy. I’ll gladly be the homeless one before that happens. Please, above all that is holy– share, share, share. If you have a presence on other platforms I owe you my life if you share there as well. This is about to be a big fight for her health and not only do I not want to lose my mother, I don’t want financial issues and corporate fuckery to stress her out even more and compromise her recovery and her home.
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bossybroads · 5 years
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Capitalism is getting very much more dystopian very quickly
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bossybroads · 5 years
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I had to read that last sentence three times
“the school District was ONLY desegregated in 2017.” Just 2 years ago?!
I’m so sick of this. She better win her lawsuit.
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bossybroads · 5 years
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This white woman’s shocking account of police brutality reveals the importance of the #BlackLivesMatter movement
Molly Suzanna shared a story on Facebook that she had never told before: when she was 19, she ran a red light while crying, then was pulled over and forcefully removed and beaten by a police officer. She explains in the letter that she believes her situation would have been even worse had she been black — and she ends the letter with an important call to action.
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bossybroads · 5 years
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Today, hundreds of Native Hawaiians and supporters gathered in front of the Hawaiʻi State Capitol to oli, dance, hold signs, and peacefully protest the construction on Mauna Kea. #Maunakea #moomeheu #kukiaimauna
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bossybroads · 5 years
Definitely an urgent request, and sorry about hitting everyone with it
Mk so, coming home tomorrow and have $18 to my name. Just need supplies for my job and help eating/keeping my phone on. I have shop rent, house rent and more coming up soon and I also would like to try and come back here in July when my mother starts chemotherapy so I can help her out. My brother and cousin paid for me this time, I’d like to handle it myself next time and also be in a better place financially and have enough money to help pay for anything to help my mother.
I can do this with glass, I just need materials to do so.
Any help and boosting is appreciated!
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bossybroads · 5 years
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Contact Your Representative and Tell Them To Fight Against Trump’s Camps
Additionally, if you can see if you can donate money to these organizations
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bossybroads · 5 years
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bossybroads · 5 years
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I’m all for Black women entrepreneurs.
Here is a great article which focuses on the fact that while Black women are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the country, they still have a ton of obstacles holding them back from reaching their full entrepreneurial potential.
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bossybroads · 5 years
Important article on the history of concentration camps and why that’s what we need to call them.
‘Historian Isabel Hull argues that the German military’s predisposition toward “final solutions” was first evident in the 1904 internment and genocide of the Herero and Nama people in the German colony of South West Africa, now Namibia, in what was already called a “concentration camp.” The term itself comes from reconcentración, a Spanish policy deployed against Cubans in the 1890s, which was then reused by the British during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902.
Meanwhile, Americans offended at the use of “concentration camp” should acquaint themselves with our own history of civilian detention. As early as 1862, American forces interned Dakota women and children at Fort Snelling. George Takei tweeted this week regarding the mass internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, “I know what concentration camps are. I was inside two of them, in America. And yes, we are operating such camps again.’
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bossybroads · 5 years
Everyone dies anyway. This is absurd.
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