bountyhvnter · 8 years
“ eventually . . . you just move on . ”
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❝ hell yeah. ‘expecting it'll hurt forever, until it doesn't. ❞  
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
3 Word sentence starters
1. “Are you crazy? 
2. “Don’t leave me.” 
3. “Where am I?” 
4. “Is it dead?” 
5. “Care to dance?” 
6. “I’m not hungry.” 
7. “Don’t eat/drink/touch that!”
8. “Who are you?”
9. “Are you asleep?” 
10. “I can’t see!” 
11. “I love you.” 
12. “I hate you.”
13. “Are you okay?”
14. “You’re not helping.” 
15. “Let me help.” 
16. “Open the door!” 
17. “Get in here.” 
18. “Here, hold this.” 
19. “Where is everyone?” 
20. “I feel sick.” 
21. “What is that?” 
22. “Where is it?” 
23. “I’m so confused.” 
24. “Are you sure?” 
25. “Hold my hand.”   
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
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hi guys im back from hiatus
i‘ll try to answer as many rps i can.
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
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   ❝ daw, SHUCKS. a real sweetheart, aint’cha ? ❞         cold, metallic digits came in to ( softly ) pinch her cheek,  his other hand gently patting the petals of the flowers.
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
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❝ NOW, don’t underestimate me, doc. — PLUS, if anything does happen, you’ll be here to patch me up -- RIGHT ? ❞
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❛ YOU’RE going to hurt yourself doing that . ❜
@bountyhvnter !
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
Best Friend Starters!
{Text}: Go to bed and stop texting me. This isn’t the intended use of emojis.
“Hey, I read about this super illegal thing and I think we should do it.” 
“Do you think foods have feelings? Maybe that gumball I dropped today was sad I didn’t eat him…”
“No, we can’t buy five hundred pugs.” 
“What do you mean I’m too loud? It’s not like I’m SHOUTING IN YOUR EAR!” 
“If I go down you’re coming with me! This is a mutual effort!” 
“I’m not picking your drunk ass up at three in the morning anymore.” 
“Stop coming into my house to sleep on my couch! Someday you’re going to find the door locked.” 
“Oof, get off! You’re too heavy!” 
“I honestly think you belong in a cell, but again, I guess we’d be cellmates.” 
“Now who the fuck took my skittles? It was you, wasn’t it, you smug little-” 
“Somehow I don’t think the teacher believed our story about the sword wielding elves breaking the window…” 
“I don’t care if you didn’t wanna share, it’s mine now!” 
“YOU ARE A DICK. Also I’m at your door, let me in.” 
“C’mon, smile…I’ll tickle you if I have to!” 
“You’re sad. Don’t lie to me. I see the pouty thing you do.” 
“Do you need me to kill someone for you?” 
“You can’t even reach me to hit me, shortie-OW!!” 
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
"Are you finishin' that or...?" ((Hey there :D))
                                              { @keeps-on-tickin​ | x }
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    ❝ oh, this? ❞         the male looked down at his quarter-empty bottle of WHISKEY held inattentively, giving its contents a light swirl, letting the aroma waft into his nostrils. he proceeded to look back up at the australian male ; giving him an inviting grin.     ❝ here, y’ can have a SIP. ❞
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
Send me 👑🌷 to put a flower crown on my muse’s head for their reaction
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
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sorry for the slow responses on threads/asks.  
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
"bro… that’s so… not cool…”
                                                { @apmrising | x }
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    ❝ HANA, I....❞          of course, he blamed himself. but REALLY ? he wasn’t hip, and sure as hell didnt know how these gaming knick-knacks worked. he cleared his throat, a half-smile stepping gingerly across his face. prosthetic hand held her broken pink controller;   ( snapped in half, to be precise. )      ❝ i can pay 'ya back. just tell me how much y' need for it. ❞
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
Badly describe my muse in my inbox.
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
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                                                ARE YOU GONNA COWBOY UP                                                 OR   LIE   THERE   AND   BLEED  ?
