bouncelegal · 3 years
Did you know that your pet goldfish might have a longer attention span than you? According to a recent study by the Telegraph in the UK, due partly to the popularization of smartphones, the average human attention span has dropped from 12 to 8 seconds over the past twenty years. The attention span of the average goldfish clocks in at 9 seconds.
What does this mean for attorneys? It means that if you want potential clients sticking around on your site, you’ve got to grab their attention and keep it. Accordingly, quick load time, readable sentences, and small paragraphs all increase your SEO.
How else can I improve my SEO and why is it so important?
SEO, or search engine optimization, is a set of guidelines that, if followed, improve your site’s ranking in a search engine’s organic results. In 2020, when there’s intense digital competition, you must work twice as hard to be noticed. Today, we’re breaking down how to optimize your content and send your business straight to the top.
Link, Link, Link
This is an easy one. According to Search Metrics, the number of backlinks is the 3rd most determining factor in your rankings. Chances are, you’ve mentioned something in a blog post that references another article, study, news story, or other trustworthy sources.
Including those outbound links (make sure they link outside of your web page so users don’t leave your site) increases your credibility as a publisher and brings you right to Google’s “high-quality content” column. But be sure to stress quality over quantity. Links must be relevant, trustworthy and, of course, functioning. Defunct or irrelevant links will plummet your SEO score.
Optimize Your Images
Image files should be small to reduce page loading time. You can also name the image files with keywords relevant to your website like “best divorce attorneys for women” or “experienced child custody attorneys”. Use captions to sneak in additional keywords.
Spread The Share
Include sharing icons beneath posts to encourage social media sharing. The more users share your content, the more people will search for your site and the higher your attorney ranking will be.
You should also focus your attention on social media if you haven’t yet figured out that a social presence is no longer optional. An engaging social profile with links to your website will also engage users with your legal brand and drive organic website traffic.
Improve Your Content
It might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many lawyer websites abandon blogs or fail to produce relevant content. Your website content should be engaging, relevant, and frequently updated to encourage frequent visits and improve dwell time.
Go Mobile
Nearly 60% of Google searches come from mobile devices. That means your site needs to be optimized for mobile use. Make sure your site is responsive on mobile so the text is readable and images pop just as they would on a laptop or desktop computer.
Speaking of readability…remember the goldfish? A huge part of Google’s algorithm for determining SEO rankings is readability. Content should be nice to read and easy to comprehend. Readable text keeps users engaged and less likely to click away.
Here are a few tips to boost your text’s readability:
First thing’s first – short sentences and paragraphs. As a rule of thumb, limit the number of sentences that contain 20 or more words and keep the length of your paragraphs below 150 words. Long sentences and paragraphs are hard to process and boost the likelihood that users will reach the end of their short attention span and click away. To help keep paragraph length tight, break text up and use subheadings when appropriate.
Try to avoid multiple sentences in a row that begin with the same word and be sure to find a balance between long and short sentences. As previously mentioned, short sentences are preferable but do include longer sentences for the sake of variety. No one speaks solely in short or long sentences, so there’s no reason to write that way.
Additionally, it’s important to use transition words like the first word of this sentence. Other examples include, therefore, however, also, because, as a result, due to, and…you get the gist.
And a good rule of thumb for writing in general – but especially important when it comes to readability – is to use the active voice whenever possible.
Improving your attorney SEO doesn’t have to mean uprooting your entire website and rewriting every piece of content you’ve ever created. Chances are, you’ve got spectacular content that just needs a bit of polishing and that polishing can send your law firm straight to the top (of Google search results).
More questions on SEO? Contact us! Happy searching.
About us – Bounce Legal is a legal marketing agency for bankruptcy attorneys and divorce attorneys, and digital advertising experts. We service clients on a local and national basis. On top of offering digital advertising advantages, we’re knowledgeable in generating leads, search engine ranking advantages, Google Ads advertising (Pay Per Click), SEO services, social media marketing, and more!
