bowerspowers · 4 days
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someone NEEDS to use Ginger from Ginger Snaps as a FC for their IT OC bc she would be legit perfect....
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bowerspowers · 4 days
Shout out to the five people who remember Belch Huggins exists! I hope your pillows are always cool.
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bowerspowers · 8 days
unrelated to anything here but life is great when you have a bf who dresses up as ghostface and simon riley for you heeheee
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bowerspowers · 11 days
this is sometimes how l think most "bowers gang"(henry and patrick ONLY) fans think about belch
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bowerspowers · 15 days
Hey! I'd love if you could check out a short drabble I wrote today! It features Marilyn (my oc) and Belch, I promise the shippy stuff is totally easy to over look if that's not your cup of tea.
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birdhouse -
what happens when marilyn finds a helpless baby bird? and why is it that belch huggins feels the need to step in?
*** a drabble i wrote today featuring marilyn fenix and belch huggins, slight hints at ocxcanon, but not overpowering. 1641 words.
Marilyn Fenix, she was never a crafty girl; when it came to her skill sets, it usually had something to do with athletics. She was a nimble little thing, flexible, and just about everything you’d expect a cheerleader to be. It’s what she knew, and it came effortlessly to her.
So when she slipped into woodworks, just about every student stared at her. Not even the instructor did much about it, watching idly as the blonde helped herself to some scrap wood, glue, and a few screws here and there. It was almost painful to watch- actually, it was painful to watch, especially for Belch Huggins. A brow raised as he watched the girl aimlessly hammer away at a screw like it’d been a nail. He’d almost felt embarrassed for her, if it wasn’t so damn grating.
About six screws in the cheerleader holds up her creation. All eyes on her, but not one set daring enough to look at it in any way less than positively; Marilyn was a nice girl, and simply put they didn’t have the heart to laugh at her - not to her face, anyway.
Belch however, wasn’t like everyone else. He was the kind of guy to tell it how it was, and sure, he wasn’t the brightest when it came to academics, not usually... But he was crafty as all hell - wood works, metals, anything he could do with his hands? The guy was a genius. So when his eyes set upon the final product he couldn’t stop the obnoxious laugh expelled from his gut.
“The fucks that supposed to be?”
It caught the attention of everyone, the hazel eyed cheerleader as well. He was met curiously by Marilyn, her lips parted as if she’d wanted to bolster ‘A bird house... duh!’ ditzy as some might peg her to be... Not even she could defend her carpentry skills. “A bird house..?” his question was met with one of her own.
“That ain’t even a box.” Belch was honestly impressed, strolling over as he’d snagged the makeshift (and glorified) box from her hands. “No bird is gonna live in here, and I ain’t even gonna mention how you used screws with a hammer.” The box is tilted around - mismatched wood grain, uneven edges, a waste of perfectly fine wood as far as he was concerned.
“Well, you kind of just did.” Marilyn could only retort under her breath, her frame shrinking down in defeat. She watched as the bully deconstructed what she’d spent a good twenty minutes on. A short gasp as he’d tossed it. “Hey..!”
Marilyn was promptly, and gently moved aside. Belch had something to prove, he always had something to prove. And while one might psychoanalyze that at a later date... It didn’t take a genius to realize he’d been building her a proper one. All she could do was idly wait and watch the master at work. In the time it took for Marilyn to build her birdhouse, Belch produced one of a much greater quality. They couldn’t even be compared in all honesty.
“It’s basic, but whatever. It’s a birdhouse.” Belch practically shoves the structure into her hands, before he thrust his hands into the depths of his pockets. Gauging her reaction. Marilyn’s lips pressed together, eyes curiously scanning what Belch had made - for a guy who was seen as so mercilessly destructive, he proved he had a calculating gentleness to create. Marilyn admired that, evident with eyes that sparkled even under the florescent lights of the workshop. “It’s perfect..” Marilyn decreed, her voice more of a hush as if she’d been talking to herself.
“course it is.” His confidence was met with thankful eyes from Marilyn, his gaze immediately darting away. Don’t look at me like that, damn it. “What’d you need it for anyways?” Belch wasn’t sure if he was asking because he actually cared, or if he needed to quickly recover from his lack of social skills when it came to girls.
