bourniebna · 3 months
Oooh, this question is actually very intriguing to me personally. To start with, I guess "liking Raven in a ship and Raven solo equally" is the closest description of the type of Raven fan I am. Nevertheless, to me, shipping is just enjoying the intertwined solo (like, truly solo, as in not dependable on the interaction with anyone) content of two (or more) characters, although I might be more interested in one party than the other(s).
What does this mean? It means that through a ship context, I will decipher the mentality and inclination of actions of my beloved character that can actually subtly/indirectly suggest their overall mindset and characterisation, which in turn make the highlights of their solo content.
Let's take an example. In Legends of the DC Universe #18, the soul-deep bonding of KFRae on that snowy mountain was a prominent instance of Raven's wisdom, independence, and ethics (and even her grace). All of these attributes of hers had already been showcased earlier in her rebellious (and lonesome) journey to the Earth - the very place that her "kin" had abandoned - to find answers (and solutions to a problem that she didn't create), yet with KFRae they got to be elaborated more personally with the way she warmed the heart of a lost young man. In both aspects - through both her determined fight against the evil and the bystanders as well as her budding love with a passionate boy, Raven shone brightly as a fictional legend of DC.
And to me, that is the ideal content of Raven, with her romance being an extension of her inspiring character and legacy. From my perspective, a fictional figure will never feel complete and relatable if they are kept devoid of romantic love, attraction, and companionship as they are significant parts of humanity. Therefore, to me, to love a character wholeheartedly means to love their solo content and their meaningful ship content equally.
All of this TED talk is actually just my propaganda to spread the love for the sterling Legends of the DC Universe #18 issue and my beautiful, heart-wrenching ship KFRae, though. So, in conclusion, go read Legends of the DC Universe #18 and keep loving KFRae, pals. It's good for your taste in life!
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bourniebna · 3 months
[Character Study]
The Artistry of Raven: Impression of a Soulful Dancer & The Unspoken Storytelling of Physical Expressiveness
ANDY: When you started developing the individual characters, the individual faces of the TEEN TITANS, who did you base the characters on? You’ve often said that Changeling was a young Mickey Rooney. But who were the others in real life? GEORGE: [...] Originally, Raven was Persis Khambatta, the actress who played in the first STAR TREK film, and later became a young lady named Fran MacGregor, who was a dancer, and I used some of her features, particularly her figure, for Raven. [...]
David Anthony Kraft's Comics Interview #50: Pérez! Special Edition (1987)
In 1987, George Pérez revealed that later in the series, he took inspiration from the appearance of a young dancer named Fran MacGregor to build the physique of Raven. This decision was brilliant as it truly helped visualise the intended grace of Raven’s characterisation as well as her otherworldly physical beauty.
Then, 12 years later, in 1999, the concept was revitalised in LEGENDS OF THE DC UNIVERSE #18 by the artist Butch Guice, only this time Raven not only had the beautiful, lean stature of a dancer but also posed like one in a soulful, contemporary dance inspired choreography.
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These unique, dramatic movements were given specifically to Raven during her monologues where she either lamented her fate as a sacrificial lamb or when she was overwhelmed with strong emotions, like bitterness, frustration, and newfound infatuation - the intensity of which could never be fully conveyed with the frailty of words within a few text bubbles.
“Dance is the hidden language of the soul,” was a quote from Martha Graham, a renowned American modern dancer in the 1900s. And the truth of the saying is evident in the way Butch Guice utilised the art of bodily expressiveness here to portray Raven’s unspoken tragedy (as well as her innocence of a fifteen-year-old girl in the wake of her womanhood).
The movements in themselves are already such beautiful storytelling.
Bonus: These are some dance photography pieces that remind me of Raven’s beautiful movements in this issue.
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bourniebna · 4 months
On the first look I thought this was just a fanart, only to realise this is somewhat an official material.
And it is sacrilegious.
Even as a fanart, this looks like a bunch of young adults bringing along ONE juvenile girl on their beach trip, which is weird enough. And it is just so sad that they are always deliberately erasing what Raven is supposed to look like. She doesn't even get to keep her signature leotard from the 2003 animated show either!?! The only thing I appreciate here is that they use royal blue for her swimsuit and not some ugly, depressing tones of indigo.
I mean, Raven in a beach suit already happened.