Your web site most certainly is the beginning, as success through-out our digital markets is reliant on local prominence & maximum exposure to several marketing outlets. Our divorce marketing and bankruptcy marketing company is glad to help you with any questions you may have. Book a free consultation now and discover how we’re able to help your law firm dominate your local market.
The post How To Improve SEO for Attorneys appeared first on Bankruptcy Leads & Bankruptcy Marketing Agency | Legal Marketing Attorneys.
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bouncelegal · 3 years
As a Divorce or Bankruptcy Attorney, new prospect leads is your bread and butter. But what about expansion? What about capturing leads outside of your typical 5-10 mile radius? If you’re stuck in the mindset that because you’re a small law firm, you don’t have the budget for impactful advertising, think again. Every lawyer should be utilizing a digital strategy to meet clients where they are and offer actionable solutions to their searches, problems, and online inquiries.
So what exactly is digital marketing and why is it important for my law firm?
Let’s break down what digital marketing encompasses (it’s not just a website and it’s more than social media), why it’s important for you, and how you can implement effective digital marketing on a budget. Stay tuned.
What Is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing probably conjures the image of websites, digital graphics, maybe display ads, and certainly Facebook and Instagram. But it’s more than a singular online platform. Digital marketing encompasses everything from YouTube videos to search engine results to SEO and building a responsive website ideal for mobile viewing. It’s blogging, online reputation management, and in-store WiFi marketing.
While this may seem overwhelming, to get started, all you need to do is identify one or two digital channels that your prospects frequent. Then you can begin building targeted content on those platforms.
Why Is It Important?
According to a recent study, approximately 78% of local mobile searches resulted in an offline purchase. What does this mean? It means that your prospects are searching for questions and brands online and by optimizing your online presence (and maybe investing in a Google search campaign), your business can provide an answer that leads to a consultation.
While finding brands through search is a powerful discovery tool, it’s also a powerful lead generation tool. Without strong content that boosts your SEO score or a high converting website, where prospects can browse your practice areas at the exact moment they’re searching for them, you’re missing out on potential leads.
Reach People At Scale
If you’re looking to expand your law firm beyond what it is today, you need to expand your audience. Simply put, there’s no better place to expand than the digital space. Digital marketing isn’t running an advertisement and hoping people see it. It’s showing up in hundreds or even thousands of user’s feeds, multiple times per day while they’re searching for the services your law firm provides.
Build Loyalty
Social media is more than a fun, engaging post now-and-then. A strong social presence brings those with similar interests together. When you create posts that cultivate engagement, users will begin to view your page as a place to connect as opposed to a place with generic copy and filtered images.
Gather Information
Utilizing digital platforms also provides the opportunity to collect key data about your client’s demographics and habits online and off. Thanks to platforms with analytics features such as Google and Facebook, you can understand insights such as gender, age range, education, and whether or not your client is experiencing a major life event. Understanding who your client is will help you curate targeted messaging that addresses their needs and presents your law firm as a viable solution. You can also provide recommendations about your services based on what they’ve liked, shared, or commented on from your page and others.
What If I’m On A Budget?
You don’t have to be a multi-million dollar law firm to invest in digital strategy. In fact, much of the digital landscape levels the playing field when it comes to budget.
While traditional advertising platforms cater to large firms that can afford print takeovers and national airspace, it costs as little as $5 to boost a Facebook post. Not to mention, you can always post organically. You will attract traffic so long as there’s consistent and engaging content targeted to your audience.
Digital marketing is so much more than social media. It’s curating creative and engaging content that answer prospect inquiries in a way that’s personable and links them back to your law firm. With digital marketing, always meet your prospective client at the right time and the right space. In 2022, more often than not, the right space is digital.
More questions about why digital marketing is right for your law firm? Book a Free Consultation Today:  https://bouncelegal.com/
The post Why Is Digital Marketing Important for Attorneys appeared first on Bankruptcy Leads & Bankruptcy Marketing Agency | Legal Marketing Attorneys.