Either way... Marilyn seemed more than happy that he’d asked. “Found somethin’ wanna see?” Her voice was hushed, as if whatever she found was top secret. Class had been over anyways, prior to this Belch ignored the bell for probably the first time in his life. His legs betraying him in following her down the hallway - and out the school.
While Marilyn hugged onto the birdhouse, she led him outside past the field. There was a lot of foliage and Marilyn knelt over and carefully pulled out a small cardboard box hidden within some bushes. The moment the box shifted, a piercing squeak came from inside. A little bird, small and sporting a few feathers, it was tinged a soft red. Had Marilyn known Stan Uris; he’d be able to tell her it was a Cardinal hatchling.
“I found him out here, I think last night’s storm separated him from his nest.” Marilyn replies, a finger gently nudging the bird, soft plumes nuzzled against her finger. “Isn’t he cute?”
Belch Huggins didn’t do cute, if a word in the English vocabulary could be any more foreign to him, it’d be cute. His head tilts, brow raised as he watched the pathetic little chick chirp away. It was smaller than a chicken wing, and anymore thought on the subject would have made him strangely hungry... So with a shake of his head he steps forward. “It’s ugly.” Belch noted that Marilyn didn’t seem to approve, evident by the downturn of her eyebrows and purse of her lips. He... didn’t like that expression on her all too much, it tugged on him for one reason or another - right then and there he vowed to keep his big mouth shut.
Leaning over he grabbed a hold of the birdhouse, perching it on the nearby tree - high enough that it’s parent could potentially find it, but low enough so that Marilyn (and even he...) could check up on it. Marilyn watches him curiously, her eyes soften before scooping the hatchling into her hands, and carefully poking it into the birdhouse. “It’s perfect!”
“course it is!”
Day by day Marilyn would check on that bird, it seemed as if it’s parent had come along. Seeing as the nestling had enough strength to continue to chirp about and poke it’s head out the small opening of the birdhouse. On occasion, Marilyn was surprised to have run into Belch there. He’d protest and claim he’d only come out here for a stray baseball... But neither of them bought it and Belch refused to come back at the same time as her again out of sheer embarrassment.
The next time was different, though. It was only out of curiosity that Belch found himself walking across the field, hell he didn’t care about that dumb bird one way or another. It’d fly away soon, and his excuse to come by would fly away with it. With hands stuffed into his pockets, he walks up to the same tree he’d come by every day to see - the same tree that he had to make excuses to ditch his friends for. And it wasn’t until he spotted the shape of Marilyn, hunched over and crying did he feel uneasy.
He takes his place, standing behind her as his eyes study her curiously, like he’d been a fly on the wall watching something he shouldn’t be. That’s when he’d set his eyes onto the small lifeless form of scattered little plumes and the chick which they came from. His stomach dropped, his hand involuntarily tilting his hat downward. Belch knelt down next to her - he wasn’t sure one way or another if Marilyn had even realized he was there but... She was crying.
Marilyn was crying.
Her hands for a final time scoop the small creature into her palms. It’s tiny body melding easily to fit. “Don’t do that to yourself.” He finally spoke out, his own voice evident at the discomfort of seeing her in such a state. Disappointment that he hadn’t been here even twenty minutes prior to catch the damn thing. “Hey-!“
He was greeted with puffy eyes, eyes that had always been so damn happy and bright. Belch was certain he’d never seen her cry before, and he was certain he’d never wanted to again. His gaze averted once more, uncomfortably fixing his hat (it was then and only then that he finally realized he did that whenever he was uncomfortable.) his head nodding in the direction of the tree which their bird fell from. With only his hands, Belch Huggins dug, he dug about six inches into the soil beneath the tree. Eyes expectantly staring Marilyn down when he finished, and the cheerleader shifted to gently place the chick into the Earth. “He wanted to fly.” her voice was raspier than he’d ever heard it before. “He wanted to do somethin - and he couldn’t.”
Belch’s gaze softened, studying Marilyn before he began to bury the bird with the soil he’d dug up. Neither teen said a word when he was done, opting to sit at their knees in front of the tree. A moment of solace. A sniffle left the blonde before she reached over and took a hold of his hands, larger than her own and littered in callouses; It took him by surprise, widened eyes as all he could do was sit and watch the strange girl next to him.