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Look at her! Her original self is already such a sexy, feminine, and elegant lady, with a charm no less than Kori's or Donna's. Why insisting on making her childlike???
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This variant cover for Titans #14 is annoying me so much 😭 every character here has their designs from the current run, except Raven. This is literally just cartoon Raven. I don't even like Raven's current design (though based on Lucas Meyer's twitter they're finally fixing it, thank god) but this is not the solution I expected. It's so weird how they're not drawing her on covers looking the way she will in the issue, this has happened multiple times now. Where's the consistency? Why did the artist just draw her cartoon design? It's so strange.
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bourniebna · 4 months
[Commentary | Fanfiction]
Smitten with the Glimpse of You
Synopsis: Wally West being the self-identity (and spirit animal) of every NTT Raven admirer. "Moral" of the Story: To all the straight girlies out there, find yourself a man who would look at you bundled in a blanket the way Wally looks at Raven here.
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“How come we were not recruited for the team?!? How come I wasn’t recruited?”
Roy Harper - or rather Speedy - exclaimed accusingly at Robin, the leader of the New Teen Titans. His displeasure was backed up by Garth, Lilith, and even Mal Duncan, who were all having their hands on their hips and a betrayed look, like the kids who were left out of the coolest party in town while their supposed besties were invited and didn’t even bother to tell them about it.
“Sorry, kids, but it wasn’t my call, actually,” Robin shrugged in defeat, not having the answer himself.
And it was true that the reform of Teen Titans had not been initiated by Robin or Wonder Girl, and especially not by him - Kid Flash. It was unexpectedly the deed of an otherworldly girl named Raven, who was a half-demoness desperately trying to stop her own demon father Trigon the Terrible in his wrathful path; who all by herself sought out and brought together the members in a strategic order; who even thought as far ahead as arranging the construction of their base with Silas Stone as soon as the team was formed.
Who purposely sowed the seed of infatuation in the lost heart of Wally West.
Subconsciously, he clenched his hands. Zatanna’s words still rang in his head like the blasted alarm clock he had woken up to yesterday morning. After such revelation, Wally had thought that he had been done with her for good. Yet, in the end, he still couldn’t outrun his lingering adoration for her.
How could he anyway, to a girl whose inner strength was so great? To whom Wallace West was the last hope?
Wally allowed himself to steal a glance at the possessor of his mind, engulfed completely by her majestic royal blue cloak. The only signs of her being the one under all those layers of fabric were her delicate fingers peeking out to hold the god-knows-what book that Gar just bought and her all the more delicate, cold shoulders that he had grown so familiar with.
Those fingers whose touch heals, both the body and the mind.
Those shoulders whose loveliness could only be overshadowed by the subtly hopeful gleam in her grey eyes whenever they looked his way.
Wally was more observant than he let on. And right now, he wished that he could also see her face, basking in the calmness of her defined features and tracing the depth of her distant, melancholy sight. She was always so shy, so humble; always shielding herself from the world in the comfort of her robe.
Oh, but he knew her.
He had held her slim figure so many times when she was in danger. He had felt her soft curves against him whenever she needed some consolation. For Heaven’s sake, he knew her face - one as sweet as the mystical moonlight. Not even the thickest of cloaks could bury away the grace in her stance.
Why couldn’t she realise that she was so adorable?
And a smile found its way to the lips of the smitten speedster.
Author's Note: Me too, Wally. Me too.
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bourniebna · 4 months
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bourniebna · 5 months
I'm so thrilled to see another 80s Raven stan on here!! I look forward to your posts! 😊
Awww thank you so much for your support ❤️ I am also delighted whenever I get to interact with an 80s Raven stan!
But I have to say though, it has been nearly 4 years since I last enjoyed any comics, so many details have slipped my mind. I hope that other 80s Raven stans could understand if I make any mistakes in my posts and help me fix them ❤️
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bourniebna · 5 months
[Character Study]
The Parallel Beauty and Grace of Raven and Arella
“She stands strong and regal, and even before her face can be seen, you know it is lovely beyond all measure…”
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Undoubtedly, these praisings are devoted to Arella’s beauty and grace, with her stance portrayed and face revealed during the narrative. However, right after that, a full-body close-up portrait of Raven putting down her hood, revealing her face, is meticulously drawn.