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bouncelegal · 3 years
As some attorneys find out (the hard way) – many web designers make mistakes with the structuring of navigation in ways that search engines can’t access their website. If they can’t access them, then they hinder the ability to get pages of a site listed in the search engines’ index!
When it comes to successful searches online, there two important points of view: search engines and humans.
They are not viewed in the same way at all! When designing a website for your law firm, your primary focus is your target audience. Following this, technology needs to be included to help search engines add your website to their data bases. You see, search engine bots read text, and you want it to find out all about your site and include it in their index. In order to accomplish this, you need the right information coded into web pages.
You can check out your site and view it as a search engine would. By utilizing online tools you can identify elements of your content are visible and indexable to the engines. You can check whether the pages you’re building are visible to search engines. This includes images and links. Do they show up? If not, what can you do about it?
To perform better in Google and Bing search engine listings, it’s important for content to be in the proper format. You can also use more advanced methods for areas requiring a greater formatting or visual display style. When using images, provide alt text and assign them in gif, jpg, or png format. “Alt attributes” give search engines a text description of visual content. Supplement search boxes with navigation and crawable links. This link structure lets crawlers browse pathways of a website. This is vital to finding all pages on a website. Supplement Flash or Java plug-ins with text on the page. Also, provide a transcript for video and audio content if words and phrases used are meant to be indexed by engines. When comes to helping those bots learn what your law firm has to offer, specific use of text is crucial. Never assume anything.
About us – Bounce Legal is a legal marketing agency for bankruptcy attorneys and divorce attorneys, in addition to digital advertising specialists. We service clients on a local and national basis. In addition to providing digital marketing advantages, we’re skilled in generating leads, search engine marketing advantages, Google Ads advertising (pay-per-click), Search Engine Optimization services, social media prominence, and more!
A web site is a great step, as success throughout our connected world depends on search ranking & significant exposure to several advertising outlets. Our divorce marketing and bankruptcy marketing company is glad to help you with any questions you have. Schedule your Free Demo now and discover how we can help your law firm control your local market.
The post Search Engine Friendly Web Design For Attorneys appeared first on Bankruptcy Leads & Bankruptcy Marketing Agency | Legal Marketing Attorneys.
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bouncelegal · 4 years
Attorneys nowadays are bombarded with options to generate leads for their law firms. Choice basically boil down to two options, Pay-Per-Lead or a long-term digital marketing system. You may be surprised to learn that the short-term decision to pay-per-lead is not always the best long-term decision.
One can understand the immediate “wow” factor when an attorney learns they can get bankruptcy leads for “just” $50. Afterall, who doesn’t want to save money while growing their law firm. However, the “you pay for what you get” analogy often applies here.
Most of the pay-per-lead models can offer “cheap” leads simply because they are run through 3rd party directory sites and other “farming” methods. Often attorneys are competing with a pool of other attorneys who get the same phone call. It ends up being the “luck of the draw” when it comes to quality.
There is a major difference between an individual calling your direct vs. contacting you through a 3rd party service. What’s the difference? Your client close rate is going to be much higher when someone is calling you direct. This is especially true since a prospect who has found your brand online has conducted some initial research and is convinced your firm is credible vs. a blind submission on a random site.
The pay-per-lead model enables you to pay less per lead, but you could end up needing more leads before you are able to obtain an actual case. Alternatively, engaging a direct marketing strategy for obtaining bankruptcy leads, places you at an advantage. You are trusted as prospects have verified your brand are more motivated to hire your firm.
Another consideration is the quality of the cases. If someone is willing to pay more for “quality “ legal advice, they are most likely not going to reach out to a third-party website. In-turn law firms most often will need to engage additional marketing efforts to land profitable clients.  Typically, the higher value the client, the more direct your marketing should be.
By implementing a long-term strategy to build your brand online, you are in essence building an asset. Several online signals such as a quality website, engaging social channels,  great reviews, and an overall impressive digital strategy are worth their weight in gold. Doing such portrays you are willing to invest in your business and in turn individuals are willing to invest in you!
