boujettagains-blog · 6 years
how would you make the coin tho
11/14/15, 12:44am
I came up with a great idea for a counterfeit money fraud the other day and I think its great and I wanted to share it.
So instead of making counterfeit bills you make counterfeit coins. Its gotta be way easier replicating a nickel or a penny than it would be a bill. And if you make enough it really adds up plus its easier to slip under the taxation radar with all those coins.
You just gotta age em enough to be reasonable (its suspicious if you have 4k in all pennies from 1990 in pristine condition) . Then when you exchange them for real cash you cab either do it small amounts (easily non taxable) at a time or all at once (I haven’t figured out a way to avoid taxes on this one).
The only downside, you can’t cash too much w/o attracting attention. There was a post on fb about a dude who cashed in 5k in pennies so that might be an issue.
Anyways, I want feedback, critique, input. Is it possible, are the initial costs too high compared to the payout? This isn’t for those who wat big cash btw. Maybe a good couple hundreds at a time.
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
Hi! How do you catfish men? i've been attempting to do it for over a month now but it hasn't been so successful, do you have any tips? I would really appreciate it (:
Find a person on social media who has a lot of casual selfies and use them make sure they're not to popular either
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
hi u should prob turn off the ability to see ur followers incase of antis 💕
Lol maybe
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
Need help
Where do you guys put the tags after removing them ?? I always double tag a duplicate shirt but it's kinda sus
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
I just lifted an $8 pen???? Why the FUCK is a single pen $8????¿
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
A friend of mine has been battling with addiction and seemed to be doing really, really well.
He relapsed last night and I found out today he’s dead. He overdosed. He took what he used to take and his body couldn’t hand it. We’ve know each other for 10+ years and my soul hurts.
I know some of you guys use drugs and I’m not going to tell you to stop. It’s not my place. But please, please, please be smart. Your death is not worth a high.
Drugs can be fun. They can be fucking scary shit too. I’ve been there. If you need to talk or want to hear my personal sob story my inbox and messaging are open. If you need to talk, I’m here.
People love you, okay? People care about you even if in your darkest times you don’t think they do. I wish I could have told him one last time what he meant to me but I can’t.
I’ll miss you, friend. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. You were an amazing person and changed my life for the better. I love you J.
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
I was gonna lift from target today and I'm seeing all these post that are against target lmao so I'm gonna take that as a sign and not lift there today
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
I really wanna lift work shoes from target but there's so many cams
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
Who knows a hack so I want have to pay for a card operated laundry for my apartment
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
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Hey guys guess who lifted today !! MEE
so yesterday I lifted a mini moisturizer and two lip plumper glosses from target target is kinda scary I strictly do small hauls especially since they have so many cameras!! I went to dicks sporting goods and kohls today! I clocked out early so I thought why not cause I go back to school Tuesday anyways ! I got a $100 Nike jacket from dicks , sports shit is expensive for no reason man , the people at dicks don’t even count they just open the door for you I only had my magnet but I needed a hook so I popped the ink tag but I don’t know how to get rid of the ink ! The jacket was too cute I had to ! And then at kohls I lift there a lot I’m trying to space it out so they don’t catch on to me ! The fitting rooms are always unattended and they use tags that can be removed with magnets and somethings have no tags ! But I think they’ll recognize the fact I wear the same outfit there everytime I go and never buy anything and I got the basic tees that have no tags and put the tags I removed on them . I also lifted my first purse !!! I know I haven’t been posting as much but that’s because I haven’t lifted as much and I get kinda scared about lifting sometimes cause you never know the out come but so far it’s been great !! Idk if I’ll ever do a mall haul anytime soon maybe !
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
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Amazing artist ‘Saint Hoax’ took misogynistic ads from the 1950s and added Donald Trump’s sexist quotes. 
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
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tbh America is passing bullshits laws just to be passing bullshit laws at this point
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
Do y'all ever just sit and wonder maybe it’s a good thing you and that person just randomly stopped talking? Like the universe just pushed them outta the way to make room for someone exponentially better
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
Ink tags
Does anyone know how to get rid of the ink from ink tags
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
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Hey guys guess who lifted today !! MEE so yesterday I lifted a mini moisturizer and two lip plumper glosses from target target is kinda scary I strictly do small hauls especially since they have so many cameras!! I went to dicks sporting goods and kohls today! I clocked out early so I thought why not cause I go back to school Tuesday anyways ! I got a $100 Nike jacket from dicks , sports shit is expensive for no reason man , the people at dicks don't even count they just open the door for you I only had my magnet but I needed a hook so I popped the ink tag but I don't know how to get rid of the ink ! The jacket was too cute I had to ! And then at kohls I lift there a lot I'm trying to space it out so they don't catch on to me ! The fitting rooms are always unattended and they use tags that can be removed with magnets and somethings have no tags ! But I think they'll recognize the fact I wear the same outfit there everytime I go and never buy anything and I got the basic tees that have no tags and put the tags I removed on them . I also lifted my first purse !!! I know I haven't been posting as much but that's because I haven't lifted as much and I get kinda scared about lifting sometimes cause you never know the out come but so far it's been great !! Idk if I'll ever do a mall haul anytime soon maybe !
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boujettagains-blog · 7 years
I want to lift from target and kohls today but I been there a lot like idk if they notice me with the same bag and out fit
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