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This is also the first time we know what Raven looks like, despite her many previous appearances when she was gathering the Teen Titans. The question is, why now? Moreover, compared to Arella’s dimly lit face, no shades of shadow are casted on Raven’s soft features, as if to make an emphasis.
And I couldn’t help thinking that maybe the adoration of a “strong and regal” stance and a “lovely beyond all measure” face is also acclaimed for Raven by the authors in subtlety through Arella. After all, why not reveal her face before that? And why not choose a half-body portrait?
The only sound rationale for me is that it was a poetic, artistic choice to paint the parallel beauty and grace of Arella and Raven - the mother and the daughter.
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bourniebna · 5 months
Blog Navigation
I am currently in the mood to gush about Raven (DC), thus decide to have an organised Raven-related tag system so that my fellow Raven enthusiasts who happen to come across my humble blog could easily search for my Raven content.
Every Raven post will be tagged "#Raven DC" as well as "#in this house we do not call her", "#Rachel Roth", "#or", and "#Raven Roth". The last four tags are mainly for expanding the reach of the posts, but I am serious about my distaste for the name Rachel Roth or even Raven Roth.
Then, depending on the material discussed, the post can either be tagged "DC comics" or "DCAMU", etc., along with the name of the material (if it is in my knowledge and if it is the focus of the discussion).
For the shipping tags, I will only use 5 shipdom tags, namely "#WallyRae", "#KFRae", "#DamiRae", "#JeriRae", and "#RobRae". I will kind of use the BBRae tag, but it will mostly be "#antiBBRae". For other Raven's relationships, the tag formula will be "#Raven x [character name]" for nonromantic relationships and "#Raven/[character name]" for (any potentially) romantic relationships, with the name being the full first name and surname of the character (for example, Richard Grayson, Joseph Wilson, and Wallace West). The character's name will also be tagged individually if their characterisation is discussed with importance. There is one thing to note about the "#RobRae" tag, though: It is actually an umbrella tag for all ships with any characters that have been Robin EXCEPT Damian, so posts about "#DickRae", "#JayRae", or "#TimRae". for example, will all be tagged with "#RobRae" in addition to "#Raven/[character name]". But the other 4 shipdom tags will not be tagged along with "#Raven/[character name]".
For my own types of Raven's content, at the moment, there will be 5 categories with the corresponding tags:
"#Commentary": Where I briefly and casually analyse and comment on a specific detail/plot/moment from DC comics or movies. If the detail/plot/moment alone is comprehensive or so major to the understanding of Raven as a character, the post will be a discussion in a more serious manner and tagged with "#Character Study" instead. Otherwise, if the detail/plot/moment is only a small fraction of a certain aspect of Raven's characteristion, the post will just be a "#Commentary" and only the compilation of details/plots/moments of that nature will be tagged as a "#Character Study" post.
"#Character Study": Where I delve into the canon characterisation of Raven, specifically, or Raven's relationships.
"#Fanfiction": Where I attempt to write fanfics, apparently; also the place for me to dump my fanfic ideas and prompts in general.
"#Character Concept": Where I suggest ideas or headcanons on how Raven or Raven's relationship(s) could be developed canonically, mostly using non-DC inspiration sources.
"#Meme": Simply where I make Raven-related memes, or jokes.
And that is all! This post will be updated as soon as my content plan has any changes. Also, to sum up the kind of Raven fan I am:
I am one of those 80s Raven enthusiasts. But I am fond of DCAMU Raven as well.
I am a multishipper, with my true pairings being the 80s WallyRae/KFRae, DamiRae, and JeriRae. The other ships are only for funsies, although I might be a bit too passionate about the potential of the 80s DickRae and New 52 TimRae.
Despite being a multishipper, canon BBRae really is not my cup of tea. But I do have my own interpretation on how BBRae should be, if for some reasons the pairing has to occur.
There is no fathoming the depth of hatred I feel for the name Rachel Roth or even Raven Roth.
Hope that you all enjoy my content!
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bourniebna · 5 months
I always love to see NTT-inspired designs for Raven in fanarts.
I've never realised how complementary their aesthetics actually are! Like, NTT Azarath aesthetics was also about shimmering gold.