When prospects have identified your firm as credible, the quality of your leads automatically increase. This is true simply because these prospects have already done their research. It goes without saying, you must have an attractive offer, answer your calls timely, and respond to form leads quickly. These three factors alone will significantly increase your close rates.
Another major consideration when mapping out your lead generation/digital marketing strategy, is the long-term opportunity cost when choosing low cost / low quality leads. You lose valuable brand equity each month that passes. Your future brand could mean the difference between long-term success or failure.
What happens if suddenly the leads start “slowing” down? As new practices open up, its’ likely the competition for those leads will continue to increase. What now?  For the past year you have been purchasing leads with no improvement to your brand or online authority.
Now, let’s look at the alternate. At Bounce Legal we believe in building our clients brand online by implementing a robust (long-term) digital marketing system. Our digital system includes quality content that bolsters your brand and expands your reach. Each year we work together is another year of significant improvement to your online brand.
In summary, paying per lead can be a risky game, as it tends to conceal a larger challenge that many law firms face. Often attorneys that use the pay-per-lead model, have internal marketing deficiencies. For example is their website up to par, do they have a content marketing strategy, are they visible online?
These digital strategies simply take time! To develop a solid presence online you need to invest in your marketing. Paying per lead masks these neglected marketing objectives. If left unresolved for a long period of time, many attorneys can get in a place where it’s difficult to rebound.
Attorneys must always prioritize long-term success vs. short-term gain. If buying leads enables you to ignore these tasks, you need to sit back and reconsider your strategy. Every law firm should ask this question honestly and take action to avoid this major pit fall.
About us – Bounce Legal is a legal marketing agency for bankruptcy attorneys, in addition to digital advertising experts. We serve clients on a local and national basis. On top of providing digital marketing solutions, we’re experienced in generating leads, search-engine marketing advantages, Google Ads advertising (pay-per-click), Search Engine Optimization services, social media marketing, and more!
Your website most certainly is just the beginning, as success in our digital markets relies on search prominence and increased visibility to many advertising outlets. Our bankruptcy marketing agency is glad to assist you with any kind of questions you have. Schedule your Free Demo now and learn how we’re able to help your law firm control your local market.
The post Pay-Per-Lead vs. Digital Marketing System appeared first on Bankruptcy Leads & Bankruptcy Marketing Agency | Legal Marketing Attorneys.
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bouncelegal · 4 years
If you are similar to many bankruptcy attorneys, then you are constantly looking for methods to save valuable time and money. Google Ads is one of the most tested and proven marketing advantages that can help you accomplish this task. Google offers many benefits geared towards bankruptcy attorneys including; custom audience targeting, advanced bid strategies, responsive ads, and more.
When developing a Google ads strategy for law firms, one of our initial objectives is to tailor our clients advertising goals to match the campaign objectives. In addition to driving traffic to your landing page, we ultimately must convert as many visitors as possible. Whether that be from a phone call or form submission. The landing page plays a key role tying your ads, offer, and message.
Google Ads allows to you expand your digital campaign to a new level, by targeting individuals actively seeking to file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection. Some of the ways we can do that is as follows:
Target Geographically – targeting prospects close to your office will increase your changes for conversion, as individuals feel more comfortable working wit a local law firm. Target Ads / Keywords – it’s critical to tie your keywords to your ad and ultimately your landing pages. Your ad copy must be written to target the right prospects at the right time. By including the search query in the ad copy you can increase click through rate and ultimately your conversions. Bid Strategy – another important element in an efficient Google Ads campaign is to use bid strategies properly. There are times when you need to bid manually and others where an automated strategy makes more sense.
