bostonbana · 6 years
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bostonbana · 6 years
i can’t get over how Extra™ the production of Sense8 is
they honestly seem to do everything in the most unnecessary over-complicated and expensive way possible, can’t say the end result isn’t worth it (best show i’ve ever watched) but like:
- they film everything 99% of the time on location, season 2 took 8 months of traveling around the world to get done, the main cast didn’t go home for 4 months straight at some point, they also hire local actors and crews
- talking about traveling, that scene where capheus visits riley when she’s on a plane to iceland? yup, you guessed it, they casually filmed that while they are actually on the plane to iceland
- they also don’t separate, everyone goes together from place to place even if some actors only have a few lines in one location # the sense8 travelling circus
- honestly just the way ‘visiting’ works is so extra, they have to shoot the exact same scene up to 5 times all over the world and then edit it to together in a coherent way, imagine how hard it’s for an actor to repeat a scene in the exact same way they did it 3 months ago in a completely different environment and mood, kudos to them
- this entire post about how the english dialogue for the not english speaking characters is structured will blow your mind
- riley’s opening scene when she’s playing at a club? that is an actual club with normal people not actors, they didn’t know tuppence wasn’t an actual dj, they had her go and pretend to dj in between two actual djs
- that applies for everything else really, if something can be done for reals they do it for reals, you know the scene at the end of season 2 were they all get electrocuted (aka the most stressful thing to watch ever), well, they got themselves electrocuted for reals, no, i’m not shitting you, they had to hire experts to make sure they didn’t accidentally kill themselves or sth, i love this cast but i’m also really concerned
- the wrestling match lito, hernando and dani attend was a real match with a real crowd
- also both pride scene were filmed at actual pride, the brazil pride was improvised except for lito’s speech which lana wrote on their way there, because they found out very last minute that they could actually fit it in the schedule
- the way the cast talk about the show sounds like they’re talking about their newborn baby sometimes like: ‘wolfgang is the biggest gift i’ve ever received in my career’, doona owns more sense8 merch than any fan in the world, freema and jamie crying at the table read when they got to amanita and nomi’s engagement scene as if they were actually getting married, brian’s letter after the cancelation and all their tweets about it, honestly this entire video of them basically talking about how much they love each other is the most extra and adorable thing ever
- the ‘sharing’ scenes are mostly done through stunts and not post-production, the actors actually jump in and out of frame changing places, instead of you know, just editing the scene together afterwards
- they got fined filming the ‘sex-nic’ part of the orgy for public nudity, just sense8 things
- bollywood dance scene? all shot in one take, for no reason other than make it more complicated lol
- the pretty underwater scenes from the christmas special? they went to malta EXCLUSIVELY to shoot those, what?, 3 minutes?, i’d say that was the most expensive montage ever but the fine for public nudity was $10k so idk
- talking about orgies, kind of unrelated but i’m mentioning it anyway bc i can’t believe them, apparently the cast casually goes through life organizing netflix talent orgies? life imitates art?
- they also were in scotland for 9 days for some reason, even though only like 10 minutes of the actual show happen in scotland (i’m guessing this is what happens when u double their budget for s2 lmao) 
- max riemelt dubs wolfie in german, also the dude that dubbed V from V for Vendetta dubs The Guy in french, if u gotta be extra don’t forget the details i guess
i’m probs missing a million things so feel free to add more lol
tl,dr: Sense8 is Extra™ and I Love It™
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bostonbana · 6 years
JYP cult thoughts
Ok so let’s get one thing straight. There’s NO WAY JYP wasn’t aware that he was teaching at a cult function. The drinks at the event were provided by a cult member owned cafe, there were cult members in the audience and they all went to a cult member owned restaurant afterwards. Most of all, it’s a cult his wife has connections to and he has denied connections to it in the past meaning there’s no way he wouldn’t know of the cult and its members. He doesn’t really have any credibility in denying he knew it was a cult function. The question then becomes whether he is a member or not, but I’m not sure that matters. One way or another he is actively and knowingly supporting a cult and spreading its teachings. That’s enough, from my perspective, to be a big problem.
