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“People experiencing homelessness who have physical disabilities or chronic health conditions also benefit greatly from non-congregate shelter settings…" 
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this post is making a very good and important point- that teenagers who are having bad experiences in high school are not crazy or overreacting or imagining it- and I’m not reblogging so as not to derail it. that said also think it’s worth mentioning, in case any of my younger followers see it and are freaked out by it, that entering high school is not a guarantee that you are about to be subject to years worth of constant psychological degradation. some people have very awful experiences and, as this post says, these people are completely in the right to recognize that horror- but a lot of people also just keep to themselves, have a couple friends, and have an OK time. i can personally say, as someone who was severely bullied in junior high, high school was 100 times better for me and I mostly just went to class and did theatre kid stuff. high school doesn’t automatically guarantee you will suffer horribly during it, if that’s something you’re scared of.
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comic sans rules, handwritten with no ID drools etc etc
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“i wouldn’t have an abortion” cool. stop making it everyone else’s problem
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We knew this in 1973. That is why Roe v Wade passed 7-2. We know women will die after this latest abomination.
Not to mention the spike in misogyny and violence towards women from assholes of all ages.
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As the staff post about ad-free tumblr continues to get thousands of notes telling staff to fuck off in the tags, I wanna remind you that this website's days are numbered. Tumblr is still unprofitable and by some modern-day miracle none of its acquiring companies pulled the plug on this money pit. But it will happen if it continues its trajectory.
Whether you like it or not, Tumblr needs to make money off you somehow in order to stay up. It either serves ads or asks for money to use it. This has been a paradigm on the web longer than many of you have been alive. It's Tumblr's job to make money right now because it's well past its grace period of being a black hole for cash. This has actually always been Tumblr's job, since it is a corporation, but that's capitalism for ya.
If you want Tumblr to be here for free and you want to continue to use it, you do yourself a disservice by opposing any changes Tumblr makes in order to pay for its costs. When this site finally goes belly-up then you're gonna be Tumblr-less until whatever startup takes its place and the cycle repeats itself.
If you think it should just ask for donations Wikipedia-style, remember that if and when that happens, there will be users repeating the same tired bullshit about giving Tumblr any money.
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before yesterday i never saw anyone but terfs saying "no hope for women," and even aside from that, it's a juvenile, useless refrain. i get that these are dark times, but in a growing wave of antifeminist reaction, do you sit down and wail that there's no hope? or do you choose to BE the hope you aren't seeing? mariame kaba, an anti-carceral feminist organizer who works to decriminalize domestic abuse survivors' self-defense and dismantle the prison industrial complex, listed the following questions that she regularly asks when she's outraged about injustice:
1. What resources exist so I can better educate myself?
2. Who's already doing work around this injustice?
3. Do I have the capacity to offer concrete support & help to them?
4. How can I be constructive?
people are doing the work! you can join them! you can be constructive! "no hope for women" is not constructive
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Teach your children to respect animals and the world around them. Teach them that nature isn't their toy and that their actions have consequences. Teach them compassion for other beings and creatures.
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The Choctaw-Irish Brotherhood(via)
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Rolling in on the last day of Week 1 Spooky Funguary with Inky Cap
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I think a lot about how we as a culture have turned “forever” into the only acceptable definition of success.
Like… if you open a coffee shop and run it for a while and it makes you happy but then stuff gets too expensive and stressful and you want to do something else so you close it, it’s a “failed” business. If you write a book or two, then decide that you don’t actually want to keep doing that, you’re a “failed” writer. If you marry someone, and that marriage is good for a while, and then stops working and you get divorced, it’s a “failed” marriage.
The only acceptable “win condition” is “you keep doing that thing forever”. A friendship that lasts for a few years but then its time is done and you move on is considered less valuable or not a “real” friendship. A hobby that you do for a while and then are done with is a “phase” - or, alternatively, a “pity” that you don’t do that thing any more. A fandom is “dying” because people have had a lot of fun with it but are now moving on to other things.
I just think that something can be good, and also end, and that thing was still good. And it’s okay to be sad that it ended, too. But the idea that anything that ends is automatically less than this hypothetical eternal state of success… I don’t think that’s doing us any good at all.