In addition to the above, an effective Google Ad campaign for bankruptcy attorneys must include flexible budgeting. You should calculate the max you are willing to spend each month and build your campaign around that budget. This will help avoid any surprises. Also keep in mind that Google may increase your spend by up to 30%. This sounds like a lot, but is necessary so that Google’s algorithm can deliver the best possible results based on your budget. The good news is that Google will only charge you when someone clicks on your ad, hence the term pay-per-click. When working with bankruptcy attorneys, we have found that the minimum Google Ad budget should be at least $1000 per month. Obviously budgets higher than that are beneficial, however, not necessary. Some marketing objectives, however, require higher budgets. When working with Bounce Legal, we will help you determine the best budget for your market.
Another important consideration when running a Google Ads campaign for your law firm is timing. You have complete control in determining how long your ad runs, when setting up your ads. This makes it simple to manage special promotions, offers, or other marketing strategies. Just be conscious of when your ads are running so that you or your team can answer calls and form submissions on a timely basis.
Monthly reporting and metrics
Anytime we run a campaign for our clients, reporting is an important consideration for us and our clients. After all, we must prove a return on investment to justify continued ad spend. Our team continually monitors client ad accounts to ensure maximum benefit. We keep on top of ad copy metrics, negative keywords, click-through-rate, and more. By staying abreast of the campaign, we are able to make timely changes to ensure an adequate return on investment.
Google Ads offers several custom choices to track and measure your digital marketing campaigns. For example, you can set and track goals for:
• Return on Investment (ROI) • Landing Page Traffic • Conversions • Geo Targeting • And More!
You can also see metric including:
• Best-Performing Keywords • Headlines with the Best Click-Through Rates • Top-Performing Time of Day • Impressions • Click-Through Rate • Cost Per Click (CPC)
In Summary
Google Ads is an effective digital marketing resource for bankruptcy attorneys that want to get in touch with the right clients, at the best time, for a price that fits their budget. If you’d like to set up a painless and effective digital marketing campaign for your law firm, it’s worth giving Google Ads a try.
About us – Bounce Legal is a legal marketing agency for bankruptcy attorneys, as well as digital marketing experts. We serve clients on a local and national basis. In addition to providing digital advertising services, we are skilled in generating leads, search engine marketing advantages, Google Ads advertising (pay-per-click), SEO services, social media prominence, and more!
A web site most certainly is the beginning, as on-line success in our connected markets is dependent on local dominance and significant visibility to many marketing outlets. Our bankruptcy marketing agency is more than happy to assist you with any kind of questions you may have.
Schedule your Free Demo today and learn how we can help your law firm dominate your local market.
The post How Can Google Ads Help My Bankruptcy Law Firm? appeared first on Bankruptcy Leads & Bankruptcy Marketing Agency | Legal Marketing Attorneys.
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bouncelegal · 4 years
Search engine optimization (SEO) is not only for big tech companies. Local law firms must integrate an SEO strategy. In fact, SEO applies more so to local law firms simply because individuals are searching for your services vs. the name of your firm.
Most prospects nowadays when looking for a specific type of lawyer rely on the internet. They have a question, and you need to provide the answer. Further, your firm must be on the first page to even have a chance as most individuals don’t consider page two or three. This is even more true on mobile devices, as bankruptcy prospects want answers to their queries quickly. Ranking high on the SERP’s (search engine results page) can be the deciding factor between time on your hands and too busy to handle more business. How this plays out is dependent on your Local SEO strategy.
What Is Local SEO And Why Is It Important For Bankruptcy Attorneys?
In short, Local SEO boosts your ranking in local search results. Local searches try and target a specific city based on specific keywords. For example, a common local search term is “bankruptcy attorneys near me.” Google and other search engines will display the most relevant results based on your location and the law firms competing for this query. Although nobody can pinpoint Google’s exact algorithm, there are several steps a diligent bankruptcy attorney can take to ensure they show up.
We Are Going To Explore Some Methods Bankruptcy Attorneys Can Attain High Ranking Using The Latest Trends In Local SEO.