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
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❝ .. ain’t it PAST your BEDTIME ?? ❞
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       「  ➤ | ❝ — what are you looking at ?  ❞
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
Send a ✮ & I’ll generate a number ( platonic edition )
or send a number for a hug/kiss 
cheek kiss
shy kiss
first kiss
forehead kiss
gentle kiss
scar kiss
hand kiss
friendly kiss
chaste kiss
spin the bottle kiss
an eskimo kiss
butterfly kisses ( eyelash kiss )
a kiss pressed to each fingertip
a kiss on the hairline
a kiss to the temples
a kiss to the corner of the mouth
a kiss to bruised skin
a kiss on the knuckles
Nose Kiss
Gentle Peck
Eyelid Kiss
Bear Hug
Sleepy hug
Cuddle hug
Unreciprocated hug
“Far too long since we’ve seen each other” hug
From behind hug
“Something scared me” hug
The Lift hug
One armed hug
Friendly hug
The emotional hug
Failed hug
Run and Jump hug
Side hug
Comforting hug
Family hug
Hug around waist
Clinging hug
‘’Don’t let go’’ hug
‘’I thought I’d never see you again” hug
Warm hug
Awkward hug
Cold hug
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
five word prompts
[inspired by this]
“actually… i just miss you.”
“alright, i’ll leave you alone.”
“and slowly… i was forgotten.”
“and then everything just disappears.”
“and where do i go?”
“anyone could tell from here.”
“are you finishing that or…?”
“are you stupid or stupid?”
“anything, just call me, okay?”
“bitch better have my money.”
“bro… that’s so… not cool…”
“but did you do it?”
“call me now. it’s urgent.”
"can’t you listen to me?”
“cross that. don’t answer that.”
“don’t even think about it.”
“don’t you dare walk away.”
“do it. i dare you.”
“did you think i forgot?”
“eventually… you just move on.”
“even if you still do.”
“everything will fall into place.”
“fight me, you attractive stranger.”
“for once, i need you.”
“for once… i was right.”
“for once… i was wrong.”
“forget i even asked you.”
“forget it. you fucking suck.”
“fuck’s sake, what’s your problem?”
“fuck off. i mean it.”
“give and take. that’s life.”
“great. perfect. nice. fuck this.”
“have you lost your mind?”
“hello? it’s me. i was-”
“hey… that wasn’t so nice.”
“here’s a glass of whatever.”
“how about a hug, hm?”
“how about you make me?”
“i haven’t forgot you yet.”
“i can’t be around you.”
“i don’t need you, really.”
“i don’t need this now.”
“is this your first time?”
“it’s just a cut, really.”
“it wasn’t me, i swear!”
“i said i love you.”
“just don’t fuck it up.”
"just… come back alive, okay?”
“just make sure you’ve eaten.”
“kick his ass for me.”
“killed him? wait, what, literally?”
“life really sucks. feel better.”
“letting go hurts… a lot.”
“let me live, will you?”
“no, i don’t need you.”
“nothing can hurt me now.”
“nothing matters anymore to me.”
“okay it was me… so?”
“people lie all the time.”
“pipe the fuck down, asshole.”
“please, you can’t die now.”
“please don’t leave me alone.”
“quiet. they can hear us.”
“quick! give me your phone!”
“quicker, you freaking piece of-”
“quit it or i’ll bite.”
“quit staring! they’ll notice us!”
"really? do i look stupid?”
“real smooth, tripping over air.”
“rise and shine, sweet thing.”
“rise and fucking shine, motherfucker.”
“seriously? give me a break.”
“so… what are we now?”
“so… did you miss me?”
“so… can we go eat?”
“so… when’s the next flight?”
“so… how did everything go?”
“sometimes, i wish you died.”
“so what? you did it.”
“time passes slower without you.”
“then what do you suggest?”
“the fuck? who are you?”
“then you tell me why.”
“this is not working out.”
“this isn’t what i wanted.”
“this is all a fucking disaster.”
“when did it all happen?”
“who knew you’d be here?”
“why do i even bother?”
“why do i love you?”
“why didn’t you tell me?”
“you’re just… so, so stupid.”
“you can’t be here now.”
“you look like an accident.”
“you really need to go.”
“you know who to call.”
"zero fucks given. next please.”
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bountyhvnter · 8 years
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