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bourniebna · 5 months
You never fail to amaze me with your colouring and facial feature portrayal 😭😭😭
The best thing about this is that NTT Raven did have an outfit with head veil, and that was, like, her best outfit in my opinion. So I am so elated that I have found a fanart of Raven with head veil!!!
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Damirae Week 2023 (Day 3): Book/Movie Inspired AU --DUNE--
Watching Dune at theatres was an absolute experience I would trade for nothing, so I took some of my favorite scenes for Day 3 🤩 Highly recommend "Quicksilver & Blue" by ViLaVi on AO3 for a fictional take on a damirae-dune AU
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bourniebna · 5 months
Any Raven-related news lately? 😭
Wait wait wait wait. Why they giving me hope!?!?
Wake up Damirae! This is an advertisement for the new Justice League Crisis Trilogy. The first movie will be out January 24, 2024.
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bourniebna · 5 months
I love how the Damirae shipdom has so many talented artists. I am well-fed with AUs and gorgeous art!
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"The most merciful death is a swift one," the assassin muttered as he observed his next target - a blind girl at his mercy. He watched her, taking in her sightless eyes and delicate features. She was defenseless, yet still unmoving and fearless when the assassin’s katana swung from her behind. The blade halted in mid-air when she spoke without turning around: “Who’s there?” The killer gazed at the girl in awe as he wondered in amazement, “Even ordinary people can’t read my moves that easily. Is this girl actually blind? Or perhaps she sensed me. This girl is not just a mere blind person. I underestimated her.” He pulled his katana back to a scabbard on his back and retreated a few paces to see what the girl would do. However, she remained still, not moving an inch. She asked, her voice unwavering “Who’s there? Say something.” The realization dawned on the assassin: this girl had no idea that someone was trying to kill her. Was that why she seemed so calm? Or was it just a cover? He didn’t respond, instead he stepped to the side without making a sound and stood still, crossing his arms as he observed the girl intently, his curiosity piqued.
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bourniebna · 5 months
I love it when Raven's cape is drawn as a portal to mystical dimension, as how it sometimes was in NTT 😭
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Damian has his own personal Guardian Demon 😌
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bourniebna · 5 months
The storytelling, the dialogue, the scenery, the characterisation that resembles NTT Raven and manages to portray a mature Damian with his intact ego and pride, the designs, etc.
Everything about this masterpiece is poetic, beautiful, and just perfect 😭
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(Part 2 of the DC Fantasy series! I nearly gave up on this, and didn’t even want to post it but my friends motivated me to finish it! There’s a lot I had to cut out because of the picture limit on tumblr and instagram. If I had it my way Damian would be exploring for more than half of this comic. Oh well!
Unfortunately, Damian and Raven’s new journey has been cut short?!!
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bourniebna · 5 months
Raven's peak beauty is having straight long black hair, widow's peak, and a mighty forehead.
Yes, an extra pair of amber eyes is a bonus to the charm. No, I don't take criticism.
Also, I just love it when a fanart of Raven successfully portrays the duality of her nature. On one hand, she is the spawn of devil with demonic features. But simultaneously, she is the most ethereal being ever gracing the human world, with elegance in her allure and poise beyond compare. A half-demon that is capable of the most horrifying torture, yet chooses to bring consolation to the human minds and burden the pain of the human bodies.
And for a human with unbearable inner turmoil like Damian, it is no wonder that he falls right into the soothing embrace of such a demon like Raven.
Your Honour, I love them 😭
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Demon Possession
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bourniebna · 5 months
Happy Damirae Anniversary ❤️ And on this special day I just have to reblog my favourite Damirae pieces of fanart!
This fanart essentially captures many things that I love the most about DCAMU Raven and Damirae: The signature sickly appearance of Raven under the influence of Trigon; the longing yet afraid and hesitant look in Raven's haunting eyes; and the unwavering (yet gentle and respectful) leaning in of Damian, determining to show her love when she's at her "ugliest".
Your Honour, I love them so much 😭
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When I asked you to join me in leading the League of Assassins, I wasn't doing it because you're a good fighter.
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bourniebna · 5 months
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I did a redraw again :)
This is William Turner and Elizabeth Swann wedding in Pirates of the Caribbean 3
And Constantine holding Damirae wedding ceremony is also my headcanon 👀
You can see Clark clearly shocked in the background 😅
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