When talking about Local SEO we are referring to “organic” searches, where key words are typed into a browser (such as Chrome, Edge, or Firefox) and in-turn search engines return relevant results. You may have noticed that in 2020 Ads consume a majority of the search results page. This makes the landscape much more competitive today than ever before. Law firms that are not “in-tune” with optimizing their website for SEO, find themselves way down the list and often on the second and third pages.
Additionally, Local SEO impacts the local “map” section or otherwise known as the “map-pack.” A few years ago, the map pack was seven deep, now it’s just three! You will also notice that Google displays ads in the map pack, making SEO even more important.
Ideally, your law firm should be in the map for the city that you service. Statistically, businesses in the map pack see an average of 30% more traffic than others that are not in the map section. Individuals browsing the net, are quickly drawn to this section as they can see reviews, location, phone number, and a website link.
What Factors Influence The Local Map Results?
As noted earlier, nobody can exactly identify Google’s algorithm and we do not know why some law firms enter the map pack over others. However, we do know several steps that every law firm can take to significantly increase their chances. The following is a great start:
• Optimized bankruptcy focused website • Complete Google My Business information including correct categories and descriptions • Site copy to include proximity and related keywords • Links from authoritative websites such as membership affiliations and published content • On-page SEO signals such as correct meta descriptions, title tags, and image optimization • Off-page SEO including social signals and engagement • NAP listings and citation signals • Online Review signals
Never underestimate the value of ranking organically. Your website must be optimized to include quality content and be structured properly to allow the “search bots” to efficiently crawl your site. Obviously the more relevant your site the more visitors you shall receive. Many surfers looking for a bankruptcy attorney near them skip ads and solely focus on organic results. These individuals are more research based and want additional information to make an informed decision.
In summary, Local SEO is a critical tool for every business, especially bankruptcy attorneys as individuals are searching locally for their services. Improving your search engine optimization takes time and knowledge to ensure you maximize your lead generation opportunities in the SERPs. The first step is to ensure you have a game plan.
Some of the concepts discussed here will require an experienced SEO and goes beyond the scope of this post. However, many of the topics discussed can be implement by your law firm with minimal technical knowledge. Start with the structure of your website and include carefully crafted content that matches your message and brand. You can then integrate a content/social marketing strategy, and ultimately a Local SEO campaign. Taking the steps outlined in this article will significantly increase your odds in better ranking, which can result in more clients!
A little bit about us – Bounce Legal is a legal marketing agency for bankruptcy attorneys, and digital advertising specialists. We service clients on a local and national basis. On top of offering digital advertising solutions, we’re also proficient in generating leads, search-engine marketing advantages, Google Ads advertising (Pay Per Click), Search Engine Optimization solutions, social media advertising, and much more!
Your website is a critical step, as success in our connected markets relies on on search engine authority and significant visibility to several advertising outlets. Our bankruptcy marketing firm is more than happy to help you with any opportunities you may have. Contact us today and let’s get started building your responsive site!
The post Why Local SEO Is Important for Bankruptcy Attorneys appeared first on Bankruptcy Leads & Bankruptcy Marketing Agency | Legal Marketing Attorneys.
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bouncelegal · 4 years
Best Lead Generation Strategies for Bankruptcy Attorneys
Marketing is all about catching the right people in the right place at the right time. So how can you guarantee that your law practice hits the sweet spot every time? Well, in 2020, everything is digital, meaning the most effective marketing strategies often exist on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, email or, frankly, anything viewable on a smartphone.
So what can digital marketing do for your law firm?
From boosting awareness to increasing the efficiency of your marketing spend, there are several statistically-backed reasons why effective digital marketing can improve your bottom line and grow your law practice, big or small. Stay tuned – we’re outlining our top five.
Expand reach
An effective website for your bankruptcy practice should be on the top of your list. What better way to attract new clients, showcase your services, and promote quality content. To help boost your website presence, you should take advantage of social media marketing. If you’re not advertising on digital platforms, you’re missing out on billions of social media users. Not to mention, the average web surfer who spends countless hours online. While those numbers are slightly nauseating, they’re also true and they make up a huge portion of your audience. Bottom line? Everyone’s online and if you want to reach everyone, the starting point is obvious.
