bowieexaminprogress · 2 years
A tiny taste of a blooper by wtfock!
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bowieexaminprogress · 2 years
Bowie I know you are a creative and I am dipping my toes now in storytelling but sometimes I struggle to find inspiration. I wanted to ask what is it that inspires you creatively? And when you struggle to find inspiration what do you do?
Oh nonnie wow! What a question?!
Regarding the creative block I just try not to overthink about it. I used to do it when I was younger but now I have learnt to take some space from the situation and not force myself into things. Forcing myself into creation never works for me. I try to create a relaxing environment around me, get my self in the appropriate state and let my creativity express itself naturally. Inspiration comes through interaction with the things around me so getting in a state where I am open to absorb things creatively is important. However, different things work for different people. All I can advice is that you don’t concentrate on the block itself but rather on learning what works for you as a creative and what is a safe space for you to create. It is a trial and error but as you grown the picture gets clearer.
About what inspires me! I mean I can’t pin point one thing. It changes all the time. It has been a sound, a smell, a shape, a colour, a moment/conversation, a person, a feeling, a book, a movie, the way the light hits in the moment etc. Most of the time I find that it is a combination of little things together. Whatever it is that sparks my ideas I take my notebook out and write it down or my camera and take a photo or a video.
I express my creativity visually so I create boards of the little things that inspire my story and then glue them together through my ideas.
Small things from my life like the one below have been a starting point for a story creation.
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bowieexaminprogress · 2 years
I haven’t seen you here for a while Bowie I hope you are well.
I need some new book recs. If you ever see this message I would like to know what books are you reading right now.
Sending you my love.
Hey nonnie,
I am doing great! Thank you for the love and sending some back your way.
As you can see I am not here at all anymore and don't reply to anons. I adore a good book talk though so here is my very delayed reply to you.
Currently, I have 5 books that I am reading:
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
In Praise of Shadows by Jun'ichiro Tazinaki
Kink by R.O. Kwon
Body Work: The Radical Power of Personal Narrative by Melissa Febos
Time Is a Mother by Ocean Vuong
Hope you can find your next read in any of those.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Bowie! A new Skam remake season is here. I need your beautiful analysis and thoughts. I have missed seeing you around and reading your posts. Please come back.
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Hey nonnies! Hope you are well. I am still travelling and enjoying that right now so I am not here much anymore.
I am aware that the Druck season is back and I am watching the episodes but will not be doing any analysis on the blog. Just discussing thoughts with some mutuals on dms whenever I pop in. 🖤
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
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“Who says you cannot hold the moon in your hand?” - Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration - for Tasfia @/sonderthroughthestreets ( insp x x x )
Most beautiful original art by @sonderthroughthestreets
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
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Tides’ Lament - Sander Driesen, World Poetry Day, 21.03.21 (x)
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
The sound of the sea is so calming! ❤️ Thank you for sharing that with us.
What is your favourite photo from your holiday so far?
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
I enjoy your travel photos/posts so much. I hope filming is going well and you are enjoying it. Sending you much love 💖
Thank you nonnie. We finished filming a few weeks ago. Currently enjoying the sun in Greece and since you love the travel posts here is one for you from yesterday’s sunset 🖤.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Where is that beautiful place?!
I suppose you talk about the previous photo. It is in Chile from a few years back.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
omg were you at the stadium??? that is so awesome! the vibes looked incredible even just on the tv. hope you had a great time 😊
It was electrifying! A day to remember! 🍾
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Not you living the dream seeing us finally defeat the Germans, at Wembley no less! I’m green with envy…
…is it too soon to say it 👀⚽️🏡
It has been a long long wait, nonnie! The whole stadium was pulsating, haven’t felt like that in a long time. The vibe was so amazing!
And the German team were great opponents. Loved the game so much and the outcome even more! 🏆⚽️ We can especially thank Sterling, Kane and Pickford for that! 3 lions!
As for if it is too soon to say “it’s coming home”, as you can see we were all singing it! It is all about living the moment baby no matter how it ends! 😉
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Bowie have you left us? I have missed you. Don’t leave pretty, please🥺
Have been celebrating today, nonnie! ✌🏼
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Love the book rec post. It gives me massive dark academia vibes. Can’t wait for more posts about books from you.
And the Sobbe poem post I am vibing hard here. Are you think of doing more of poetry/ character posts?
Ahahahah definitely I am all in for a dark, gloomy, despair moment and fucked up character’s study. We love walking in the shadows in this house. But then I like nature and read Mary Oliver’s poetry so I guess the cottagecore is picking through at times. Let’s be honest though, I like a basic bitch moment in literature too! It is all about versatility!
As for poetry/character posts love to continue that idea because poetry hoe here. Should we turn it into your local “Poetry doctor” blog? Here is your poetry prescription for every mood, emotion, relationship, star sign kind of thing! 😂
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
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ROBBE & SANDER (wtFOCK 2018-2021)
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Bowie, I miss them all already and especially Sobbe. They were so in love tonight and I am happy that they are having each other.
Here is a poem nonnie that epitomises Sobbe in that final moment. That should give you some solace. 🖤
“I love you” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
I love your lips when they’re wet with wine
And red with a wild desire;
I love your eyes when the lovelight lies
Lit with a passionate fire.
I love your arms when the warm white flesh
Touches mine in a fond embrace;
I love your hair when the strands enmesh
Your kisses against my face.
Not for me the cold, calm kiss
Of a virgin’s bloodless love;
Not for me the saint’s white bliss,
Nor the heart of a spotless dove.
But give me the love that so freely gives
And laughs at the whole world’s blame,
With your body so young and warm in my arms,
It sets my poor heart aflame.
So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
Still fragrant with ruby wine,
And say with a fervor born of the South
That your body and soul are mine.
Clasp me close in your warm young arms,
While the pale stars shine above,
And we’ll live our whole young lives away
In the joys of a living love.
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Gif by: @birthdaysentiment
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
exam passed omg my heart
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In the words of Mr Sander Driesen: Succes!
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
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sobbe + parallels
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