Tldr: We don’t know if he’s a member but what we do know is plenty bad.
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bostonbana · 6 years
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Let’s Fly! B1A4  110423 ~ 💚  
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bostonbana · 6 years
Coming through with an Orange Caramel style subgroup bop. Giving kpop what it’s missing
Oh My Girl ‘Banana Allergy Monkey’ Music Video
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bostonbana · 6 years
오마이걸(OH MY GIRL)_비밀정원(Secret Garden)(MV)
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bostonbana · 6 years
Because of MIXNINE, I’ve realized I like BLACKPINK... 95% sure that’s not how it’s supposed to work lol
Never really bothered with YG groups before this, but they fill the KARA sized hole in my heart.
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bostonbana · 7 years
Vienna killin the game
Painting + singing + Bob Ross shirt
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bostonbana · 7 years
Is it too much to hope that the writers use Jonah’s storyline as the perfect opportunity for bisexual representation that it is?
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bostonbana · 7 years
Aux Francophones
Y a-t-il beaucoup d’intérêt pour plus de sous-titres en français? Je ne sais pas s’il y a plusieurs gens qui traduisent des choses comme kpop ou jpop ou des drames thaïlandais donc je ne sais pas s’il y a d’intérêt. Bien sur, je peut traduire n’importe quoi s’il existe une version en anglais.
En général, je trouve que les francophones savent assez d’anglais pour comprendre des sous-titres en anglais mais je sais pas si cela est mon imagination.
Ma grammaire n’est pas parfait mais je peut essayer.
Ceci est seulement pour poser une question et pour voir si cela peut aider. (Et j’ai besoin de practiquer cette langue si je veut pas l’oublier)
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bostonbana · 7 years
Random Mixnine Thought
For those mixnine people who like kpop vocal stuff, I just saw the A.C.E audition video and thought it was really cool to see how Donghun sang See You Again compared to when Hyojin has done the same song on various shows. They both do REALLY well for new idols.
Correct me if I’m wrong (I can’t say I’ve spent the time to really break down the performance), but for me the biggest difference was how Hyojin used head voice for “tell you all about it...” where donghun used falsetto.
It’s just rare to get comparisons as direct and clear as these so I felt compelled to point it out. Mixnine highkey has some talent.
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bostonbana · 7 years
here is A.C.E Donghun shutting down YG’s hypocritical ass lmao
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bostonbana · 7 years
There’s literally NO downside to stanning B1A4. It doesn’t exist. B1A4 is solely good things.
Music is A+
They produce and write most of it (these days pretty much all of it) themselves
They have one of THE most skilled vocals in the entire industry and generally very unique vocal tones
They have zero dance skills and it’s hilarious and adorable
Hilarious and adorable is actually like the general mood
soft af
Have extremely strong visuals
Actively sabotage Sandeuls diet and like three of the five members are either broad or chubby and everyone supports this concept
Some of them have really quite dark skin and they have never shown any colorist behaviour towards them
They and the fandom spend money on charity
Even during hiatus they can be seen on tons of shows as guests or MCs
They have skilled actors among them and can be seen in dramas or in musicals and that’s hella cool
They’re from a small and not super well known company and yet they achieved SO MUCH
Support their smol sister group Oh my Girl and it’s cute
Unique and VERY beautiful concepts
These very awful 2012 concepts which are also amazing
Around for like 7 years and still have all their members together and win on music shows and have a good time
idk just stan B1A4 they are really kind and like pure happiness what can I say just DO It
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bostonbana · 7 years
Hey ONF Fans
Is your support for them so weak that you’re not gonna support them on mixnine just because you don’t want them on the show?
Just to spite their management for putting them there?
Or because you don’t want a member or two to go off for a TEMPORARY group backed by YG money? (You know, bc nuest has really struggled to promote with Minhyun gone /s).
Get over yourselves, and be supportive.
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bostonbana · 7 years
Why is CL a judge?
I high key hope CL isn’t a vocal judge/trainer on MIXNINE bc, as much as I LOVE her music, there are probably a bunch of contestants who have better vocal technique than she does. (She’s a rapper so that shouldn’t be a surprise.) (Ex. Hanbyul, hyojin, j.us, janghyun, doha and many more.)