With a handkerchief Marilyn delicately wiped away at the mud coating his hands. She took her time with it too, as if it was a careful practice. Not once did hazel eyes flit up into his direction - no, she knew she’d end up crying again if she had. “For what it’s worth... The birdhouse was perfect.”
“...Of course it was.”
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bowerspowers · 15 days
Happy 7 year anniversary to IT 2017!
We're still trapped here :)
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bowerspowers · 18 days
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I can’t handle this scene because why are they so sweaty only at their necks.
You know that place REEKS… ❌
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bowerspowers · 20 days
If 20 years from now they make another IT adaptation I better fuckin see all my it tumblr mutuals come back to talk about it. If gay little richie aint there to talk about reddie whats the point? If bowers powers aint there to make bowers gang memes why even do it?
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bowerspowers · 20 days
so… I was thinking…. it ocs x dc characters
so please moots with it ocs reblog with your oc and their dc counterpart Bethany would for sure be Harley Quinn I mean… the whole toxic romance with joker(Patrick cause… lets be fr) is so her
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her flirty nature and tendency to give nicknames is so Beth! like come on she barely calls anyone by their name. @bowerspowers @softfem-dom @countrycrackheads @fauxfinale
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bowerspowers · 21 days
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[ sawyer thomas , indp. it oc ]
if only we had a drummer , we'd fuckin R O C K !
rules && biography , tag list
[ follows back on @fauxfinale ]
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bowerspowers · 21 days
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bowerspowers · 22 days
I got my nails done today ♡
also chilling w my girl clefairy
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bowerspowers · 23 days
Modern day Gretta Keene would have been a Slime Snob
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bowerspowers · 23 days
An appreciation post for Gretta Keene, Sally Mueller, and Marcia Fadden! Rarely seen in the films ( especially the latter two )
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every school needs girl bullies too!
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bowerspowers · 23 days
Cheerleaders in Derry
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This is going to be a long post where I go on about uniform design for a needlessly loooong time, so here is a complimentary spacer <3
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Me waiting for Welcome to Derry to see if they have any cheerleader characters so I can draw inspiration from the uniform. Above the spacer has the one from Chapter 2, but uniforms change throughout the years so neither of them would be 1:1 how Marilyn's looks. So I'm glad I get SOME creative liberty. But I know Welcome to Derry will likely have something given this is in their set production:
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I'll probably keep the simple DHS logo for whatever uniform I end up with her. The mascot shows that the primary team IS baseball ( to the surprise of no one who knows the novel haha. )
Cheerleading isn't as common for baseball; but it's not unheard of. So let me sip that delulu juice some more. With the girls field hockey team also, you can't tell me there aren't more sporting events at DHS. Cheerleaders simply make sense lol.
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red polos for the girl's field hockey team, and me wishing I could see the costume design up close for the emblem but oh well! (I'm not going to comment on the skirt, I hate it despite being a plaid skirt girly.)
I feel like it's safe to say Red is going to be the primary colour of the uniform. Gold will likely be present as well, I don't THINK the uniforms in ch.2 are for Derry High so the Red/Black scheme likely wouldn't be as accurate but who knows. Red/Black and Red/White are both really easy to work with and can absolutely be changed up.
Here are some inspirations I plan to pull from!
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the varsity jacket is simple enough, probably with the DHS emblem somewhere on the chest. Not given to the cheerleaders; but likely given TO them by whichever guy happens to fancy them lol.
I also like the idea of sleeveless for hot weather, but the simple white sleeves for cooler days!
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bowerspowers · 25 days
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Derry ODYSSEY - Discord Server
ODYSSEY , the roller rink new to Derry now has it's own Discord Server ! The server is open to anyone who roleplays IT or has an IT OC . The server is also open for discussion , headcanons , art , and more !
If you are interested in joining , please ♡ this post if you want to join and the link will be sent to you ( this is purely to prevent bots and the like . )
Thank you to @st4r-cr0ssed-l0v3r for setting up the server .
Link to the original Derry ODYSSEY post
please reblog to spread the word ♡
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bowerspowers · 25 days
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look at this dork. he has the audacity to be a bully when this is his school (?) photo.
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