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Maybe he’s ordering a decaf because he has a heart condition, and you’re about to give him a heart attack and send him to the hospital.
Or maybe he’s just ordering a decaf.
Maybe she’s ordering sugar free because she’s diabetic, and you’re about to put her six feet under.
Or maybe she’s just ordering sugar free,
Maybe they’re ordering non-dairy because they’re intolerant, and you’re about to ruin their day. Maybe they’re allergic, and you’re about to sponsor an all black event in an open field.
Or maybe they’re just ordering non-dairy.
Maybe they ordered gluten free because they can’t process it, and you’re about to destroy their digestive tract.
Or maybe they’re just ordering gluten free.
Maybe they’re ordering this way just because they don’t want the food, for whatever reason.
But are you willing to bet their life on it?
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This is how you should ask trans and non-binary people about their identity 
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Nothing brings me more joy than people learning from history and then modernizing it up a bit.
Like you wanna grow your hair long? Stop washing it so often and brush it more to keep it clean. Your hair will be way healthier too. And stop cutting it (and use a boar bristle brush, it’ll work better)*for straight hair!!!! Does not work on curly hair!!!
You want to keep cool in the summer? Out with the polyester and in with the linen, cotton, and wool. Natural fibers are going to keep you cooler because they’re literally made to breathe
You want to preemptively stop the underwire in your bra from poking through? There’s a very simple embroidery stitch you can do that the Edwardians used to do to stop their corset boning from coming through.
We don’t have to just learn from our ancestors mistakes, we can learn from their stakes too
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Breaking down Tumblr’s latest Post+ Statement
In the wake of massive backlash against their new monitization/paywall program, Tumblr staff has given a statement in an attempt to combat one of the major arguments against it: that this would be a nightmare for fan writers and artists who are vulnerable to lawsuits for copyright infringement.
This post was meant to read as “haha, your friendly neighborhood Tumblr staff!” while actually being intentionally vague and misleading. I’ve seen people laughing it off as Tumblr having an idiot for a lawyer, but the post is actually written very cleverly. So let’s break it down:
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First off, let’s make one thing clear: this information is coming to you from Tumblr’s lawyer, not yours. Tumblr’s lawyer’s job is to protect Tumblr from legal trouble and is under no obligation to give fair legal advice to Tumblr users or protect them in legal matters.
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Notice that they are careful to say that they encourage sharing these works on “the platform” in general, not through the Post+ system. This gives them deniability - they never explicitly encouraged users to post this content on the monetized platform.
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Yes, fanfiction and fanart are frequently considered fair use when they are not monetized. And notice in the second sentence, they switch to the much vaguer term “fan work” when claiming that something can be monetized and still fall under fair use. Fan work could refer to something as innocuous as beta reading and other fan work related services. This could also be referring to works in the public domain. Again, they have plausible deniability.
And make no mistake, there is a long, ugly history of fan writers and artists being sued for copyright infringement. It is absolutely not legal to sell, through any means, fanfiction or fan art of copyrighted content.
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And here we get to the real heart of the matter. Their TOS has a clause which states that you may not infringe on another person’s copyright. They have now vaguely but deniably suggested that you can monetize your fanart and fanfiction, but whether or not you’re violating fair use “depends.” They won’t give you specifics. Because it does depend - on whether or not the work is copyrighted. But their statement implies that there are special circumstances where the nature of a fan work based on a copyrighted source makes it ‘fair use.’ This is not the case.
Most importantly, when the copyright holder comes to complain, Tumblr will not protect you. They will say that you have violated the TOS by infringing on intellectual property rights, and we never told you to. You’re on your own, kid. I wouldn’t be shocked if this is used as an excuse to withhold your Post+ revenue.
And the DMCA takedown process? That’s just the process for getting the content removed from Tumblr. It doesn’t mention that the copyright holder then has the right to go after you, personally, with a lawsuit to recoup any money you made off your Post+ subscriptions, plus damages to the brand. Tumblr, meanwhile, can keep its cut of your subscriptions because that money was paid to them for hosting the Post+ service, not for the works themselves. And, as an online platform, they are not responsible for the illegal actions of its users beyond complying with DMCA.
This post is malicious and intentionally misleading. They intend to scrape a profit off of fan writers and artists on their way to the courthouse.
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