Humanize your bankruptcy practice
Social platforms give your brand a voice. What kind of language do you use while tweeting? Are your Facebook posts engaging, passionate, and informative? Are you speaking direct to your prospect? Can individuals quickly and easily connect with someone in your firm? Humans don’t trust companies, they trust other humans. If you use social to bridge the gap, you’ll earn the trust of social users searching for authenticity above all else.
Build Trust
It is common knowledge that individuals trust information about a particular brand, product, or service that comes from people they know. And they don’t just mean people they know personally. Friends and family and general word of mouth will always reign supreme when it comes to increasing awareness. But digital marketing also encompasses testimonials from clients that your prospects can read and get a better understanding for whom they may be doing business with. Emphasize online posts and build a strong social following to legitimize your business in the eyes of every consumer.
Additionally, displaying your member affiliation badges on your website is an easy way to boost your trust and credibility. Make sure to include these badges on several pages of your site, as many visitors not only land on your home page, but on others as well.
Lead Generation
For marketers, the beauty of digital marketing or attorneys is the ability to target specific audiences. Very specific audiences. Maybe it’s people who love reading about improving their financial future or maybe it’s individuals who like to watch YouTube videos. With the help of our legal marketing experts, you can understand who from each practice area is most likely to visit your website and book a consultation. Once you develop a target client, digital tools allow you to direct messaging straight to them. Bounce Legal offers numerous lead generation solutions for bankruptcy attorneys. Contact us today for a free demo.
Stay Cost-Effective
If you skimmed the above, this should come as no surprise. Digital marketing provides a better return on investment than traditional media channels. In fact, according to Google, companies using digital marketing have 2.8 times better revenue growth expectancy. It makes sense, especially when you consider how much cheaper digital marketing is than print. Drive your revenue through targeted campaigns, personalized offers, and cost-effective digital buys.
There are many techniques in our digital landscape where bankruptcy attorneys can gain an advantage. For example, showing up in the local map results for the query “bankruptcy attorney near me” is an easy way to increase traffic to your website and ultimately conversions.
Related Tips for Bankruptcy Attorneys
Our advice is to first maximize the advertising tools that are “Free.” For example all bankruptcy law practices must maximize their Google My Business listing. You can easily score valuable ranking points from “google bot” by simply ensuring your information optimized. We offer Free Google My Business training, just book a consultation and we will be happy to help out.
When do I ask for help? Sometimes it’s best to leave legal marketing to the experts. Agencies specializing in social marketing are well-versed in voice, online branding, and creative strategy that cuts through the virtual clutter. You may know your business better than a room of corporate strangers, but marketing experts understand how to speak directly to your target audience better than anyone.
Lean on professionals with years of digital experience to get serious about strengthening your digital presence and speaking to previously unreachable consumers.
What platforms should I use? Not all digital platforms are created equal! A common mistake is deciding to use a platform for the sake of using it. Here at Bounce Legal we use the most effective digital avenues to attract and retain new bankruptcy clients including Google, social media marketing, SEO, and more.
Instead of having a presence on every social platform, figure out where your target audience spends the most time and develop a strategy based on those two to three platforms. Digital agencies are fantastic resources if you’re struggling to understand which areas of the digital landscape to focus on. You have nothing to lose going digital and everything in the world to gain. Hopefully, this helped you understand why. Still curious about digital marketing for your bankruptcy law firm? Contact us!
A bit about us – Bounce Legal offers lead generation services for bankruptcy attorneys throughout the United States. In addition to providing leads, we are experienced in search-engine marketing, Google Ads advertising (Pay Per Click), SEO solutions, social media marketing, and more! Your website most certainly is the beginning, as online success through-out our connected world is dependent on search dominance and max exposure to many marketing channels. Our bankruptcy marketing company is more than glad to help you increase your online presence. Book a free consultation today and let’s kick-start your leads!
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