Let’s not ruin good technique with poor instructions pls. Hopefully she sticks to training the rappers.
Side note: if you don’t believe me, seriously do yourself a favor and listen to park janghyun or kim hyojin sing.
Ps 90% of this post also applies to Taeyang.
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bostonbana · 7 years
Why I'm and "Occasional" Kpop Fan (Fighting the Kpop Apologist)
(Note: this has been floating around my drafts for a while now, but a recent argument with a friend has prompted me to post it.)
I’ve been an on and off Kpop fan for almost 10 years now.
The “on and off” part of that statement is what I want to rant about for a minute. I’ve gone through periods of time when I’m very into kpop, and keeping up with all the groups, and periods during which I can only bring myself to keep up with one group or hear the occasional new song.
I get asked by friends who are more consistent than I “why are you so disinterested all of a sudden.” When I started getting those questions, I had to really think about it and realized, it’s because kpop tires me out. The kpop culture, both the idols and the fans, just grates on me to the point that I often need to take a break from it.
So what is it about the culture that gets to me? It’s a genre of music produced by a conservative society, with traditional views, that constantly reminds me what it really believes. Racism, sexism, and homophobia, have all found a comfortable place in the kpop world. Of course, there are more problems, such as breaking the law, bullying, or abuse of power, but if I talk about everything, this would be too long a post. It’s not at all uncommon for a celebrity to say or do something wrong, then not only get away without repercussions, but also gain support from an army of apologists who either gaslight or try to find an excuse.
I won’t go into details about specific situations because you are just a google search away from exactly what has happened, but if you are a V.I.P, a BBC, a Cassio, a Primadonna, an A+, a Triple S, an Elf, an I Got 7, or a QUEEN (not a comprehensive list), than you probably have seen this stuff first hand. Before you all get after me for calling groups out, this list is to show how prevalent this problem is, all of this stuff is a google search away, and I’m not naming group members.
It tires me out seeing comment sections where people will, in the same breath, tell anyone who will listen how their bias is beyond reproach, and admit to not actually being in a position to invalidate the arguments against said bias.
“It’s not their fault, they didn’t know better!” Whether or not they foresaw the result has nothing to do with what was literally said or done.
“They just play around like that! It’s not like they meant it seriously!” A crime without bad intentions is still a crime, not that we have access to their intentions in the first place.
“I just don’t see how you people could find anything wrong with this!” This is gaslighting. If it happened, and people agree it’s bad, you have no right to imply they’re crazy.
“That didn’t actually happen! Here’s an alternate version of the same thing with more favorable wording to prove my point!” This is arguably both a strawman AND gaslighting. Congrats for the 2 in 1.
“It’s a cultural thing! You can’t blame them for being products of their native culture!” 2 things: 1. If they are actively pandering to MY own native culture, then why can’t I criticize them through the lens of MY own native culture. 2. Not everyone who grew up in that culture ended up in the same position.
“Everyone used to do/say that! It was just a trend at the time.” Something about all your friends jumping off bridges and whether you would follow them…
“You have to take it in context! It wasn’t bad at the time!” Whether or not it had merit at the time doesn’t mean we can’t look back on it with our current perspectives. We should work to shine a light on past mistakes so that they aren’t repeated.
“I know that they wouldn’t do anything like this!” Faith: Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. - Ambrose Bierce
Obviously these are just some of the arguments that pop up. If you have any others to add, please do so.
I’m not saying hate celebrities who do crappy things, I’m suggesting that you seriously consider whether you want to actively support people like them. If they can come out and actively SHOW (not merely a written apology) that they have changed, then they should be given another chance.
No, this is not exclusive to kpop, but at least from my perspective, the fans' vehement refusal to see anything negative about their biases leads to any red flags being completely buried. I am often surprised about how little new fans know about previous problems. There are plenty of positive role models in kpop. It’s not like we will run out if we don’t bury the problems with those we should not be putting on pedestals.
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bostonbana · 7 years
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